Updated | Gonzi dodges questions on withholding of donor names

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi avoids questions on PN party financing, insists 'what interests me is what Anglu Farrugia said'.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and health minister Joe Cassar with National Screening Progammes Head Nadine Delicata (right).
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and health minister Joe Cassar with National Screening Progammes Head Nadine Delicata (right).

Updated with comments from Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, and PN deputy leader Simon Busuttil

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi avoided questions which sought a clarification on what bartering agreements the Nationalist Party was referring to when it denied reports that business magnate Nazzareno Vassallo had funded its campaign.

"The PN has rented the services of the MFCC Ltd as well as other suppliers to organise its activities on commercial arrangements involving payment, including barter agreements, as is normal practice for both parties," the Nationalist Party had said in a statement on Monday.

However asked to clarify what sort of 'barter agreement' the PN's statement was referring to, Gonzi was evasive, and opted to instead refer to recent controversial statements made by former Labour deputy leader Anglu Farrugia in an interview on Sunday.

"I think we should rather look at the statements made by former Labour deputy leader Anglu Farrugia," Gonzi said.

"He has made allegations of the utmost seriousness with regard to the Labour Party. I think that Joseph Muscat must answer to the questions that have automatically emerged from Anglu Farrugia's statements," the Nationalist leader said.

Gonzi insisted that the Nationalist Party remains committed to "publishing all information as we said in our declarations, and that the PN "will be publishing the details of all the funds we are using for the electoral campaign."

"This should answer all questions," he insisted.

Asked for a definite timeframe by when the Nationalist Party is planning to publish its campaign financing, Gonzi was however evasive.

"We will publish," he insisted, adding, "I prefer to hear the answers to the questions I made myself regarding Anglu Farrugia's serious accusations."

"The allegations made by Farrugia deserve a clear reply," Gonzi said, "and we shouldn't allow anobody to evade the responsibility of answering questions."

On his part, PN deputy leader Simon Busuttil said the PN would not be revealing the identity of donors who gave the PN money or aid for the electoral campaign. "We are going to publish the amounts of money that was collected and how this money was spent. But at this stage we have no authorisation from our donors to name them... we have to be fair with these donors."

Busuttil insisted that the government already had a draft bill for party financing drawn up by MP Franco Debono, and which has been approved by the government, as well as a draft bill for a Whistleblowers' Act, which however had not yet been tabled in parliament. "Unfortunately, there has never been any reaction from Labour to any of these two important bills."

In reference to the Anglu Farrugia comments on Labour's intimacy with construction magnates, Busuttil said that Farrugia's "shocking" interview showed that Labour was "morally bankrupt."

"I am deeply concerned by Labour's links to big contractors as it seems that these persons are seeking refuge in Labour to earn what they have no right to take home," he added.

Busuttil warned that the powerful construction lobby was already influencing Labour's policies, in reference to the Opposition's plans to separate the Environment Authority from the Planning Authority, which the PN dubbed as "dangerous."

The PN deputy leader added that "the people had the right to know" what led to Farrugia's sacking as Labour deputy leader in December, which the latter described as "political murder."

Asked for his take on former PN secretary-general Joe Saliba and incumbent Paul Borg Olivier going on holiday on contractor and PN donor Nazzareno Vassallo's yacht, Busuttil said "I can only vouch for myself and I cannot speak on behalf of Joe Saliba, Paul Borg Olivier or Nazzareno Vassallo. However, no, personally I would not have done the same."

Later that same day, Maltatoday asked Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi whether the PN's stand to not publish or release the names of its donors, and the amounts they donated, is truly transparent, he refused to answer.

As he did earlier that same day, Gonzi shifted the focus to Anglu Farrugia's controversial statements, insisting that Joseph Muscat must answer for the statements made by his former deputy leader.

"I will answer in the same way that I answered this morning. What interests me is what Anglu Farrugia said," Gonzi said when asked whether withholding donor identities amounts to transparency.

He reiterated that Joseph Muscat "has a responsibility to answer" for Farrugia's statement.

 Gonzi also added that "over the past 24 hours, the Labour Party issued a statement which said that yes, they re meeting with disgruntled contractors and businessmen who are disappointed."

"This means that Anglu Farrugia is right," Gonzi insisted. "Now, more than before, there is urgent need for clean answers from Muscat."

"I am expecting them," Gonzi said.

Gonzi was speaking at the end of a tour of the Mater Dei Medical Illustrations Unit, accompanied by Health Minister Joe Cassar and Manager Medical Illustrator Brian Cassar.

The Nationalist leader's statements follow in the wake of MaltaToday reports which unveiled that PN donor and construction magnate Nazzareno Vassallo's company MFCC Ltd had earmarked a total of €350,000 for services to the PN, after having written off some €1 million in debt by the party.

Both the Nationalist Party and the MFCC have since denied the reports, with the Nationalist Party going so far as to say it would sue Maltatoday for libel.

While the PN denied the report, the party hinted that the monies could have formed part of 'barter agreements' between the party and the company.

Gonzi was speaking after a tour of the National Screening Centre in Lascaris Wharf, Valletta.

Accompanied by Kate Gonzi and Health Minister Joe Cassar, Gonzi toured the centre's various offices and met with staff.

Since the PN was making use of the MFCC's assets for free, the details of this so-called "barter agreement" become much more intriguing. Could it by any chance be related to "consultancy / assistance" with the transformation of a temporary MEPA permit for a TENT in a carpark into a long-term leasehold for a permanent CONFERENCE CENTRE with double the land (in the middle of a NATIONAL PARK, for God's sake!).
Il-hmar Anglu f'daqqa wahda sar gharbiel. Ghax hekk qed jaghmlu gonzipn u buzullotti. Qed jippruvaw jattu ix-xemx bl-arbiel. Jattu il-korruzzjoni tal-kickbacks tax-xiri taz-zejt. Korruzzjoni liema bhala li qed jippruvaw jahbuha mill-poplu li kellu jhallas ghaliha bil-qares.
li gara hu semplici hafna dwar il kuntratturi. Dawn idejjqu bil Gonzi PN u bhal hafna ohra daru ghal mal Labour. Allura issa nigu li meta kienu jghalfu lil Gonzi PN kien kollox sew pero issa saru hziena ghax qed jejnu lil PL
Ara veru il-PN sar il-partit ta' Laurie & Hardy ghax xebghu idahhqu n-nies bihom. Wiehed jghid haga l-iehor bil-maqlub. Ma tafx lil min taqbad temmen. Mela il-Laurie irid lil Joseph jghidlu ma liema kuntratturi qed jiltaqa ghax Anglu li skond Simone hu hmar ra xi kuntratturi il-kwartieri. Simone meta mistoqsi biex jghid min qed jiffinanzja lil PN qal li mhux sew jizvela. Iddeciedu. Kif tridu l-poplu jafdakhom. https://www.google.com.mt/search?q=larie+and+hardie&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a IT-TAGHLIMA TA’ DIN HI LI IL-LAURIE QED JAGIXXI FUR HANQA TA’ HMAR.
li gara hu semplici hafna dwar il kuntratturi. Dawn idejjqu bil Gonzi PN u bhal hafna ohra daru ghal mal Labour. Allura issa nigu li meta kienu jghalfu lil Gonzi PN kien kollox sew pero issa saru hziena ghax qed jejnu lil PL
Jekk din hija prova tas-sincerita, l-honesta, u trasparenza kemm tieghek Sur Gonzi u tieghi Xmun, are veru li mhux ta b'xejn inzilna fil-lista tal-KORRUZZJONI. Int trid tiggieled il-KORRUZZJONI, jekk ive ghada iftah il-parliament halli tghaddu il-Whistle Blower's ACT, issa qabel l-elezzjoni, halli naraw kemm hemm honesti minkom qabel nivvutawlek lewwel wiehed lilek Sur Lawrence Gonzi. Il-poplu ghandu ikun jaf kemm minkhom iggieldu il-korruzzjoni, u kemm hemm minkhom ma hallusx dak li huwa dovut f'taxxi etc etc etc.
Joseph Pellicano
simple simon, ghax ma tihux hsieb daqxejn lil Herman Schiavone , lil dan ma jidispjacikx ghalih, dan mhux political murder, qiad insaqsi lilek u mux lil gonzi, ghax gonzi dan lahhar qiad ihhawad hafna fid diskors u muix jinftijem, miskin.
David Bongailas
Another bubble created by the PN exploding in their sorry faces in spectacular fashion!!! To think I was stupid enough to vote for them in the past.
Priscilla Darmenia
To Lawrence Gonzi and Simon Busuttil. I would like to see your party's accounts published even if there will be no reference to names of doners. It would be interesting to know how much money you got from donations and how you managed to squander these the same as you squandered Malta's coffers.
Anglu Farrugia, minn "hmar" kif ghajru Simon Busuttil fuq it-televixion quddiem Malta kollha spicca l-hero ta' GonziPN. Ilna tliet ijiem jghajtu bih. Ma nistax nifhem kif nies inteligenti jaqghu fin-nazba ta' GonziPN biex imbaghad titlef kollox li tkun ghamilt ghal snin shah. Jahasra. Anglu Farrugia ghandu karta x'jilghab. Ikun fuq il-podium tal-PL fil-meeting li jmis.
Anglu Farrugia, minn "hmar" kif ghajru Simon Busuttil fuq it-televixion quddiem Malta kollha spicca l-hero ta' GonziPN. Ilna tliet ijiem jghajtu bih. Ma nistax nifhem kif nies inteligenti jaqghu fin-nazba ta' GonziPN biex imbaghad titlef kollox li tkun ghamilt ghal snin shah. Jahasra. Anglu Farrugia ghandu karta x'jilghab. Ikun fuq il-podium tal-PL fil-meeting li jmis.
Priscilla Darmenia
Dr Gonzi, you are interested in what Anglu Farrutia said about Joe Muscat. I am more interested about the more grevious matters of what Franco Debono said about you and those close to you.
The barter is simple. Mfcc gives Euro 135000 to Pn and it is granted an extention of the temporary land, to 65 yeras and the area doubled.
'What interests me is what Farrugia said' - Gonzi However, many are interested in what Franco Debono said about Gonzi and the Oligarchy.
Luckily you're on your own this time Wenz! The people of Malta and Gozo are interested in all the bartering and the kickbacks.
"He has made allegations of the utmost seriousness" Would this snake oil salesman ask Dr. Farrugia to name names and quote figures? That would be the only way the unbiased, uncommitted voters would believe Farrugia. Go on Anglu, are you happy to just copy the examples of your up-till-very-recent adversaries by just throwing mud? Go on Anglu, we dare you to name names and quote figures and then we will decide how your insinuation of "closeness" matches your adversaries history of graft, sleaze, nepotism and corruption!!!
"I think we should rather look at the statements made by former Labour deputy leader Anglu Farrugia," Gonzi said........... gonzi sounds like an adulterer going through a divorce case and tells people "Look what my neighbour is doing". What a putz instead of explaining his wrong doings he points his fingers at others even if there is nothing to point at. I ask mr. gonzi did Anglu mention anybody specifically you can point your finger at?
B'min tahseb li qieghed tghaddi z-zmien Sur Busuttil ? U forsi mhux tad-dahq li Gonzi qed jipprova jistahba wara Anglu Farrugia ??? M'ghadux persuna "assocjata mal-vjolenza tas-snin 70 u 80 "? Ghalxejn idduru u tghaqdu biex forsi tingabru xi ftit, il-poplu drakhom !
What is there to be clarified exactly? You scratch my back and I scratch yours. In a more tangible form ... I will write off X euro amount of debt in return for a contract worth X+ euro cash. That is the normal procedure for barter agreements. ALBERT FENECH Qawra
This is all a pre=election gimmick. After the election the talking will change. When are we going to be more accountable. We ridiculed politics and hence this democracy that we enjoy today came along with a very high price.
They are going to name them and as yet they have no authorization? So how can they promise that they will publish the names? And what about those who won't give their authorization? Will only some be published? Hawwadni ha nifmek! GonziPN in Total Panic Mode!
We can only expect puerile excuses and libels in court from GonziPN: it did not want to enact the whisltle blowers act and the law on party financing: today we know why!