Muscat has no experience in running economy or country – Fenech

Finance minister Tonio Fenech says Labour leader Joseph Muscat has no experience in running the country and warns electorate not to take any risks.

Tonio Fenech
Tonio Fenech

The 9 March election is about whether Malta remains on track and continues making inroads despite the difficult circumstances, finance minister Tonio Fenech said.

Although Fenech admitted that the PN administration had its own shortcomings however insisted that the party was the only guarantee to build on the progress achieved in the last five years.

Speaking on the PN's radio station this morning, Fenech warned the electorate not to take any risk with their jobs or children's education by trusting the country in Labour leader Joseph Muscat's inexperienced hands.

Despite being interviewed for almost 90 minutes, Fenech failed to make any direct reference to the Enemalta oil scandal and accusations levelled against him by Labour in regards to a gift he received from state witness George Farrugia.

Instead the finance minister spoke about the economy and job creation. Insisting that the country's economy was moving in the right direction, Fenech emphasised the importance of the European Commission's winter forecast, which placed Malta second in the eurozone and fifth in the EU27 in terms of GDP growth.

"The European Commission confirmed the positive outlook on the Maltese economy," Fenech said, while pointing out that the EC report showed that Malta's economy was set to grow by five times as much as the EU average.

On the other hand the finance minister stressed that other countries, including Italy, the Netherlands, Hungary, Portugal and Slovenia were set for negative growth.

"The report also shows that Cyprus' economy will shrink by 3.5% which dispels Labour leader Joseph Muscat's advice to model our economy on Cyprus."

Fenech said the positive outlook came as a result job creation policy, economic management, incentives and measures to create new jobs.

"Lets not throw everything away. A wrong decision on 9 March could mean a turn for the worse in terms of jobs, education and economic stability. The crisis is still hovering above us, and this is not the time to make a change and experiment. Joseph Muscat has no experience in managing an economy. What experience does he have in running a country?"

In contrast, the PN leader and Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi not only had the necessary experience but also enjoyed great respect from fellow European leaders, as shown in the recent EU budget negotiations, Fenech said.

He added: "Don't take anything for granted. Nice words could translate in loss of jobs and it will not be easy to regain what is lost. Labour is clearly telling us that they will not do anything to bolster the economy and create new jobs."

Fenech explained that he was shocked by Labour MP Chris Cardona's claim that a Labour government would not help industry, but just refrain from hampering industry.

"If the current government followed Cardona's advice, Malta would have lost 5,000 jobs if the government had not acted swiftly to aid industry and save jobs which were on the brink. Does this mean that Labour will refrain from acting if a factory is about to close down?" Fenech asked.

"Does this mean that Joseph Muscat will do nothing to aid industry while   exalting himself on how the economy grows on its own steam? Why is Labour's electoral manifesto, littered with copied proposals or proposals

which have already been implemented, make no reference to how Labour will create new jobs?"

Insisting that jobs and the economy are at the centre of PN policy, Fenech said: "one wrong decision would crush the confidence in our internal economy."

"The fear is not Alternattiva Demokratika being elected, but the real fear is if Labour is elected to government. The business community was never hit as hard as it was in 1996," Fenech said, adding that Labour's track record was blemished with the highest rates of unemployment and reduced economic activity.

He insisted that if the country fails to create 25,000 new jobs, the objectives set by the EU would not be achieved. "If these jobs are not created we will face unemployment trouble. That is why Labour's lack of clear plans in job creation is worrying."

While stressing that the PN's credentials in sound economic management were confirmed by the government's success in creating 20,000 jobs in the last five years, Fenech said: "That is why we will introduce measures to encourage women to join the workforce, attract further investment, aid small businesses and introduce family friendly measures."

He explained that job creation would be achieved by attracting more investment in manufacturing, tourism, services and information technology.

"However, creating jobs must go hand in hand with education. We must ensure that our workforce is adequately prepared for the new opportunities which will be created," Fenech said.

The finance minister added that the PN's proposals on education, including providing all students with a tablet and constructing new schools, are not short-term policies aimed at winning votes, "but our policies are looking at the country's needs and interests over the next 20 years."


Mr Tonio Fenech I am no accountant or Financial whiz but the task is simple. Do the same thing you are doing and when you run out of money borrow some more and then if you run out of money again, go borrow some more and pile up the deficit. Isn't that what you are doing at the moment? Yes Mr Fenech follow the example of the USA and borrow all you can from China at the expense of the TAX PAYER. Don't forget that what you borrow now has to be paid back by our children or grandchildren. When you sell your soul to the devil, sooner or later someone has to pay. That is why people are very wrong when they say that a lot of services in Malta are free, believe me, they are not. The TAX PAYER is paying for what you call Free services and that includes the Free Tickets you are offering on the ailing Air Malta. You keep siphoning that water until the well runs dry and you end up drinking sea water. We are not a bunch of "CWIEC".
Priscilla Darmenia
Minister Fenech, you are the last one who should comment about experience. What experience did you have to become a minister? You made a blunder of our finances year in year out. And what about your boss, our prime minister? What experience did he have? Perhaps being a leader of the Azzjoni Kattolika??!!
What experience did you have before you have been assigned into office? Accepting presents maybe? So with your reasonong no student should be employed due to no work experience. Shame on you.
Fabian Psaila
U int x'esperjenza ghandhek Dr. Fenech ? Fid deficits, fid-deficenti u fic-cwiec Maltin ghandhekk zgur! Lanqas ma budget wiehed ma zammejt u ilek twieghed SURPLUS aktar milli ghandhekk Arloggi Tal-Lira minn ghand ammiraturi!
What has experience got to do with being a good leader of a country? All you need to be is a lawyer. They know everything. Even the president of the United States was just lawyer with zero experience. Look how good the US is doing now. All you need to do is be able to buy votes with promises, and have groups that tend to do best under your leadership. Individual citizens do not mean anything.
Mr Fenech can you or anyone claim to be born with experience? No! Experience can only be gained! ... But if 'experience' is translated into 'arrogance' and 'over-confidence' then we would end up with the likes of you! ... Now that you have a clock you can easily see the hours draining away when your so-called experience will be good for nothing lol.
Well, well, well! Look who's talking. The guy who sold all the family silver, increased the country's leveraged position to astronomical proportions, allowed the economy to remain dependent on civil service employment, co-presided over an era of unprecedented bad practice (for want of being kind), squandered whatever the EU refunded back to us from our own VAT receipts, and for what? Gross inefficiency, which you can feel suffocating you in the air we Maltese breathe.
Tejt mhux ser tghalmu int professur tac cwiec
Tejt mhux ser tghalmu int professur tac cwiec
Before TF will start pointing fingers has to take a long look at his image in the mirror. TF has breeched the code of ethics as a Minister. Whatever he says, there is no excuse. TF cannot speak about success, as a Minister he is a failure. To grade TF as a mediocre is a praise. TF apart of Minister who is/was responsabile for Enemalta is also the Minister of finance. As a Minister for finance should know that with such a scandal about the oil he has tarnished the reputation of Malta. This is called reputation risk. Can you imagine the consequence of all this. It is not PL's fault but the TF's and the PN. TF in the finance that post 9/11 has brought many changes in the world of finance. After 2001 what changes have been brought in financial sector in public organisations and dept when it concerns monies. What type of vigilance and due diligence is done in the public sector? Where was he in all this? It had to be MT to expose such a scandal? TF has alot questions to answer eszpescially himself as a person in the profession in the finance world. Shame on TF.
Is this mfsob for real? He who did not balance at least once 6 budgets passes judgement on others' ability to manage finances or govern.He who did not notice, or prefered not to notice the increase in the cost of oils over so many years and never asked why has the gall to criticise others. Tonio the next best thing is to resign, withdraw your candidature and disappear , preferably from Malta altogether. What a cheeky custard.
Nice words, for the gullible. Fenech is still insisting on the fictitious Gonzi figure of 20,000 new jobs created in the last year (which is the last year, by the way? They've been mentioning it for the last 12 months now). And they want us to believe that their 'experience' in running the economy will create another 25,000 jobs! Give a break, Tonio, we all know how the economy is after ten years of Gonzi rule.
Imma il klikka ghanda esperjemza sewwa biex jimlew bwiethom. Halluna fadlilkjom biss 15 il gurnata u tistriehu u serhu lil Maltin kollha
Look who's talking about running the country's finances, the one who NEVER got ONE financial projection right !
Yeah, Joseph Muscat has the same qualifications to run the country and the economy as Lawrence Gonzi had to run Parliament when he became Speaker after being a company secretary and the same qualifications Tonio Fenech had to run the economy after you had been just an ordinary accountant/auditor.
... tghid mhux hekk nibqghu .... inhallu l-ekonomija f'idejn (taparsi) ministru li ghandu ammiraturi nisa li jaghtuh ir-rigali ..... ara jsibx xi erba' miljunarji nisa li jammirawh u jaghtuh xi biljun ewro kull wahda minnhom biex forsi jirnexxilu jwitti l-hofra papali li se jhalli warajh xi gimghatejn ohra .... imma trid tghaggel sur tonio .... thallix lil dawn l-ammiraturi jisparixxu issa .... ara li bil-grazzja u bis-simpatija tieghek jirnexxilek iddewwibhom warajk .... u qis li jaghtuk dak il-biljun ewro kull wahda .... hamsa kulma trid wara kollox .... u int zgur li jirnexxilek, taf int kemm ghandek charm hiereg mill-pori ta' wiccek ..... ghax gimghatejn ohra nahseb li xi sorijiet tal-klawsura biss ikunu lesti jammirawk ....
Sur Tonio, possibli jista jkun hawn xi hadd ghar minnek li jmexxi l-ekonomija. Il-bambin jghinna.
Dr. Fenech your 'experience',(and by the way how does one acquire experience?) has bled our country 's economy to death. Our national debt increased by 4 billion as a direct result of your 'experience ' With this as your track record, one could even trust Ta' l-Ajkla to do a better job.
what a gimmick tonio.....nahseb ghandek zball , wara li fallejt il pajjiz ..b dejn kbir ,korruzjoni,kuntratti kbar, faqartu airmalta u enemalta. kif ma tisthix titkellem quddiem in nies !! anke shabek sfiducjawk ghax ma ghazlukx bhala vice leader......ghodd il hin b arlogg il gdid jew mur ara xi partita football b jet privat !! shame on you
Dr. Fenech your 'experience',(and by the way how does one acquire experience?) has bled our country 's economy to death. Our national debt increased by 4 billion as a direct result of your 'experience ' With this as your track record, one could even trust Ta' l-Ajkla to do a better job.
Rita Pizzuto
Of course Tonio would not touch on the subject of the oil scandal. He is so afraid tthat as he has been doing, he would be putting his foot in his mouth and make things even worse for him and his party, that has been eaten up by corruption.
And neither did Tonio Fenech.
Lest li niehu cans bi bniedem minghajr esperjenza, milli nibqa mwahhal bi bniedem li gab il-pajjiz gharkuptejh b'6ybiljun ewro dejn u pajjiz mifni bil-korruzzjoni. Missek l-anqas biss tidher quddiem in-nies ahseb u ara li tipprezenta ruhek ghall-elezzjoni u tigi taghti pariri lin-nies.
Joseph Pellicano
lizbah wihed tal PN, nisa bil que wara bieb ta tonio bir rigali fidejom ghx jigustawh u jammirawh. Veru li hawn min mandux gosti ta xejn.
David Bongailas
Eddie Fenech Adami didn't have any experience either back in 1987. So what's your point Mr.Fenech ?
Joseph MELI
So what experience did Fenech have before he became Finance Minister? How do you gain experience?In Fenech's case the old adage is perfectly apt in that experience is just another name we give to our mistakes -and in this aspect Fenech is very experienced.