Man behind Labour’s electoral campaign is Prime Minister’s new chief of staff

Head of civil service to be replaced by civil servant Mario Cutajar

Keith Schembri (centre) and Kurt Farrugia (right) will be Joseph Muscat's chief of staff and communications coordinator, respectively. Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday
Keith Schembri (centre) and Kurt Farrugia (right) will be Joseph Muscat's chief of staff and communications coordinator, respectively. Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has kept his campaign manager Keith Schembri, and communications coordinator Kurt Farrugia as his head of staff and spokesperson respectively in the first appointments to the OPM's secretariat.

Mario Cutajar will also be the Cabinet's secretary and head of the civil service, replacing Godwin Grima as designate-head while Grima occupies the post of principal permanent secretary until the official handover to his successor

Cutajar, a civil servant since 1976, was a former trade-unionist.

Keith Schembri, 37, an entrepreneur who heads the Kasco Group, will be chief of staff at Castille.

In a statement, the OPM said Schembri's "business background, leadership style, and creativity would bring an understanding of what investors need to government, and to help create more jobs."

Schembri will be relinquishing his directorial posts in the Kasco Group.

Kurt Farrugia, 31, was a former Labour media employee who was appointed the PL's communications coordinator in 2008. He will be the spokesperson for the OPM.

@fenea. Mela Malta fejn kienet qabel? Nistenna risposta please. U tantx toqoq tgorr ghax hazin ghas sahha. Keep smiling.
Il-bierah cempilt l_EneMalta ghax id-dawl tat-triq, ilu gimgha jixghel bil-lejl u mitfi bin-nhar! Ta l-EneMalta qaluli cempel lil Kunsill, x'hin cempiltilhom fuq il- fatt.... u meta staqsejt x'jigri wara, dan qalli li l-Kunsill icempel mill-gdid lil EneMalta.! X'hin emfazizzajt li jien hekk qed naghmel, qalli li l- procedura hi hekk, (il-burokrazzija) hi hekk u hekk irrid naghmel! Minghajr l-ghira tac-civil u l-attitudni dawn it-talin Malta se tibqa lura! Ghalhekk zgur li Mr Schembri should be a bout of fresh air for all of us!
Il-bierah cempilt l_EneMalta ghax id-dawl tat-triq, ilu gimgha jixghel bil-lejl u mitfi bin-nhar! Ta l-EneMalta qaluli cempel lil Kunsill, x'hin cempiltilhom fuq il- fatt.... u meta staqsejt x'jigri wara, dan qalli li l-Kunsill icempel mill-gdid lil EneMalta.! X'hin emfazizzajt li jien hekk qed naghmel, qalli li l- procedura hi hekk, (il-burokrazzija) hi hekk u hekk irrid naghmel! Minghajr l-ghira tac-civil u l-attitudni dawn it-talin Malta se tibqa lura! Ghalhekk zgur li Mr Schembri should be a bout of fresh air for all of us!
@fenea. We have at least five years to listen to your moaning. But no problem, go on moaning, and languish in your self-pity.
Fenea, din imnejn gibta li malta waqet f'idejn in-negozjanti. Jaqaw ghadek stordut. Dak kien zmien iehor taht Zaren & Co. Issa ghadda dak iz-zmien. Qum min hemm, ghax sebah jum gdid ghal Malta.
issa bid dikjarar li malta giet f'idejn in negozjanti.
Prosit Dr Muscat.Always surround yourself with people who are smarter than you.The business is changing quickly,and the only way to succeed is to change with it.Best wishes.
The Prime Minister's actions and attitude are getting better by the day. He is showing that he does think and act "Outside the Box" For one,he is showing by Action Not Words;that, the Self employed are there to help the economy and help create jobs. i,e, If they are not stifled and overburdened.
A winning team, young, fresh, hard-working and enthusiastic.
Prosit Dr Muscat, prosit Keith u it-team kollu.
A breath of fresh air, at last. No longer the cloak and dagger affairs of Ministers' Private Staffs, no more fixing of income tax penalties by by Private Secretaries (vide Tonio Fenech's PS), no more sinecures. The party is over, GonziPN. You are not even a repeater - you are expelled from the class. The only hope for the PN is that it will be a new PN, with the old guard removed from the leadership and a moderate new administration that complements, rather than confronts, the Government in the best interest of the country. But warning - don't bite the hand of friendship.
business man ihalli il business tieghu biex jilhaq chief of staff......tistona poplu malti jista jkun jaf kemm se jkollu paga???????????? MALA TAGHNA LKOLL - VIVA IL MERITOKRAZIJA
The first appointments by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat reflect immediately the intent and direction the new Government intends to follow and augurs really well for the future of our dear Country. Long live Malta.
Well done Hon PM. First signs of Malta Taghna lkoll.
The revolution starts taking concrete shape. Welcome!
An entrepreneur as the right hand of PM at Castille!!