Malta Trust Foundation receives 2,000 requests for food in just three weeks

Malta Trust Foundation chair Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca says they have witnessed an 'avalanche of requests' from desperate people who suddenly found themselves without a job, unable to cope and hungry

The Malta Trust Foundation has received 2,000 emergency requests for food in just three weeks. 

The requests were submitted through the foundation’s Food Air Project set up after the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic – which further destabilised vulnerable and poor groups in society.   

The trust has also been supporting NGOs struggling to keep up as well as taking in referrals from the Foodbank Lifeline Foundation which has been unable to take on new cases.

Malta Trust Foundation chair Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca said that they were witnessing an "avalanche of requests" from desperate people who have suddenly found themselves without a job, unable to cope and hungry.

“We are only able to help all these people thanks to the generosity and big hearts of the numerous businesses who have come forward offering to donate supplies, monetary funds and groceries. We hope many more will provide support so that we can continue providing these people with a temporary lifeline to get back on their feet,” Coleiro Preca said.

A volunteer who has worked in the sector for five years, Anne McKenna said that the situation was harrowing for all the team. “The other day I got a call from a mother telling me, ‘I have three children and nothing to cook for them; please, please help me'.”

McKenna said that there were so many people who needed food. “From families living hand to mouth and who have suddenly found themselves without an income, to substance abuse outpatients who are sleeping rough, fathers unable to pay their child’s maintenance, single mothers and those facing high rents and possible eviction.”

The Malta Trust Foundation is also collaborating with NGOs such as the Millennium Chapel, Little Sisters of the Poor, Richmond Foundation, St Jeanne Antide and Gozo’s Foundation for Social Welfare as well as others to provide food supplies as their resources are over overstretched with the increasing number of people coming forward.

Those wishing to help to Food Aid Project of the Malta Trust Foundation can call on 2148 4662.

Meanwhile, those wishing to donate money enabling the Foundation to purchase emergency groceries can call on 5140 2002 to donate €2; 5150 2094 for €5; 5160 2015 for €10; or send an SMS to 5061 8810 to donate €6.99. For food, donations call the emergency number: 2149 1550.