Electoral Commission asks BA to investigate complaint over alleged breach of electoral law by Church sociologist

The Electoral Commission has formally asked the Broadcasting Authority to look into an alleged breach of the electoral law following a radio broadcast this morning by Church sociologist Fr. Joe Inguanez.

Chief Electoral Commissioner Saviour Gauci has personally meet up with the Broadcasting Authority Chairman Anthony J. Tabone shortly after receiving a formal complaint by Labour MP Evarist Bartolo regarding a broadcast this morning on Campus FM.

According to the Electoral Law, today is a day of silence whereby no messages related to the referendum campaign that officially closed last night can be made. The law states penalties for who breaches the law.

During the broadcast, Fr. Inguanez who is a lecturer at the University of Malta, unleashed a scathing attack on Dominican philosopher Fr. Mark Montebello who recently hit out at the role adopted by the Church during the referendum campaign.

Contacted, the Chief Electoral Commissioner told MaltaToday that the complaint received by the Electoral Commission has been referred to the Broadcasting Authority and is “being looked into” according to law.

Saviour Gauci explained that further meetings with the Broadcasting Authority are expected throughout the day over the matter, and did not exclude that case be referred to the police for investigation.

Luke Camilleri
What has Fr Joe Borg and his guests on Campus FM has to say about this apology? What have the Bishops of Malta to say about Fr. Joe Borg? Who will ather Mark Montebello? Will Fr. Borg ever consider inviting Fr. Mark Montebello on Campus FM? Who will be left to pick up the pieces now after this apology? Fr. Mark Montebello?
Luke Camilleri
What has Fr Joe Borg and his guests on Campus FM has to say about this apology? What have the Bishops of Malta to say about Fr. Joe Borg? Who will ather Mark Montebello? Will Fr. Borg ever consider inviting Fr. Mark Montebello on Campus FM? Who will be left to pick up the pieces now after this apology? Fr. Mark Montebello?
Luke Camilleri
What has Fr Joe Borg and his guests on Campus FM has to say about this apology? What have the Bishops of Malta to say about Fr. Joe Borg? Who will ather Mark Montebello? Will Fr. Borg ever consider inviting Fr. Mark Montebello on Campus FM? Who will be left to pick up the pieces now after this apology? Fr. Mark Montebello?
Il-ligi tghidlek li ma tistax issir propoganda nhar ta Gimgha. Imbaghad anke f'dan is-sit kien hemm appelli ghall-iva. Dak huwa l-punt tieghi, issa jekk ghajnejk mghottija u ma tridx tifhem l-argument ghalik. Blog u mhux blog u kummenti, dejjem hemm propoganda favur jew kontra.
Mhux il-hsieb tieghi li noqghod nargumenta...li rrid nghid u li ga li ghax ma naqblux specjalment mal-Knisja u nghamlu xalata minnha. Min jitkellem minn oppinjoni filwaqt li ghandu dritt, jibqa' l-fatt illi ghandna adulti bit-twemmin tat-tfal u llum qed naraw il-konsegwenzi...
The question is:- What happens after the investigation? or When will Malta loose it's shackles of theocracy and deal with this abuse and discriminate power of it;s tentacles? How dare you allow such filth to continue unchallenged for the last 50 years.
Lil Pawlu : ir-risposta diga tghajtielek. Filblogs jsita jidhol kullhadd, kemm tal-iva u kemm tal le. Izda fuq stazzjon tar-radju, bhal ma kien dak tal-universita, mhux l-istess haga. Ara fuq TVM minkejja li kien ghaddej programm fuq il-vjolenza domeastika, u meta lanqas hadd ma lissen kelma dwar divorzju jew xi haga li ghandha x'taqsam mar-referendum, is-Sur natalino Fenech qabad u ddecieda li jwaqqaf il-programm ta' Ray Calleja, izda l-programm ta' Fr. Joe Borg fuq Campus FM hadd ma waqqfu minkejja dak li kien qed jghid Fr. Joe Inguanez.
Lil Pawlu : ir-risposta diga tghajtielek. Filblogs jsita jidhol kullhadd, kemm tal-iva u kemm tal le. Izda fuq stazzjon tar-radju, bhal ma kien dak tal-universita, mhux l-istess haga. Ara fuq TVM minkejja li kien ghaddej programm fuq il-vjolenza domeastika, u meta lanqas hadd ma lissen kelma dwar divorzju jew xi haga li ghandha x'taqsam mar-referendum, is-Sur natalino Fenech qabad u ddecieda li jwaqqaf il-programm ta' Ray Calleja, izda l-programm ta' Fr. Joe Borg fuq Campus FM hadd ma waqqfu minkejja dak li kien qed jghid Fr. Joe Inguanez.
Lil: edyjoyce Qed thawwad. Il-kaz inqala ghax kien fuq ir-radju mhux fil-knisja. Titkellmu u lanqas issegwu. L-argument tieghi kien li la darba r-radju, iot-television, il-gazzetti huma milqutin, ghala l-=gurnali on line mhumiex Dik il-mistoqsija?
Lil Pawlu: Il blogs jista jidhol fihom u jikkumenta KULLHADD. Izda fil-knejjes tisma biss qanpiena wahda stajt. HADD ma seta jitla u jargumenta kontra dak li jkun qed jghid is-sacerdot. U sa llum il-bloggs m'humiex illegali ghax impossibbli li zzommhom. Izda almenu, dawk huma miftuhin ghal kullhadd. Mela hemm differenza.
Claudio, ruhi, INT qed titkaza li xi hadd - it-team ta' Xarabank - ried jimmanipula mohh ta' dawk vulnerabbli ? Possibbli, b l-oxxenitajit li saru minn certi sacerdoti u min Isqof partikolari, dawn ma nnutajthomx ? U li ghamel NET TV dalghodu stess, dak x'inhu ?!
Minghajr ma nidhol fil-mertu, allura l-blogs u artiklu fis-silent day jistghu jidhru, mhux propoganda dawn ukoll!?
Nahseb il-forka se jtuh!!!! Dawn kolla untouchables. Mhemmx ghalfejn noqod infakkar kemm minnhom abuzaw mit-tfal u qiesu ma gara xejn. Anzi jkunu f'djocesi u jibatuhom f'ohra halli jsibu prizi godda. Dak il-kastig (premju) li jiehdu ghax lanqas il-ligi kemm civili u dik tal-knisja ma tista ghalihom. Qiesu ma gara xejn.
Passi kontra Fr Inguanez? Ma' tarax. Mela dak xi Fr Mark Montebello jew Fr Colin Apap. Dawn anke l-Isqof kien jibghat ghalijom kieku. Imma il-qassisin KOLLHA li huma poggiti malGvern, dawk jistghu. Dawk ghandom barka specjali. Dawk QATT ma' jiksru l-ligi civili (imma min jaf kemm kissru l-ligi t' Alla..............Alla biss jaf!!
Those of you who saw yesterday's xarabank should have observed the subtlety by which they - the xarabank team - were biased and wanted to manipulate the minds of the weak...how? By showing a particular clip of the Europe song "nghidu Iva"... Shame on you!
Daniel, I appreciate your support to my suggestion. But taking over some Churches goes aginst the principle, nay, the virtue of tolerance and love towards thy neighbour. Let the HATE come from those who supposedly preach love. Fr. Inguanez's epidsode is an eye-opener. Fr. Mark Montebello has shown how true love towards those who are suffering, should be ! Issa bil-Malti. Li storja li hemm fl-Orizzont illum 28 taa' Mejju, dwar kif fuq ir-Radju marija baqghu ghaddejjin bilpropaganda kontra d-divorzju - DEJJEM JUZAW, ANZI JABBUZAW, MINN SIDNA GESU KRISTU - hija prova ohra li dawn li minghalihom li ghax huma xi " kattolicissimi aktar minn haddiehor, allura HUMA L-FUQ MILL-LIGI ! Prova ohra ghaliex illum ghandna nivvutaw IVA u IVA BIL-QALB, halli fl-ahhar ikollna Stat li ghandu dritt jillegisla ghan-nom tal-poplu. U mhux ghan-nom tal-Knisja " Maltija ", b'differenza minn Knisja "Kattolika "- ghax il-Knisja f'Malta ma tistax tissejjah "Kattolika ", ghax hi differenti mill-Knejjes Kattolici tad-dinja kollha !
If Fr Joe Inguanez remarks re Fr Mark Montebello need investigation, so do all the other comments regarding Fr Inguanez. Or is it the usual sauce for the goos but NOT for the gander
Li ma nistghax nifhem hu li filwaqt li ma thallewx isiru programmi fuq il-media xorta fil-gazzetti online kien hemm artikli dwar it-tema tad-divorzju. Ma nahsibx li din hi etika gurnalistika ghaliex jekk il-principju hu li biex ma tinfluwenza lil hadd, mela kill artiklu kellu jitnehha minn kull sit fuq l-internet.
Why don't these hypocrites go to some pagan countries and do some good. we don't need them here in Malta , according to the curia and gonzi we are living in heaven on earth here.Hypocrites.
Eddy Privitera I agree with your comments 100% but Fra Montebello does not need to find a private place, once he breaks away from the local catholic church , am sure there will be thousands of people supporting him then we can reclaim some of the churches that rightly belong to us .It was our forefathers that built these churches and therefore all the building and its contents that at the present time are occupied by the curia , in reality they belong to us the Maltese people.
Manual Mangani . I find the coupling of church and sociologist risible as well. However, not knowing what it’s like to learn or teach inside the University of Malta, I did not comment. It could be a special academic hybrid - new kind of ‘theologically modified’ sociology that would make Marx and Weber turn in their graves.
Using Google, place the words CHURCH and SOCIOLOGIST together between inverted commas and press SEARCH. You will find that the term "church sociologist" is not inexistent, although I have no idea whether it is used accurately, here, or not.
Let us wait and see what actions will be taken about this
Just look at this and laugh or cry! https://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/05/27/tal-le-iwasslu-ghal-censura-ta-video-tal-mazzun-video-ispirat-minn-pasolini/
Chris Tanthi
Could someone enlighten me about the meaning of the term "Church Sociologist"?. I have studied sociology, but have never encountered the phrase. Could the 2 terms ,"Church'' and ''sociologist'' possibly have been justapoxed to tarnnish the image of the Church with the (allegedly inappropriate) behaviour of a commentator/sociologist , who happens to be a priest, on the eve of the referendum? No of course not- this is Maltatoday. Perish the thought.
"All animals are equal, but some...are more equal then others" - George Orwell, Animal Farm
I strongly agree with Eddy Privitera’s call for action. We know that some priests are worthy of being called shepherds and the way I see it the best way forward is to ask these priests to form a separate alliance from the main church. I know for a fact the rotten core of the RC church will not budge on anything. Theirs is a one way system: they only issue directives and they don’t do dialogue. I learnt the hard way how utterly pointless it get some sort of intelligent dialogue with the church. The church’s agenda is to perpetuate itself and it does this by using those who serve it. It regulates marriage and contraception so that it may perpetuate itself. I suspect it is easier and quicker to get an annulment if the woman is past child bearing age or if the woman clearly intends to have children after her annulment. Clearly divorce takes this power away from their hands. That’s why they call it a sin. Certain personal and individual choices that do not suit their agenda are called SIN - the more threatening to their agenda, the higher the level of sin. I also suspect that the reason why children out of wedlock do not seem to bother them so much is so that they can fill their orphanages. These institutions are even more thoroughly controlled by the church than schools. I’m only surmising here – but the facts do seem to stare at us in the face. If anyone has a better idea of what the church’s agenda is, please share it. It most certainly isn’t about social support and social responsibility ... love thy neighbour and all that. It’s about blind, largely useless, self serving indoctrination.
Xtaqt inzid xi haga ohra. Ghaziz Patri Mark, jekk l-Arcisqof u l-Kurja ArciveskoVILI jisfurzawk biex titlaq mil-ordni religjuza tieghek, la " sacerdot jibqa dejjem sacerdot " - kif jghidulna - mela f'dak il-kaz ibqa qarar, qarben u qaddes f'xi post privat. B'hekk l-eluf ta' kattolici li huma separati u " pogguti ", nkunu nistghu nergghu nersqu lejn is-sagramenti li l-KNISJA MALTIJA - mhux il-Knisja Kattolika, ghax m'hawn ebda Knisja ohra fid-dinja li tippretendi li hi l-fuq mil-Istat - qiegheda ccahadna minnhom ! Ibqa ghallem " il-kelma t-tajba " u ibqa uri li Alla u Sidna Gesu kristu HU IMHABBA INFINITA u mhux Alla li anki jrid jikkastiga lil min ma jkun jahti xejn ghat-tifrik taz-zwieg tieghu jew taghha !! Nitlob ghalik, nirringrazzjak u nselli ghalik. Eddy Privitera
Malta is a secular state (although the local church pretends otherwise) and so no one is above the law. Joe Inguanez knew he was breaking the law when he made his broadcast which undoubtedly was meant to influence uni students.
Tafu kemm jithallas lecturer l-universita? €27,000 fis-sena ghal ftit sieghat fil-gimgha. . Issa pay back time. Irid irod il-kumpens lura tal-job li tawh. Jew forsi jrid xi promotion ghal senior lecturer b'akbar hlas. U dan kollu minn flusna mit-taxxi.
Biex qeghdin tiskantaw?. Aqraw l-istorja tal-antenati taghhom u taraw wirt min huma. Dawn alla taghhom DEJJEM kien IL-FLUS. Aqraw il-hajjiet ta' certi papiet u titqallghu. Nisa, konkubini, qtil, serq, debuxxizmu....Semmi s-suppost dnubiet kollha li jippruvaw ibellghuna u ssibuhom f'dawn il-mahmugin. Fittxu u aqraw dwar il-Papiet Gwanni XII, Benedittu IX,Boniface VIII, Urban VI, Alexander VI, Leo X, Clement VII, Innocent VIII. Tibqghu skantati.
Inguanez jattakka lil Mark Montebello ghax dan ta' l-ahhar jippriedka u jghix l-opri tal-hniena. Mark jaqbez ghal hutna l-Maltin li ma jistghu ituh xejn lura. Taf tisthi Inguanez? Imsomma int tghallem l-universita ghalhekk tahseb li l-misthija ma toghdx ghalik. Forsi ghalek lil Renzo Piano qabbduh jaghmel bieb il-belt bla bieb biex dawk kollha li kibritilhom rashom jidhlu l-belt bla tfixkil.
Luke Camilleri
Hekk irridu JKUNU REPUBLIKA F'REPUBLIKA, b'ligijiet ghalihom u ghal taghhom, drittijiet ghalihom u ghal taghhom, u pjaciri ghalihom u ghal taghom....u mhux ghal poplu kollhu! Xejn tolleranza , anqas mal-membri tghhom bhal Fr. Mark Montebello imma ma Fr, Joe Borg jew xi Dun Inguanez ...ehhh dik storja ohra!
Dan qassis veru kiesah ghax kien jghallimna l-Universita' u baqa' jitkessah anke ma' l-istat. Aqraw: https://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/05/27/jirrakonta-kif-kien-abbuzat-mis-sorijiet-2/
What Fr Inguanez should have said is how annulments are decided. Maltese have a right to know what is happening at the Church Tribunals because their decisions affect Civil marriages. . Some of the questions we should know is: Why is it that some annulment cases have taken up to 19 years, whilst others have taken a few months? . Another important question is: How is it that a man manages to take two annulments whilst others none? . I have another 20 questions to ask, but let us first hear from Fr. Inguanez on these two questions.
Lil Fr. Joe Inguanez nghidlu li Patri Mark Montebello baqa l-UNIKU religjuz, sa defn naf jien, li fl-ahhar qal DAK LI JEMMEN VERAMENT HU u mhux dak li imponew l-Iasqfijiet fuq ir-religjuzi kollha. Ghalhekk Fr. Joe Inguaenez ghandu sarima ma halqu u ma jistax jghid li jrid izda li jriduh jghid l-Isqfijiet ! Dawk is-sacerdoti li werwru lill- " fidili " bl-infern u hafna babawiet ohra, ghad iridu jghatu kont lill-Alla tal-hsara li ghamlu lill-Knisja u lir-religjon. NAPPELLA BIEX KULLHADD JURI SOLIDARJETA F'DAN IL-MUMENT MA PATRI MARK MONTEBELLO. U JEKK HEMM BZONN INKUNU LESTI LI L-QUDDIEM ANKI NIPPROTESTAW QUDDIEM IL-KURJA. JEHTIEG LI L-KATTOLICI LI GHANDHOM MOHH F'MALTA NIBDEW NGHAMLU PRESSJONI MINN ISSA HALLI L-ISQFIJIET IDAHHLUHA F'MOHHOM LI GHADDA Z-ZMIEN LI IWERWRU LIL POLU U JINDAHLU FID-DRITT CIVILI TAD-DIVORZJU. Eddy Privitera
Sur Imhallef Philip Sciberras, mela ma tafx li l-qassisin qatt ma aċċettaw li patri jkun aħjar minnhom? Mhux ta' b'xejn li lill-Arċisqof jinjorawh u jagħmlu li jridu. chasbay1960 They are a pack of hungry wolves in sheep clothing. Vitellino Vitelleschi, if you think that what Grand Master La Valette had told your namesake during the Great Siege bears any significance today you are greatly mistaken. Perhaps I may expand later what your namesake was told before as it appears he died defending Fort St Elmo, but those days where the Church commanded everything and expected the fidili to obey even if it meant that they dies are gone never to come back again even though you and others keep on trying.
Joseph Sant
@ zebramlt. "U fuq Fr.Joe Inquanez ghamel hazin jekk attakka b'xi mod lil Montebello...ghax dik mhux karita nisranija." Mela allura mhux ghageb ghalxejn qed naghmlu. Wiehed jitkaza meta bniedem kwalunkwe jonqos mill-karita Kristjana ahseb u ara meta dan il-bniedem ikun sacerdot u aktar u aktar meta jaghmel hekk fuq stazzjon tar-radju. Iktar pubbliku min hekk nahseb lanqas tista' tkun. . "Issa hallu l-pulizija jwettqu dmirhom huma wkoll" - issa ghaddew sieghat shah milli qed nara jidher fil-kaz ta' Dun Inguanez mhu ser isir xejn. Ma tafx int, ma tas-suttana nimxu bl-ingwanti u l-awtoritajiet ikun qishom it-tlett xadini - la jaraw, la jisimghu u wisq inqas jitkellmu.
The fact is that the message went out - I'm sure they dion't give a damn what happens afterwards. And the domestic violence section of "12:05" was stopped. The NO side are cynically and probably illegally controlling broadcasting to take advantage of the Day of Reflection. Democracy is really in a bad shape in Malta.
U kif qatt tista' ssir gustizzja meta ghandek nies bhal Anthony J. Tabone u Saviour Gauci li jidhru li huma haga wahda mall-gvern/knisja/moviment iva? Tkun xi tkun id-decizjoni taghhom, kull min hu rasu fuq ghonqu jixiteq jara aktar klerici sincieri bhal Father Mark Montebello u inqas klerici ipokriti bhal Fr Joe Inguanez.
Dan l-ghageb kollu...nahseb kollha kontu qeghdin tisimghuh Campus FM...is-soltu ghageb ta' xejn. Issa jinvestigaw u jekk ghamel il-hazin jehel li ghandu jehel. Imma ejjew ma ninsewx kemm qajmu panic ghax dehret mistoqsija dwar id-divorzju f'tal Matsec meta kulhadd jaf li dak huwa suggett fis-syllabus fil-Form 5 u kull sena johrog ghax huwa suggett importanti. Tafu li kien hemm mistoqsija wkoll fuq l-abort? Dawn huma mistoqsijiet li l-istudenti kienu jafu li hergin. Evarist Bartolo ghamel dmiru u rraporta. Issa hallu l-pulizija jwettqu dmirhom huma wkoll. U fuq Fr.Joe Inquanez ghamel hazin jekk attakka b'xi mod lil Montebello...ghax dik mhux karita nisranija.
Wahda mill-limeriki ta' Dwardu Ellul kienet tghid xi haga hekk:- Huwa fatt tal-geografija Qatt michud mit-teologija Li iktar ma gzira hi zghira u fqira Iktar il-kleru rasu kbira
Tajjeb mela Fr Ingaunes qed ippapijilu l-Universita, u Fr. Montebello tefghu f'rahal fic-Central America qalb il-baruni tad-droga, fejn qed jissogra hajtu kull jum. Mhux talli jkollu jbaghati ta' dan it-transfer vendikattiv, imma l-anqas jista' jikkommenta ghax ikun hawn xi hadd bhal baruni ta' type iehor bhal Fr. Inguanez u jaqbez fuqu. . Jien nistaqsi: Ghalfejn din il-hdura qalb il-qassisin fil-knisja Maltija? Kif tista' il-Knisja Maltija tasal biex taghamel dan?
Who wants to bet that the Curia will censor Fr. Montebello and not Fr. Inguanez? These people do not know any shame!!
Lead by example. This is the type of church exponents we have in Malta. Fr. Inguanez does not care about the electoral law legislation, and worse does not bother in attachking a colleague priest of his! . How could the local church maintain its credibility after all the farce we have been through the last two months?
This person has shown total lack of professionalism in his behavior. Is this the open minded attitude that he lectures with at university ? Why attack directly other persons especially another priest? If he does not agree with other persons that is ok but his choice. It is time for society to grow up from such stupid intollerant behavior that has been evidenced during this brouhaha!
We should do as Mintoff did to the Church in the seventies. Chuck them out of University. They have no right to use the people's University to teach their venom. We should not even allow the Theologian course to continue in there. They are a pack of hungry wolves.
duncan abela
I have previously noted and commented that as a public funded radio station Campus FM has slipped badly in the last few months in keeping a balanced, objective and intelligent stance and line in a number of aired programmes on this station. It seems that the station has been taken over by gang of biased commentators who are pushing their own hidden agenda. I am for example grossly offended by regular sarcastic remarks made on the from the editorials programme following statements by the leader of the opposition and other observers who do not fall in the approved mould or beliefs of these commentators. It is time the rector of the University has a hard look at the composition of the board of this station and ensure a more transparent unbiased policy and a more objective board. I trust the rector will rectify the situation for he is a person known from never shirking a balanced debate and is capable of presenting his position and stand his ground on the strength of his informed arguments somewhat different to the way this gang is currently operating on Campus FM.
@-Vitellino Vitelleschi; This board is here to post comments..not to preach sermons.
Igor P. Shuvalov
Tghid dan l-attakk thalla ghal llum ghax Fr Iguanez jaf li dawk li josservaw il-ligi ma jistghux iwiegbuh illum? Issa ghaddew mhux ftit granet minn meta kiteb Patri Mark, u kien hemm zmien bizzejjed jekk wiehed ried iwiegeb.
Malta needs its own church formed by exemplary priests. A church which is entirely, unconditionally and irrevocably removed from the church of Rome whose unwanted, destructive and unchristian claws has got some of Malta's key institutions (Education, Family etc.) by the scruff of the neck. “... by their fruit you will recognize them.” Matthew 7:20 Are we ready, mature and self responsible enough to remove ourselves from the toxic mamillas of the Roman church and to form a non-authoritarian church which teaches LOVE instead of fear; GRATTITUDE instead of sacrifice; SELF-DISCIPLINE instead of blind collective regulation; RESPECT for everyone not just for its own self appointed gods; ACCOUNTABILITY instead of secrets inside confessionals; JOY instead of celebrating sorrow. And there’s more... http://www.keylonticdictionary.org/Words/F/Freedom%20Teachings.htm
If what is being said is true, it goes to show that the instructions by the two maltese bishops are never obeyed, or taken seriously. The local church authorities has become a farce,
"For no good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit; 44 for each tree is known by its own fruit. For figs are not gathered from thorns, nor are grapes picked from a bramble bush. 45 The good man out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil man out of his evil treasure produces evil; for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks. 46 "Why do you call me `Lord, Lord,' and not do what I tell you? 47 Every one who comes to me and hears my words and does them, I will show you what he is like: 48 he is like a man building a house, who dug deep, and laid the foundation upon rock; and when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house, and could not shake it, because it had been well built. 49 But he who hears and does not do them is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation; against which the stream broke, and immediately it fell, and the ruin of that house was great."
@vitellino What did you sniff today? Is it expensive?
Jesus turned and said to them, "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children.
"Whoever does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple"
Is the university in Malta run by the church and its minions? Looks like it from what I'm reading.
Possibbli li dan Fr. Inguanez hu ghalliem Universitarju fis-socjologija meta hu tant maqtugh mir-realtajiet socjali ta' zmenijietna u tal-bidliet radikali fir-relazzjonijiet bejn il-koppji, eterosesswali jew m'humiex.Nissusspetta li twieled f'epoka zbaljata ghaliex mill-mod kif tkellem jidher li hu mnebbah sew minn Torquemada u mill-"Malleus Malleficarum" (Il-Martell tas-Shahar) taz-zewg Dumnikani Kramer & Spenger. Li jehodha imbaghad qatta bla habel kontra qassis iehor bhalu, anke jekk aktar awtorevoli u karitatevoli minnu, juri kemm f'dan il-pajjiz ilhaqna l-fond tan-nuqqas ta' imgieba Kristjana. Il-veru kaz li, apparti l-ipokresija taghhom, certi qassissin ma jafux lanqas x'inhi misthija. Il-priedki kollha ta' dawn l-ahhar gimghat minn naha tan-NO campaign tfakkarni f'dik l-epigramma tal-Monsinjur Pietru Pawl Saydon li tghid"Tghajjir u gideb huma l-arma taghna/Minn ma jinqalghax qis ma jidholx maghna".
camminate verso Sodoma e Gommorah
They have been in authority for so long and held this island enslaved in ignorance and censorship, they just cannot handle the truth and the people's right to question their statements. For as Jesus had predicted to His disciples in Jerusalem, the destruction of the temple is at hand. The money changers ! the Scribes and the Pharisees are finally realising that their domain has finally cracked. As for FATHER MARK MONTEBELLO, THIS SMALL MALTESE ISLAND SHOULD BE HONOURED HE IS PART OF OUR SOCIETY. FATHER MARK IS HEAD AND SHOULDERS BIGGER THAN ANY HYPOCRITE THAT TRIES TO SILENCE HIM FOR SPEAKING THE TRUTH. THE MALTESE PEOPLE SHOULD SHOW THEIR GRATITUDE FOR FATHER MARK BY DEMANDING ACCOUNTABILITY FROM THOSE THAT TRY TO PERSECUTE HIM.
Jason, It is not customary that billboards are taken off a day before an Election or Referendum. There is no breaking of the law here.
Mario Sciberras How can the Archbishop check his subordinates when he is surrounded with a lot of venom throwing snakes. I pity him because we was annointed to serve as a puppet. Remember he is not a member of the Seminary but a Domenican. Some Seminerians have a lot of venom because he was annointed Archbishop. Unfortunately, he cannot stand-up to them.
The more I hear disgusting comments about certain priest's behaviour, the more I'm convinced that this is a FINANCIAL ISSUE , and nothing more! And I'm so proud of my voting decision, even if later I will burn in hell for ever!!
So why have not the YES billboards and posters been removed? Aren't these messages as well?
Joseph Sant
"WHICH INDEED APPEAR BEAUTIFUL OUTWARDLY" - certainly does not apply to Fr Joe Inguanez jaqq! :D One hopes that the law will be applied and the authorities concerned don't keep passing the buck from one to the other. If the Broadcasting Athority rules this amounted to an attempt to influence the electorate then it is in duty bound to report it to the Electoral Commission who in it's turn is in duty bound to report it to the Police Commissioner. It is not up to the Police Commissioner investigate at that stage. The invesitigation would already have been carried out by the Broadcasting Authority. The Police Commissioner's duty is to simply charge the person. So all this talk of investigations is just what in Maltese we would call "loghob bil-bzallu".
Il-Lehen is-Sewwa dated Saturday, 28th May has conveniently been mailed to subscribers on Friday, 27th May! And the Church pamphlet Flimkien for JUNE (!) was distributed door door on Friday, 27th May. Electoral Law abuses ongoing.
Shame on you Fr. Inguanez! Afraid of the truth huh? That's why you attack Fr. Mark Montebello! Do you also think you are above the law? Mind you, if the authorities don't hold you accountable, the people will!
These, are the people who give the church a bad name. the archbishop must have better control of his subordinates. While I understanding that he cannot possibly oversee and monitor all of them all the time but chief in command he should do more
These, are the people who give the church a bad name. the archbishop must have better control of his subordinates. While I understanding that he cannot possibly oversee and monitor all of them all the time but chief in command he should do more
Nixtieq nuri solidarjeta' shiha ma' Fr Mark Montebello. Dan tal-lum jaqaw kien bidu ta' attentat li ghandu jwassal ghall-ezilju mill-gdid ta' Fr Mark? Jien nghid grazzi mill-qalb lil Fr Mark li f'dan il-perjodu ricenti li ghaddejna minnu kien ta' vuci ta' hniena ma' dawk in-nies bhali li qlajna diskorsi li fethu l-feriti tal-wegghat tal-passat. Jien nirringrazzja lil Fr Mark u xi qassisin ohra li naf (li ma setghux jitkellmu fil-berah) li jaghmlu dejjem ix-xoghol propju taghhom - ifittxu n-nghaga l-mitlufa u meta jsibuha jilqghuha fi hdanhom u jaghmlulha festa kbira!! Grazzi lil Fr Mark u lil dawn il-qassisin li naf li permezz taghhom nibqa' nemmen fi Kristu Gesu' li HU minnu nnifsu MHABBA u li jkun zgur prezenti f'kull relazzjoni ta' VERA mhabba!
Are they scared of the outcome??
Medieval mentality to sustain the inquisition. Another Maltese example of what it's like to be a good christian towards those that speak the truth. If these neighbourly christians were living at the time of Christ, they would have sided against him and demanded the cruxifiction. What is so disgraceful and utterly beyond comprehension is the fact that these devious and mentally unbalanced hypocrites are all employed and engaged in the Maltese educational system. And just like the 1960's if someone does not comply they can inflict a lot of damage on a students carreer. MATTHEW 23:27 WOE TO YOU SCRIBES ! PHARISEES & HYPOCRITES ! FOR YOU ARE LIKE WHITEWASHED TOMBS WHICH INDEED APPEAR BEAUTIFUL OUTWARDLY BUT INSIDE ARE FULL OF DEAD MEN'S BONES ALL UNCLEANNESS 28:EVEN SO YOU APPEAR RIGHTEOUS TO MEN, BUT INSIDE YOU ARE FULL OF HYPOCRISY AND LAWLESSNESS
The timesofmalta.com still carrying the pool about devorce and surprise more than 8000 people voted from last night in support of Bishop Grech. Not even pools we can trust !!!!!!!!!!
Why am I not surprised with such hate speech and venom emanating from Inguanez's filthy mouth? Fr. Mark is almost the only priest who is not frightened at calling a spade, a spade. And for this he is normally punished by the beloved mother church with the likes of Inguanez himself. I am neither surprised that Inguanez broke the silence law - as it seems the church with its high and might holier than thou scheming puts itself above the law - at least certain schemers who are in the curia social circle - the elites or the princes of the church................wonder why since Inguanez was at it he did not mention other issues such as pedophilia and abuse on kids by his fellow religious freaks in the various church houses. He seems to have forgotten that Christ has said that whoever is without sin can throw the first stone, as much as he has conveniently forgotten the 'Whited Sepulchers' story. I believe in God, definitely, but i DO NOT BELIEVE IN THE CHURCH - ESPECIALLY IN THE CURIA HIERARCHY AND ITS ACOLYTES!!
Adrian Busuttil
Errata: That should read "appears" not "arrears" :P
Adrian Busuttil
For the church to preach love as they should, they need to rein in people like Fr Inguanez who, it arrears judging by this report, lives under the misapprehension that he is a law unto himself. Hopefully an example will be made in this case so that we do not have a repeat in future. If he gets off scot-free (as I suspect he may) he will make the authorities look ridiculous. Shame!
Isn't it shameful that this had to happen through a quarrel between two priests? Secondly, I know Inguanez from the times when he used to teach me. What is dirt like? That's Inguanez all over. A lecturer in Sociology at University my ass. I respect priests, but I don't respect people like Inguanez.
Isn't it shameful that this had to happen through a quarrel between two priests? Secondly, I know Inguanez from the times when he used to teach me. What is dirt like? That's Inguanez all over. A lecturer in Sociology at University my ass. I respect priests, but I don't respect people like Inguanez.
They should also investigate the way residents in old people's homes are being pressured to vote NO.
M'ghandkom xejn specjali ghax tal-knisja! Rules are rules!
Why aren't we surprised? It was ever so obvious which side was doing to break the reflection period and it will be even more obvious what will happen...right nothing ? Just sweep it under the carpet
with brotherly love like this, who needs hatred?