[WATCH] Clyde says Christians who voted for divorce ‘will have Christ to answer to’

Catholics who campaigned against divorce satisfied that a good part of the island kept its faith.

The electorate that voted yes for divorce in the referendum did not follow Jesus’ teaching, Clyde Attard – the figurehead of the Kristu Iva, Divorzu Le (Christ Yes, Divorce No) movement said today in his post-mortem on the referendum.

“It is positive to see that a good part of the country has kept its faith,” Attard said, although he admitted that many voters are adopting an “à l carte Catholicism… they decided not to let Christ’s teaching enlighten them, it’s no longer important in the decisions they take, perhaps it’s important in other things.”

When asked whether religion had been out of place in a referendum on a civil right, Attard reiterated his claim that Catholic voters’ decision must be enlightened by Jesus’ teaching. “We feel that those who voted yes and abstained were not enlightened by Christ.”

Attard refuted the idea that their message was ineffective to an audience he described as ‘Catholics à la carte’.

“Christ’s words are difficult and hard… Christ teaches us how to love one’s enemies, and this is a hard message.”

Attard also said his mission to broadcast Christ’s message did not damage the anti-divorce movement’s campaign. “We believe we brought this message to the people, but they didn’t heed Christ’s words… we have no political agenda. If there is someone who doesn’t want to listen to this message, it’s not a problem.”

Attard’s billboard, prominently displayed in Sliema with the figure of Christ and his movement’s slogan, became the butt of an internet sensation on Facebook which spoofed the billboard with funny slogans.

He was asked whether he was partly responsible for the misappropriation of the image itself, and whether this gave a wrongful impression of the religious nature of the debate. “Many people blaspheme and it’s because they have no control on their emotions… if they used this image wrongfully to mock Christ, it’s their choice, we forgive them.

“When a Christian sees Christ’s face they will either put their lives in his hands and love him even more, or turn away from him.”

Attard was also asked whether Catholics with a social conscience and who took a decision in full knowledge of Christ’s teachings, had committed anything wrong. “I repeat, those Catholics who didn’t let Christ enlighten them… they have Christ to answer to.”

jejune . Many commentators prefer to see themselves as Christian instead of Catholic. The difference between being as CATHOLIC and being a CHRISTIAN is HUGE. . The Council of Nicea in AD 325 was convened by the Roman Emperor Constantine 325 years after Jesus left. This council (where the Nicene Creed comes from) decided which scriptures to take on board and which ones to leave out. The council only chose 4 of out of a possible 27. A lot of the genuine original sculptures were burnt by the church authorities themselves. This newly formed church (with its Vatican headquarters) 'doctored' the four scriptures to suit its political agenda. The church also created canon law and a huge bureaucracy to go with it. . Many, many aspects of Roman Catholicism are very, very harmful to society. That's why people rebel against this institution. Its absurd rigidity contradicts the original Christian message. . Continue to be proud to be catholic if you like – but this does not mean you are a Christian - in the original sense.
Il-kelma ta' Kristu kif insibuha fl-evangelji u fl-ittri, nissoponi? Fejn nafu li dik kienet ta' Kristu meta nkitbet snin wara mewtu u mhawnx l-originali ta' dak li suppost qal! HMERIJIET. Inti uzajtu lil Kristu u intkom izzufjajtu bih.
Reading the comments makes me infer two things: (1) Many commentators do not have an inkling of what it entails to be Catholic; (2) Why are you such cowards to say that Jesus does not figure in your life anymore? If He did many comments wouldn'nt have been even thought of let alone written. When the test came of whether to be conforming with the words of Jesus or not the majority chose the 'not'. Some Christians they are!!
@Mr.Attard - If you happen to read this, here is part the real truth to the huge amount of votes that went on to the yes camp. Just to let you know, i was undecided what to vote like many others. Having heard (and then read) your previous slogan that Jesus will be watching me in the polling booth, at first i thought it was a joke but then when i really saw it, it was the catalyst that triggered me and countless others to vote YES. Your stupidity to mock Christ in such things has created an avalanche effect. You and especially the other guy conman who claims to have visions of the Holy Mary have done and keep on doing so much harm to the church it is beyond imagination. You and idiots like you have to answer to Christ! How can you say such rubbish! Even St. Peter negated Him and got forgiven. I ll pray for you as you really need to find the real Christ. The one you think you have found and fighting for is just a fake or a pagan one.
Kemm int Jaqq clyde. U dik it tbissima falza li ghandek tghamlek wisq redikolu.
Clyde stop making a fool of yourself. I'm proud I voted yes and I'm sure Christ loves me as much as he did before. Who are you to judge others? Stop being ridiculous. - AG
Clyde - I think that Fr. Borg was absolutely correct when he referred to some members of the catholic church as 'nostalgic catholics'. I see you as one of them. Stereotype look, you know, shirt, tie, short hair and know- it- all attitude. Clyde, I am sure that you feel that you are right and all the 'yes' folk have sinned. Well let me just remind you of what the word of God says in Rom 3:23, " for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God". Clyde, I just hope that you are humble enough to understand that the word 'all' in that sentence includes you. Yes Clyde, you are a sinner like the rest of us, and Jesus came to save you just as much as he came to save us. Again, I just hope that you humble enough to admit that you are a sinner too.
@Silvio U int mhux atteu allur tghatix kaz
..too stupid to deserve any comments.....unbelieveable!!
The Circus is back in town! Clyde and Josette are the main attraction ,What a due what a comedy! get a life the both of you and stop making fools of yourself and stop embarrassing Malta!
"we forgive" - mela lahaq flok Gesu'. Jesus kemm jidher flaz dal-bniedem. Id-dahka tieghu bizzejjed biex timbuttani.
hbieb jien ghal clyde attard injorant u miskin ghax ivvutajt iva, mill lum l-hemm biex nurih li maghdniex injurant, flixkun imbid milli jkollu hu ma nixtrix flixkun iehor. u jekk kulhadd jaghmel bhali, hadd ma jibqa injurant.
This guy is so out of touch he's dangerous. Seriously man, get a life and let us lead our lives they way we want to. It's 2011 not 1811.
Clyde and Josette - get a life - leave us alone and stop saying idiotic things. Why don't you go to the Philippines to play your stupid act over there??? At least you'll be doing us a big service as we'll be getting rid of your weird acts. Take a break - take a kit kat!!!
Sur Cutajar ahna niktbu dak li inhossu, jew issa faqqast int, biex tikkontrollana. Mela l-ewwel Attard ried jurina it triq, u issa int se turina kif nuzaw il-kitba. mur orqod u strih siehbi, din hija online ta kulhadd u insegwu fijha, jekk int qed tiddejjaq hawn , jew tiehu paccenzja, jew tidholx. sur ATTARD 2
Sur Louis Cutajar , ahna biex tghid dak li trid ma zammejnikx hadd minnha.imma hemm dubji kbar kemm hu vera ismek .issa biex int qed tghid kontra taghna u izomm ma attard trid tkun frijkjat bhalu jew izjed minnhu, jekk minthiex attard stess.
Is-Sur Attard, ghandu id-dahqa ta dak is salesman tal-karozzi secondhand, dahqa helwa, sabiha, konvincenti (sorry hbieb vera car salesmen).. umbad minn wara darek ikun qieghed ibiehlek bicca scrap.... Mhur ara kieku dan il bniedem jiehu post San Pietru......kieku HADD u HADD mhu sejjer jidhol il-genna....hu biss........miskin ....sejjer ikun wahdu.....
Iva jien nuri ismi shih u ma nbizax nghid dak li irrid nghid, sinjal li dak li qedghin tghidu mhux sincier ghax jekk veru tkunu sinciera ma tibzghux turu isimkom. Ghaliex min jikteb fuq il-gazzetti u dawn hlief jghajjru ma jaghmlux ukoll ma jurux isimhom u jidhru anonimi?
Mr Attard i'll answer to Christ anytime but to a scaremongering so and so like you, NEVER.
Matto da legare.
Sur Cutajar, daqs kemm hu ismek veru li qed turi hawn.hallina u mur orqod siehbi.
xqalek gesu fuq il qasisin li stupraw ? jew dik mux importanti clyde. fuq idevorsju plajtu qlajt. kieku jabuzawlek min uliedek xi qasisin tibqa taqbez ghalijom ?
Clyda, tkompliex taghmel aktar hsara , ieqaf issa daqshekk ghid hmerijiet, bil Malti, "Il-maggoranza tan nies ma jifmuhiex bhalek". Aktar ma jaghddu snin aktar il-mewga tikber- Ikun ahjar li tibdel il-mod tieghek kif tigbed in nies, ghax bil-mod tieghek, aktar twarrabhom.
Imma l-ironija hija din, kulhadd jghahhar u l-maqdar u hadd m'hu kapaci juri ismu shih, imma kull minn ikkumenta uzha nickname u mhux ismu propju. Mela jekk dak li qed tghidu thosu li jaghmel sens u huwa minnu ghalfejn tibzghu turu isimkom shih. Hadd m'ghandu ghalfejn jibza mill-verita. Imma il-maggoranza tan-nies li hallew il-kummenti huma nies li l-ewwel garaw il-gebla imbaghad jahbu idhom.
Dear Clyde I can assure you that Christ illuminated my mind just in time. Thanks to HIM, I did not let myself be manipulated in a massive political ploy. And by the way, Christ forbid if the Church behaves in the way you are behaving to bring back the lost sheep. I'm sure that the effect will be the opposite.
Clyde get your boat and sail away to the Vatican. I hear that Afghanistan is accepting migrants as well. Take your pick but for God sake just go.
Jekk Xi hadd jahseb hawn li Clyde ha jirrispondi lill xi hadd, sejrin zball hbieb tieghi. Clyde kien il buffu tal kummiedja biss. minn jaf x'weghduh?
Mary Farrugia
Ghaziz Clyde Ahna ma vvotajniex ghad Divorzju, ivvotajna biex tidhol ligi halli dawk li jkollhom bzonnu jkunu jistghu jirrikorru ghalih. Taf tajjeb li Jesu ghamel eccezzjoni ghad divorzju f'kaz li z-zwieg ikun "rabta hazina" ( Matt.19:9) Min ghandu z-zwieg li jaqa taht din l-Eccezzjoni li ghamel Jesu ma kienx jistax jgib divorzju ghax ligi tad- divorzju m'ghandniex.
Guys don't complain. Life without Clyde would be much less entertaining! http://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/06/01/demmek-mhux-tajjeb-ghax-int-pufta/#more-1761
Carm Cachia
I love seeing how humble Christians of Malta know the mind of god, and what he wants. God, you know, the all powerful, all knowing, unfathomable being. Talk about arrogance.....
Isabelle Borg
Simply, Balalu
You are wrong, Clyde! The billboard wasn't used to mock Christ. It was indeed used to mock you and your army of love. Which makes a big difference.
Waħda isbaħ mill-oħra issa! Mhux biżżejjed kellhom jintefqu €4 miljuni f'referendum biex nieħdu d-divorzju. xorta għadhom isiru ċ-ċuċati! https://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/06/01/demmek-mhux-tajjeb-ghax-int-pufta/
Applying for divorce procedure doesn't mean ''Hating enemies'' - it may only mean '' I WANT BACK MY LIFE'' and still continue loving once ex spouse.... Divorcing from your ex spouse is NOT a SIN. JUDGING others is a SIN, Living with you spouse, acting that marriage is perfect and then make ADULTARY is a SIN. SEXUAL ABUSE is a SIN. Divorce procedure is only a paper contract which will not lead to HELL. The anti divorce movement would have done a better job if they preached how to re-unite families rather than implementing FEAR... i have only one word for where anti divorce movement are movng now..... into a deep EREZIJA!! - which by the way this is a SIN....
And then we get people from the church claiming that there was a crusade against the church! Why is the church silent on the statements of this person who is doing untold harm to the church and its faith? This guy seems to have an absolute lack of understanding on what the church teaches in matters of concience. He wants to be a one-size-fits-all concience of us all, and the church does nothing to defend the catholics who repeatedly come under attack from this person.
Clide, il-kwistjoni kollha kienet dwar jekk il-ligi tad-divorzju ghandiex tidhol fil-ligi Maltija bhala dritt civili biex dawk ic-cittadini li jkun tfarkilhom iz-zwieg taghhom u minghajr ebda tama ta' rikonciljazzjoni,ikunu jistghu jergghu jibdew hajjithom mil-gdid wara li jkunu hadu id-divorzju ghax ikunu jistghu jizzewwgu b'mod civili,u minghajr ma jkollhom jikkoabitaw bilfors. Din il-ligi bl'ebda mod mhu ser tmiss iz-zwieg religjuz u ghallhekk min hu mizzewweg biz-zwieg kattoliku,u jaghmel uzu min dan id-dritt mhux talli jkun qed imur kontra it-taghlim tal-knisja izda wkoll ma jkunx jista jerga jizzewweg bir-rit kattoliku,ghax ghall-knisja dan ikun ghadu mizzewweg. Izda dawk kollha li jkunu izzewwgu bic-civil,ma ghandhom ebda rabta ma dak li tghid il-knisja u ghallhekk hija il-ligi civili li trid tirregolalhom dan iz-zwieg. Mela il-knisja imissha kienet aktar prudenti u tispjega aktar car u b'mod minghajr ebda biza' ta' dnubiet u mhux dnubiet halli in-nies ma kienx ikollhom interpretazzjonijiet differenti minn esponenti tal-knisja. Li tivvota favur id-dritt li din il-ligi tigi introdotta f'Malta ma jfissirx li inti favur id-divorzju,izda favur li ikun hemm ghazla ghal min ikun irid jaghmel uzu minnha. Nista ma naqbilx mieghek dwar dak kollu li tghid,izda niddefendi id-dritt tieghek li tghidu. Rigward dak li qalet dik is-sinjura,fejn qalet li ALLA hu missier in-nisrani,infakkarha li ALLA hu missier kull mahluq,sewwa jekk hu nisrani,musulman,buddist,protestant,etc.etc. ALLA mhu propjeta ta' hadd.
This buffoon seems to be extremely aware of what Christ said. Was he there at the time, when the words were uttered? Even the gospel writers did not enjoy eye-witness status.
Our Clyde here doesn't seem to realise how much damage he did to the 'No' movement with all his antics. How the church permitted this catholic fundamentalist to keep using Christ to achieve his goals is beyond comprehension. But as long as it was against divorce then everything was OK for the church.
Joe Borg
Mistoqsija wahda: "Dak li jghaqqad Alla m' ghandux jifirdu l-bniedem" Mela jekk ilkoll tghallimna li Alla huwa xempju ta perfezzjoni, ghandna nibqghu nemmnu li zwieg fallut u mkisser ghaqqdu Alla? Ma nahsibx hux! Mela jekk zwieg fallut ma ghaqqdux Alla, nemmen li ghandu jinfired.
Sur attard, hu naqra hin biex tahseb fuq dawn il-punti li gejjin u ghamel ezami tal-kuxjenza: 1. kristu IVA, abbuzi sesswali LE. x'tahseb? 2. tispjegalna ftit kif Kristu jghid "hallu kollox u imxi warajja" u l-knisja tieghu hi wahda (jekk mhux l-aktar) mill-organizazzjonijiet sinjuri fid dinja? 3. ghalfejn il-banek kattolici ma jqassmux il-mijiet ta' eluf ta' Euros (hekk mhux miljuni!) fi-profitti lill min l-aktar li ghandu bzonn kull sena, kif, jien cert, li kien jaghmel Kristu? 4. tispjegalna minn fejn gew l-artijiet li ghandha l-knisja f'Malta ghax fil bibbja ma sibt imkien passaggi ta' Kristu jghid kif ghandek issir estate agent? 5. tidhol ghal dawk il familji bi tfal zghar li minhabba is-sitwazzjoni prekarja fis socjeta qed jinqatalom id dawl u l-ilma minhabba diffikultajiet ta'flus? Ma tarax lill Kristu f'dawn in-nies? irrispondi dawn il mistoqsijiet bejnek u bejn ruhek u tasal wahdek fuq min irid jitlob mahfra lill Mulej. is semplicita li biha ghex Kristu tikkuntrasta hafna mal-kumplikazzjonijiet li biha tahdem il Knisja tieghu illum. jekk dan hu hekk minhabba li iz-zminijiet huma different minn ta' 2000 sena ilu, allura jghodd anke ghad-divorzju
Tista tghidilna minn inthom inthom? jew kemm qedghien nies? kemm tfajtu fil but b'din il kampanja qarriera ?ghax group ma tfissierx int biss, jeww qedghien 2 biss biex ikollkhom izjed xtaqsmu bejnietkhom? u bilhaqq tal Wembley garage kif dahal fijha?jew uzajtuh biss spalliera biex izzomm il-poster?
Sur Clyde Attard ammetti li hadtu tkaxkira nobis. Il poplu ma ghadux jemmen dawk l-immagini li ppruvajtu tbellewlu . Jaqaw hsibtu li ghadna fis sittinijiet.Kollox ma kollox waqqajtu l gebla fuq saqajkom ghax l knisja marret lura ghax hafna nies urew li ma tawx kas ta li kienet qeghed tghid. Issa jekk tridu taghamlu xi haga ghall gid ghatu l kontribut lejn l ligi l gdida li ser tidhol . Hawn nselli wkoll ghas sur Joe Zammit li kien jassigurana li ser jirbhu zgur tal LE
I suggest Clyde be given a special prize. THE TORQUEMADA CUP. For fighting the iniquitous
Sur Attard tista tghidilna taht liema agenda mohbija qieghed int? ta Gonzi PN? jew ta L-isqof? u jekk mhux taht l-agenda ta knisja, int kif qed titkellem fuq Alla? ha nghidlhek il-kristu ghamiltu propjeta tieghek, imma ftakar li il-kristu li nemmen fih jien huwa f'qalbi u f'ruhi u ivvutajt iva, ghax alla ma jrid il-hadd ibghati. imma il-kristu li temmen bih int huwa il-kristu ta l-istampa, ghalxej fil kmandament hemm Ma jkollokx Alla iehor ghiri, int qed tkompli tahdem kontra kristu u mhux favur kristu. isma minni ieqaf il-hazin qed taghmlu int u mhux ahna. ma ghidtilhomnx hazin meta ghidt li lill dawk li ivvutaw Le ghidtilhom fiddieli, mhux fiddieli hallewk tbellaghom kollox .
Jista jghidilna s-Sur Attard min lahhqu spokesperson ta' Sidna Gesu Kristu? B'liema dritt jitkellem b'dan il-mod? Mela Kristu sar propjeta privata ta' xi hadd? Dan ma jisthix!!! Min izzuffjetta bl-imagini ta Kristu m'ghamilx sew imma l-imagini ta' Kristu Sur Clyde zgur m'hiex taghkom. U jekk ahna li vvutajna iva irridu nirrispondu quddiem Kristu daqstant iehor trid taghmel int ghax bl-argument tieghek int ukoll nisrani "A La Carte" ghax Gesu qallek biex ma tiggudikax ghax tkun iggudikat" u int ukoll trid tirrispondi Lilu tal-hsara li ghamilt ghax Kristu qal fi kliemu stess li Jibqa jigri wara n-naghag mitlufa u min qed igerrixxlu n-nies nahseb se jsib kont bir xi jhallas quddiemu Clyde. Imisskom tisthu Gesu il-bniedem irid u wara l-bniedem jigri ghax il-knisja in-nies tfisser u mhux il-gebel jew ir-rikezzi jew xi erbgha min nies bhalek li tinqdew Bih kif jaqbel lilkom. Isthu jekk tafu!!!!
Well, some comic relief to say the least. Why do people persit in such a petty argument..... This chap keeps inflicting scars on the religion he cherishes. He ought to reflect rather then continue with this charade
What happened to the other movement? Anynews from down under?
vincent carbonaro
I abolished religion a long time ago and started thinking for myself. Please don't force religion down people's throats, it hasn't worked before and certainly won't now.
The second Maltese saint in the making: St Clyde Attard, ora pro nobis. You guys have destroyed Malta with your nonsense. I'm a Catholic but at least I'm not sick like you are.
Clyde u l-bella compania jitkellmu qishom ghandhom xi monopolju fuq Kristu. Ahjar tifthu mohhkom u turu certu umilta' lejn Kristu u t-tghalim veru tiehgu ta mhabba lejn il-proxxmu fejn anqas Hu ma ggudika qatt lil hadd u l-uniku kliem qiebes li kellu kien ghal oqbra imbajda u l-bejjiegha fit-tempju.
Here he is again, only Mr Bean comes second to you!!!! The more stupid nonsensical utterances you allow to come out of your big mouth, the lesser the people remain within the Church's fold!!!! Continue to contribute to anticlericalism!!!!!
Here he is again, only Mr Bean comes second to you!!!! The more stupid nonsensical utterances you allow to come out of your big mouth, the lesser the people remain within the Church's fold!!!! Continue to contribute to anticlericalism!!!!!
Can Mr. Clyde Wines tell us how many people his movement comprises. He has become a joke like the Pastor who is converting Gays.
Dear Clyde, The way you keep reasoning (or better pushing ) your views on your anti-Divorce brainwashing campagn is simply pathetic to say the least! The people have spoken thier OWN mind in the referendum and an absolute majority (53.5%) have rejected your views and fear and voted for Divorce. The least you can do now is to direct the brainwashing to yourself and your Le ghad divorzju team. Nobody can deny you this privilige...but for the sake of the Christ that I know, please refrain from trying to persuade us with your stupid believes. You seem to be a very persuadable person were wine is concerned(although now, I have my doubths) so I suggest you concentrate your mind on it and forget the divorce issue and accept the people's will. You have the right to believe what you like...but, DIVORCE iis a Civil right and got nothing to do whatsoever with religion. Please do us and yourself a favour and stop doing more harm (maybe without knowing) to the Catholic Church with your believes!
Dear Clyde. YOU will have to answer to Chrtist for NOT saying a single word against those priests who abused children all over the world.
For more info on this nutjob log on: https://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/06/01/parir-lill-filippini-kemm-ahna-sbieh-minn-jaf-jarana/
OK here it is: To Clyde and your colleagues. WELL DONE for the courage you have shown to present your faith and your opinions so honestly and directly, so much so that all the Maltese media felt it is relevant enough to cover it. Given the atmosphere that has suddenly developed in Malta, I think your act required quite an amount of courage. Would that our politicians have your courage! This, irrespective of the validity or not of your message. Though, sometimes I wonder, why does the image of a carpenter who, according to legend, lived 2,000 years ago and spread fairy stories around, cause so much uproar and so much of a reaction when it's shown. Strange isn't it?
So Jesus was for the imposition of Christian ideals on people who are not Christian? Well, that's certainly not my idea of Jesus. Firstly, Jesus never said that civil divorce is bad. He said that theologically a marriage before God cannot be unbound. And that marrying again is committing adultery. However one can't legally criminalize adultery, which the only sin in this situation. Clyde, why aren't we seeing you campaigning for the criminalisation of adultery? And why stop at adultery. Criminalise anything from heresy to masturbation. His argument leads to absurdity. Therefore his argument is absurd and shouldn't be considered by anyone, Christian or otherwise.
Augustine tells of a vision of seeing a little boy at a beach scooping up the ocean thimbleful by thimbleful and emptying it out on the sand. Then he sees an angel who tells him that this boy will have emptied out the entire ocean long before Augustine has exhausted what can be said about God
Dear Clyde, You do not even know what your talking about and what empty minds like yours can achieve! What happens if one does not belief in your crap! According to your fake religious beliefs he will be judged for having voted for divorce! I think that you have a very limited view of the universe and how things occur in the world. What you talk about shows your rigid and fearful indoctrination in religious sentiment!!! Who has given you the right to speak in a god's name!
Jiddispjacini nghid, imma wiehed ma jistax ikun nisrani u fl-istess hin imor kontra t-taghlim ta' Kristu u tal-Knisja. Kliem Gesu mhux facli u l-istess kliem li qal lill-appostli jaghmlu lilna wkoll, tridux titilqu intom ukoll. Ma nistax inkun nisrani ta' nof kedda, u naghzel dak li jaqbel lili biss jew kollox jew xejn. L-istess bhalma meta tappartjeni minn xi grupp partikolari, jekk trid tkun membru shih tal-grupp, trid u ma tridx imma trid toqghod ghar-regoli kollha tal-grupp. Imma tal-misthija huwa li hafna nies ma jaqblux mat-taghlim tal-knisja u mbaghad ikunu minn tal-ewwel li jmorru jcapcpu quddiem il-qaddis fil-festa. Dib vera ipokresija. Il-festi qedghin hemm mhux biex incapcpu imma biex nimitaw il-qaddis li nkunu qed niccelebraw.
Kieku t-Tribunakl tal-Knisja ma jdumx iġebbed il-kawżi ta' l-annullament daqshekk in-nies ma kienx ikollhom jirrikorru għad-divorzju. Għalfejn kawża iddum 8 u 10 snin biex tispiċċa u taqilgħu qalb il-partijiet? Għalfejn kawża fejn parti tkun ammettiet li kienet gay anki gabel iż-żwieġ iddum is-snin u tibgħatu lill-partijiet għand psikoloġisti meta l-psikoloġisti li jaħdmu għat-Tribunal għandhom mill-inqas tliet snin lura x'jaraw? Għalfejn it-Tribunal ma jdaħħalx aktar udituri ħalli jitħaffu l-ġbir tal-provi? Għalfejn dan id-dewmien kollu biex taqtgħu qalb in-nies biex tagħtuhom annullament? Dawn huma l-affarijiet li wasslu lin-nies biex jaqblu mad-divorzju kif ukoll l-arroganza ta' xi wħud li minflok jiġbdu n-nies bil-kelma t-tajba jgħajjruhom briganti u irrisponsabbli.
Mr Attard - I think you should have not even bothered connecting the microphone. Who are you to say such stupidity? Why don't you drop into the water behind you and wash your mind and mature a bit
Mr. Attard said ''Christ teaches us how to love one’s enemies'' Enemies??? who ever said that those who voted ''YES'' are your enemies. This is extreme Taliban language, which has created the ''holy'' crusades in the past and till today creates wars and hate all over the world in the name of religion. Missek tsihti.
"Catholics who campaigned against divorce satisfied that a good part of the island kept its faith." . I'm satisified on the other hand that the majority used their brain. . "Attard also said his mission to broadcast Christ’s message did not damage the anti-divorce movement’s campaign." . Still living in wonderland I see. If you try to do a poll on "worst performer for the No side", it would be a toss-up between Mario Grech and "Clyde tas-santa". . "if they used this image wrongfully to mock Christ, it’s their choice, we forgive them." . Hmmm, Clyde seems to have a severe identity problem. First he places words in Jesus' mouth, then interprets people's mockery of him (Clyde) as mockery of Christ, and finally, using the royal "We", forgives those who "mock Christ". . Clyde needs to sit in front of a mirror with his Jesus picture until he can tell them apart.
Joseph Sant
"if they used this image wrongfully to mock Christ, it’s their choice, we forgive them." . Wow! jolly nice of him! Apart from the fact that no one asked him for forgiveness, who exactly are "we"? Is that the royal we? ... or perhaps the schizofrenic we?... we as in Christ and myself? . Doesn't this person who professes to be an arch Christian realise how arrogant he is.
Clyde , why dont you stick to your wines , as this is the only thing you seem to be good at, and stop talking Bxxx sxxt.
ghamluha bla sens.....................
L-ahjar bicca baqet barra; iz zghazugh qalli Dan mhux ukoll Kliem Gesu jew ma jghodtx ghal widnejna?
Kliem sabieh ta Gesu lill wiehed zaghzugh meta qalli Forsi dan mhux kliem gesu ukoll li hadd ma jghati kasu specjalment il gerarkija tal knisja. mall kelma oqbra mbajda u farizej inzid il kliem modern Talebani fundamentalisti
Mark Fenech
Tiġġudikawx biex ma tieġux iġġudikati - qal Sidna Ġesu' Kristu.