Fenech Adami insists on moral distinction between EU, divorce referenda

Former President and Nationalist Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami has stressed the importance that MPs make a clear distinction between political and moral issues, in comparing the 2003 EU referendum with last week’s divorce referendum result.

"The issues are completely different from each other, and I make a distinction between what is a political issue and a moral one,” Fenech Adami said when asked about what position MPs should take when voting on the divorce bill.  Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has said that parliament must respect the decision taken by the electorate in last week’s referendum.

The comparison was made in the light of the 2003 referendum result, when a majority of the electorate voted in favour of Malta joining the EU, and a Fenech Adami-led government urged Labour to respect that decision.

The former Prime Minister and PN leader insisted that the EU was a political matter, and divorce was a moral matter. “The two are distinct, separate issues and must not be confused,” he stressed.

Asked however what the Prime Minister should do, given that he was against the introduction of divorce and led the PN to also take a contrary stand, Eddie Fenech Adami said it was a matter he would not go into.

Eddie + The Church = money! Read this: https://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/06/07/flus-flus-u-aktar-flus/
Between themselves EDDIE and Lawrence have raised this for you: . €5,000,000,000 national debt . That is how much thay love you and your children. That is not as far as their conscience will go it can go further and in two years time the figure will be even higher.
The former Prime Minister and PN leader insisted that the EU was a political matter, and divorce was a moral matter. “The two are distinct, separate issues and must not be confused,” he stressed. . The divorce issue is a political one because it is only concerned with civil marriage not church marriage. The usual EFA putting foward confused statements to confuse the weak in mind. What a boring man.
Fejn hi l-kuxjenza ta' Eddie? https://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/06/06/fejn-hi-l-kuxjenza-ta-gonzi/
Dan id dinosawru skadut minn fejn rega inqala? mhux ahjar ihallina bi kwietna u ma jibqax jghid ic-cucati? Issa qed jitkellem fuq il moralita? Fejn kienet il-moralita meta kien PM u saru tant hnizrijiet u korruzzjoni?
EFA, it is your fault that divorce was introduced. Malta could not do otherwise since the eu has a specific regulation on divorce as stated by Dr Joe Brincat in other media. http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20110605/local/MPs-should-stand-up-and-be-counted-on-divorce.369036 EFA: MPs should ‘stand up and be counted’ on divorce To Compliment Dr Brincat, another poster posted not only the links but also an excerpt from the Regulation. Here it is. Mr Tony Camilleri Yesterday, 22:34 This is the link for the English Maltese versions side by side. On the left you have the English and on your right you have the Maltese version. Go read it people. I wonder what the Bishops and the fidili have to say about the eu now. http://eur-lex.europa.eu/Notice.do?mode=dbl&lang=en&lng1=en,mt&lng2=bg,cs,da,de,el,en,es,et,fi,fr,hu,it,lt,lv,mt,nl,pl,pt,ro,sk,sl,sv,&val=287301:cs&page=1&hwords= Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 of 27 November 2003 concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, repealing Regulation (EC) No 1347/2000 Recognition of a judgment 1. A judgment given in a Member State shall be recognised in the other Member States without any special procedure being required. 2. In particular, and without prejudice to paragraph 3, no special procedure shall be required for updating the civil-status records of a Member State on the basis of a judgment relating to divorce, legal separation or marriage annulment given in another Member State, and against which no further appeal lies under the law of that Member State. 3. Without prejudice to Section 4 of this Chapter, any interested party may, in accordance with the procedures provided for in Section 2 of this Chapter, apply for a decision that the judgment be or not be recognised. The local jurisdiction of the court appearing in the list notified by each Member State to the Commission pursuant to Article 68 shall be determined by the internal law of the Member State in which proceedings for recognition or non-recognition are brought. 4. Where the recognition of a judgment is raised as an incidental question in a court of a Member State, that court may determine that issue. EFA YOU introduced divorce in Malta with your eu membership. Now crawl back and go hide into your hole EFA.
Il-konfessjonalita ta' Gonzi ma kienetx bizzejjed b'sahhitha sabiex id-divorzju jibqa l-boghod minn xtutna. Gonzi ghandu jitlaq.
Tony Borg
Though I do not agree with EFA I understand that legislating for divorce may be a matter of conscience for some. But in the light of the result of the consultative referendum parliamenterians who have difficulty with their conscience have only one honourable way out and that is to stay away from parliament on the day of voting thereby absenting themselves (effectively abstaining) from voting. That way a parlaimentary vote would respect the referendum result in full.
Kuxjenza tiela kuxjenza niezla ,anqas il mizew ta San gorg ma kont nismahha daqshekk, ara li hadu 500 euros fil gimgha ,ma kellhomx kuxjenza fejn cikku l-poplu ha biss 1.16 euros Halluna.
I hope people start to understand what kind of dangerous reasoning EFA is applying. This is Christian fundamentalism. Let us put the end to this confessional ideology.
Nahseb li ta' Fenech Adami m'ghandhomx x'jambuh id-divorzju. Kemm ifaqqghu subghajhom u jiehdu l-annullament. Meta haseb li t-tfal tieghu seta kellhom bzonn ligi tal-koabitazzjoni ma qadx ilaqlaq dwar kuxjenza. Il-kuxjenza fejn irid ghandha qoxra iebsa ghax ma jidhjirx li niggzitu mela qal li jaf min qatel lil Karen Grech. Baqa ma zvelax. Kuxjenza tal konvenjenza.
Isabelle Borg
Biex tiskongra trident tkun pur. Hallina Dward.
Biex qed tiskantaw l-ahwa! Mela nsejtu li meta anke guri spicca kontra x-xewqa ta' EFA kienu qalu li s-sistema tal-gurati hija hazina!!!! Pero jkolli naqbel mieghu li dawn iz-zewg issues: ir-rizultati tar-referenda (dik tal EU u tad-Divorzju) huma tnejn kompletament differenti. Wahda nqisha bhala decizjoni politika u l-ohra decizjoni marbuta mal valuri ta dak li jkun. Ghalhekk issa irrid nara jekk Gonzipn hux ser ibiegh il-valuri tieghu ghal poter. Jekk vera jemmen kif kien jghid li d-divorzju jkisser il-familja, jekk jemmen f'dak li tghid il knisja allura ghandu jsosni l-pozizzjoni tieghu u jmur kontra r-rieda tal-poplu. imbghad halli jiggudikah l-istess poplu. Nahseb jaqbel li ahjar titlef il-poter milli ruhek!!! Kuragg Dr Gonzi ibqa ghid le!!! L-ahjar triq ghalik jekk temmen hija li tmur għal elezzjoni bikrija u twieghed li tnehhi id-divorzju jekk tinghata mandat iehor. Hu cans. Hemm min miet martri ghal twemminu billi tissogra l-poter x'fiha.
Krista Sullivan
Is EFA losing faith in his prodigal son Dr. Gonzi ? (no not beppe).. we find him speaking out all the more often lately...
Dawn jafu jisthu dawn in-nies? Dan l-istess persuna li dejjem ghajjat bir-rieda tal-maggoranza u ghamel bsaten fir-roti kemm felah bejn 1981-1987 kontra gvern legittimu li mexxa skond il-kostituzzjoni? Mela l-maggoranza ta' dak iz-zmien kellha xi haga specjali mill-maggoranza tal-lum? Bl-argument ta' Dr. Fenech Adami ir-rizultat tar-referendum ta l-Ewropa ukoll kellu min ivvota kontra jew ma vvutax imma xorta dahhal lil kulhadd fl-Ewropa ghax dik riedet il-maggoranza. Imma issa le, issa mhux il-maggoranza imma l-kuxjenza. Dak kollu li sar f'dan il-Pajjiz meta Dr. Fenech Adami kien P.M. kollu ghamlu skond il-kuxjenza???? L-ipokresija grassa li qed naraw ma titwemminx.
Dr Gonzi ..iktar ma thalli nies bhall dan jitkellmu ( din bhall ma gara fir-referendum bil-knisja) iktar titlef voti, in-nies tqazzu b'din it-tip ta ippokrezija , Dr Fenech Adami li kien ghamel lilu inifsu President missu jalaq halqu u jirrispeta id-decizjoni tal-poplu! U xi haga ohra Dr Gonzi Dr Sant kien l-ikbar ragel meta kien hemm xi hadd u beda jipprova jigbidlu l-ispaga ! Ghoqod attent ghax ahjar titlef u tkun ragel milli tibqa imsemmi fl-istorja bhala laqi u pinnur!
Is this dinosour still around? This man has the guts to speak about morality? Let's see about that. What type of morality this man had when he lied before the general election on DR.Alfred Sant,and which lies was confermed in court and earned him an officail certificate that he was a liar? What type of morality he had,when he gave a presidential pardon to his friend Zeppi, person that had good qualities and less good qualities? What morality this man had,whenunder his government,political transfers were the order of the day?(I was one who recieved this present from his government). What morality had this man,when promotions were only for the blue eyed boys? I was one of those that reffered this injustice to the ombudsman and won my case. Where was your morality,when there was three annulments awarded to members of your family through the fast lane? Why don't you shut up? Who cares what you say anymore? The more you speak of morality,the more it shows what a great hypocrite you are. The sooner you get out of the public scenario the better.
To my regret Dr. Fenech Adami appears to be dangerously swaying towards authoritarianism now. Whilst he carefully invokes the absolute political authority to a special group for the purpose of ruling the society, he nonetheless attempts to influence the course of the greater events, suggesting that 'his' 'morality' are the absolute; but shouldn't Democratic 'Politics' meant to reflect the 'ethics' of the 'Polis' (Poly ethicos), were the individual is held to be more important then the State ... ?
You have caused the destruction of everything we had with eu membership. Your laissez-faire policies have destroyed Maltese families. You got 3 annulments for your family members. Two in the 3 years for one family member. Go back and hide in your hole.
Ma kienetx problema morali li l-hbieb tal-hbieb dejjem hadu kollox u jiena bil-kwalifiki kollha bqajt l-art...dik mhux problema morali...illum grazzi ghaliha nillapazza biex nghix lil familja...nesa fit-tmeninijiet meta kull persuna li kien fil-pulizija u fl-armata ircevew karta...GHAL KULL DAQQA LI TAGHTU LILL-ULIEDNA NAGHTU GHAXRA LILL-ULIEDKOM!!! Insieh il-moralista!! Nesa l-islogan ta' qabel l-ellezzjoni tal-1996!! KAP WIEHED, PAJJIZ WIEHED U POPLU WIEHED...dan ma jiddeqjax li jfakkarna fl-estremismu tal-Germanju fit-tieni Gwerra!! Sib Hobby!!
Ffenech Adami mhux ahjar toqod kwiet u tgawdi l penzjoni!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kemm hu tad-daħq dar-raġel! Min hu? L-Inkwiżitur?
Zack Depasquale
U x jinterresana x jghid dinosawru. Jista dan id-dinosawru tal-politika Maltija jghidilna kif jahsibha dwar iz-ziedet li hadu il-ministri u l-Primministru. Jista jkun car dan id-dinosawru u jghidilna jekk huwiex qieghed jghid li l-parlament ghandu jmur kontra ir-rieda tal-maggoranza li vvotat il-gimgha l-ohra Dan il hafna dawrien bin-numri huwa kollu diskors fieragh ghaliex hadd ma zamm lill-hadd li ma jmurx jivvota fir-referendum. Jien konvint illi kieku il-Partit Nazzjonalista ma kkondizjonax lin-nies tieghu biex jivvotaw le ir-referendum kien jghaddi b'hafna iktar. Dan issa jrid jitkellem fuq kuxjenza? jaf kemm il-transfer vendikkativ inghata fi zmienu bhalha Prim Ministru lill-nies li ma kienux jaqblu mal-politika tieghu? Ex Presidenti ohra kienu ta' liema opinjoni politika kienu wara il-Presidenza irtiraw mix-xena u hallew il-istorja tiggudikhom. Dan sa l-ahhar irid jibqa bl-istil paternalistiku tieghu illi jghid hu biss tajjeb. Gonzi qieghed sewwa u l-dan ikompli jfizzlu ghandu bzonn.Hallina Dward nghixu u nhallsu id-dejn li hallejt warajk.
Raymond Falzon
Mhux ahjar tmur torqod ? Jew tati xi mahfra ohra lil Zeppi il Hafi ? Issa Int Bloqt halli il hajja lil minn irrid jghixa.
The winds of change are blowing. Deborah Schembri is just the first proof. We're past the time when everything the PN does is good and the PL does is bad. http://mazzun.wordpress.com/
Of course! When a referendum is pushed by EFA himself, politicians are morally bound to accept its result, but when it goes against EFA's wishes, they're not. . Some moralist!
EU referendum had its negative effects too and it did break up families and ruined business, so indirictly it is a malady to society. it is a matter of how one addresses the issues. sad to hear EFA speak like this, after the outcry for freedom. a referendum is called to decide on whether the country should go for a decision to introduce a law or a political direction. once the decision has been taken, it is now up to parliament to introduce such laws in the best interest to all parties involved. the consistant nays at the PN are only doing further harm to the party and its democratic idealogy. all the NO that are sticking to their decision after the yes result. know best what they should do . but definitly not harm further the PN.
Eddie, dear, it's time to relax a bit. Slouch on your sofa with a cuppa tea and a nice book about Secularism or "Conscience - the true story of an abused word"
Paul Sammut
Dejjem falz u qarrieq bl-erghuq u xnixel kien u hekk baqa L-ewwell nixxef il-kaxxa tal-poplu Malti u halla hofra akbar min barriera. Issa jrid jichad futur ahjar ghall min ghandu bzonn. Bniedem egoist li jghawweg u jfotti kief jaqbel lilu. Ghax ma jarmax ufficcju min fejn iqassam l-annullamenti. Fdal-qasam forsi ghandu esperjenza sewwa. Iil-bqija ftit ftit ghadhom jaghtu kasu.
@falzonsilvio u tal-Vigarju Generali ukoll
Ghadhu jridha ta kap , ta mexxej, ta President u ta Prim Ministru?:) Il-Kavallier ;-)
Min hu l-prim ministru ta Malta Edward fenech Adami jew Lawrence Gonzi? Min qed imexxi lil min? Ghadhu jridha ta ka , ta mexxej, ta President u ta Prmim Ministru. Mela ma tnizziliex li KULL BIDU GHANDU T-TMIEM!? What Has a Beginning Has An End.
The EU referendum had amongst other things, huge moral implications similar to the divorce referendum. . One consequent obligation was that Malta had to apply EU legislation on divorce as it had to recognise divorces obtained in the other 26 EU states. . During the integration referendum of 14 February 1956, which similar to the EU referendum concerned Malta’s future linkage to another foreign country, the PNChurch maintained that everyone should vote no as divorce will be introduced in Malta as a matter of course if the referendum was won. The moral argument was implied in the political argument. . So where is the consistency of the PN? In the 1956 referendum it maintained a vote against for moral reasons, in the 2003 it maintained a yes vote for political issues while in last month’s referendum it went for a no vote again for moral reasons. All involved divorce issues. . It is obvious that with EU membership, which Dr Fenech Adami likes to be remembered with, divorce in Malta had to be introduced as a matter of course. The moral and political issues in these three referenda have been intertwined couldn’t be isolated.
he is edward not eddie :)
@ olga int edt jinbidlu in-nies, mela ma tafx li ix-xjuhija ghamlet tahha? darba kien addu fuq tijaw imma dwardu kien sa hansitra mar jattaka mara, wara li hareg mil qorti haha
Just one question if I may. Why is Pres. Emeritus. Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami being given so much importance? He did his share for the country, he led this country towards being a full EU member - but now his time is up. Thank you for giving your share but please do realize that politics evolve and the days of Fortunato Mizzi, Nerik Mizzi ecc, the days of the old guard Democrazia Cristiana, the days of religio e patria have long been over and now it's time to call it a day and let this country be led by secular and democratic people!!! Also please note the importance that separation of powers between church (which along the years has succeeded to do a lot of damage) and the state should be the order of the day.
Dear Edward Fenech Adami . All political decisions are moral decisions! . Moral decisions are not the same as religious decisions. . If religion - qua religion - had an absolute stand on human morality - there wouldn't be so many of them that differ so much. Therefore religion (only belongs to the religious) should not be the basis for everyone's personal and social morality.
Jista' l-emminenza tieghu l-ex President ta' Malta, li se jibqa jissemma fost l-ohrajn ghal-mod-partigjan li agixxa bih anke wara li temm il-kariga ta' President, x'irid jghid biha din tad-differenza bejn iz-zewg referenda? Bla dubju li bhal bniedem li ilu fil-politka ghal nofs seklu, jista' jidhol aktar u aktar fid-dettal u mhux sepliciment jghaddi kumment xott xott. . Nistennew u naraw kif se jirnexxilu jdawwar l-argument kif jaqbel lilu...
Ma jaqtax qalbu Edward, nammirah. Wara li tal 'LE' warbuh u hbewh waqt il-kampanja tar-Referendum, issa jidher li jrid ikompli jiggieled wahdu. Nesa kemm kien jipriedka li 'ir-rieda tal-poplu trid tigi rispettata. Kemm jinbidlu n-nies nghid.
Why doesn't the Emeritus remain permanently in hibernation? Who asked for his opinion?. His political day are now well over.
U Dr. Fenech Adami mhux dejjem kif jaqbillu qal u ghamel. Sewwa mela ghidilna ftit jekk dan ir-referendum gabx il-maggoranza ta' l-elettorat? Ghax jekk ha tghid ghax kien hemm 21% li ma vvutawx ( u lil dawn hadd ma qallhom biex ma jivvutawx anzi bil-kontra, anke l-knisja heggithom biex johorgu jivvutaw) allura bl-istess argument tkun qed tati ragun lil Dr. Alfred Sant rigward ir-referendum ta' l-Ewropa. U tigix tghidli llum li m'ghandhomnx x'jaqsmu ghax dawbn it-tnejn referendum kienu. Ara veru dejjem l-istess iddawru r-rota kif jaqblilkom, pero' llum il-poplu immatura u m'ghadux jibla r-ross bil-labra, lanqas bl-imgharfa, dak iz-zmien spicca, dak sar storja u llum il-poplu mmatura hafna u kapaci jiehu decizjonijiet li jidhirli li huma tajbin ghalih. Nahseb li llum (forsi zbaljat) Dr. Fenech Adami qed jinduna li zbalja meta witta t-triq lil Dr. L. Gonzi biex jiehu postu bhala leader.