Divorce lobby unfazed by reports of €250,000 Church donation for ‘No’ campaign

The anti-divorce lobby does not appear to be in a hurry to disclose the origins of its referendum campaign funding, after Labour media this week said the Maltese archdiocese provided it with €250,000 in campaign funds.

One News’s report was not met with a denial by Kevin Papagiorcopulo, the Church’s public relations officer who has returned to work with the Curia after spending a month campaigning with Zwieg Bla Divorzju.

On the other hand, Andre Camilleri – the movement’s figurehead – is adamant about not taking questions on matters not related to his professional role as deputy chairman of the Malta Financial Services Authority.

And Arthur Galea Salomone, the Stock Exchange chairman who in the last weeks of the divorce referendum campaign took over as figurehead from Camilleri, has told this newspaper that the origins of the funding will be revealed “in due course.”

Camilleri had told The Times that Zwieg Bla Divorzju received “a lot of help from people who have certain political and religious beliefs” mainly from SMS donations. The Church offered the movement a parish to conduct its campaign, and Camilleri said the movement will publish what it spent and where it came from.

On Monday, Camilleri said he would not take questions before 5:30pm, but when asked if we could get in touch with him after that time, Camilleri said he would be visiting his notary later. Attempts to get him to suggest a suitable time proved futile. “The movement now is no longer,” Camilleri said.

Treasurer William Buckle told MaltaToday he was not at liberty to comment on whether the Maltese archdiocese had forwarded it €250,000 for its campaign. “We’re still compiling the list [of payments]… it is not ethical for me to divulge such information having been given this role.”

Papagiorcopulo has also told One News that the movement would be publicising its accounts without confirming or denying the €250,000 transfer the movement is believed to have received from the Curia.

Apart from the Church’s public relations officer bolstering the anti-divorce campaign team, several other Church figures lent their support to the movement. Dr Anna Vella, the president of the Church’s marriage preparation organisation Cana Movement; TV presenter Joyce Cassar from the CAM production house of the Missionary Society of St Paul; and Fr Joe Borg, the founder of Church media house Media Centre and formerly the Archbishop’s delegate for social communication.

People like Andre Camilleri and Arthur Galea Salomone also had close ties to the Church. Camilleri was formerly president of the forum for Catholic organisations, a representative on the Archbishop’s diocesan representative council, and also a member of the Archdiocese’s commission for the implementation of the Synod. Galea Salomone, like Camilleri before him, is a director of the board of APS Bank (Apostleship of Prayer Savings Bank), the archdiocese’s bank.

Additionally, the Church’s delegates teamed up with members of the Nationalist party and the government in their campaign. Anton Attard, the chairman of the Public Broadcasting Services and formerly the prime minister’s campaign manager in 2008, was consulted almost immediately in the campaign. Former Air Malta chairman and Misco pollster Lawrence Zammit revealed himself to have been part of the campaign when the result of the referendum was announced. And Claudio Grech, the chairman of the Malta IT Agency and formerly head of Austin Gatt’s secretariat, had been assisting Zwieg Bla Divorzju’s campaign from the very start. Even the deputy Cabinet secretary Frans Borg – brother to Joe – took two months’ vacation leave to assist in the campaign.

il-knisja ta alla hija biex tghin in nies u mhux biex tirkeb in nies. jekk jibdew izzarmaw id dehebijiet jigbru flus kemm irriedu, jistghu immorru ghand il gold market, dak bhalissa qed jaghti lahjar prezz.
Jien ma naghtix centezmu iehor il-knisja, lanqas fis sassla ta waqt il-quddies, u lanqas immur. misshom jisthu, imbaghad hargu jittalbu minghand il-popplu li ma ghandhomnx.
John Azzopardi, Why don't you take the Journalist to court? If he is offending you have every right to do just that.
A Catenian network - covering up for friends, as well as friends of friends - all united in the faith...
Kieku inqas min 250,000 ga hargu jghidu li ONE NEWS gideb. Jigifieri probabli iktar.
Imma possibbli l poplu ma jindunax x M...A organizzata huma dawn il klikka ta nies!!!! Possibbli ghadkom temmnu li (skond huma) din hi il vera knisja li waqqaf Sidna Gesu!!!!Jekk ma tafux din klikka ivvintat lilha nnifisha ur regoli taghha il fuq minn 300mitt sena wara li miet Kristu.U fuq kollox Gesu fil vangelu qalilna li l hziena tarafhom minn ghemilhom. Issa. @Jason ruhi, kemm int vojt. Kulhadd jaf li dawk il flus huma flus li irnexxielhom jisolhu milnghand il fidili fil quddies, tberik, purgatorji (li ma jezistux) u qrid iehor.Mhux minghandi ta. imma bilhaq!! gidmuni wkoll. IL wirt tan nanna miskina fi zmien il latin.
@fehmawvuci, Thank you for recommending the book THE CHURCH THAT FORGOT CHRIST by Jimmy Breslin. i have read it and i can assure it is an eye opener, this is a religion that hurts its faithful more then heals them ,financially spiritually and emotionally it is an EVIL organization. " it is the distorted dogma, meaningless rules, rituals and ceremonies supersede the spiritual nurturing and well-being of faithful trusting souls." Malta needs to wake up and let go of this despicable cult.
Tellling the truth is called church bashing now. Maybe we should turn a blind eye to corruption of democracy or abuse of children. Take people who tell the truth to Court ? You did not take to court child abusers and you want to take a someone to court for revealing the truth ? Why should you get so excited now that they mentioned money? Maybe because one wonders why the church gets so many millions of tax payers money without their consent ? Mr Azzobpardi - did you check the definition of scum bag recently? If the Church gave money to the lobby - this should have been public knowledge from Day 1. Some comments below show why we have problems in this country. To dumb to understand basic principles. Its not the amount that is the issue - it could have been half the amount or ten times the amount - the issue is that this knowledge should be public. The church was caught deceiving and cheating once again to deny us basic liberties. The dark ages finished centuries ago in the rest of the world, but not in Malta. The number one failing in this country is that the population has NO CONCEPT of principles, of RIGHT or WRONG, of safe guards to protect democracy. Centuries of foreign rule and centuries of church rules have bred the perfect Maltese IDIOT. They say you can fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time. The Maltese idiot can be fooled ALL OF THE TIME.
Il-ghala dal-habi kollu?
malta today, enough of the church bashing. You are going too far now. Will the Journalist of Malta Today get a real job and report the news and not sensationalist. You are starting to offend now. Maybe we should take you to court.
@Jason min tahseb li qied IXEWWEX Jason RUHI tal Malta Today jew l-isqof ta Ghawdex Mons Mario Grech li hareg jghajjar lil dawk li ser jivvotaw IVA bid dnub il mejjet id dnub il mejjet qed jghamlu HUWA ( Mario Grech L-Isqof ) meta jaf li MADWARU ghandu qassisin li Abbusaw mit tfal u flok INNEHHIJHOM jitfahhom go parrocci ohra Dak huwa mhux dnub MEJJET sur Isqof Mario Grech imma SAGRILECC (2) mela sewwa Jason Ruhi il knisja TOKROB li ma ghandiex FLUS ghat tfal tal providenza u biex tat 250,000 ewro ghal kampanja MOQZIEZA ghandha Nahseb li mintiex TGHIX MALTA Jason RUHI nahseb li qed TGHIX fil QAMAR
What kind of reporting is this? The headline states that the "Divorce lobby (is) unfazed .." but the report itself does not even mention them once. . Prosit Matthew. Another masterpiece.
Il-MaltaToday teċċella fit-tixwix! X'inhuma €250,000 illum? Ħadd ma talabkom xejn minn butkom u ħadd minnkom ma ta sold. U xorta tridu tindaħlu. Ara vera hawn erba' minnkom, skużi l-espressjoni, bassa.
250 grand out of the window. Just one of the MANY reasons I do NOT donate money to this evil orginasation.
Il qahba!!!! Vera tar ruh eh!!! Imbaghad jghidu li il knisja il flus qed jonqsulha.
Ma nafx kif il knisja Maltija ma JISTHUX jitkelmu biex taw 250,000 ewro ghal kampanja tal LE il knisja kellha flus fil waqt ghad Dar Tal Providenza DEJJEM JOKORBU LI MA GHANDHOMX lil l-Isqof ta Ghawdex Mons Grech nghidlu taf min ghamel DNUB (SAGRILECC ) mhux min ivvota iva ghad divorzju imma il kapijiet tal knisja li JAFU li ghandhom QASSISIN li JABBUZAW mit tfal u flok TEFAWHOM XIMKIEN REGAW TEFAWHOM go parrocci ohra bhal dak li qallu dawn il qassisin l-ewwel ABBUZAW min tfal ezempju mil Hamrun imbad bdew JABBUZAW min tfal ta parrocca ohra Hekk sewwa MONS ARCISQOF GRECH
I voted IVA in the referendum and what irritates me is the fact that my money contributions I give to the church during mass went to fund a cause that worked against my wishes. It is like asking for money from a person you intend to shot with a gun bought by the money he gave you.
There is a book titled THE CHURCH THAT FORGOT CHRIST by Jimmy Breslin. Anyone who is interested in knowing how far this institution has gone wrong should read this book.
Anthony Galea
Il-huta min rasha tinten jghid il-Malti. And here we have the deputy chairman of the Malta Financial Services Authority and the Stock Exchange chairman being less than transparent while both the MFSA and the MSE insist in transparency from everybody else. A veritable case of "Do what I preach not what I do." Prosit tassew. Haqqkon Gieh iz-Zarbuna t-tnejn l'inhom.
dawn il kocrocc ghalek ghandom flus. biex tarmaw knisja kolla deheb u karozzi ta lussu ghandkom. biex tejxu gewwa djar li jiswew miljuni ta euro ghandkom tridu tkunu ta ezempju biex tatu ezempju. ftit zmien fadlilkom u tispicaw darba ghal dejjem. ahjar taraw xinu jintqal fil knisja mil qasisin u twaqfuom qabel ma ikun tard wisq ghax thalsu inies biex jibdew jisimaw il paroli vojt takom.
What professionalisim. The Vice Chairman MFS avoids question about funds for the no campaign. The same for Salamone chairman of the stock exchange by jove. I hope they are able to issue an income and expense account. At least confirn on the deny the news of Super One. In fact you were so bloody cocky during the campaign, why don't report One News to the Police and have Rizzo arrest all the newsroom. Nothing will happen, let me tell you why. In all this divorce saga you were only pawns, puppets on a string and gun fodder. You let the big players use you as a front. Now the battle is lost all the rats are scurring off the ship. Really I am sorry for you as I am sure you are very honest people. To be left in the lurch by the two Bishops, Fr.Joe Borg, Mon. Gouder and the whiz kid Tabone is really not on. You all were short shrifted. Now threre's conscience for you.
B'dawn il - flus, il - kurja sehtet ghinet koppji godda biex intaffulhom il - pizijiet li qed ingeluhom jiddhlu ghalihom. Illum trid tidhol f' dejn fenominali biex issib bejta.
Ordain women. Consecrate women. They could not possibly do as bad a job as these clowns.
Is the local church following in the steps of Jesus Christ - her founder?
This headline is an insult to the faithful who donate their hard earned money to a religious institution that uses their donations to try and deny them their civil rights. As long as those donations keep rolling into the treasury of the Curia, the arrogance of this institution will remain. Wake up Malta!
So much for "Żwieġ bla Divorzju" being a secular movement.
Read this on the Zwieg Bla Divorzju funding! https://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/06/07/flus-flus-u-aktar-flus/
€250,000 could have helped so many people in need! This is even more horrifying than the €51,000 silver tabernacle built at the Nadur parish!
Questions for the church to answer : 1. How much cash did the church and it's affiliates give to the NO movement? Did it all come from "Malta" sources? 2. Who are the lawyers banned from representing their clients in front of the church tribunal? 3. Is the ban on Dr Schembri still in force? 4. Did the people who voted YES commit a sin or didn't they? Do they have to go to confession? Can they receive Holy Communion? 5. Would the Church oppose to changes in the constitution and the laws of Malta, if they were brought up to date in line with what is acceptable in a secular state.
I guess that the Church did not receive any foreign financial help, did it not? The public would like to know, but wishful thinking!!!! it will not be disclosed!