[VIDEO] Air Malta employees offered voluntary retirement in August

Hundreds of Air Malta employees have been told that a voluntary retirement scheme is to be issued throughout all the airline's departments during August.

A meeting held for Air Malta employees at the Dolmen Hotel in Qawra ended in applause for newly appointed chairman Louis Farrugia and chief executive Peter Davies, who reportedly stressed that they have a "plan" to revive the airline.

The two hour meeting, which was closed to the media informed the workers that a voluntary redundancy scheme will be issued to all workers in all sections of the airline during August.

The scheme is to target the shedding of 511 jobs according to workings conducted by consultants Ernst & Young over the past months.

MaltaToday is informed that should the scheme not attract enough workers, then the airline would be inclined to resort to a Plan B that, whereby the principle of 'last in, first out' will be adopted.

Commenting to the media at the end of the media, chairman Louis Farrugia expressed his satisfaction that the meeting was "very cordial" and proved how important communication with the workers was at this time.

"I am very satisfied that we have managed to produce a very fruitful communication excercise," Farrugia said as he left the Dolmen Hotel, while chief executive Peter Davies attempted to dodge the media by insisting on a "no comment."

Davies was reported to have promised the workers that he could turn the company around and promised to keep trade unions involved in the whole process of restructuring.

Workers were given a presentation of the state of affairs at the airline which was given a €52 million loan by government last December to keep it afloat.

The General Workers' Union threatened yesterday that industrial action would be ordered if government does not "guarantee" the absorbtion of the workers to be laid off. The Union Haddiema Maghqudin (UHM) also urged government to absorb the redundant workers.

Busloads of employees arrived in Qawra, with many of the workers expressing their anxiety over their fate with the company.

“I really want to know what is going to happen, I have been with the company for the past 33 years,” said a loader who preferred to keep anonymity before he entered the meeting.

Many others expressed concern about their mortgages, and families.

Dominic Azzopardi, president of the airline pilots association (ALPA) told MaltaToday that a meeting for his members is scheduled for July 5 to discuss the way forward.

Air Malta security personnel made sure that no media would get into the building, and ensured that all those attending produce their Air Malta identity tags to gain access to the meeting.

The management has organised a reception for the workers at the end of the meeting.

Solidarity, Air Malta has subsidised many throughout the years. The Private Hotel owners let Air Malta down when shove came to push. When Air Malta started making heavy losses a big outcry was made in the press. Its time for Air Malta to restructure and move on to make profits. Its time to look after itself and no one else. Probably the Government will have to sell the bulk of its shares.That will be a good thing for the Airline and the remaining workforce. No government is there to run commercial entities. In the case of cargo subsidies Air Malta should charge commercial market rates. After all 551 workers are losing their job with Air Malta.
Solidarity, Air Malta has subsidised many throughout the years. The Private Hotel owners let Air Malta down when shove came to push. When Air Malta started making heavy losses a big outcry was made in the press. Its time for Air Malta to restructure and move on to make profits. Its time to look after itself and no one else. Probably the Government will have to sell the bulk of its shares.That will be a good thing for the Airline and the remaining workforce. No government is there to run commercial entities. In the case of cargo subsidies Air Malta should charge commercial market rates. After all 551 workers are losing their job with Air Malta.
@ boxer you mean the PN needs to find an excuse not to attend parliament and take their wages for staying home as they did between 1981 and 1987 then they say he PL galerija
Il gvern wieghed il haddiema tal Air Malta xoghol mal gvern u hekk ghandu ikun ghax wara kollox l Air Malta falliet bic cuucati u nies inkompitenti li apponta l gvern. Lil haddiema intohom il kuragg u nejdulhom biex fl elezzjoni li gejja juzaw mohhom. Gonzi u shabu iridu iwarbu u jaghmlu 100 sena fl oppozizzjoni ghax lanzqas ghal hemm ma huma tajbin
By freebies will they include SG THomson export cargo? If yes will SG Thomson leave Malta and we wil see another 2000 workers unemployed?
qrajt li Air Malta daqsek tickets bxejn ghal MPs, lil tonio tal madona ma fottewhx ghax xorta jirkeb bxejn ma shabu tal private jet.
"The management has organised a reception for the workers at the end of the meeting." U leee!!! qishom meta kienu jibaghtu in-nies lejn l-Awstralja....bil-banda! Can't workers see that the "management" is trying to quiet them down and to divide them? On a different note, can anyone who was present confirm that the Chairman Louis Farrugia ended his talk with the slogan "Together everything is possible"? Just asking: Yes or No?
@ Mark Navarro "Din l-elezzjoni li gejja l-elettorat li ha jghati fiducja ghal l-ewwel darba lil PL ghandu jkun konvint bid- decizjoni tieghu u ma jhalliex telefonati flahhar mumenti jdawrulu l-hsieb ghax ta GonziPN jeccelaw fi "Sweet talks".! Dan il-partit tal parolili jissejjah demoKRISTJAN ma tistax tafdah iktar ghax qaxxar u falla pajjiz.Fejn qatt wiehed kien jobsor li l-AirMalta minn kumpanija hekk bsahhita ser tispicca fi stat hekk tal biki, falluta? Ghalhekk il pn ma tistax tafdah bit tmexxija ta pajjizna iktar, MHUX FL-ELEZZJONI LI IMISS BISS IN NIES GHANDHOM JIVVOTAW LABOUR, IZDA TA L-INQAS F'DAWN IT-TLETT ELEZZJONIJIET LI GEJJIN, HALLI FORSI DAWN IL-VAMPIRI LI SARU MILJUNARJI MINN FUQ DAHRNA JIEHDU TGHALIMA.
Luke Camilleri
Baqra mahluba u meqruda bla ebda rieda li jigu salvati l-impjiegi! . Kapulavur iehor ta' tmezxija state-of-art Gonzipn bic-cwiec ta' Chairmen, Bordijiet ta' Diretturi, Management Nazzjonalista mahurin minnGonzipn! . Imbghad jghidu ta' Gonzili ghandhom kuxjenza u ruh socjali! . U halluna! Min qieghed jithaq b'min! Qedin tbikku pajjiz...anki anki inkhom u xi wiehed bhal Kaxxier ta' Gonzi qieghed jisma' il-biki..... tal-familji Maltin!
Dr Gonzi b’din il-mossa kattiva tal- llum kontra l-haddiema tal- AirMalta wera kemm huwa bla qalb u insenssittiv. L-ahbar li ha jigu sensjati b'mod ufficjali 511 il- haddiem meta bghatilhom ittra ta garanzijan tax-xoghol qabel l-elezzjoni wriet bic-car li il-kliem sabih tieghu jghiduwlek biex jigborlok il vot. Issa anka ma min ghandu confectionery qabad! Ma nafx fejn irridu naslu! Qabad ma tal-Monti, tal linja, tat-taxis, tal- heirs,tal- minibusses,dahak bil- haddiema tal GO, kecca lil haddiema kollha ta Selmun Palace meta hemm sidt barrani lest li jixtri l-lukanda u jimpjega lhaddiema. Qabad ma Learning Support Assistants gol-iskejjel gelghom jerghu japplikaw mil- gdid min ilhu inqas min 4 snin fil- kariga. Qieghed jittratta lil- pulizija b'mod hazin hafna meta ilu ma jhallashom tal -overtime zmien. Kecca lil tat- tarzna, u lis- sidien tal fabbriki ghollilhom il- kera ghal madwar 150% iktar. Il Gvern ta Gonzi qieghe jkisser lill- poplu kollhu meta zied it tariffi tad-dawl u l-ilma b'mod drastiku u ghamel taxxa qawwija fuq il fuel li ghal kull eur20 johodlok 12eur taxxa. Issa rega gholla tarriffi tat- Transport Malta u fuq kollox il- licenzja tal karozza dejjem tizied fis- sena! Apparti it- tarriffi esagerati tal-MEPA u taxxa fuq is- siment li qeghda tkisser lil “first time buyer”. Nehha is sussidji fuq il-Gas, dawl u ilma u minflok ma ta il-vawċers tal-enerġija huwa nehha dawn il-vouchers li jammontaw għal 11million fis-sena. Fil-qrib l-Gvern ha jintroduci "Second Pillar Pension" jigifieri jkonna tnaqqis obligatorju fil-pagi taghna ghax tghola iktar il-bolla ghal kullhadd, din habbara il-ministru Tonio Fenech! Ghalhekk hbieb ma nistghu qatt nergghu nafdaw it tmexxija ta dan il-pajjiz lil Lawrence Gonzi ghax ghaddej bhal gaffa min fuq kullhadd. Austin Gatt lis- Sliemizi b'ton Arroganti qallhom "Jekk tridu, pparkjaw ghand il-Midi jew Pembroke" . Il PL ghandu mexxej onest, gust u serju li mhux ha jsiru mirakli imma perswaz li ma jkomplux jitkissru familiji. Din l-elezzjoni li gejja l-elettorat li ha jghati fiducja ghal l-ewwel darba lil PL ghandu jkun konvint bid- decizjoni tieghu u ma jhalliex telefonati flahhar mumenti jdawrulu l-hsieb ghax ta GonziPN jeccelaw fi "Sweet talks".!
Ergajna ser insolvu il problemi bil flus tat tax payer. Donna li din hija l-unika haga li jispikka fija il PN fil gvern. Isodd halq il haddiema bil famuza golden handshake.
Ministru Fenech x'qed tghidlek il Madonna dwar il biki ta madwar 500 familja? Nitlob lill Sidtna Marija Immakulata tidhol Hi ghal dawn il familji f'mument tant difficli. Kuragg hbieb taqtux qalbkhom. Min suppost ghex hajtu kollha madwar suttani u slaleb m'ghandu l-ebda rimors ta dawn il familji . Ghiduli hbieb dawk l-irgiel, missirijiet x'jibqa fihom meta jmorru dar mninghajr paga. Mhux biss il Madonna tibki imma anke l-blat.
jekk hawn malta tghajjar lil ministru buffu bhal ma ghamlu l'italia malajr jarestawk. ghax hawn malta stat polizjesk, dik il liberta li gabna fija gonzi. ghara gonzi mux ha jihu skemma ta irttirar forsi il pajjiz jistrieh minnhu.
Gonzi jiftahar tant b'shiehbu beruscolni (ta listess partit tijaw imma go litalia) imma gharaw xinnu jigri go l'italia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pFjw72v_lc (il ministru taljan jghajjar li nies) mentri il ministru malti tonio fenech jghajjar lil maltin cwiec, dawn id-demokristjani pezza wahda.
Hope an equitable solution is found to these workers. Who could have ever imagined that a viable company which used to earn millions every year would be brought to its knees because of a string of wrong decisions taken by past chairmen and their board of directors? Obviously these were chosen not because of their competence but because of their alliance to the PN. Remember that Gonzi promised Air Malta workers before the last election that their jobs were safeguarded so Gonzi is morally bound to give them an alternative decent job.
Mministru Fenech, tghid il Madonna qieghda tibki issa wara li trid tkecci l Maltin mil Air Malta u timpjega lil barranin
MALTA - is-serpentina tal-lokki tad-dinja. Kullhadd jitfa milli jkollu fija - imbghad meta tinstadd, imbghad naraw.
Mr Hart with 500 000 euro salary is not capable to face the workers?