New SUV car fleet for police Rapid Intervention Unit
New SUV vehicles for police Rapid Intervention Unit have larger engine capacity, can navigate rough terrain and come equipped with a specialised weapons storage

The police’s Rapid Intervention Unit’s car fleet has been upgraded with 20 new vehicles that are equipped to meet the demands of this specialised patrol unit.
The fleet was unveiled on Monday by Police Commissioner Angelo Gafa and Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri.
The four-wheel drive Hyundai SUV’s have been upgraded to make the vehicles safer for RIU officers. A barrier shield has been installed between the front and back seats, to ensure any arrested persons have no access to the officers driving the car.
The cars also have a larger engine capacity than previously used vehicles.
The back seats have also been changed to a polycarbonate material, making them easier to wash, while the car’s trunk has also been fitted with a case for primary weapons like shotguns and rifles which are carried around by RIU officers on patrol.

The new fleet of vehicles, and their upgrading, cost €900,000.
The cars have been fitted with a crash detection alarm, to inform the police control room if an accident happens.
Gafà said the police corps has sustained its commitment towards ensuring consistent investment in its human resources.

“We have carried out a €3 million investment towards upgrading our fleet of vehicles in the last four years. We have also introduced body cams, and are currently working on a new headquarters at Ta’ Kandja,” he said. The new HQ will have a fitness centre, office space, dormitories and a garage.
Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri said government is committed towards continuing its investment in the corps. “Our aim is to equip our police officers with the best tools to ensure the safety of our country,” he said.