Healthcare workers, teachers to receive booster jabs from mid-November
As from 1 November, establishments will no longer have to maintain social distancing so long as they only accept vaccinated customers

As from the second week of November, everyone above the age of 70 will have received an appointment for their booster dose against COVID-19.
During a parliamentary speech, Health Minister Chris Fearne gave a run-down of the COVID-19 booster timeline plus the relaxation of further measures for restaurants and weddings.
From 15 November, government will begin vaccinating healthcare workers, including pharmacists and carers in elderly homes. Teachers will also receive their booster dose during this period.
From 14 December, booster jabs will be given to those aged 60 and above. They will receive the appointment by letter, with the time and place given.
A decision to lower the age bracket will be taken in the coming months.
As from 1 November, establishments will no longer have to maintain social distancing between tables. However, this will only apply to establishments that only accept vaccinated customers, or children under 12 years of age.
The child would not need to present a negative PCR test.
It will also only apply for seated events, and masks must still be worn.
The new measure applies to events, weddings, and food establishments, such as restaurants and każini.
If cases remain stable, government will consider adopting similar measures for standing events.
The plan is to keep cases low and relax more measures throughout the Christmas holiday period.
Fearne reminded the public that the influenza vaccine can be taken at any health centre without prior appointment.
He added that Malta will start recognising vaccine certificates issued by Chile, Azerbaijan, Libya, Colombia, Japan and Oman from 26 October.