More than 700 failed asylum seekers live in Malta, some since 2004
Information tabled in parliament shows that 738 failed asylum seekers reside in Malta
Malta is home to 738 asylum seekers whose applications for protection have been rejected, according to information tabled in parliament.
Nigerians and Sudanese form the largest cohorts of failed asylum seekers, with 117 and 103 respectively, followed by Malians and Ivorians with 86 and 78 respectively.
The list was tabled by Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri in reply to a question by Nationalist MP Graziella Attard Previ.
Failed asylum seekers come from 35 different countries – 26 in Africa and nine in Asia, including the Middle East – and some have been in Malta since 2004.
Two people are indicated as having no nationality.
Camilleri said failed asylum seekers have a police document that is periodically extended.
People who apply for protection are evaluated by a special board that can grant them refugee status or temporary protection as a result of the situation in their country of origin.
Failed asylum seekers have a right to appeal and if this does not go in their favour they will have to be deported.
However, repatriating failed asylum seekers depends on their home country accepting them back, which can be a complicated process in the absence of diplomatic relations and direct flights between the countries.