Temping agency reform should aim for equal pay and social protection, NGO says
Żminijietna - Voice of the Left advocated for temporary agency workers to be entitled to join a union while welcoming the reform
The left-wing think tank, Żminijietna - Voice of the Left, has welcomed the proposed new legislation aimed at regulating recruitment agencies.
In November, government announced that it intends to clamp down on abuse by temping agencies that import workers from outside the EU with new rules requiring them to acquire a licence to operate.
The new rules will come into effect on 1 April 2024 but operators will have until 1 June to adjust their operations accordingly. Temping agencies can start applying for a licence on 1 January.
In a statement on Saturday, Żminijietna said that the shift in the European labour market led to a rise in precarious jobs based on temporary contracts and atypical employment.
The organization emphasised the importance of the new legislation reflecting the principle of equal pay for equal work and providing workers with a one-month chance to find alternative employment in case of termination.
Zminijietna also advocated for temporary agency workers to be entitled to join a union.
The organization concluded by saying that it agrees with the proposed legislation to regulate recruitment agencies, standardize payment for work permits and disqualify agencies that do not comply with the law.