‘Abela is allergic to the truth’: Bernard Grech

Grech criticised Abela for creating problems with his own hands, and making the nation pay the price for it

Bernard Grech speaking in Birkirkara on Sunday. Photo: PN
Bernard Grech speaking in Birkirkara on Sunday. Photo: PN

Addressing supporters in front of Birkirkara’s church, Bernard Grech criticised the Prime Minister for being “allergic to the truth” as he creates his own issues.

“Robert Abela is not able to deal with problems that he has caused... making his problems your problems,” Grech said.

“[Abela] is allergic to the truth.”

A quick look at the PL’s slogans will reveal their hypocrisy, Grech told the Sunday crowd.

Is-Saħħa lill-Maltin? Do you know where that strength is going? It is going to the corrupt clique you [Abela] had around you and who you are still protecting.”

On Tuesday, Joseph Muscat was charged in court alongside Keith Schembri, Konrad Mizzi and several others for their role in the fraudulent hospitals deal following the conclusion of a magisterial inquiry.

On Wednesday, ex-deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne was also charged alongside former Finance Minister Edward Scicluna.

Ever since the hospitals inquiry was concluded, Abela has continued to criticise ‘the Establishment’ of political terrorism rather than addressing the charges his fellow Labour members are facing.

“We are paying for and suffering because of the money they have stolen away from patients and the Maltese,” Grech said.

“There is only one thing that scares them above anything else: your vote this Saturday,” he continued, referencing upcoming elections for local councils and the European Parliament.

“Robert Abela wants you to vote for candidates who have already broken European values before you have even voted,” Grech said, claiming that the PL’s candidates have shown their support for Muscat, turning their back on justice.

Meanwhile, the Nationalist Party is offering candidates who represent the entire population, while one of the party’s candidates – Roberta Metsola – has already shown her worth as the EP’s President.

Addressing recent claims by the PL that the only PN electoral programme is the vitals inquiry, Grech said that Labour is only seeking to keep power to continue stealing from the country.

The inquiry, published by MaltaToday, delved into a fraudulent agreement that granted three public hospitals to Vitals Global Healthcare in 2015. It established that millions in public funds entrusted to the company were transferred to other companies connected to it.

Topics on the party’s mind are the environment and a successful and equal economy, Grech added, while the party believes that Gozo can grow to become an even greater tourist spot.

Emphasising that the fraudulent relationship between the government and Vitals (and eventually Steward) is not an allegation, Grech said that it is a fact as emails have shown their collusion.

And now that the country is at a crossroads, one that the government has made with their own hands, Grech called upon the country to respond to the call for change.

“Be proud to be Maltese and to be Gozitan. Continue believing in the country... and vote for the change you want to see.”