Over €17,000,000 in unpaid traffic fines still to be collected
The data tabled in Parliament shows that since 2013, over 3,000,000 fines were handed out, and that 8% of them remain unpaid

Authorities are owed over €17,000,000 in unpaid traffic fines that were handed out as early as 2013.
On Monday, home affairs minister Byron Camilleri was responding to a parliamentary question by PN MP Ivan Bartolo.
The data tabled in Parliament shows that since 2013, over 3,000,000 fines were handed out, and that the total value of the fines amount to €133,811,122.81. The figures show that 8% of the fines handed out between 2013 and 2023 remain unpaid.

According to the data, the year in which the most fines were issued was 2021, while Malta was still heavily impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.
In his response, Camilleri stated that LESA is working to recover the funds that are owed, and has issued 241 garnishee orders since 2022, with the toal value of the orders adding up to €4,711,563.59.
Camilleri noted that through the garnishee orders, LESA is recovering funds that date all the way back to 2002.
The minister added that the unpaid fines include cases where legal proceedings are still ongoing.