There are no US troops in Malta, says government

Former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney claims there are some 12,000 American soldiers stationed in Malta.

Cynthia McKinney claims there are some 12,000 American soldiers stationed in Malta before heading to Libya.
Cynthia McKinney claims there are some 12,000 American soldiers stationed in Malta before heading to Libya.

The Maltese government denied allegations made by former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney that 12,000 US troops are stationed in Malta, before they go to Libya.

"The allegations are completely false," government said in a statement.

McKinney wrote that "It is with great disappointment that I receive the news from foreign media publications and Libyan sources that our president now has 12,000 U.S. troops stationed in Malta and they are about to make their descent into Libya."


The lady is a total nutcase! Where on our lovely soil would we hide 12000 troops, feed them, transport them? And why? With the invisibility shield invented in the Georgia USA. What is even worse is that imbecille Radio Brodcaster from the extreme right on Overseas Radio Network, a conspiracy idiot with a large lineage of Nazi's and child abuse, Dave von Kleist is spreading these rumours. Does he know where Malta is? It is not in Missouri where his latest child victims are.
12,000 troops in Malta? Come on, let's get serious about this. To hide that many troops they'd need to have some sort of massive compound that had restricted access to it. And it would have to be somewhere really remote, like Ta Qali. No, nothing to see here.
We should first ask this lady if she know where Malta is? Visiting middle and western USA 60% of the Americans i met over there had no idea we existed, 30% had heard about Malta but had no idea where we where on the map, but most of the latter thought we much a much larger Island. When i told them the size, they sniggered and they asked me if we had and needed cars there. Nay i said, we just use donkeys......than showed them some photos, otherwise that what these Americans know about Malta. Veeeerrry sketchy if any.
excuse me but is she retarded?
@Vincente Deastra: Johnny comes lately!
Maybe they're soldier ants.
@ Vincente Destra. The way you describe liberty is laughable, in fact it is the way Mussolini used to describe. And you are as hysterical as the mad Fascist Italian used to be, too. I think you need urgent attention, as you are certainly a serious mental case. Matto da legare, as the Italians say.
U li kieku stess, allura? Le ghal Malta nord koreana komunista.Le ghal Malta gharbija tal-moskeja. Merhba lil amerikani. Liberta` Liberta` Liberta` Liberta` Dawk kugini taghna, ejjew bil-qalb kollha. Le ghall-hippies tax xellug mohhom Fidel Castro ghajjurin ghal min jamel naqa success. @ Che Guevara....RIVOLUCCION SIEMPRE!........mela le...... u kif.... LOTTA ALLA MUERTE KONTRO IS-SOCJALIZMU U L-KOMUNIZMU SAL_AHHAR NIFS. VIVA IL:-LEMIN. IL-LIBERTA` L-EWWEL U QABEL KOLLOX.
U li kieku stess, allura? Le ghal Malta nord koreana komunista.Le ghal Malta gharbija tal-moskeja. Merhba lil amerikani. Liberta` Liberta` Liberta` Liberta` Dawk kugini taghna, ejjew bil-qalb kollha. Le ghall-hippies tax xellug mohhom Fidel Castro ghajjurin ghal min jamel naqa success. @ Che Guevara....RIVOLUCCION SIEMPRE!........mela le...... u kif.... LOTTA ALLA MUERTE KONTRO IS-SOCJALIZMU U L-KOMUNIZMU SAL_AHHAR NIFS. VIVA IL:-LEMIN. IL-LIBERTA` L-EWWEL U QABEL KOLLOX.
U li kieku stess, allura? Le ghal Malta nord koreana komunista.Le ghal Malta gharbija tal-moskeja. Merhba lil amerikani. Liberta` Liberta` Liberta` Liberta` Dawk kugini taghna, ejjew bil-qalb kollha. Le ghall-hippies tax xellug mohhom Fidel Castro ghajjurin ghal min jamel naqa success. @ Che Guevara....RIVOLUCCION SIEMPRE!........mela le...... u kif.... LOTTA ALLA MUERTE KONTRO IS-SOCJALIZMU U L-KOMUNIZMU SAL_AHHAR NIFS. VIVA IL:-LEMIN. IL-LIBERTA` L-EWWEL U QABEL KOLLOX.
have you ever seen the size of the new american embassy in ta qali??? it would house more than that
@ Silent Citizen: proset ghar-referenza ghat-teacup. Vera tajba.
12,000 US troops are not something you can hide under a teacup. Come and tell us where they are!!