Eddie Fenech Adami: ‘The sooner they call Franco Debono’s bluff, the better’

Tonight House Business Committee meets to set dates on Mifsud Bonnici, Cachia Caruana motions.

“The sooner that individual’s bluff is called, the better” - former PN leader Eddie Fenech Adami.
“The sooner that individual’s bluff is called, the better” - former PN leader Eddie Fenech Adami.

The present parliamentary impasse "provoked by a single individual" has prompted former prime minister Eddie Fenech Adami to advise the Nationalist leader Lawrence Gonzi to call Franco Debono's bluff

"The sooner that individual's bluff is called, the better," former PN leader Eddie Fenech Adami said.

Fenech Adami, who also occupied the role of Opposition leader in 1998, had seen a similar backbencher revolt spell the untimely end to the 22-month-old Labour government under Alfred Sant.

"I have always been against any form of appeasement policy," Fenech Adami told MaltaToday when asked what he thought of government's attempts to 'rein in' maverick backbencher Franco Debono. "Appeasement never solves any problems."

On the contrary, the solution, according to the former PM, is for government to "forge ahead with its programme, come what may."

Without referring to Debono by name, Fenech Adami said that until the current talk of rebellion translates into concrete action, there was no need for the government to do anything at all. "The situation at present is what it is. We have heard a lot of talk, but until a vote is actually taken against the government, there is no reason for government not to keep implementing its programme."

Fenech Adami shrugged off any comparison with the situation 14 years ago, when, as Opposition leader, he had put forward an adjournment motion similar to that presented by Labour leader Joseph Muscat in recent weeks.

"Back then the situation was different," he said, adding that unlike the present scenario, a government MP had translated his loose talk into action.

As the Parliamentary House Business Committee is set to meet again this evening, Leader of the House Carm Mifsud Bonnici -who is facing a motion of censure brought the Opposition - is once again expected to take a back seat during the meeting.

On Monday, although the parties were very close to an agreement, the committee could not agree on a definite date when the Opposition's motion of censure on Mifsud Bonnici should be discussed.

The Opposition and Nationalist MP Franco Debono are insisting that their motions on justice and home affairs are debated before a 9 May vote on a money bill for the 2012 budget measures, which Lawrence Gonzi needs a majority to carry forward.

In an unprecedented move, Foreign Affairs Minister and former leader of the house Tonio Borg participated in the committee meeting on Monday for the first time since he was replaced by Mifsud Bonnici as leader of the house in January.

Borg went on to do most of the talking while a tense Mifsud Bonnici set awkwardly in silence next to him. It was evident from the very start that the government's intention was to push back the debate on the Mifsud Bonnici motion as further back as possible, with both parties trying to out-manoeuvre each other.

In January, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi removed justice from Mifsud Bonnici's portfolio and softened the blow by appointing him as leader of the house instead of Tonio Borg. The leader of the house is responsible for organising the government business and providing time and a schedule for non-government business to be put before parliament.

In a move which may come back to haunt Gonzi, Mifsud Bonnici was appointed leader of the house just after the Opposition tabled a motion calling for Mifsud Bonnici's resignation.

Despite a binding agreement to have the discussion held by the end of January, Mifsud Bonnici has continuously postponed the debate, much to the Opposition's and Nationalist MP Franco Debono's annoyance.

The decision to sideline Mifsud Bonnici during Monday's meeting vindicated the Opposition's stance that he should not have been allowed to handle parliament's agenda as he had a clear conflict of interest.

On Monday, the two sides came close to reaching an agreement on the schedule of the two motions calling for the resignation of Mifsud Bonnici and Malta's Permanent Representative to the EU Richard Cachia Caruana.

At the start of the meeting, Borg proposed to discuss the Opposition's motion on Mifsud Bonnici on 4 June, very close to the summer recess. In one of his rare interventions, Mifsud Bonnici also suggested to hold the debate on the Opposition's motion on Cachia Caruana within a week of his grilling in Parliament's foreign affairs committee, which has not been scheduled yet.

After patiently hearing both sides squabble about dates and schedules, Speaker Michael Frendo - who was flanked by constitutional law expert Ian Refalo - said the difference between the two positions is of four weeks and proposed 23 May as a compromise.

Borg agreed to the 23 May date and vowed to hold the vote by not later than 30 May. On the other hand, the Opposition said the debate should be held in the days proceeding 23 May and have the vote held on the day.

As Franco Debono seemed to accept the Speaker's compromise, the meeting was adjourned to tonight in order to give the parties time to discuss the matter within their parliamentary group.

@ Mariod .... trid tkun taf min qatel lil Karen Grech ???? ghax ma saqsix lil partit socjalista / mintoffjan li kellna bejn 1971 u 1987. Taf meta inqatlet Karen Grech ??? Taf li lejber dam 10 snin fil gvern meta inqatelt karen grech? qatt staqsejt lilek innifsek x'qatt ghamel ir regim mintoffjan biex forsi inkunu nafu xi darba min qatel lil karen grech..... nistenna risposta. Ghar riqward RAy Caruana taf li kien hemm persuna akkuzata fil habs li mietet? Nahseb li ma tafx jahasra ghax kiku ma taqax gahn nejk bil keumment tieghek. Taf lil min isaqsi xi haga..... lil Johanna(YANA) Gardens oops sorru Mintoff biex tara xtahseb fuq missiera meta ghajjruh traditur... forsi wara kollox tahsiba bhalkom listess ux li mintoff traditur u guda
tghidx kemm qed jatu kasu lil EFA !!!?? il-wahx li jiitlfu l-poter ftit xhur qabel iz-zmien u b'hekk il-pjan li jroxxu ftit bzar jiskappa, ghamihom totalment...Ara gejja ara gejja din id-daqqa min tajielek?
Hsibtu ha jwiegeb lil franco fuq meta qal lit-tifel tieghu beppe li hu giddieb bhal missieru jien.Imma bhas soltu the great eddie jitkellem biss biex jipprova jamel hsara kemm jista lil partit laburista.U bilhaqq dr eddie iddecidejt meta ha tejdilna min QATEL LIL KAREN GRECH U LIL RAYMOND CARUANA PLS???
Astrolux_boy tixbiha tajba ta' Mosè u l-bahar, imma li se jigri f'Malta huwa li l-bahar minflok jgharraq lill-PL se jgharraq lill-PN.
Speak for yourself daniel. Well said Dr. Fenech Adami, as always.
Silence is golden Mr.Adami do us all a favor zip it up nobody cares a hut about anything you say.
L-Oraklu rega tkellem.
Very well said words Dr. Fenech Adami. It's better for the goverment to take decisions, rather than adjorning to nowhere to keep the seat.
Dan l-ex President li kellha Malta li suppost kien u jibqa newtrali fil-kwistjonijit tal-pajjiz ghadu ma tghallimx biex izomm haqu maghluq? Mela kellna ragun meta konna nghidu li dan kien il-President ta' nofs Malta mifruda ghax hu kien li ghamel bhala ma jghidu li ghamel Mose fired il-bahar u dan bena hajt bhal ta' Berlin biex hadd ma jaqsam minn nahha ghal ohra u dawk li huma gglorifikati jkunu n-nahha tieghu u l-ohrajn in-nahha l-ohra. Nahseb li ahjar jaghmel bhal ma ghamlu u qed jaghmlu l-ex Presidenti l-ohra ma jindahux fil-politka u joqghod igawdi dik il-bomba penzjoni li ghandu bil-kwiet.
Jien ma nistageb xejn bil hdura li ghadnkom ghal EFA u sa certu punt ma tikomx tort ghax dan il bniedem kbir kaxkar kollox u rebah kull elezzjoni bil mexxeja li kien hawn tal lejber b'mintoff b'kollox' Is success li rat MAlta qatt ma kienet ratu qabel. Il hdura taghkom iktar tikkonvincini li dan ir ragel kien STATISTA TA VERA. Anki Jgrima ex ministru socjalista jikkonoxih dan. Pero min banda lohra is socjalisti kien ghajjru lil ex mexxej taghhom stess TRADITUR U GUDA ahseb u ara lil min gej mil kamp oppost. Il lejburisti qatt ma tghalmu wara dan iz zmien kollu u ma nehodiex bi kbira li jergaw jibqaw fejn ilom ghal dawn is snin kollha/
@lemini, Hdura ghal min? Ghal wiehed li ghadda zmienu u li qatt am kien xi gran che.Il-hdura nahseb li aktar intom tafu fejn tinstab.
@Omega, bhala president EFA instab hati ta' Malafama u minn dak inhar sa llum ma tallabx skuza. Ghidli jekk dan hux ragel jew babbu?
U dan kien riedna nemmnu li kien President tal-Maltin Kollha.
Kliemkom jixhed il-hdura li tinsab f'demmkom....imma kif qalilkom Austin ser jigrilkom....hemm ser tibqghu issahnu l-bankijiet tal-oppozizzjoni....GHAX HEKK BISS JIXIRQILKOM INTOM!
Clayton Saliba
Dr Fenech Adami is right. The current PN leaders are too slow and must show leadership from treats from whichever direction they eminate from, inside or from outside. They have a job to do and that is to deliver on their manifesto which the people voted for. The PL and Dr FB have a different agenda, they want different things, including power through replacing the current government. Only the voter must be allowed to decide who it is governed by and the PN have a duty to halt the comedy - FB has run out of bullets and also shot himself in the foot - PN should not worry about the next election, but must govern correctly and with confidence today - that is what persuades voters. Strenght and respect, not apeasments and threats.
Min ghadu jghati kaz ta' dan id-dinosawru. Zmienu ghadda u ghadu jipprova jissemma billi jiddeffes fejn ma jesghux.
The oracle won against Dom/KMb?AS, 3 EX MLP leaders. The oracle won 1981/87/92/98/2003 and a referdum. According to Thorny EFA is a BLATENT LIAR. People with your language definately dont deserve better than the lifestyle you use to live under the regim of the socialist(God for bid you were already born those days)
Imma kif jibqa' jiżattat u jindaħal, avolja suppost huwa ċittadin privat Malti! Eh, min jaf min huwa l-melħa hux? Hux Dr.Debono, jew xi Kardinal, jew missier il-gideb? Kienu jghajru lil KMB ghax kienu jghidu li jmexxieh Mintoff, mela dan Gonzi x'qed jagħmel? Naħseb sewwa qal Dr.Debono, li sad-9 ta' Mejju jistgħu jiġru ħafna affarijiet! Min jaf jirrakkontax xi stejjer tas-snin 80 li għadhom mistura għal ħafna nies! U mbagħad inkunu nistgħu ngħidu li s-sewwa reabaħ żgur, għax s'issa l'ingann u l'gideb rebħu!
Tkellem hej dak li kien il-percimes biex beda jgharraq lil Malta u jidfinha taht muntanja dejn!!! Ma jahsibx dottor fenech adami li wara li fl-imghoddi ta sehemu biex flimkien ma' mintoff qasmu l-pajjiz fi tnejn f'mibgheda u divizjoni liema bhalha u wara li kien hu li beda jgherriqna fid-dejn, ukoll bhala ex-president ahjar jaghlaq halqu darba ghal dejjem u jerga' jaghtiha biex jirranga l-arloggi flok ipacpac fil-vojt biex minghalih jaghti palata lil gonzipn? Tghid sullivan tat-tug malta kellmu dalghodu u tah parir x'ghandu jghid? Ara min irid jitkellem !!!!
Ghalfejn qed tiskantaw ghax tkellem Eddie? Meta Eddie kien President ta' Malta, jista' xi hadd minnkom jghid fejn xi darba mexa b'mod zbilancjat? Issa lanqas dritt jiftah halqu u juri l-opinjoni tieghu ma jista' ghax ex-President? Li qal hu kollu minnu u hafna Nazzjonalisti bhalu jahsbuha. Ejja nnehhulu l-bluff kollu li ghandu Franco ha naraw iridx jibqa' mnizzel fl-istorja tal-PN bhala Franco Debono t-Traditur tal-PN. U dil-kummiedja tispicca, HALLI MBAGHAD TAL-LABOUR JAFFRONTAW IR-REJALTA' U MA JIBQGHUX JALJENAW LIN-NIES BI FRANCO BIEX INESSUHOM LI SEJRIN GHAL ELEZZJONI GENERALI U LANQAS GHANDHOM PROGRAMM ELETTORALI JEKK JITILGHU FIL-GVERN.
Dr Eddie Fenech Adami was always a wise man. He can see through Franco who, in my humble opinion is a empty vessel. I agree with Dr Fenech Adami 100%.
"Fenech Adami shrugged off any comparison with the situation 14 years ago, when, as Opposition leader, he had put forward an adjournment motion similar to that presented by Labour leader Joseph Muscat in recent weeks." Din bhal meta ma tridx tammetti li dak li gara fl-elezzjoni tal-1981 kien ezatt bhal ma kien gara fl-1971 u li l-PL kellu dritt li jiggverna ghax hekk kienet tghid il-Kostituzzjoni? Din bhal meta ghedt li taf min qatel lil Karen Grech u lil Raymond Caruana u se tghidilna? Din bhal dik il-gidba lejliet l-elezzjoni li taghha inti instabt hati ta' meta ghedt lill-Alfred Sant li ma kienx halla lill-ibnek jattendi l-Università? Hallina Eddie u mur inheba minn wicc id-dinja.
Kull president barra wiehed kienu politikanti. Imma dejjem kienu prudenti fid diskors politiku taghhom,.Ma rridux ninsew li dawn meta fil presidenza jkunu president tal Poplu kollu. Illum nista nifhem ahjar ghaliex Eddie ma kienx popolari daqs l-ohrajn ghaliex wara li spicca min President jitkellem il hin kollu fuq il politika. Fejn hi l-Etika Eccellenza?
Luke Camilleri
Dr Eddie Fenech Adami took his time to come out with his opinion on the current case! The oracle has spoken ! I would have expected that he-d come out earlier after Dr. Franco Debono called Dr. Fenech Adami's son Beppe " A BLATENT LIAR", just like his father who LIED BLATENTLY (GIDEB FAHXI) on Dr. Alfred Sant! No love lost between the Fenech Adamis and Dr. Franco Debono!