Second relative of Health Minister Joe Cassar working with health services

Health Minister Joe Cassar confirms that another cousin of his, Noel Cassar, also works with his ministry as a financial controller.

Weekly newspaper Illum reports how Joe Cassar has confirmed that Noel Cassar is his cousin, and has occupied the role of financial controller within the Central Procurement and Supplies department since March 2011.

Cassar expressed surprise at receiving questions about Noel Cassar's selection and appointment, arguing that all calls for applications for the position of financial controllers were issued in a transparent manner in several newspapers.

He also provided details of the financial remuneration that financial controllers receive, without specifically divulging the details of Noel Cassar's financial remuneration package.

Just a handful of weeks ago, the Illum also reported how Health Minister Joe Cassar had confirmed that another relative, his cousin David Cassar, has been appointed as a medical director at Mater Dei Hospital.

According to the report, a spokesman for the health ministry said that Cassar had been appointed following an open call for applications.

The ministry insisted that Cassar's appointment had nothing to do with his kinship with the health minister.

"The fact that Dr David Cassar is the Minister's cousin is irrelevant. His appointment was based on his personal merits," the spokesman had insisted.


I cannot understand why this attack on Joe Cassar when the office of the highest institution in Malta was given permission to employ at least three family members (relatives) and a number of close friends as persons in positions of trust and we Joe Citizen support their monetary package.
In every Ministry you can find relatives of the Minister employed in some kind of job . These are all manouvers so in the event of a change in government , they can stil have control over those ministries . ALL IN THE FAMILY and ĦBIEB TAL-ĦBIEB . This is their Motto and it has always been that way . How right is Dr.Franco Debono . Korruzzjoni galore .
Zack Depasquale
Jekk GonziDCGPN dejjem gideb f'wahda kien qal il-verita, dik ta'Ghalina u ghal uliedna, ghax veru kollox all in the family.Fuq nota ohra thabbar li qieghed isir ftehim biex jinkera l-isptar St Philips, sptar li huwa maghluq, dan sejjer jinkera b'miljun Euro fis-sena ghal Hmistax il-sena spiza ta'15 il-miljun Euro. Issa jien ta'Cuc li jien nistaqsi, hemm ghalfejn nikru sptar min ghand il-privat meta il-Gvern ghandu sptar tieghu St Luke's li jista juzagh u bil-flus li sejjer jonfoq fuq sptar privat jista jirranga St Lukes u wara 15 il-sena dan jibqa tieghu.Jew inkella iridu naghlqu halq xi Ex President ta' GonziDCGPN biex ghal-elezjoni noqghodu nlaqqu in-nies irabjati ghal-GonziDCGPN biex tal-klikka jibqghu jgawdu.
All the good bits of meat gobbled up by the family. Loyalty can be assured then , even if one messes things up no end. It also helps to implant spies, discord and insurgency agents for when the other lot takes power away from the incumbent bloodsuckers. That was Alfred Sant's downfall.
Luke Camilleri
IL-FAMILJA L'EWWEL...... taghhom imma !
More Cassars at health services then Chins in a chinese phone book. In the meantime - politicians (mostly lawyers) decide who gets Cancer treatment. They themselves can afford the best hospitals in the US.
All in the family! Meritocracy my foot.