‘We can proudly say we have weathered the economic storm’ – Lawrence Gonzi

PM Lawrence Gonzi addresses PN candidates at AZAD’s premises, appealing to candidates to explain to families government’s positive achievements.

PN candidates present during Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi's address this morning at AZAD's premises in Valletta.
PN candidates present during Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi's address this morning at AZAD's premises in Valletta.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi this morning addressed PN candidates at the newly refurbished Academy for the Development of a Democratic Environment (AZAD) premises in Valletta, emphasising that during their door-to-door visits, candidates could proudly boast of the PN government's major achievements during this legislature.

AZAD is a non-profit-making organisation constituted for the advancement of European values in Malta.

"We are reaching the end but an important phase of this legislature. We have wisely weathered the economic storm together and have achieved good results where workers and their families can enjoy the fruit this government has bore. 

"Nearing the end of a legislature didn't mean an election would be called next week," Gonzi added.

Gonzi said that this administration managed to attract investment and put more money in people's pockets.

Gonzi referred to other EU Member States that were considered as tigers and now have turned to becoming kittens.

"We cannot take our country's success for granted and must work hard to keep the momentum we have created going while stimulating it further.

"This government can speak with facts in hand and not with just perceptions and wishes, like the party in opposition was doing," he added.

Gonzi compared the party in opposition to a football supporter who waited for the final whistle to celebrate according to which team won.

"Labour has never backed this government and was always against everything government has implemented. While we were battling difficult times, others decided to stay away from helping a hand, waiting for a final outcome and not risk getting involved," referring to the party in opposition.

Gonzi added that "joining the European Union - another major achievement - brought along with it a massive and positive change, a change in lifestyle where students could travel to other Member States and work or study without encountering obstacles, while also opening new horizons for Maltese companies to explore foreign markets while proudly displaying ours".  

Gonzi told PN candidates present that during their door-to-door visits they would encounter problems such as family members who would have lost their job, among other problems.

"PN candidates can proudly tell families during their visits about the PN government's challenging and positive changes it has introduced: from the introduction of incentives for working mothers to a reduction in taxes for parents, and last but not least the good results achieved during tough economic times."

We can proudly say we have weathered the economic storm--- The storm obviously does not include the ever ballooning government debt. The poor guy lives in la la land.
Gonzi said that this administration managed to attract investment and put more money in people's pockets. Do you believe this man??? Does he have any honesty left in him? one has to have his back where his front is to come out with such bull shit.
Lawrence Covin
Dan qed jghid lin-nies jieklu ftahir u l-kliem fierah. Ghogbitni din: "Nearing the end of a legislature didn't mean an election would be called next week," Gonzi added. Da' zgur! Kull gimgha tfisser elfejn extra! U dawk li kellu quddiemu mhux ser imeruh.
Off course Gonzi was talking to the people in front of him and the money they have continued to make off the backs of the tax payers. Despite everything - they have continued to make millions more - while they rest of us cannot afford to have a light bulb on.
Luke Camilleri
PNtomime Season has started early this year even if I don't see anyone laughing! : )
Tajba din mela se jghidulna li Gonzipn holoq 20,000 ompieg gdid u fl-istess hin avzhom li se jiltaqu ma familji fejn ikunu intilfu l-impiegi, Issa kif qal gonzipn li il-maltemp economiku ghadda, qed nistenna li il-weghda tieghu li jnaqqas l-income tax jzomma. Oltre hekk il-habib tieghu Gejtu Vella forsi hitlob dik il-famuza zieda ta' 9 liri Maltin (22 euro) fil-gimgha li kien talab xi ghoxrin sena ilu. Min jaf ? Taht dan il-gvern fliemkien kollox hu possibli. Verament meta Gonzipn u shabu, jumejn wara li kienu dahqu bin-nies, regaw ittradewh billi ziedu lilhom nfushom 600 euro fil-gimgha u lill-haddiem tawh 1euro 16 cent.
The audience doesn't seem at all impressed! Possibly they have heard it all before at a fancy dress party for illusionists.