Tetanus vaccine available at Mater Dei – health ministry

Health Ministry says there is no cause for ‘confusion’ or ‘alarm’ as urgent cases of Tetanus-prone wounds are being treated at Mater Dei Hospital.

Health Ministry says tetanus vaccine available at Mater Dei Hospital.
Health Ministry says tetanus vaccine available at Mater Dei Hospital.

The Health Ministry has reassured patients that there was no cause for confusion or alarm as urgent cases of tetanus-prone wounds were being treated at Mater Dei.

The health ministry confirmed that during the last months there was a shortage of the diphtheria-tetanus Vaccine throughout the EU countries, which affected local supplies. 

"Even though the Government has made several attempts to import this vaccine directly from the only manufacturer in the EU, our attempts were directed to the local agent," the health ministry said.

Recently, government secured an interim supply of multi-dose diphtheria-tetanus vials, which were distributed to Mater Dei Hospital and "strategically located" within the Primary Health Care Pharmacies, including the National Immunization Services.

"Currently, the purchase of additional stocks is being sought from other countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany and Spain although supplies across the EU are limited," the ministry said. 

Reportedly, the shortage has now created pressure on manufacturer from different regions and countries. Government has now imported additional supplies of single dose tetanus toxiod Vaccine from Germany as a temporary replacement to diphtheria-tetanus vaccine.

The two vaccines are clinically interchangeable given that the diphtheria dose within the vaccine is of low dose.

These have also been distributed in limited quantities at Mater Dei Hospital and within certain Primary Health Care centres which are accessible on a twenty-four basis.

The Government is in talks with the local agent to have the Diphtheria-Tetanus vaccine delivered via courier once available and to purchase an interim supply of Tetanus Toxiod vaccine, which has just recently been released on the local market, as a stop gap measure.

Luke Camilleri
Importanti li ma jkunx hawn skarsezza ta'-MARS fil-pajjiz!
Ministru Joe Cassar,jekk fl-ahhar wasal il-vaccin tat-tetanus nixtieq ninfurmak illi il "Amloditini" mill-ispizerija tal-ghazla tieghek ta tas-sliema, dak li tant tiftahru bih u ma nafx ghalix meta tmur tigbor il-pilloli dejjem b'xi wahda jew ohra "out of stock". Ghaliex flok tberbaq il-flus bl-addocc f'parties u rigali ma tixtrix il-pilloli li ghandu bzonn il-poplu. Int qieghed hemm ghaliex ivvutalek il-poplu u nispera li darba ohra ma tkunx hemm forsi ikun hemm xi hadd li veru jiehu hsieb l-interessi tal-Poplu Malti u Ghawdxi. Nispera li l-pilloli nhux qedin jinghataw bit-tessera ukoll ghaliex din il-gimgha sirt naf li kien hemm xi ftit imma inghataw li xi bazzuzlu u ma inqasmux bejn kullhadd. Din hija parti mid-demokrazzija li tiftahru biha??? Din hija il-Gustizzja jew qedin timxu fuq "ghalina u ghal Uliedna????????????