Dalli reveals that Maltese civil servant ‘personally involved’ in OLAF investigation

John Dalli alleges that Rita Schembri kept Maltese government updated “step by step” on investigation, insists OLAF report was circulated despite lacking supervisory committee’s approval.

John Dalli insists that
John Dalli insists that "Malta is involved" in the OLAF investigation that led to his resignation as EU Commissioner, reveals that civil servant Rita Schembri was "personally involved" in investigation and interrogations.

John Dalli revealed that Rita Schembri, Permanent Secretary in charge of Governance and Internal Auditing and who also heads Malta's Anti-Fraud Co-ordinating Service (AFCOS) which regularly liaises with OLAF, was "personally involved" in OLAF's Dalli investigation to the extent that she was present during OLAF's interrogations held in Malta.

Dalli was speaking on Dissett where he was being quizzed by PBS journalist Reno Bugeja about how the investigation unfolded, and on what grounds he is contesting its conclusions.

During the interview, Dalli insisted that the Maltese government "was aware of the investigation and was being kept informed step-by-step" by Rita Schembri through to her dual role as OLAF supervisory committee member and head of AFCOS in Malta, the anti-fraud coordinating service that regularly liaises with OLAF.

"Rita Schembri was part of the ongoing investigation. She knew of the investigation in detail. Do you really believe that she did not inform anyone of what was happening?"

Noting how EU Commission President Jose Barroso visited Malta on 5 October 2011, "Do you think that when [Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi] met with Barroso on 5 October, they did not discuss the investigation?" Dalli asked.

Schembri was appointed Permanent Secretary in charge of Governance and Internal Auditing, after having held previous positions as Director General of Internal Controls on Public Finance within the Finance Ministry, and Director General of Internal Auditing and Investigations within the Office of the Prime Minister. She is also the Head of Malta's Auditing Authority on EU funds.

Her appointment as Permanent Secretary was effective as from September 5 of this year. In 2012 she was sworn in as one of five members of a surveillance committee of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) that investigated frauds against EU budgets, corruption and malpractice within EU institutions.

Dalli also slammed the manner in which OLAF handled the investigation, saying that according to his own legal team's advice, OLAF was obliged to inform him of the investigation's conclusions and the reasoning behind those conclusions when the report was being finalised.

"To this day, I still do not know what the reasoning behind their conclusions is," insisting that he was not given the opportunity to defend himself.

The former EU Commissioner also revealed that, "before concluding and finalising the report, OLAF was required to obtain the approval of the OLAF's supervisory board. They could not distribute the report to anybody before they obtained this approval."

"I am informed that the supervisory board met for the first time regarding this case last Monday (22 October), a week after I met with Barroso, and they did not agree with many aspects of this report," Dalli stated.

The veteran politician added that he is informed that "OLAF tried to force the report to be fast-tracked by means of a quick superficial review, and that the supervisory board refused, insisting on the need of a detailed review in writing of what they had seen."

"As far as I am informed, [the supervisory committee] has not yet approved the report," Dalli said, adding that his sources are individuals in the EU Parliament who are "serious" and "in the know".

He added that "he has his doubts" whether OLAF had the approval of the supervisory board before it sent the report to Malta's Attorney General for investigation.

He questioned the soundness of Schembri's roles in both AFCOS and the OLAF supervisory board.

"In this case she did well to admit her conflict of interest," Dalli said, noting her declaration earlier this week to "withdraw" from the work of the supervisory committee of OLAF as it prepares to examine the way OLAF's investigation was handled.

However, Dalli argues that "it is ridiculous that a person is involved in direct contact with OLAF over investigations is also concurrently in a position where he or she is expected to supervise and scrutinise OLAF itself."

Referring to the resignation of OLAF supervisory committee chairman Christiaan Timmermans, Dalli said that while Timmermans's resignation was motivated by "personal reasons", it was nevertheless accelerated "because he came into confront with OLAF as he objected to how OLAF was acting with regards to this case and also other cases."

Dalli reiterated his suspicion that the investigation was prompted by a hidden agenda, and insisted that this is not the first time he finds himself at the heart of such an investigation because "I always took decisions that hurt certain people."

"In 2004 I took a decision that hurt a large company that was expecting a €60 million contract." (he was referring to the Mater Dei project)

Dalli said the company reacted by fabricating a report," referring to a report which led to his resignation as minister despite being proven as fabricated. "Is this not a hidden hand?" he asked

He insisted that other cases had similarly "gone up in smoke" and were proved to be "unfounded allegations" and "political attacks intended to undermine my credibility."

While he noted that in the present scenario, a European institution is also involved, Dalli reiterated that "I am persuaded that Malta is involved as well."

"If you examine and compare the reactions of Maltese politicians and media and foreign politicians and media, there is a conspicuous difference.

"Abroad everyone is questioning the official version of events, asking questions, expressing doubts, and calling for transparency. In Malta however, everyone accepted the verdict from the very first moment, and the criticism began.  It is all concocted."

Minn dawn il-kommenti jidher car li Gonzi mhux ipacpac biss imma ghandu idejn sodi bizzejjed biex immexxi l-EU Commission minn imnieherha. Mhux ta' b'xejn li lahaq hu kap u mhux Dalli. Hafna minn dawk li jikkumentaw jidhru li mhumiex infurmati bizzejjed u ma jaqrawx l-ahbarijiet ta' barra minn Malta ghax kieku jidhadtu mod iehor. Dan dejjem jekk m'ghandhomx xi agenda politika.
Dalli is a threat to Gonzi and with Gonzi so weak and tottering on collapse, Dalli needs to be taken out. Also its clear that Swedish match has a presence in Malta, probably using Malta for tax evasion (when its foreigners we call it planning) and that puts them in touch with lawyers close to GonziPN, who are the main beneficiaries of this business. So the suggestion that this 'sting' was perpetuated from Malta is totally plausible. I am not saying that Dalli is innocent, but i am saying that this is all about gang warfare within the PN party.
fenea, John Dalli has confirmed what most Maltese knew. That is, the very close, cozy, incestuous connections between the PN, which has been 25 years in office and had all the time, opportunity and reasons, to appoint only the bluest of blue to top and close to top positions, and blue eyed bogs in all the rest. What would you expect from these bought servants?
John Dalli ghndu ragun meta jghid li filwaqt li barra minn Malta hemm hafna li ma jaqblux kif sehhew l-affarijiet u ghandhom hafna dubji, f'Malta kien hawn min b'ghaggla kbira qabad u accetta l-versjoni ta Kessler u shabu u qabad u hatar ll Tonio Borg bhala sostitut. Sfortunatament l-Oppozizzjoni hallit lill-Gvern jinfluwenzaha u ap-provat il-hatra gdida ta T.B. bhala Kummissarju flok J.D. Cert li llum l-Oppozizzjoni jiddispjaciha li qaghdet fuq dak li qallha l-Gvern. L-Oppozizzjoni issa ghandha tara s-sibx mod kif tohrog mill-isqaq li dahhalha fih il-Gvern. Din ghndha sservi ta lezzjoni lill-Oppozizzjoni li ma tabadx u toqghod fuqdak li jghidilha l-Gvern, u m'ghandiex tibza tiehu decizjonijiet serji forsi ghaliex tibza li t-tali decizjoni tkun tista ttellifha l-voti. L-ewwel tigi l-irgulija.
Igor P. Shuvalov
Meanwhile little is being said about the man behind all this.. the man who is alleged to have asked for the 60 million Euro bribe.. the nationalist ex-deputy mayor of Sliema. Is the Police Commissioner including this man in his investigation about the Olaf report?
If this was a frame-up and turns out to be true and our Prime Minister knew what was going on and said nothing, then our prime minister should resign immediately. To allow this to one of your own where no wrong was committed is a real shame on our society. And it shows how nasty politics are the damage they may do to a person's character and name. If this turns to be true, then JPO and Debono would have been right after all. The man must be able to defend himself if certain allegations are made against it and that is the law.
sur dalli issa ma nibdewx nibku u nilabuha tal vittma jew toqod timmagina li kullhadd ghadu tieghek. inti qed tghid li l-anqas inti ma taf x'gara. ahseb u ara kemm jaf haddiehor x'gara. MHUX MIN IHAWWAD IL BORMA IKUN JAF X'FIHA SUR DALLI. Jekk min ghalik se tipprova titfa id dubju fuq haddiehor biex tiskolpa ruhhek sejjer zball.
Luke Camilleri
Not a FRAMEUP this time.... more like a SET UP with a touch of Machiavellian STRATEGY ! GET RID OF ONE , French Promotion for another one, get a new Deputy Leader in the Deal!
aktar ma nisma aktar qieghed inkun konvint li John Dalli gie framed up..John????kompli u taqtax qalbek jien cert li li storja irrepetit ruha pero fl'ahhar IS SEWWA JIRBAH SGUR.kuragg John