No apologies on Arriva - Manuel Delia

Nationalist candidate and Transport Ministry official Manuel Delia tells Sunday newspaper Illum that he does not feel he has any apologies to make over Arriva reform.

Nationalist candidate Manuel Delia insists that no apologies are due over the Arriva reform.
Nationalist candidate Manuel Delia insists that no apologies are due over the Arriva reform.

In an interview with weekly newspaper Illum, prospective Nationalist Party candidate Emanuel Delia defends the Government's public transportation reform, as well as his involvement in it as a member of Transport Minister Austin Gatt's team.

The bus network, today run by Arriva following a major overhaul over a year ago, is still proving problematic for government, plagued as it is with bus accidents, breakdowns, and persistent delays.

However, Delia insists that the reform was a positive one with admittedly mixed results, and points to Malta's heavily congested roads as one of the leading problems.

Delia maintains that the problem is now in Arriva's hands to solve, and that Government's responsibility in this regard is to ensure that Arriva complies.

"Nobody is asked to apologise when there is an accident involving two cars. I don't see why I could apologise for an accident between two buses," Delia insists.

Delia also fires back at Franco Debono, who has been considerably critical of both Delia and his political mentor Minister and PN stalwart Austin Gatt in his blog.

"99% of what he says I don't understand, because it is far from clear. The 1% that is left I categorically don't agree with," Delia says of Debono.

Delia dismisses Debono's claims that the PN has been taken hijacked by an inner clique, and insists the rogue MP has "excluded himself" from the party.

Delia also tells Illum that he feels "honoured" to be attacked by Debono, who similarly targets prominent PN figures such as Lawrence Gonzi, Richard Cachia Caruana, and Joe Cassar.

"It is a good list to be on," Delia says.

Mark Fenech
Insomma x'tistenna minn iben l-arrogonza mastizza tal-ministru tiegħu.
"99% of what he says I don't understand, because it is far from clear. The 1% that is left I categorically don't agree with," Delia says of Debono. A very apt comment coming from the so-called "brains" behind the public transport reform. To paraphrase: "99% of Manwel Delia's recommendations for the public transport reform are wishful thinking, as all those who use public transport can vouch. The 1% that is left (and which actually works) is a ramnant from the old transport system." Indeed, with consultants like Manwel Delia who needs prats!
The people are jot wating for Dilia's apology. We are waitng for election to throw the Pn to the oposition benches where they deserve to stay for at least 10 years. We have had enough of PN and people like Delia
no apologies ??! insomma ovvja issa drajna
With people like Delia the PN is now really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Is this guy for real or what !!
Pilatu lanqas jlahhaq mieghek Delia. Hekk sew mela. Il-poplu jhallas lilek u lill dawk l-Arriva buzzullotti u int u shabek taghmlu froga fuq ohra u tigu taqaw u tqumu minn kollox. Nahseb ghajjejtu issewwu il-pannu bil- qarahmar u xbajtu tissparpalju flusna fil-konsulenzi li ma swew xejn hlief ghal-frejjeg. Issa qed taharbu minn kull responsabilita , qiesu ma gara xejn.
Screw you too
Mr Delia when was the last time you used the bus service -- as a regular passenger and not as part of a ministerial entourage (where only the best is shown)? ... From what you say not very likely that you in fact use the bus service which reform you made and perhaps why you so staunchly defend! ... The reform of the bus service in Malta was a win-win situation ready for the plucking! It really takes dense incompetence to turn such an easy victory into a complete disaster – a disaster that you and your friend Austin the Daustin are accountable for! ... True the roads in Malta are congested, but did you maybe stop to think that they are congested because your buses clog them up??? Do you know that on most trips a bus stays on every stage for over 7 minutes??? When in most major cities this is an exercise of less than 1 minute??? … Have you maybe ever thought to relieve the poor drivers from so many chores and leave them to simply drive??? ... Make passengers buy tickets from the machines and the drivers’ job only to drive!!! … One week ago I was again in Malta for a few days, and apart from the driver checking that I had a ticket I was ‘checked’ twice by two inspectors each time! Why this waste??? … In most European cities the passenger is responsible for purchasing the ticket and when inspected has to present it to the inspector, if found without one he/she has to pay a hefty fine. Full stop! It is not the driver’s job to ensure passengers have tickets – especially when so many inspectors are boarding the bus checking the tickets!!! Who are they checking then, the passengers or the driver??? … I give you this ‘advice’ free of charge Mr Delia, anyone with a couple of brain cells who uses the bus system is capable of seeing this logic (and there’s much more too!!!). So maybe you should send your expensive consultants for a bus ride or two before you make them write you the stupid reports for hundreds of thousands of euros, then maybe their ‘advice’ would be worth something as it would be based on reality!!! … I feel really sorry for all the poor Maltese commuters who are forced to use your bus service on a daily basis! … I could only stomach your buses for two trips during my visit, the rest of the time I either walked or took a taxi (and not because I am rich either). Malta, the Maltese and visitors alike, deserve much better!!! … And you know what is worst of all? To be too proud or low in self-esteem to admit that mistakes were done … no one could possibly be so dense to think that this bus service runs smoothly … or you simply think that all Maltese are ‘cwiec’ who don’t know any better … But the time of the cwiec is coming and you and your friends are in for a rude awakening!
Having just left Malta after spending the month of October on the island, I must reply with as much courtesy as I can possible muster to Mr. Delia in regards the disastrous public transport system that is now in effect on the island. Within a week of trying to be patient and observing this national tragedy in operation, I began to wonder why the Maltese are so meekly putting up with this insult to their intelligence. I had been infuriated with trips to Valletta that took as long as two hours and waiting periods of over an hour in the blazing sun waiting for a bus that seemed to have lost its route. Viewing the disaster at the Valletta terminal made me realize how incompetently ARRIVA’s operations had been charted and to what extent the bunch of morons in charge are oblivious to the needs of the transit public. From the little information I had gathered, one can clearly establish that this government is simply refusing to establish a good service and as long as the natives remain meek and politically disorganized this administration will remain happy to do nothing at all. One ARRIVA inspector had told me that every bus put in service cost 600,000 euros yearly and there are no plans to increase the number of buses. The old system employed 340 buses daily to cover the routes and times needed. ARRIVA has 175 buses in total and 20% of these are usually in the garage for repairs or service. The remaining 140 buses do the work of the old system with 340 buses, in designated routes that are so badly charted, one must wonder to what experience their consultants referred to when designing these operations. The biggest comedy was watching the ill mannered bus drivers trying to make change and print tickets throughout the trip which when properly timed explained why every bus was always late on its route. Some bus stops required the driver to waste 6 minutes collecting money. My biggest inquiry regards the design of these buses that come in all shapes and sizes. While the bendy buses remain the biggest joke on the island and some do have a second exit door for the passengers stuck at the back, the majority of the rest of the buses are designed as school buses with one front door and horrendous seats that are painful seating, not to mention the lack of circulated air. The attempt to get down from the bus if stuck at the back during the rush hours is a story in itself. SHAME ON YOU MR. DELIA and SHAME on whoever signed this contract with the most incompetent transit system in operation.
This guy is totally disgusting.
In the words of another Austin (Powers)... I shall call him "mini-me" :-)
Atitudni ta bniedem kiesah u blokka.....Tider ma min qedd taghmila Delia !!
Mr Delia must be living on the Seventh Moon. One thing for sure, he is as arrogant and out of touch with the people as his boss. If and when Mr Delia opens his eyes and stop insulting the people's intelligence, he will find out that the list he speaks of is not the list he wants to be on, if he expects to be elected. There is no place for arrogance in politics. It takes a man to admit his mistakes and Mr Delia should take that in stride. As far as the "Clique", I must ask Mr Delia to prove Franco Debono wrong?
One who does not use the service is not in a position to apologise, or otherwise
I don't see why I could apologise for an accident between two buses," Delia Come om Mr. Delia! you know very well that it is more than just an accident between two buses that is wrong with arriva.If you don't then you are more alienated from the public than we thought. You are more arrogant than your very arrogant mentor.
It should read Emmanuel DELIA and not Mallia
l-arroganza ta' dan il-bniedem bilkemm titwemmen u jidher carissimu min kien il-coach tieghu - zewg persuni li jekk tpoggihom flimkien jikkostitwixxu l-akbar iceberg li qatt rat id-dinja !!!! Trid tkun veru wiccek tost, pastaz, qziez, arroganti, kiesah, dardira, blokka u injorant biex ma tammettix id-dizastru totali li ga sab ruhu fih it-trasport pubbliku f'anqas minn sena u nofs wara s-suppost riforma!!!! hinijiet ma jezistux, drivers li ga saru ezatt bhal ta' qabel (jekk mhux aghar), air conditioning li mill-1 ta' ottubru ma ghadux jezisti aktar f'hafna trips, taparsi IT system fit-terminus tal-belt li hi taz-zibel, trips li ma jsirux darba tnejn u qisu ma gara xejn, .... U DAN DELIA JIPPRETENDI LI JAGHTUH IL-VOT??? TRID TKUN VERU IMBECILLI BIEX JGHADDILEK MINN MOHHOK LI TAGHTIH IL-VOT WARA DIK ID-DVERNJA LI GABNA FIHA TA' KULJUM -- sew jghid il-malti, ma' min rajtek, xebbahtek - l-ezempju ta' austin gatt malajr rikbu lil dan delia - ahjar imur iqaxxar il-lehja mhux qisu gej minn wara l-muntanji fejn probabbli ma tezistix l-arriva ....
oh my god, this delia is a photocopy of his boss> mr. austin gatt. for the sake of better governance immaterial if pl or pn goes to government this persons does not even deserve to enter the main gate of the parliament ( especially now the new premises) his arrogance dominates. Gonzi needs to send this person to cooollllll down.
Luke Camilleri
No apologies from me wither for not voting for such a POMPOUS ASS and the Party that has accepted such an INCOMPETENT to run on its ticket!