Repercussions of OLAF revelations discussed in Castille

Silvio Zammit’s defence counsel says OLAF report led to manipulated police investigations.

The revelations from the European Parliament that the Maltese police force had suggested to whistleblowers Swedish Match not to disclose a misleading version of events into the Dalligate affair, was the subject of discussions inside Castille today with the prime minister, MaltaToday was informed.

A claim by Swedish Match public affairs director Johann Gabrielsson that a Maltese lobbyist, Gayle Kimberley, had lied about a meeting with John Dalli during which a middleman asked for a bribe; and that OLAF and the Maltese police were aware of this all along, are now the subject of attention at the Office of the Prime Minister.

The matter has raised questions over the Maltese police force's role in the OLAF investigations and the Commissioner of Police's stewardship of the investigation after the OLAF report was submitted to the Maltese Attorney General.

Gabrielsson claimed Kimberley lied to him about a second meeting she had with John Dalli at his Portomaso office back in February 2012, in which the commissioner was believed to have left the room while middleman Silvio Zammit - who brokered the meeting with Dalli - asked for a bribe to reverse an EU-wide snus ban.

"It was only during the long investigations with OLAF that [it turned out] that Gayle was not in the second meeting... [OLAF] had clearly already revealed this in investigations," Gabrielsson told Bové.

Gabrielsson said he was asked by OLAF to conceal his knowledge that the meeting never took place when he appeared before the European Parliament on 9 January.

"We had been told by OLAF that an investigation was going on in Malta, 'so keep to your version. Say what you have told us, what your version is, because there is a Maltese criminal investigation that should not be disturbed'. And this was what the Maltese police said as well.

"They said 'please be careful how you actually deal with this information. Try not to disturb the information'. The story I knew was already made official, which is why I took the decision to say the story the way I heard it."

Undue influence

In a comment to MaltaToday, the defence counsel for Silvio Zammit, who is being charged with trading in influence and money laundering, claimed the OLAF report was compiled with a view to bring down EU Commissioner John Dalli, and "subject to influence by the Maltese authorities."

Edward Gatt hit out at both OLAF and the Maltese police for conducting a "flawed investigation" into the alleged request for a €60 million bribe. "We are edging closer in proving how Dalli's forced resignation from the Commission and my client's arrest in December, were intentionally timed."

Gatt - who has read the OLAF report so far submitted only to the Attorney General, the Maltese police, and the parties involved in the charges against Zammit - said the report was "clearly flawed in its procedural approach, not to mention that it also breaches fundamental human rights, and Maltese laws."

"There are serious procedural flaws in the way searches were conducted, evidence collected, and how interrogations were handled. We will prove how all this has contributed to incorrect conclusions, not only by OLAF, but also by the Maltese police."

Gatt pointed out that the OLAF report actually recommends that lobbyist Gayle Kimberley be prosecuted, "but the Maltese police have declared last week that they were not intending to, unless they find new evidence."

Gatt said this detail fit like a glove with what was revealed in Brussels yesterday by Green MEP José Bové.

During the compilation of evidence against Zammit, Assistant Commissioner Michael Cassar had revealed it was OLAF chief Giovanni Kessler who had approached Gayle Kimberley in a hotel in Portugal in June 2012, and interrogated her for almost seven hours.

After that meeting, Kimberley kept email contact with Kessler, and provided him with information related to her meetings with Zammit.

"We will be raising serious questions regarding the timing of all this," Gatt said. "My client was arrested while Tonio Borg was in Brussels facing his grilling by Euro MPs to replace John Dalli, and my client was charged the day after Lawrence Gonzi's government lost a vote of confidence in Parliament."

Could this be interpreted as an attempted "coupe d'etat" by some members of the police force?????
anna calleja
Yet again another proof of how principled and ethical our police force is! If this happened in a truly democratic country the police officers involved would be immediately suspended from their position until the case is properly investigated. The mismanagement of the Justice and Home Affairs by the Gonzi administration was a major factor in the wipeout of the PN. Dr. Muscat and Dr. Mallia had better consider the matter very carefully and take appropriate immediate action as this could be a test case of their determination not to stand such slip shod performance by senior police officers who,as a whole, played a big part in the downfall of the previous government.
Possibli kien hawn tant hmig. Difficli tammetti imma veru. W il-kbir ghadu gej.
Nahseb li kullhadd jaf li f'dan il-kaz hemm hafna x'jonqos johrog u nissugerrixxi li dan jigi mghoti l-priorita' fuq il-kazi li hemm ghax il-poplu m'ghandux jithalla jispekula aktar u jiddubita fl-investigazzjonijiet.
Kienu jghajru lil Mintoff bil-Police State. Taht Mintoff kont taqla daqqa ta ponn minghand ic-cwiec: that GonziPN jibghatuk ghand Alla bl-inkwiet...mhux ic-cwiec- imma minn dawk li jippretendu li huma il-creme de la creme!
Aktar ma nisma ,aktar nikkonferma kemm kienet montatura dejabolika l- kwistjoni li waslet ghar- rizenja hesrem tal- habib tieghi John Dalli. Nispera li llum qabel ghada ssir gustizzja mhux biss ma' John u dawk vicin tieghu li ghaddew minn tant tbatija bla bzonn izda aktar minn hekk issir gustizzja minn min ghawweg il- fatti jew holoq fatti foliz biex ihammeg mhux biss lil John imma wkoll isem Malta taghna. Nispera li l- mandat car li biddel id- direzzjoni u l- gvern fid- 9 ta' Marzu li ghadda jixkupa darba ghal dejjem in- nisga ta' hazen li gherriet is- socjeta Maltija. U jien nemmen li din in- nisga tigbor fiha hafna talin uhud li suppost qeghdin hemm biex iharsu s- sewwa mill- hazin. Wasal iz- zmien ukoll li f'demokrazija fost kollox tal- kelma , jissikket min qed jizra l- odju u ll- mibghedha u jincita' l- inkwiet u l- firda permezz ta' kitba li kienet parti minn dak li wasal ghat- telfa tal- partit Nazzjonalista. Kitba li l- awtur taghha jekk hu l- awtur taghha ma neskludix li kien il- Macciavelli fl- istorja ta' John Dalli. Is- sewwa jirbah zgur John
I have written all along, including yesterday, that I strongly believe Dalli's forced resignation had EVERYTHING TO DO with John Dalli's contributions in the National Media in 2012 and that this was typical of the frame ups that only the GONZIPN clique knew best. For this they had to rope in the top echelons of the European Commission. OLAF, a member of which was a senior GONZIPN who was even promoted in September 2012 to Permanent Secretary, was asked to cooperate and Dalli was asked to resign in October 2012!! Even more intriguing are the revelations that some members of the Malta Police may have been involved as well. The Minister of Justice and Home Affairs needs to act now and fast to stop this haemorrhage and ensure Justice to all.
Nispera wara tkaxkira bhall dik ma' jkunx ta' dizappunt ghall poplu li ma' jaqbdux il-barri minn qrunu u jkaxkruhom il-barra talli hallew din it-tip ta' porkerijja korruzzjoni ghaddejja. Il-poplu taha fiducja fuq dak li emmen u nispera li issa naraw gustizzja kif misthoqqa.
Possibbli l-aktar avukat rinomat ghall-intelligenza tieghu, u issa ministru tal-intern, ghadu ma xammx irwejjah jintnu pesti mid-depot. Il-kinsa li ta l-poplu fid-9 ta' Marzu ghandha tibda billi jinkines min halla ghaddej dal-hmieg li qed ikompli hiereg kuljum.
Igor P. Shuvalov
These new revelations give weight to what I wrote yesterday that it is time to investigate "those who accused him (Dalli), who gave witness against him, to try and find out who is really behind all this?"
"the OLAF report was compiled with a view to bring down EU Commissioner John Dalli, and "subject to influence by the Maltese authorities." <> Any more of these sort of reports and you would have Dalli-hater DCG (and fellow minded associates) running into that convent/monastery again. This is the real EU, as close to GonziPN as possible.