[WATCH] Commission: ‘Malta has full sovereignty on how to grant citizenship’

European Commission spokesperson says European Court of Justice gives member states the right to lay down their own conditions for the acquisition of nationality.

The European Commission has said it will not comment on Malta's Individual Investment Programme, after the sale of Maltese passports for €650,000 was the subject of the EC's midday question and answer session with the press.

A Commission spokesperson declared today that member states had full sovereignty on how and to whom they grant nationality. "The European Court of Justice has on several cases, confirmed the principle of international law, that it is for each member state to lay down their conditions for the acquisition of nationality."

The spokesperson said it was not for the Commission to comment on what this meant for the value of European citizenship.

"In the case of residence, there are rules for the conditions of entry of third country nationals, which are however not harmonised under EU law - as a result member states can determine their conditions of entry and stay in member states.

"Member states have clear competences, and it is important to respect those competences that lie with member states," the spokesperson said.

Nationalist MEP Roberta Metsola (EPP) today asked the European Commission whether the IIP was in line with European rules and the spirit of European Treaties. "I understand that the issue is one of national competence, however this new law creates a concept of hundreds of 'secret citizens' which will lead to a different level of citizenship in Malta and the European Union. This goes contrary to the spirit of what it means to be a citizen of Europe," Metsola said.

The names of IIP citizens will not be published, according to the new legal amendments to the Maltese citizenship act.

The Malta Employers' Association has joined a chorus of business leaders expressing concern over the design of the citizenship programme, claiming that the format in which it was approved in parliament "could tarnish Malta's reputation as a trustworthy country".

"Over the years Malta has managed to create a sound financial services sector that enjoys an international reputation of competence, transparency and professional integrity. The citizenship programme as approved lacks transparency and raises many questions about its implementation, as it may have introduced factors that may damage this vital area of economic activity," MEA said.

Jien dejjem qed li in-Nazzjonalisti huma l-unici politici tajbin f'Malta! Politiku tajjeb jahseb ghal poter tieghu biss u jigi jaqa u iqum mill-pajjiz u minn niesu! Tal-PN jafu li jekk din ta l-investment scheme tirnexxxi by bye iz-zewgt elezzjonijiet li gejjien! Jimpurthom biss mninn buthom! Fejn spiccaw il- hames biljun dejn li imlew Malta bihom? Redu l_EneMalta miljuni kbar u ahna inhallsu il-kontijiet biex tal-klikka isiru BIJUNARJI! Ghadhom bil-ghatx il-boys!
Jason Azopardi has gone into spy genre when it comes to his speeches in Parliament or Press conferences! Yesteray he said that with the individual investment scheme- all the spies of the world- will be buying a Maltese passports! Imagine how many James Bonds would be roaming Malta at good clubs sipping martinis-stirred....but not shaken! Ara min ghandna bhal sors ta inspirazzjoni biex insiri aktar kompetitivi f'dinja tal-lum! Nahseb li ghadu kemm beda l-ewwel kotba ta Le Carre: Sinker soldier spy- ta zmien meta inbena il-hajt ta Berlin?
@ ccaruana.... sir it is seems that the EU does not give a damn shit about us selling our citizenship! it is only the pn that is trying to scare the people as if it is going to be the end of the world! however nothing will happen of all the absurdities and fears the pn is trying to feed! what else will become a maltese citizen? aliens, vampires, zombies?!
Why is Gonzi-Simon PN, and its chorus, of peppi`s,joe borge`s(beirut)e bella compania, so angry about this passport issue? I think that all their foreign contacts,built up during their last 25 years in power are going to be seriously diluted, as the horizon in this field is going to be greatly expanded. Therefore they are worried sick about their chances of toppling the Labour government as they are used to,or are seeing their chances of regaining government only in the far far future
Comments that are so short sighted, as is the way the IIP is being sold. The Maltese government, by bandying about a EUR30 million sum that will be collected in the first year, is being portrayed as being bankrupt. The harm to our image that this programme has managed to garner is beyond belief. Read the world's headlines. Have you no PRIDE? And if Metsola's intervention will aid to diffuse some of these negative effects bully for her.
Ms Metsola is carrying on the PN's despicable and shameless tactic of trying to tarnish Malta's reputation and to hurt its economic well being every time a PL government is in power. I suppose a new, updated version of the PN's infamous "Malta File" is already being prepared to further damage Malta's economy. Is there no sewer that this party will not descended into? All this from the self-named "Partit tal-Puliti."
Simon Busuttil's PN needs to start focusing on how to fix his broken party. Rather than manufacturing situations to create a political climate that does not exist by way of extracating his party from the oblivion it has been assigned to, will not wash with people. This is not 1962! Simon Busuttil's negativity, overblown hype and lack of balance in anything they've approached since their historic electoral defeat has turned even more people away from their broken and literally bankrupt party. The PN needs a real cleansing from within, a change of personnel and a real change in its soul! Cosmetics and trying their level best to plunge the country in crisis as they did in the past will not work. Time to stop with the theatrics. Time to work for the common good!
Simon Busuttil's PN needs to start focusing on how to fix his broken party. Rather than manufacturing situations to create a political climate that does not exist by way of extracating his party from the oblivion it has been assigned to, will not wash with people. This is not 1962! Simon Busuttil's negativity, overblown hype and lack of balance in anything they've approached since their historic electoral defeat has turned even more people away from their broken and literally bankrupt party. The PN needs a real cleansing from within, a change of personnel and a real change in its soul! Cosmetics and trying their level best to plunge the country in crisis as they did in the past will not work. Time to stop with the theatrics. Time to work for the common good!
Another tried in vain diversion from the ongoing oil scandal investigation down the drain.Try something more simple and different for your promotion for the MEP election.
Simon Busutill is forever blowing bubbles; blowing bubbles in the air!
The newspaper in-Nazzjon in English that is the Times has failed to carry this report. I need not wonder why.
Jeffrey Camilleri
L'EU on hunting interferes and on this of the selling of our citizenship no! So we do have special agreements where we can do different from EU.
US, Eu and other western countries aren't worried about some tycoon who wants to change citizenship or residence to lessen his tax burden. Rock stars do it all the time. What is worrying to them is that because of Dublin2 Malta is ordered, by the EU, to accept all Somalis and other Horn of Africa nationals, as asylum refugees. Eventually, they will have to be given permanent residency in Malta and be able to obtain Maltese citizenship both for themselves and their Maltese born children. The European court, or similar body, will ultimately rule on compelling Malta to do just that. Will Malta subsequently have its own version of Hassan Abdi Dhuhulow, the Norwegian citizen of Somali descent? That's what, understandably and justifiably, worries US and other authorities.
Nationalist Party Sour Grapes are doing irreparable harm to our Economy. This is the plan. But we realise that it will be Billionaires who will be buying this Passport for the privilage of paying lower taxes in Malta than in their Country Taxes. The operative words being 'in Malta'. Not everyone is as stupid as Simon thinks we are. Bring them on.
So this time round the EU is not coming to the rescue of the PN. It seems that all the PN's castles and fortifications are disintegrating.
As they say in Maltese, to Roberta Metsola "Qatghulha l-ghatx bil-perzut". After all, that move of hers to go complain to the EU Commission was, to put it mildly, pretty CHEAP.
John Mifsud
Pathetic - running off to sneak to 'teacher'!
So Simon & Friends now know that their attempt to get the EU Commission to interfere has FAILED !It is obvious that our prime minister know what they are doing, much more than Simon "Buzullotti" !
Another bubble burst or egg on their face. As usual some of our patriotic Maltese citizens rushed to accuse us to the EU big daddy . If it was for them they would have surrendered all our national competences and sovereignty long ago. First the Attorney general then the Dean of Laws and now the EU make them all look silly. What next the European court of justice? Perhaps our University should consider strengthening its International Law and treaties course credits.
It seems that Metsola and the PN are all out to damage this vital area of economic activity.You are insensitive and stupid Politician,who give the impression that money was no problem.
Nationalist MEP Roberta Metsola (EPP) calling on big brother for moral and legal support skidded on a very thick banana skin. I urge her to be careful how she portrays Malta in international fora. Unbiased voters have long memories.
Abdi D
Se jibdew tal-PN jaghmlu l-hsara lil Malta, ghax hemm il-Labour fil-gvern? Jaghmlu min kollox biex jwaqghu l-gvern halli jergghu jitilghu fil-poter. Shame on you Roberta.