Fund launched to incentivize use of public transport among University students
For students to be given a 50% discount they must forfeit and return their KSU parking permit to the KSU until the end of the second semester
Transport Malta and the University students’ council have launched a fund aimed at incentivizing the use of public transport among students.
The €10,000 KSU Transport Fund would be used to subsidize students’ tallinja cards, paying 50% of their public transport costs for the three months the fund was active.
The maximum a student can be charged on their tallinja card in a month, is €21. For this reason, all those students who (a) agree to forfeit and return their KSU parking permit to KSU until the end of the second semester, being June 2016, or (b) do not currently hold a KSU parking permit, and who agree to forfeit their right to apply for a KSU car park permit until June 2016, will be given a 50% discount on this amount - for 3 months.
Malta Public transport will therefore be topping up the tallinja card of each student who makes use of this fund, with €10.50 every month for three months.
Malta Public Transport CEO Konrad Pule said that last year, the entire fund had been utilized by some 200 students and a further €2,000 were added to the fund to meet demand.
KSU President Becky Micallef said that this was only the latest in a number of initiatives aimed at reducing parking problems on campus and congestion, including the car pooling project, which she said had been very successful and efforts were being made to extend the system beyond the pilot project.