Labour plans balcony at headquarters for Joseph Muscat's election party

The Labour Party has officially applied to construct a balcony on the second floor of the party headquarters in Hamrun.

Labour has applied to construct a balcony on the second floor of its headquarters in Hamrun from where its leader Joseph Muscat will be able to salute supporters if he wins the next general election. The party plans to get the balcony completed by February 2011.

The application was presented by party president Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi and architect and Labour MP Charles Buhagiar.

The proposed alterations on the facade will the first renovation of Labour’s Hamrun headquarters since 1994 when it was build to replace the party’s former base in Macina in Bormla. This represented one of Sant’s first steps to modernise his party and broaden its appeal from its traditional boiler suit constituency. But the Hamrun headquarters in many ways reflected Sant’s managerial approach to politics lacking the human touch of a balcony from where the leader can communicate with the crowd.

Min jaf ghalfejn ghazilt l'isem ta TONINU? Another smart ASS incompetent wannabee trying to shore up his progressive and moderate boss that is continually creating earthquakes. Niehu pjacir li titbissem meta tigi mix xoghol, pero qed nistaqsi min jaf xoghol ghandek biex tkun imdejaqq daqshekk qabel tasal id-dar. Siehbi TONINU, jien ma nafx xejn pero dawk in nies bhalkhom li jippruvaw iwaddbu l-bzan f'ghajnejn ma tanc niehu pjacir biehom. As for my rage that you refer too, actually it's embarrassment as I contemplate how can anyone support mediocrity in a party that wastes supporters donations or creates enterprises to compete with private enterprise. How can anyone support the coup that instigated an election loss to discard a sick leader, knowing how utterly tired the suppirters have been discriminated upon for the last twenty years? Jien mhux nitbissem imma noxa bid dahk meta nisma lill FORREST GUMP jipprova jaddi lill nies biz zmien meta jghid jien bkejt maghkhom. To know how funny that statement was you must ask Tony Abela or Anglu Farrugia or Kurt Farrugia or Jason Micallef. Mela siehbi TONINU, meta issib ruhek imdejjaq u tkun trid titbissem ghidli ha niktiblek xi storja ohra bhal meta FORREST GUMP mar ic CHINA.
Minfommirrih ikkalma naqra ghax it tbaqbiq zejjed mha jaghmilx tajjeb as sahha. Ma tahsibx li tmintax il elf ewro ghal permessi biex taghmel gallerija huma HAFNA. B'dan il mod irid iraqqa il-pannu fil finanzi tal pajjiz dan il gvern? Ahseb u ara min xhiex iridu jaghddu uliedna meta jigu biex imissu mal mepa ghal xi permess. Donnok wiehed min dawk li taf kollox u li biex il PL jaghmel xi haga huwa obligat li jitlob parir lilek. Ghax tghid niehu pjacir naqra kitbietek. Wara jum xoghol tbissima tinzilli ghasel.
James hallina nghixu. Ma dawn ic-cucati se taqbad. Li l-pajjiz qieghed dejjem niezel fil-fondoq ma tarahx. Il-korruzzjoni u d-dejn dejjem tiela ma tghidx xejn fuqhom. Qed taqa fin-nej u n-niexef
RJ, hopefully it's the kind of language that Mouth of the South & Sal-Gister understands. My reference was to the fact that KF indicated that Ms. Dalli was not part of the PL anymore when she still has her programm TX on one tv. I suppose it's okay with you to discard Miriam Dalli but not okay to remove Zrinzo Azzopardi. One thing is for sure Miriam Dalli is a bred and born laborite and has truely paid her dues in the MLP, therefore I found it offensive that a brainless wonder like KF should show such disrespect when he could have chosen his words with a little sensitivity if he had anything upstairs. One wonders all of a sudden we have all these changes on one news. Sal- Gister is a Maltese word meaning Up to the finish line, that came into use in the 50's with horse racing people as they heard the english remarks about the final register instead of the finish line. It's amazing how you consider my comments abuse because you and others like you can't handle the truth, People like you probably on the PL gravy train are destroying this party and bleeding it dry.
Alfred Galea
Bagful of farts aka MFIR, Loo Bondi does what he does coz he's a PN asskisser, lackey and freeloader, with a cousin for a minister and idiots like you for an audience. Trying to ridicule the PL to justify the corruption and lies of your party might work with your ilk but not with those whose bread is not buttered by the PN.
Micheal Bonanno
Windbag, for your information, Salgister is the name of a French racing horse. About the program you're referring to it's Sal-Gister, which is quite different. As for your petty downright abuse of this paper's space, well I leave it up to the commenters here.
@minnfommirrih: 25 years of Christian Democratic education and this is the kind of language that you got from school? Regarding Miriam Dalli. She is no longer head of news of One news. She is a freelance journalists and a presenter. I think it is for the best but this is beside the point. In fact I can't see why they asked Ms Dalli to do the analysis of the budget when of course Charles Mangion is more suited.
Only the POPES speak from balconies and they believe they're infallables. Ma tisthux tmientax il elf f'permessi ghall gallarija biex FORREST GUMP ibellalkhom ir ross bil labra ta' progressivi w moderati. Jidher kemm hu moderat b'dawn l'ispejjez tal gallarija. BIG MOUTH of the SOUTH, Lou Bondi does what he does because that midget listed as Public Relations Officer for the PL is too dumb and incompetent in his job. In case you did not read the Times let me post what he said to the Broadcasting Authority. QUOTE:He said the analysis programme about the Budget speech could have been presented by former One TV head of news Miriam Dalli but she refused. Mr Farrugia stressed Ms Dalli was not part of the PL. COMMENT: Can you be more idiotic than that. Ma jisthiex mara qalet fwieda tahdem ghall partit. Ara very ma tafux tisthu. X'ghamel keccija. Salgister look after your programm and perhaps take a course to learn how to call the races because it's real very unprofessional. Enough said.
james.....dan min meta l,hawn li tibni gallerija huwa ta' news value? Possibli li hemmx aktar interresanti x'jirraporta f'dawn il jiem?
How pro-active has Labour become?
Albert Zammit
James ... please don't get me wrong ... I am one of those few who don't give a shit about politics as we know it in Malta. But please, don't go on trying to make us believe that you are some high-and-mighty when you pontificate from the articles that you write, spewing out criticism, left, right and centre against the politicians and against the little world in which many journalists live, here in Malta. You are as cheap as they are. That last statement of yours betrays you. Aqtaghha, xbin. Int m'inti l-ebda gurnalist indipendenti!
James: first you describe Cottonera as the "land of single mothers" and now "its traditional boiler suit constituency" - seriously: what is your problem?
"Min fommok f'Alla', although I am an average earner, friends of mine who have families to feed, cannot make it to the end of the month.
Joseph Pellicano
james can you for once be positive, you are loosing credibility with the readers.
John Camilleri
issa jonqos biss jingabru xi erba pampaluni taht il-gallarija ikantaw "irriduh, irridu"
Alfred Galea
Windbag, it's not YOUR taxes being wasted.....THAT is what fartbags like you should worry about. By the way, Loo Bendu's looking for investigative should apply, you'll get a job no problem.
Micheal Bonanno
Windbag: The usual sour grapes. Not even a hint of constructive criticism. How low can you get?
The balcony could serve also so that people could have a look across the street at the showroom to see what's on sale, if it is a fat tender or a piece of the family(Malta's) jewels, if any are left. As regards entertainment we have enough of it when 21st September comes along and we are regaled year after year with a circus act on the grannaries with gonzi as the ring master.
Maybe they're building the balcony so that FORREST GUMP can practice flying like Superman. Who knows... To serve as a platform to erect a high wire act or a Trapeze for the Circus at Mile End. QUOTE: The Labour Party has already paid MEPA an exorbitant €18,260.34 in planning fees. COMMENT: What's 18 thousand euros in these days of austerity measures to keep the multitude entertained. At least these figures are right on, far from the miscalculations of the budget measures. If this project keeps the likes of Mouth of the South happy why not...
Alfred Galea
[But the Hamrun headquarters in many ways reflected Sant’s managerial approach to politics lacking the human touch of a balcony from where the leader can communicate with the crowd.] Jimmy, your bias is showing're losing your credibility by these cheap shots.