Italy mourns 'Big brother' star Pietro Taricone, dead at 35

The star from Italy's first 'Big Brother' edition succumbed to his injuries after a mishap during a parachute jump.

Taricone, 35 was a very popular personality in Italy.

He was the most talked about and most followed protagonist of the first broadcast edition of Endemol's 'Big Brother' TV show ten years ago.

After 'Big Brother' (Grande Fratello) Pietro Taricone became more involved in TV and signed contracts for appearances on TV shows, and later in movies.

It is believed that he was with a group of sport jumpers over Terni late yesterday afternoon, when he apparently pushed "a little too far" by purposely delaying opening his parachute and tried to open it when he reached 100 metres from the ground.

The chute didn't open in time and Taricone slammed to the ground.

He was rushed to hospital and died during the night after nine hours of surgery.