Tonio Fenech ‘satisifed’ that bribes aide took were not in his name

The former private secretary to finance minister Tonio Fenech has admitted to charges of corruption and received money from contractors who had previously admitted to have financed the minister’s electoral campaigns.

Updated with Tonio Fenech's comments at 4:54pm

Noel Borg Hedley, 67 of Gzira was this morning charged with having received money from developers JPM Brothers so he could ‘fix’ fines on property valuations within departments that fall under the finance ministry.

Borg Hedley – who is currently a director of Gozo Channel Company Limited - admitted the charges and was permanently interdicted and conditionally discharged for three years. Lawyers Franco Debono and Charmaine Charret appeared for Borg Hedley.

In comments to MaltaToday, Tonio Fenech expressed "satisfaction" that the police investigations established that his former secretary was taking bribes that were not in his name.

However when questioned about Borg Hedley's original admission of collecting donations for the minister's political activities, Fenech said "this was not the case... I have many activists who collect money for political activities but not directly for political campaigning."

Fenech said Borg Hedley has not formed part of his secretariat since 2007.

The former private secretary to finance minister Tonio Fenech had admitted to have received kickbacks from developers JPM Brothers with MaltaToday back in November 2010, for intervening with governmental departments to have fines waivered or reduced on under-declared property sales.

Tonio Fenech denied having any commercial relationship with JPM Brothers when asked about the fact that the same donors were allegedly said to have carried out works on his house "as a favour" by a sub-contractor of theirs. This allegation was already denied by Fenech in 2009.

Borg Hedley had admitted to MaltaToday in November 2010 that he initially collected money from the Montebellos as donations to the minister’s political campaign, but then said that he also pocketed some cheques in return for his intervention with departments that fall under the finance ministry.

Borg Hedley said he collected the cheques signed to his name and his wife’s, then cashed the cheques to pay for the minister’s electoral campaign. Shortly after his admission to MaltaToday, he reportedly called Tonio Fenech admitting to having pocketed payments from Montebello brothers Peter and Jeffrey in exchange for his intervention on fines related to the under-valuation of property sales.

The minister immediately referred the case to the Commissioner of Police who initiated investigations.

Tonio Fenech had categorically denied knowing of donations from the Montebello brothers for his campaign: “I never intervened to favour Montebello in any way,” he said.

The former official had originally alleged he was instructed by the minister to collect donations from several contributors. “Amongst them were JPM Brothers, and I would go to their office to collect the cheques made in my name. I paid for the electoral expenses myself,” Borg Hedley had said.

Tonio Fenech said he did not know of these donations. “In our political system we depend on our helpers to raise money for our activities, but I never received any monies directly from the Montebello brothers,” Fenech said.

Fenech had also told MaltaToday his political activities attracted a wide range of constituents, and admitted knowing the Montebellos from his Birkirkara constituency, but the allegations about having intervened in the Jerma sale were “false and untrue… I never ever intervened to favour Montebello in any way.”

JPM and Tonio Fenech

The same JPM Brothers had been engaged by the finance minister to carry out works on his Balzan residence in 2009.

As mega-developers – they were formerly constructing the Mistra Heights development that went belly-up after a loan call-in – they engaged a sub-contractor to take over works at the Fenech residence.

But when the sub-contractor was not paid his full dues, he revealed to MaltaToday that Peter Montebello had told him the works were “a favour” for the minister’s intervention in the sale of the Jerma Hotel.

As it turned out, the Montebellos wanted to sell their hotel to magnates George Fenech and Joe Gasan, who had presented the Prime Minister their plans to transform the Jerma Palace Hotel into a potential ‘Portomaso of the south’, back in the summer of 2010.

Angling for an urgent sale of the property they had purchased a year before, JPM Brothers were hoping they could settle some outstanding loans with banks and creditors. According to Charles Magro, the director of the sub-contrator Rainbow Projects, it was this sale that Montebello needed to pay him for works on Fenech’s house.

The failure of the sale led to problems inside Casa Fenech: Rainbow demanded payment from Montebello, who was not forthcoming. So Tonio Fenech decided to take matters in hand and pay Rainbow directly. But disagreement ensued between Fenech and Rainbow’s director on the costs. After refusing to push his prices downward, Rainbow’s director Charles Magro blew the whistle, coming out in the open to say that Montebello’s works inside Fenech’s home had been “a favour”.

Adrian Busuttil
Where is ACCOUNTABILITY in the country? It seems that it does not form part of the vocabulary of the current administration.
I wonder what was promised to Borg Hedley to swallow the blame and guilt.
Sur Bloggers Tistew tghiduli li kieku dan gara meta jkun hemm l PL fil gvern? Tiftakru l kas a Charles Mangion ?
Ghidilna daqsxejn fejn qed tidhirlek il-Madonna halli nibdew nigu pellegrinagg forsi tilluminana kif se nehilsu minkom u ma tigvernawx izjed ghax lil Malta farraktuha u kissirtuha.
Ma kinitx qaltlu fuq dan il-Madonna?
Paul Sammut
Miskin dan Tonio qatt ma jaf xejn. Qisu il-bahnan tar-rahal, Jekk mhux hekk allura jew qed iqarraq jew kompletament inkompitenti.
Luke Camilleri
Ma qaltlux il-Madonnalill Tonio Fenech li kellu s-Segretarju qieghed jixxaham biex ikollu fondi ghal kampanja elettorali tieghu? Jew issa bdiet, konvenjentament , tkellmu????????????????
In 2002, John Gotti, a well known American mobster, died. During his life, he was known as "The Teflon Don" because, although is was clear he was involved in many rackets, nothing seemed to stick. His mantle is now available. I suggest that Tonio Fenech puts it on and, henceforward, call himself "The Teflon Minister".
Christopher Briffa
Minn jaf x'tahseb fuq din il-qassatta il-Madonna?
Ma nistax nifhem kif bniedem wahdu, minghajr ghajnuna ta` hadd, jew minghajr ma jinqabad jista jaqbad u jbiddel jew ihassar multi. Jekk veru dawn l-affarijiet jistghu jigru, allura ma niskantaw xejn li f`dipartiment iehor (VAT) li jaqa` taht l-istess Ministru kien hemm dawk l-intricci kollha ghaddejjin minghajr hadd ma jxomm xejn. U la qed insemmu l-VAT, ma nafx jien x`wicc irid ikollok biex wara dak l-iskandlu kollu hadd ma jirrezenja. l-Omerta` saret l-ordni tal-gurnata f`dan il-pajjiz. Alla jbierek hadd ma jaf xejn.
Sur Tonio X`ma tibkix l Madonna meta tara hwejjeg bhall dawn mhux hi biss izda l poplu kollu . Int litteralment bikkejtom int lil poplu malti bil kontijiet tad dawl u l-ilma . Dejjem tinholod xi diversiv li qed tinqdew bih biex taljenaw lil poplu li bhalissa hu r referendum dejjem taraw kif taljenaw lil MISKIN poplu Malti Possibbli li qisu li ma gara xejn sur Fenech
Skandlu wara l-iehor u hadt ma jerfa ir responsabbilta. Kulhadd aljenat fuq il kwistjoni tad Divorzju u hadd ma jista jifhem labbuz xokkanti tal Vat. Is-segretarju privat tal ministru tal-finanzi Tonio Fenech ammetta l-akkużi ta ' korruzzjoni u flus li rcieva minn ghand kuntratturi li kienu ammessi għall finanzjarjament tal kampanji elettorali tal-ministru. Li L-Ministri hadu zieda ta Eur500 fil GIMGHA u apparti din Eur6000 fdawn lahhar 3snin li ghaddew. U ghax Joseph Muscat habbar li kien ha jtijhom lil karita ma rcieva xejn. Kif jista jkun fadal nies li jmorru jivvutawlu!
The new hudini magician and escape artist
Miskin il-vittma,l-haruf ta' 67 sena ssagrifika lilu nnifsu ghal TF
Naqbel li l-Madonna qieghda tibki - meta tara kif il-poplu taghna li tant ihobbha qieghed imsallab b'dawn in-nies li hemm fil-gvern ! Kif qal Lino Spiteri: X'ghamel dan il-poplu biex jisthoqqlu dan il-kastig ?
U x'ma tibkix il-Madonna! Gelgul ta' dmugh imissa tibki fuq il-ħmieġ li qed iwettaq dan il-gvern!
Kif kull fejn iddur madwar il-membri ta' dan il-gvern u dawk ta' madwarhom, hlief xamma ta' hmieg u korruzzjoni ma ssibx. Jidher li r-Reverndu Ministru Tonio Fenech wasallu z-zmien li jdabbar rasu mill-pulitka u jiddedika lilu nnifsu biex isalava l-erwieh. Hekk jew hekk hu diga' haga wahda mall-qaddisin.
Party and candidate's financing at its best! Can we afford (pun intended) to let that businesses 'invest' funds - to obviously reap future dividends - and this with no public scrutiny?