Divorce bill published in government gazzette

The Civil Code (Amendment) Bill (Divorce bill) has been published in the Government Gazette.

The bill, over which almost 53% of the electorate voted in favour of its introduction, was published yesterday in a supplimentary edition of the government gazzette.

A House Business Committee meeting last week established that Parliament will start to debate the divorce bill on July 4 and will continue until July 13 when a vote will be taken to close the second reading of the bill.

Following this vote, the House is set to discuss the clauses within the House Committee for the Consideration of Bills.

While no date has been fixed for the final vote on the third reading, it is expected that the clauses will be discussed within the committee during the summer.

Both government and Opposition MPs have been urged to draw up their amendments to the clauses beforehand.

The bill will be debated in the wake of a referendum held on May 28, whereby almost 53 per cent of the electorate agreed to the introduction of divorce.

The bill was presented to parliament last July as a private members bill prepared by government MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, and was later co-sponsored by Opposition MP Evarist Bartolo.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi had immediately declared his opposition ti the introduction of divorce and had also led the PN to take a stand against it.

Following the referendum result, the Prime Minister urged parliament to “respect” the people’s wishes, however he refrained from declaring how he would be voting in parliament.

The Prime Minister insists however that “government will ensure” the bill is passed.

QUOTE: Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi had immediately declared his opposition ti the introduction of divorce and had also led the PN to take a stand against it. -- Following the referendum result, the Prime Minister urged parliament to “respect” the people’s wishes, however he refrained from declaring how he would be voting in parliament. UNQUOTE This is a sign of grevious internal conflict. Is the PM divroced from himself?