Coleiro Preca changes her mind, ‘I will contest general elections’

Labour MP who campaigned against divorce says she will run for elections after all.

Shadow health minister Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca said she will be contesting the next general elections after all, just two weeks since she publicly declared she was not running again.

The Labour MP said she “could not ignore” the support she found from constituents and families in the last weeks.

Coleiro Preca had campaigned against divorce and announced her intention not to run for the general elections soon after the referendum result in which 53% approved a divorce bill.

But she said Labour leader Joseph Muscat’s declaration that she “was in conformity with the party line” and his appeal to her to be part of Labour’s team “made it incumbent upon me to rethink my decision not to contest.”

She said Muscat’s “consistent politics” had made her proud to be a Labour MP. She said Labour had not taken a partisan stand on divorce, and allowed its MPs a free vote. “The PN’s exponents are trying to use me as the casualty of the mistake their own party committed, when it did not give its MPs the freedom of conscience on divorce.”

Coleiro-Preca is a former secretary-general of Labour and was a candidate for the party leadership in the last elections that saw Joseph Muscat elected leader. As one of Labour’s anti-divorce MPs, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca was a supporter of the referendum. “I feel this is an issue that the people must give us MPs a mandate for us to decide according to their wishes… This is a matter of conscience, but I cannot impose it upon others without a mandate from the people. And it should be an informed decision by the people... I believe in a discussion that is well-informed, that goes beyond crusades and fanaticism, but I’ve been disappointed so far.”

I am just wondering - what are we going to do now with the young super star? - i am referring to the president's son - who was going to add his unique skills to PL A-Team and fill in the vacated position. Just a though. If this was tennis, a young star would have a string of victories behind him to earn him the title of star. Off course PL's vision is so powerful, they can actually see straight into the future. So they know a young star even before he picks up his first racket. We are so truly blessed in this country.
Why did she say she will not contest the next general election in the first place? She knew that she was in conformity with the party line so why?
In Malta it is very rare that some politician sumbits his/her resignation from parliament or other significant position; but when this happens it is usually reversed soon. Such was the case of Alf Sant and Tony Zarb soon after the 2003 election; now Marie Louise followed suit! I think they do it for OUR own good, poor them!!!
I say to all the deceivers who have commented her: ‘Born but to die, and reas’ning but to err’ (Pope). . MLCP has done a lot to represent its No constituents by forging out her neck, not in congruence with the rest of her Labour MP colleagues, and openly and actively campaigned with the No movement. She also voted No in accordance with her conscious. . So she has done very well to represent her minority N0 constituents. . But once the referendum result is out, an MP has to reflect the views of its constituents. This is the main reason for holding an ad hoc poll. In her district and across Malta a clear Yes to divorce has been pronounced, so it would be fair to represent this majority as well by her Yes vote in Parliament. I believe that that is what she is saying. . I am sure she is not after to strengthen her 5,200 first count votes, though this may very well be, if she listens to the rest of her constituents.
Welcome back Marie- Louise .Who is not against us is with us.
duncan abela
A welcome rethink by MLC and no doubt better counsel by those who admire her prevailed. Whilst I certainly take a completely opposite view to hers on the divorce issue she has been consistent in her approach, In her stand she has remained within the voting parameters of loyalty set by the PL leader. She is one of the MPs who genuinely throughout the years has shown real social concern for the under privileged in our society. A real asset for the PL. Shame on all those fanatics who should be fellow travellers and yet jumped to attack her at the first disagreement. They do not seem to understand what an inclusive party is all about.
What a farse. And these people want to run the country? Austin Gatt he would resign and is still there, now this one. There is no getting them off the gravy train.
Under Joseph Muscat, the Pl has with no doubt made leaps in advance, but not when resigning and re accepting the same persons within few days. Unfortunately, one thing remains in this party, the culture that persons resign and then decide to return to politics. When we are going to learn. If someone resigns, that's it. If Ms Coleiro preca had decided to reisgn due to certain circumstances or personal reasons,I beleive that the circumstances were so worrying that they would not disappear in few days. I beleive that those circumstances are still there and she knows. Good luck MS Coleiro Preca. We will never learn
Somehow reminds us of the famous 'ripensament' of Alfred Sant in 2003, when most Labourites thought that two electoral defeats back-to-back were more than enough to digest and yet he stayed on to garner the third consecutive defeat.
Proset lil Joseph Muscat għal mod kif qed jaħdem. Fl-aħħar il-PL qed jitgħallem. Ninsab kuntent bir-ritorn ta' Marie Louise. Bomba oħra ma saqajn il-PN din. Ma' tistax tiġihom waħda tajba!!
So all you (and Adrian) did was to give the opportunity to the PN to attack the PL at at time when the PN was at a loss following the referendum and its MPs are in disarray between them. They took advantage of your statement to turn their guns against the PL to distract the attention away from them. In any case welcome back but in future think thrice before opening your mouth.
Jien indum biex niehu decizjoni, imma wara li nehodha ma nergax lura minn kelmti lanqas jekk jinzel A... mis sema. Mela l kelma xi ping pong jew? u ohra hedd m`hu ndispensabbli ta lanqas!
It takes courage and intelligence to change one's mind in such a situation. A woman to be admired!
To all MPs who would be voting in the Divorce Bill: . As catholics we were taught that nothing happens if not by GOD's will, therefore the IVA victory in the referendum would not have happened if not by GOD's will, who will deny this? . Catholics should consider DIVORCE Law as Adam's and Eve's apple tree in Genesis, it is up to you if you want to taste of its fruit or not and that by GOD's given right to the freedom of choice.
@JGEPM You are gravely mistaken my friend ML has a strong following still, it is her actions in the coming weeks that will decide the outcome. Secondly she should be geared up to take a lot of flack from the nazzis as she already had during the divorce issue. ML is a strong woman and can handle the nazzis but she has also to handle her cards well with the PL electorate.
Whilst I congratulate MLCP for changing her decision regarding showing up again for the PL I still am a little confused, she did say, and I quote : . “I feel this is an issue that the people must give us MPs a mandate for us to decide according to their wishes… This is a matter of conscience, but I cannot impose it upon others without a mandate from the people. And it should be an informed decision by the people... " . Isn't she saying that she was for the referendum and people were to vote according to their conscience, as I am sure she did herself, but saying , "...but I cannot impose it upon others without a mandate from the people..." means that after the referendum now that there is a mandate she has to respect that mandate and make SURE it is respected, so that the PN does not take advantage. This matter now has nothing to do with anyone's conscience, now it is simply respecting the majority's wishes. . Abstaining in my opinion, after it is clear the people have spoken is a coward's way out.
Welcome back commrade!!! Wise decision.......another nail in GonziPN's coffin!.............U r-rebha taghna terga' tkun!.....very soon, sooner that expected!
Godfrey Grech
Illistra x'kumbinazzjoni. Ezatt kif ghamilt jien dalghodu.
@ JGPEM.Ghandek zball totali.Marie-Loiuse tgawdi stima min kulhadd.Z-zimien itiena parir.
JPGEM - Assolutament ma ghandekx ragun. Il-kredtu ta MLCP zdied u mhux naqas. Taf ta min naqas, ta dawk l-MPs Nazzjonalisti li inti ghidt li ma qalu xejn kif se jivvutaw. Mhux bilfors li ma jghidu xejn. La ghandhom direzzjoni, u hafna minnhom qed jistennew biex jaraw il-fejn se jmur il-kurrent u mbghad jivvotaw kif jaqblilhom.Kieku ridt tkun fair kont tghid li dawk ukoll ma ghandhomx kredtu. Imma forsi inti wiehed minn dawk n-nazzjonalisti li bhalissa aktar mohhom fid-damage limitations milli jghidu l-verita.
Grazzi xejn Marie Louise Coleiro Issa il KREDTU li kellek man nies specjalment Ta Hal Qormi TLIFTU Hadd min naha tal Gvern ma qal xser jaghmel waqt il votazzjoni fil parlament dward id DIVORZJU int Marie Lousie kont il BULIJA li ghid ser TIVVOTA kontra Issa TO LATE ghax ma ghandekx cans titla darb ohra fil parlament IL PAPPA SER TISPICCALEK GHAX MA KONTX LEALI lejn il PL
nice winning team for next elections marie louise, deborah, PL is the home of everyone
I don't agree with her stand on the divorce issue, PMs should respect the people's vote. However, he position is in line with the PL's stand and that of JM to, so she is free to vote as she wishes. It would have been a great shame to lose Marie Louise from our political scene. So I guess it's the right decision for the sake of the PL and Malta.
It is a lady's prerogative to change her mind. M.Louis's DNA is Labour. It would have been a great loss for the Party and for the cause of all women of the island. I do not agree with her on the issue of divorce, never the less I cannot deny the fact that the Party needs people of her competence, charcter and passion for the final push on GonziPN
Prosit Marie Louise ta' din id-decizjoni. Mhux il-PL. biss iggwadanja lmma Malta. U prosit kbira talli qtajt l-ghatx bil-perzuta lil PN li bdew jinqdew bil ghall-iskopijiet taghhom.
Malta will be that much better for this representation in parliament. Let's now hope that like the people has shown their utmost respect and determined will to convince MLCP to remain their representative, so will MLCP reciprocate by her votes to confirm the will of her constituents in the matter of the divorce legislation. For to err in opinion, though it be not the part of wise women, is at least human.
Proset Marie-Louise vera nammirak ghax fis-sahna tad-demm wiehed jghid u jaghmel hafna affarijiet pero' x'hin tghaddi s-sahnna tal-mument dak li jkun jibda jirrealizza li seta' qaghad naqra lura f'xi diskors jew ghemil u jiddispjacih li jkun qal jew ha xi pas. Imma mbaghad ikun ragel u jerga lura minn kliemu, Marie-Louise jiena m'inhiex mid-distret tieghek jiena fit-13 il-distrett pero' dejjem ammirajtek ghal kuagg u l-irgulija li dejjem imxejt bihau hekk hu illum ergajt ndunajt li l-ghajta tal-kostitwenti tieghek u l-ghajta tal-Leader regghet gaghlitek terga lura taht l-umbrella kbira u glorjuza tal-Partit. Nawguralek minn qalbi kull success li jixraqlek.
Grazzi Marie Louise tghalli smajt is sejha tal poplu. Il-poplu Malti ghandnu bzonnok ghax inti mara Genwina u dejjem lesta li tghin li lkull min ghandu bzonn. Jiena u l-familja tieghi bhalissa ninsabu ferhanin hafna bid decizjoni tieghek. Nergha nghidlek grazzi fisem il familja u l-hbieb tieghi!
weldone ....................