Church donated €180,000 to anti-divorce campaign

Church provided bulk of finance to anti-divorce movement's €236,000 during campaign.

The Maltese archdiocese donated €180,000 to the anti-divorce movement for its campaign in the divorce referendum, Zwieg Bla Divorzju announced today.

The movement, which is the first to declare its finances for the referendum campaign, said it also received another €56,000 in contributions from various groups, families and individuals “of no political organisation but who wished to defend lifelong marriage.”

The Church effectively financed 75% of the anti-divorce campaign, confirming its frontline role in Zwieg Bla Divorzju. Chairperson Andre Camilleri said the biggest expense was on media activities, namely €70,000 on newspaper adverts, printing and video production. He said this expense was necessary because “most media had a position in favour of divorce. Many times we did not have the necessary space, and had to pay to send out our message that others were broadcasting for free.”

Camilleri thanked activists at a meeting organised yesterday to dissolve the group. He particularly thanked those who took part in public radio and TV debates. “They gave their support and most times they endured personal attacks,” Camilleri said.

Camilleri augured that a constructive parliamentary debate now takes place on the divorce bill that would reflect the popular will as expressed in the referendum – in which 53% voted in favour – “with a law that does the least harm to society, families and children.”

Camilleri had previously told The Times that Zwieg Bla Divorzju received “a lot of help from people who have certain political and religious beliefs” mainly from SMS donations. The Church offered the movement a parish to conduct its campaign, and Camilleri said the movement will publish what it spent and where it came from.

Apart from the Church’s public relations officer bolstering the anti-divorce campaign team, several other Church figures lent their support to the movement. Dr Anna Vella, the president of the Church’s marriage preparation organisation Cana Movement; TV presenter Joyce Cassar from the CAM production house of the Missionary Society of St Paul; and Fr Joe Borg, formerly the Archbishop’s delegate for social communication.

The Stock Exchange chairman and anti-divorce figurehead Arthur Galea Salomone, like Camilleri before him, is also a director of the board of APS Bank (Apostleship of Prayer Savings Bank), the Maltese archdiocese’s bank.

Additionally, the Church’s delegates teamed up with members of the Nationalist party and the government in their campaign. Anton Attard, the prime minister’s campaign manager in 2008, was consulted immediately at the start of the campaign. Misco pollster Lawrence Zammit and MITA chairman Claudio Grech, formerly head of minister Austin Gatt’s secretariat, had been assisting Zwieg Bla Divorzju’s campaign from the very start. Even the deputy Cabinet secretary Frans Borg – brother to Fr Joe Borg – took two months’ vacation leave to assist in the campaign.

What a caffufle! The Referendum was a vote that - for want of reality - resulted in the Public offering an opinion about the legalising of divorce within Malta. Now we hear that the Roman Catholic Church - no doubt still regarded as the supreme arbiter or morals in the World regardless of its past histoy to the contrary - has declared that it spent €150,000+ on the "No Campaign" and used the "Hell and Damnation" rhethoric to bully some in to thinking that "only they" had the right to say who goes to Heaven. Come on. come on and be real! Doesn't amyone read the Word of God in the Bible? The only way to Heaven is clearly defined in the text of Jesus. If you do't believe it have a look. The Church is not the arbiter here and it never was. As for the debate about divorce the Government (which also includes the Opposition Parties) must accept the fact that the Public has made its decision and agree with it. There are after all far more serious matters of Government and the Economy which need dealing with.
Public institutions should never imply that one or every religious comprehension of life is worth a higher degree of dignity in the public domain than others or non-religious ones. Citizens, electors, tax-payers should never be required to pay a higher respect, or higher tributes, to churches, religious bodies, religious ideas. This established alliance between the state and religion suggests, that while one important aspect of this relation is a financial one, another is social control - and its attempt to maintain the status quo ...
@bejn il-linji They did well so that eventually we may be at par with the rest of the world. This was about a civil right exercised the world over.
Wasted money which could have been put to worthier cause!
And they come begging for our money for good causes. How are they fork out Euro 180,000 for something that is not their's. Divorce is a State Issue and it was a Blessing that Divorce made it. We the people have shown them at we do not fall under their umbrella.
Dawn tkellmu u qalu figura. haddiehor ma tkellimx kemm nefaq u ma ahniex ser insemmu li s-super one kemm xandar kollox u l-hin kollu favur id-divorzju. il media kollha kienet favur id-divorzju.
Jiena ivvutajt iva, pero' jiena ma qieghed nara xejn hazin li l-knisja nefqet dawk il-flus f'xi haga li temmen fiha u li riedet li r-rizultat jigi l-kontra li gie. Jekk temmen f'xi haga u toqghod b'idejk fuq zaqqek ma tirbahx gwerer u llum nafu li jekk ma tonfoqx il-flus biex twassal il-messagg tieghek titlef zgur. Issa rigward il-kummenti li hawn familji fil-bzonn u dwar d-Dar tal-Providenza dawn jiena ma narahom jidhlu xejn f'din il-bicca tax-xogho. Ghandna nzommu f'mohhna li bit-tajjeb u hazin kollu tal-KNISJA hija kienet l-ewwel li bniet orfanatrofji u istituti ghat-tfal iltima u d-Dar tal-Providenza l-knisa wkoll fethitha ghax gharfet li hemm bzonnha meta suppost li l-Gvern l-ewwel li ghandu jiehu hsieb dawn l-affarijiet. Jiena nghid li l-knisja ghamlet affarijeit hziena mela le imma nghid ukoll li t-tajjeb taghha jissupera dak il-hazin ghalkemm il-hazin jidher izjed mit-tajjeb. U tahsbux li jiena xi devot ta' lanqas xejn, pero' jiena dak li hu tajjeb nghidlu tajjeb u dak li hu hazin nghidlu li hu hazin.
The Church keeps loosing more people everytime it opens its mouth. Is the church accountable for all the money it gets?
GOOD GOD why should we believe that Arch. Cremona donated ONLY €236,000 ?? The final result was a huge eye opener so that now everybody knows where our hard earned cash which we give to various church activities / church schools donations are ending up -------- down the drain. Dear Archbishop TALK IS CHEAP we need to see some hard facts coming from church officals now. Wake up & smell the coffee, your're dealing with intelligent individuals who are not easily swayed by sweet talk. They are demanding that the church they loved so much would at least start recognising that there are problens on this island, so MANY families who are suffering in silence, the famous working poor who no matter how hard they work they can't seem to make end meet. If you want to keep your flock of sheep together do not discriminate. What EFA started in 1995 LG will finish it by 2011.
U mbghad fid-Dar tal-Providenza jitqammlu u jixxahhu mar-residenti u mall-haddiema ghax il-knisja m'ghandiex flus! Jien wara din l-ahbar, fejn qabel kont naghti 50c waqt il-gbir tal-quddies tal-Hadd, issa se naghti mhux aktar minn 5 cents.
L-anqas tisthu tghejdu li infaqtu dawk il flus kollha,meta ghawn familji li it tfal tahhom qeghedin ibatu il guh. Ghawn familji li qeghedin ibiehaw id deheb tal familja, mhux sabiex jghamlu xi gita, imma biex jghejxu. Sa fejn ghallimtuni inthom stess, li Kristu hallas b`hajtu sabiex jghallimna, u ma nefaqx l`anqas ewro wiehed. Dak li bena Kristu u ilu maghna aktar min 2000 sena, qeghdin thottuh inthom.......Ta l-anqas ma kont nitkellem xejn, u mhux qeghdin tiftahhru li kieku stajtu kontu tohorgu aktar.
It just goes to prove that the church keeps meddling in politics. What a shameful way to flush money down the drain especially in view of the millions of euros the church receives from our taxes by the government.
€236,000 spent to misinform the public about what divorce legislation entails, who requires it, and how it is an entirely private matter. . €236,000 spent on inciting discrimination against those who are already divorced or plan to get divorced. . €236,000 spent to terrorize the uninformed with hellfire and brimstone if they as much as showed some compassion towards those who need this legal tool. . €236,000 spent on making a big false fuss about the permanence of marriage when the facts show clearly that this is not always the case. . Oh GOD please, please, please enlighten the minds that [mis]lead this country.
Isabelle Borg
Money that should have been spent more wisely. No wonder that people do believe in the roman catholic religion but not in the church.
U iva! now there is the parruccan who is rewarded an indulgenza in heaven! I hope that the Church would not declare a deficit this year.....
Luke Camilleri
Money literally down the drain and the Church was in fact the loser in this campaign! . It wil be a hard task getting the seep back in the fold when the Church has alliances with deputy Cabinet secretary Frans Borg – brother to Fr Joe Borg , Anton Attard, the prime minister’s campaign manager in 2008, Misco pollster Lawrence Zammit and MITA chairman Claudio Grech, formerly head of minister Austin Gatt’s secretariat... . Meta tara nies bhal dawn u allejanzi bhal dawn x'jibqa go fik? Aktar u aktar b'certi stqarrijiat ta' anton Gouder, L_isqof ta' Ghawdex, u l-aqwa wiehed li jahdem undercover Fr. Joe Beirut Borg! Min xarrbu klielu il-bakkaljaw ..u ma tantx sejra tithol fil-but malajr ideja meta isir xi gabra specjali ghal kontijiet tad-dawl, jew ghal xi "missjoni" ohra! . Ikolla kredibilita il-knisja meta tikellem fuq il-kalvarju li ghadejjin in-nies bil-kontijiet li qieghed jibghat il-Gvern ta' Gonzi li dawn in-nies affiljati mieghu!. . Il-knisja ta' Malta wkoll b'zewg ucuh!
@ Mazzun .Have you ever watch the film LUTHER .This is all about what you said. U dawn l flus kollha u xorta r rieda tal poplu sehhet imbaghad EFA ghadu ma jridx jnizzilha li id divorzju ser jaddi taht l gvern tal PN
Andre Camilleri said "...this expense was necessary because “most media had a position in favour of divorce. Many times we did not have the necessary space, and had to pay to send out our message that others were broadcasting for free.”" Really? You had the official backing from 2 of the LARGEST institutions on the island. The Nationalist party AND the church - both armed with SEVERAL mass media outlets - print, TV, radio, and door-to-door spam mail. Case in point: Exclusivity, for free, to your advantage. Please do tell; how much did you actually have to fork out for exposure in all the PN and Church media outlets alone? Not to mention all the in-person propaganda by the church during the several mass sermons and while going door to door to 'bless' homes. Everything was heavily leaning to your advantage... ...but you lost anyway. Is-sewwa jirbah zgur. (Right will always prevail) Enough with the lies. What a waste of money that should have gone to those in need. :/
Kont nahseb li bl-Arcisqof Pawlu Cremona ser immoru il-quddiem , imma meta gie at test ghamel froga, nhux ha insemmi dak ta ghawdex ghax dan baghat lin- nies 50 sena lura ...
no more money from me on Sundays. I voted for divorce and the money i was donating was against my wish.
Money very well spent indeed. The perfect funeral. Let's not forget the subtle threats of eternal damnation and the "brigands" in favour of divorce:
naqbel mighek gs alla mandux xjaqsam u quddies ghanna imorru ghax imorru ghal alla mhux ghal qassissin, izda le lil dawn il hallelin ta socjeta ma nitfawlomx flus. kemm serqu nies fil passat u jghidulom li jekk ma jiktbux gidom lil parocca ruhom ma salvaxx.
U baqghu b'xejn!
wow kemm ghanda flus x'tonfoq il knisja. mil-flus tal FIDILI?? miskina il knisja kif ramitom dawn il-flus fuq telfa u propoganda. u vera fidil trid tkun biex tghati il flus lil dawn in-nies. ahjar il flus investtitom f-afarijiet iktar bzonjuzi.
quddies immoru ghax Alla mandux xjaqsam, imma flus TITFAWX.