Church wished it could have given more to anti-divorce campaign

Archbishop Paul Cremona says the benefit of not introducing divorce would have considerably outweighed any expense towards that goal.

Archbishop Paul Cremona yesterday told Moviment Zwieg Bla Divorzju activists he would have wanted the Church to be in a better financial position to make a larger contribution than the €180,000 it donated to the anti-divorce movement for its campaign in the divorce referendum. “In making financial contributions to lobby against the introduction of divorce, we did our duty,” Cremona said.

Cremona thanked the activists and expressed appreciation for the work they carried out. He said that although the movement was “secular and autonomous and worked independently from the Church, like the Church it worked to inform the people about the indissolubility of marriage.”

“Throughout the referendum campaign, the movement and church shared the same ideal. Because of this, the Church felt obliged to provide financial assistance to Moviment Zwieg Bla Divorzju.”

The Church effectively financed 75% of the anti-divorce campaign, confirming its frontline role in Zwieg Bla Divorzju. The movement, which is the first to declare its finances for the referendum campaign, said it also received another €56,000 in contributions from various groups, families and individuals.

Cremona stressed that no sum was too large for the social value of families and indissoluble marriage. “The benefit of not introducing divorce would have considerably outweighed any expenditure made to lobby against it,” Cremona said.

He underlined the Church’s “duty to defend marriage and the family like it has been doing for entire centuries” and said its work would “remain strong even after the referendum and the introduction of divorce.”

He said that Church closely accompanied Maltese families through their life journey and emphasized that it is the only institution in Malta that prepares couples for marriage and provides shelter for children who do not have a healthy family environment.

Cremona appealed for society to continue investing in stable marriages and united families. “Everyone agrees that this would mean a better environment for budding couples, children, and ultimately, the whole of society.”

The money was squandered and would have been better put to use for charitable institutions like Dar tal Providenza. You expect us to donate blindly so you throw away the funds. Ikollok hniena mill foqra u minn hu bilguh
Yeah ... and GOD is not Maltese nor is GOD Vaticanese. Nor is GOD a prelate or a politician. GOD is not a man or a woman. Nor did GOD create cannon law. The concept of GOD is way, way too ENORMOUS for GOD to be concerned whether or not married people stay together. Our understanding of GOD evolves as we evolve. Certain institutions make it a point not to grow and evolve. Indeed they pride themselves with a value called CONSISTENCY but what they really mean is STAGNATION - and stumped growth.
Wenzu, I do not agree with what you write here in your first sentence. I'm more than convinced that GOD is a reality which that needs no proving. GOD's existence is manifest in HIS creation! Having said that I do not believe that GOD as an entity of infiinite wisdom, goodness and forgiveness belongs to any one sect, religion, doctrine or philosophy. GOD can be found through goodness, simplicity, humility and love.
God ONLY exists if one believes in such a thing as a supernatural, non- physical entity. Cremona only believes in money- and let him down as well.
I wonder whether the Archbishop ever has the right to make such a statement about the millions which the people regularly dish out to maintain the Catholic message. ESPECIALLY NOW that the same people have talked out so eloquently about divorce legislation in last month's divorce referendum. Archbishop Cremona, in my humble opinion, is a curator of that the people's money.
the church would have done better if it had spend the money on this issue to feed the families that are in need or are about to loose their jobs. the church would do better to stick to helping those in need not to interfere in politics.
Tibzax ghadkom taghmlu. Ic-Cirku li hawn maghmul min A + B + C Trid tkun iblah biex ma tindunax. Ezempju ara fil-parlament , hemm min irid ifixkel, u tant huma fuq sieq wahda issa, wara damdima li hadu, li l-anqas qed jindunaw . Ir-referendum ghamluh ,fil-verita ghax hasbu li l-maggoranza tal-poplu Malta ghadhu injorant. (injorant ghax hekk rieduh qabel) Komplu dahku lin-nies. l-aqwa li ghamilna referendum (konsultattiv) kemm kienu jdoqqu hornijiet u qniepen tal-knejjes) U halluna . Issa gej id-dibattitu fil-parlament u taraw u ser tisimaw Charade( bil-Malti teatrin shih) Ghax hekk iriduh lil-poplu Malti jibqa fl-injoranza, "Ma tafux li iz-zmien ibiddel kollox? Imma tant inthom ghamjin bil-kburija u l-Poter li ghnadkom , li mintomx taraw, li qed titmermmru bil-mod il-mod." Aktar ma jaghddu snin aktar il-poplu Malti jitaghllem, u dawn A + B + C jitilfu il-kontroll assolut. Is-sahha vera qedgha f'idejn il-poplu, u huma jafuha din. Ghalhekk qed jipruvaw min kollox , imma aktar ma qed jaghmlhu aktar hazin ghalihom infushom .
Reduce it to a money matter would you? As I said in previous blogs, to err is human, but to persist is diabolical. Dear Mr Paul Cremona, you would cut the church a far better figure if you would just go and do missionary work...but not only in Africa and India, but also among the hypocrite "pagan" rosary bead toting Sunday Mass know-it-all Catholics who get scandalised for petty misdemeanours and then make no bones about evading taxes, passing racist comments, paying bribes, battering their wives and kids...
Marriage the Roman Catholic way . The church sneaks into the marriage contract (as only she may annul it) whilst conveniently denouncing all legal and financial obligations and imposes itself as a spiritual guide. This spiritual guidance is dogmatically based on the permanence of marriage even in the face of a marriage which is irretrievably broken down. This constitutes a serious lack of spiritual awareness because it adds to the harm already being endured by the couple and this harm multiplies exponentially on the children, if there are any, and on the community.
He said that Church closely accompanied Maltese families through their life journey and emphasized that it is the only institution in Malta that prepares couples for marriage and provides shelter for children who do not have a healthy family environment. This is really rich!! Where were these people when Maltese families were being subjected to the savage, heartless increases in the cost of living – be it water and electricity, medicines, foodstuffs, education, fuel etc etc? What public stand have they taken to fight the institutionalized corruption that has permeated every level of Maltese society? Why did they remain silent during the honoraria scandal? As for children, I guess the less said the better…….
“we did our duty,” Cremona said” ' Duty to whom, Arch? To the people who need a divorce? . "the indissolubility of marriage.” ' Marriages dissolve when a spouse dies but ESPECIALLY when the couple themselves have dissolved the marriage POOF! Cremona, you have no power over that. ' "the social value of families" . This is exactly what the church is expert at destroying with its lopsided indoctrinations and interference in people's personal lives. . "benefit of not introducing divorce" . A lot of couples are already divorced - except in a legal sense. Where's your self honesty, Arch? . "defend marriage and the family like it has been doing for entire centuries” . That's right for centuries the church has forced dissenting couples to stay together creating a very unpleasant family environment which further damages the couple, their children and society at large. For centuries, the church has interfered with the personal, sexual and private affairs of families through the damaging advice given in confessionals by priests who do not understand what it is like to be in a marital relationship let alone what it is like to have a female body. For centuries, the church has abused the scriptures to advance its own self serving agenda. . Cremona you arguments are excruciating. Please stop it.
for sure you will have gained more if divorced referendum would have not passed....gained money from annulments that's from where!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...ISTHI MINN ALLA
Apparently Bishop Cremona did not pray enough or on the other hand God did not listen to him. Thanks for informing us how you spend the money you get from church collections, you don't even have faith in GOD because you based your campaign on money. Give unto Ceaser's that is Ceaser's.