AD ‘appalled’ at Labour’s intention to amend divorce bill

Alternattiva Demokratika says that if Labour proposes fault-based divorce on property and assets it would be “betraying” the ‘Yes’ movement and the will of the people.

AD has said that it was “shocked” by reports of a Labour decision to propose a fault-based property and asset separation in all divorce proceedings.

The Green Party was reacting to claims by sources that the Opposition intends to table amendments to the divorce bill in parliament, which will start being discussed in the House today.

Reportedly, the PL also intends to propose amendments to tighten the bill’s clause on couples’ eligibility for filing for divorce. AD Chairperson Michael Briguglio said: “If it is true that Labour shall make such a proposal, it is simply unbelievable that the so-called progressive Labour Party is proposing a fault-based divorce, which has been removed in other democracies.”

According to Briguglio, a fault-based divorce result in unnecessary traumas and hardships on adults and children in courts. “Rather than having compulsory fault-based divorces on issues related to assets and property, as proposed by Labour, it should be up to couples themselves to decide whether they should take this to court,” he said.

Briguglio added that otherwise there shall be “compulsory lengthy and costly court procedures even when not required.”

AD called on Labour MP Evarist Bartolo and Labour candidate Deborah Schembri, both former members of the divorce lobby, to identify their position on this issue.

AD spokesperson for civil rights Yvonne Arqueros Ebejer said that the Labour stand comes after an “opportunistic decision” not to take a stand on the divorce issue prior to the referendum… “as is the case with some PN and PL members of parliament who will abstain or vote against the introduction of divorce, Labour is simply taking democracy for a ride”.

Meanwhile, the Labour Party has issued a statement saying that the main principles of the divorce bill and those relating to the no fault divorce will not be touched.

This is just nut. "No Fault" divorce debuted in California 40 years ago as a way to make divorce faster, and less expensive, as a public relations move from the State Bar. The effort was a Public relations win, but a total flop in reality, because most judges are former prosecutors, trained to seek out blame. Also, check-out the "Therapists" section of Or the home page which reveals family court judges continue using unqualified therapists to decide custody cases. Then check out the Domestic violence stats. There is no such thing as "No fault" divorce because it doesn't jive with reality. But it sounds nice, so people go for it, without thinking. But the reality is Family Court is unregulated, and completely, out-of-control. See the "Kids Killed" section to verify the reality of "No Fault" divorce.
As usual,AD the more the speak,the more less votes will gain.
Qieghed nerga nikteb dan il-kumment wara li smajt id-diskors li ghadu kif ghamel fil-parlament l-Onor. Evarist Bartolo dwar l-abbozz ta' ligi tad-divorzju. Aktar kmieni ghidt li s-Sur Michael briguglio missu stenna halli jisma x'se jinghad fil-parlament dwar l-emendi li se jitressqu minn naha tal-partit laburista, u mhux joqghod fuq " sorsi ", li nahseb li kien ir-rapport li deher f'dan l-istess Malta Today, li wkoll kien ibbazat fuq " sorsi ". Kieku stenna u m'ghaggilx, Michael Briguglio kien isir jaf li mhu veru xejn li minn-naha tal-PL kienet se titressaq xi emenda li tibdel l-abbozz ta' " no fault divorce " f'wiehed " fault based ". Evarist Bartolo ghamilha cara li minn naha laburista se tibqa l-pozizzjoni ta' " no fault divorce " kif gie mwieghed fil-kampanja tar-referendum mill-promoturi ta' dan l-abbozz u l-moviment 'IVA' ! Eddy Privitera
Laqwa ghajta li qatt kella l_AD biex tiggustifika l-ezistenza taghha issa sfat fix-xejn u ghalhekk trid tara ma xhiex ha taqbad
Nahseb li s-Sur Briguglio ghaggel wisq biex jikkundanna dak li ghadu lanqas biss issemma fil-parlament. Nifhem li l-AD tipprova tara tistax tirbah xi punti politici, imma nahseb li aktar tkun ghaqlija jekk tistenna ftit u tikkemmenta fuq il-fatti u mhux fuq x'jghidu " sorsi " , li wara kollox jistghu ikunu zbaljati !