Birzebbugia mystic delivers Virgin’s message to ‘serve and love’ priests

New message from Angelik Caruana from Virgin Mary calls on faithful not to vilify priests

Self-styled holy mystic Angelik Caruana has delivered what he claims is a message from the Holy Virgin of Borg in-Nadur, a shrine in Birzebbugia, calling for prayers for the Church’s priests.

Coming hot on the heels of a prison sentence for two former members of the Missionary Society of St Paul over sex abuse charges, which is currently under appeal, Caruana’s message calls on Christians to “love and not vilify priests.”

“They are my children and you have to put them first among others. Respect them. Love them. And serve them, my children.”

The alleged message also calls on faithful to keep priests safe in the same way “farmers kept bread and water in a cradle beneath their carts… that’s how our priests should be treated. Even if perhaps one of them errs, do not vilify them or break them. Not everybody should be blamed.”

In the message, the Virgin is reported telling faithful to pray for their spiritual pastors and the Maltese church so it does not meet the fate of similar churches in other countries.

Caruana claims to receive messages from the Virgin Mary and has a statue that weeps tears of blood. But an internal Curia document had found the blood on the statue inside the home of Angelik Caruana had in fact been human blood, allegedly that belonging to Caruana himself.

In a previous message delivered to Caruana on 4 August, the Virgin Mary was said to have promised a spring that would provide water that will heal the sick.

Last May he delivered a message claiming the Virgin Mary was exhorting voters to vote against the introduction of divorce. Perhaps too similar to the claims by finance minister Tonio Fenech that the ‘Madonna is weeping for the Maltese’, the alleged message said: “indeed, my heart is aching. The heart of my Son Jesus aches as well. At times I also weep because of you, my children. Yes indeed, my children, I say it again: my heart aches!”

I am surprised this "Holy Mary" did not give a message regards the Safi riots or Libya or the tsunami that is going to engulf us in the seemingly another recession. Mr Caruana please STOP once and for all with this farce! STOP making fun of religious issues. STOP ONCE AND FOR ALL. If you want money and fame there are other ways to achieve them. Seems you are a great comedian, just take a plane to NY and start a career there in stand up comedies. You and others have done more than enough damage to the Catholic Church.
ALL the major religions are founded by these mystics and their hallucinations- and there are millions of superstitious morons, in the human race, who will swallow anything that is thrown at them. As long as this scenario continues, people like Angelik will continue to flourish
Dear angelik, vilification of a minister of the roman catholic church goes against our constitution, and therefore illegal. However there's no mention of looney mystics. Ma tithajjarx tinkiteb ghal Corrida, Ang? *tisfir, ibbuwjar u bass* lol!
Tal-biki mhux Angeik, imma dawk li jihduh bis-serjeta u jahsbu li erba qtates fuq gholja f'Malta sejjrin isalvaw id-dinja. jien mandi xejn kontru ir-religion, imma wara li-izzur l'asia, l'India, ic-Cina tinduna li zewg terzi tal popolazjoni tad-dinja, jafu inqas fuq Kristu milli ahna tal punent nafu fuq buddha, u li dawn il-popli qed jizdidu bil-miljuni fil-gimgha, waqt il il popolazzjoni tal-punent qed tonqos. Dawn iharsu lejna il-kristjani bhala religion tal-punent, tal kolonjalisti, hu meta nitkelmu, ghax ir-religion taghna ''universali'' jibdqw jidhku. Fic-Cina inqas minn 5% huma kristjani, hu jekk tnehhi Hong Kong, ex kolonja tal ewropej, jonqos ghal kwazi xejn. x'futur ghandu ir-religion Kristjan?
Kull ma qed titlob is-Sinjura ta' Borg n-Nadur hu li, nghidu r-ruzarju ghal konverzjoni ta' Malta u tad-dinja.
@kollhalistess Qtiltni bid-dahq, tajba
Luke Camilleri
"'They are my children and you have to put them first among others. Respect them. Love them. And serve them, my children.” Who in the right frame of mind wants children like these? Let alone that we are told to love them!
Its no wonder the Maltese are leaving the Church in droves!
Godfrey Grech
Well said monique, although I'm not sure that Angelik is suffering from any disorders. Shame on the local church authorities who continue to sit on the fence and let this farce go on.
Angelik is only the puppet on a string for Fr Hayden who is the actual director of this whole comedy. And the show is kept alive by a punch of superstitious morons. Angelik is seemingly suffering from a psychological disorder and probably needs some sort of medication.
Jiena smajt li Angelik kellu apparizzjoni minn Anglu. Dan l-anglu qallu: "Angelik, ghandi messagg ghalik: gejjin zewg qassissin ghalik" u Angelik saqsa lill-anglu.."imma ghalfejn gejjin dawn iz-zewg qassisin ghalija" U l-anglu risspondih: "Angelik, Wiehed izommok, u l-iehor ja**ik"
Angelik, staqsi ftit meta se jaqa l-gvern!
Alfred dalli
@kollhalistess l-ahjar kumment li rajt dan l-ahhar lol
Hsibtu qieghed jara l-meter tad-dawl.
Ara dan rega qam wara tkaxkira li qala wara li ghadda d divorzju
Miskin hu u dawk l-imzazen li jmorru warajh u mid-dehra jdahhlu jdejhom fil-but ukoll.
Lisa Borg
Maybe these alleged apparations, explain the fact that all of a sudden, all debts belonging to Angelik 'vanished'. Can Angelik enlighten us as how much money did he cash as at to date thanks to these apparitions, and the organised group meetings? I am also informed that Angelik with the blessing of certain figures, is also holding personalised sessions at his B'Bugia home. Has Archbishop Paul Cremona approved the presence and involvement of 2 particular priests in these sessions? We expect Curia to give us answers. Or does it bother Archbishop Cremona to publicly delve deeper into this subject? I shall patiently give Curia some time to answer. In absence of this will send some interesting details to this portal.
One wonders who and why this "imposter" is saying this. Is he in the pay of the Church or is he being paid by the Church to effect reductions in the Image of those in the Highest Echelons of Papacy Power to be white-washed? Something is most strange here. The perpetrtaors of these ills should be given hefty prison sentences (at least 20 years and no parole) and the Churches must be forced to pay damages to all of those harmed.
Jien mhux b'Angelik nistaghgeb imma b'dawk il fidili (fil veru sens tal kelma) li jmorru jippulcinellaw quddiemu. Dawn ma jindunawx lu qed jitmellah bihom? daqshekk huma ghatxana ghall mirakli biex isahhu l-fidi li jghidu li ghandhom? issa naraw meta se tfigg in nixxieha mirakuluza! u nlestu ghat terremot wara d-dhul tad ivorzju li mid dehra l-madonna nsietu ghax ma semmithux!
Meta se jittiehdu passi mill-awtoritajiet kontra dan l'impustur? Dan qieghed jabbuza b'dawk in-nies li jemmnu b'fiducja kbira fil-Madonna, jew dan ma' jissejjahx abbuz? Ma nafx kif ma' jisthihx ikompli jaqa' ghan-n**k! Bilhaqq, trid tkun taf tisthi l-ewwel! U bilhaqq, ma qaltlu xejn il-Madonna dwar id-dhul tad-divorzju? Forsi gej xi terremot, jew xi tsunami kbir biex inpattu ta' dnubietna hux! U hallina, u fittex mur ghall-kura!
ilill dan ir ragel hemm xi qassisin midimbin aktar mix xitan(jekk jizisti)ghal mishutin jew imberkin flus
The BV appeared to me too and her message was: ignore this imposter.
Adrian Busuttil
It's a pity that this man can not channel his alleged "gift" into helping the sick and the poor rather than being the mouthpeice of the church's political wing thereby diluting his credibility further still. Statements such as this merely make the man in the street take him far less seriously, if he was ever taken seriously at all. To a lay man like me the church seem hell bent on committing PR suicide and are doing a pretty good job of it to boot through mediocre stunts such as this, whether done with or without their blessing (pun intended).
Stop giving space to this retard. Give him some medical help instead.
tafu lill minn insejtu ssaqsu.....dak tal-Finanzi li jara wkoll u anke d-dmugh
SHE APPEARED TO ME TOO, and told me to relay a message to all devotees to place lots and lots of money into my bank account. Those who do so will not regret it in the afterlife - or your money back.
Wow!!! The people following this guy and his lies are none but a bunch of superstitious idiots who think they are self righteous... and he the worst part is that money is being made from this madness...
My dear xprun the answer to you query is very simple. He serves the church to a T. He is the fool that rushes in where angels dare to tread. If the church was not well desposed towards the rantings of this poor soul, the bishops would have shut him up pronto. Please bear in mind how the church treats Fr. Mark Montebello. Fr. Mark is muzzled and this poor soul is left to rant to his heart's content. You see Fr. Mark is an intelligent dissenter, an anathema to the church. This Angelik, is self deluded fool enjoying the strictly unofficial sanction of the church when heaping more drivel on the morons plaguing our island. It is sad very sad for those who truely believe in Christianity. Did Jesus Christ have this in mind when he founded the Church?
“They are my children and you have to put them first among others. Respect them. Love them. And serve them, my children.”...this phrase alone shows that this guy is a hoax!
@ Nik: is-suppost "Madonna" ma kinietx iddikjarat ukoll li thobb lil Peppi Azzopardi? Aktar ma johrog b'dawn it-tip ta' dehriet finti, aktar iwaqqa' r-religjoni ghar-redikolu! Fejn hu l-Arcisqof Mercieca? U x'passi ha fil-konfront tal-qassisin iduru ma' saqajn Angelik?
How convenient...perfect timing.
isn't it amazing that so many people devote the time to listen to, and to believe in, utter crackpots.
Here we go again! Where are the earthquakes? Where are the tears? Let's not forget who is Angelik:’-minn-mignun/
Liema gazzetta taqra l-madonna?
The spring will come in October and it'll be in Marsa.
Wiehed mill-protagonsiti ta' Only In Malta. Jien li nixtiew naf hu meta se naraw lil dan il-mignun migbur ghall-kenn ta' Frankuni.!