US embassy cables | Labour would oppose Partnership for Peace S.O.F.A.

Shadow foreign minister George Vella had told former US ambassador Douglas Kmiec back in November 2009 that Labour was opposed to any Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) under NATO’s Partnership for Peace.

George Vella
George Vella

During a meeting that also included Labour leader Joseph Muscat, Vella declared that the country’s reactivated membership in the PfP – done the day after Lawrence Gonzi was re-elected in March 2008 – “was invalid, as it failed to comply with Malta’s Treaties Act.”

Labour had withdrawn from PfP in 1996. Vella said the government had no way to rejoin PfP without parliamentary approval.

Vella added that since the Labour government led by Alfred Sant had executed a “complete unconditional withdrawal” from PfP – Vella said he himself approved the letter to NATO in his capacity as Foreign Minister – it would have been improper for NATO to have characterized the action as a mere suspension, which is why it could not be reactivated.

Vella noted that the PfP signature had “circumvented” Malta’s Treaties Act, which requires either a resolution or other act of Parliament to ratify any international agreement.

Vella and Muscat however expressed “a willingness to accept PfP membership” as well as improved relations with the United States and the embassy.

Vella said Labour had come to the conclusion that PfP membership was not contrary to the neutrality clause of Malta’s constitution, and would have been willing to work with the government to rejoin. “Labour remained silent following the government’s declaration of renewed membership, Vella said, because of that belief. It did not mean that they accepted the act as valid, however,” Kmiec noted.

Kmiec said Muscat welcomed him warmly and that any reservations he had ever harboured on better relations with the United States “had been ‘wiped away’ by the new U.S. administration’s multilateral approach.”

He noted that Muscat took “a clear second seat to Vella” in the discussion. He reported that Muscat said Labour was “ready to change, it could not accept politically being ‘taken for granted’ or ‘humiliated’.”

Kmiec described Vella’s statements on the PfP as “unexpected and troublesome” and that it seemed to presage “continuing PL efforts to focus on partisan advantage without reference to broader national security objectives.”

The ambassador said that any hopes for Labour to accept a SOFA agreement – whether PfP or bilaterally with US forces – “may be a casualty of this attitude.”

“The meeting also raises the issue of how secure Joseph Muscat’s position as PL leader is,” Kmiec surmised on the 36-year-old leader.

The “outing” of the neutrality issue was described by Kmiec as a watershed moment, for the interest it attracted in the Maltese press when he raised it in an opinion column.

Maltabiss, whoever wins the elections, you're going to be very disappointed. . Malta is firmly within NATO now. Not a full member but an enthusiastic ally nonetheless.
ps Antoine Vella, jekk taħseb li xi darba l-partit tiegħek għandu ċans jieħu xi vot mingħand il-familji tagħna għandek tkun taf li lanqas jekk idehebna u jfawwarna bid-djamanti ma għandu ċans.
Antoine Vella whatever you do or say your PN is going to bite the dust and you will get rid of Dr Gonzi following the next election.
Maltabiss, do you realise that the title of this story is totally misleading? . The title gives the (wrong) impression that Labour would oppose the Partnership for Peace while the story itself tells us that "Vella and Muscat however expressed “a willingness to accept PfP membership” . . This bombshell is hidden within a long-winded account so as to lessen its effect on people like you and KMB. . Don't forget, Maltabiss, that this stunning U-turn was disclosed by Wikileaks which published a secret conversation between Muscat, Vella and the Americans. Muscat never told you about it, did he? . Get wise Maltabiss; Muscat is doing things behind your back. Who knows what else he's up to?
Dr Vella, tista' tgħidilna kif wasalt għall-konklużjoni li s-sħubija fil-PfP ma tiksirx il-Kostituzzjoni? ** Tista' tgħidilna jekk u meta din il-kwistjoni ġiet diskussa fil-konferenza ġenerali tal-Partit jew f'xi kumitat? ** Tista' tgħidilna jekk qattx il-kumitati lokali u distrettwali ġew ikkonsultati fuq din il-kwistjoni, minn min, jekk ittieħdux deċiżjonijiet f'dawk il-kumitati, jekk hux b'vot sigriet u kif ġew il-voti? ** Tista' tgħidilna min kien li ta l-parir li din ma tiksirx il-Kostituzzjoni ta' Malta? ** Qed nistennew tweġiba Dr Vella għax iż-żmien li tgħaddu n-nies biż-żmien jew fejn il-leader jiddeċiedi waħdu jew mal-akkolti tiegħu spiċċa. ** Aħna ma rridux li uliedna jmorru jitqatlu u jinqatlu għall-barrani. Jekk tridu morru inthom għixu fil-pajjiżi li jħobbu l-gwerer u ibgħatu lill-uliedkom jitqatlu u jinqatlu huma għax uliedna mhumiex għall-bejgħ.
Antoine Vella what were the USA instructions to Dr Gonzi before the 2008 general election?
This shows the hypocrisy of the USA which blatantly breaches and undermines our Constitution. ** Issa George, aħna rridu nafu u nistennew dikjarazzjoni mill-Partit Laburista qabel l-elezzjoni u titniżżel fil-Manifest Elettorali li l-Gvern Laurista l-ġdid jagħmel bħal ma kien għamel Dr Alfred Sant u fl-ewwel siegħa jkun iddikjara li Malta mgħadiex aktar fil-PfP u li qatt ma se jittollera li bastimenti tal-USA u NATO jitħallew jidħlu fil-portijiet tagħna u li ajruplani tagħhom ma jitħallewx jinżlu jkunu xi jkunu ċ-ċirkostanzi. ** Jekk ma tagħtuniex dik id-dikjarazzjoni fil-Manifest Elettorali tistgħu tinsew il-vot tagħna.
Kull partnership, ejjew inkunu cari, hija ghaqda assocjazzjoni bejn tnejn jew aktar partijiet li minnu issir attivitajiet ghal gid u profit tal-partijiet koncernati. Wiehed jistaqsi, x'gid tista' tiehu Malta f-arrangamenti bhal dawn? Forsi niehdu ftit flus ghax nerghu insiru servili? Huma aktar ghal qalbna l-flus mill-ulied taghna l-Maltin li jkollhom immoru jippartecipaw fl-inkwiet u l-konflitti ta' hadd iehor. Tnehhi ghal xi ftit avventuruzi u ftit aktar dawk li huma x'jipurtani u opportonusti, il-maggoranza tal-Maltin ma jhobbux alleanza bhal dawn. Ukoll kieku uzaw malizja u hazen akbar u tawha li-isem ta' WE LOVE PEACE u mhux Partnership for Peace.
Luke Camilleri
And rightly so! Partnership for Pease ia a misnomer! It's all about conflits arms'deals, ...and POLITICS, not to mention havour our youth not really fithting our wars even if they call it with fancy names like" Partnership for peace!" !
Antoine Vella you are in trouble again, this is the second time in a week that you missed your kindergarten class, bad boy!
What were Gaddafi's instructions to the PL? He obviously objected to Malta's participation in the Partnership for Peace (because he objected to peace) so the PL had no choice but to oppose it too.
Do we have a constitution that should be respected by all as we respect other constitutions from other countries or is it Prostitution which lost the respect of all?
Our constitution states that malta has the status of neutrality. In order to change such a status 2/3 of parliament must vote in favour. I hope this will never happen to our islands. Have any one considered the repercussions of SOFA on our touristic industry?
Ara perikoluza din id-diplomazzija Amerikana. Trid lil kulhadd jaqbel kollox maghha dejjem. Demokrazzija kontrollata.
@gs Actually the question is a valid one and I think the nation has the right to know exactly what is the PLs position on this matter, taking also into account all the ramifications which such a position will bring about. Telling people it's none of their business is a childish and ignorant way to handle dialogue especially since this does involve national security and by that I mean ours and not the US.
and they tell us that gaddafi had spies and secret service people, what the hell is this, why don't you yanks mind your own f....n business and take care of your problems and leave us Maltese to run our country.