US embassy cables | Publication of diplomatic cables put careers at risk

US embassy says cables' field reporting is "candid, preliminary and often incomplete."

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange

The United States embassy has denounced the publication of embassy cables on Wikileaks as “irresponsible leaks” that may jeopardize Malta’s and the US’s mutual security and the security of others.

“Releasing the names of individuals cited in conversations that took place in confidence potentially puts careers at risk,” Chargé d’Affaires Richard Mills said in a statement.

“It is reprehensible for an individual or organization to attempt to gain notoriety at the expense of engagement between nations.  Global diplomacy suffers.

“Given the potential and unfortunate impact, we condemn such unauthorized disclosures and are taking very aggressive action to ensure that our private communications remain private.”

Over 250,000 cables were published by Wikileaks last week, also releasing cables wired from Valletta to Washington and other sensitive and classified information on Malta.

Mills expressed regret at the release of the cables, which detailed conversations between US ambassadors and the Prime Minister, several ministers and the Leader of the Opposition.

The cables contained snippets that paraphrased Gonzi talking of the “limited talent” in his pool of MPs, described former Labour leader Alfred Sant as “erratic” on his foreign policy, as well as detailed conversations on getting Malta to sign a Status Of Forces Agreement as a NATO-PfP participant.

“My colleagues and I at the US embassy regret the release of these alleged embassy cables,” Mills said.

“As a longstanding rule we do not comment on classified material but our government does engage in the drafting of cables as an efficient way for the field to share information with Washington and for Washington to respond. Field reporting is candid, preliminary and often incomplete. The reporting does not express policy and may only express the opinion of the reporting officer.”

The US Embassy works closely with the government of Malta on a variety of fronts such as customs inspection to detect illicit drugs and weapons of mass destruction, and strengthening the search and rescue capability of the AFM.

Additionally, socjalista88, why don't you ask your friends to release the information about the treaties signed with North korea. The people have a right to know.
I'm certainly happy - given the prevailing attitude of comments being reported - that the British (who sacrificed a LOT to save Malta - not for themselves , but for the Maltese as well WITH Maltese help) that come of the commenters - especially the last one ; were not called upon in WWII and were not around. Tell the Germans when the food is coming in? WHy not, they have a right to know. Airplane strength in Malta - it wouldn't hurt to tell the Italians would it, they have a right to know. How incredibly shortsighted and unformed your thoughts are. Please realise that just becuase you think that some "intelligence" gleaned illegally may help your political cause - this doesn't allow you to abrogate your patriotic duties towards Malta either. You elect and those elected appoint people (with our consent) to make these decisions. Really, please do think out your arguments before wasting peoples' time with vague ramblings.
It is the people who elect the government. It is their money that is squandered. It is their lives who are put at risk through so called 'diplomatic relations' and military decisions. So the people have a RIGHT to these diplomatic conversations. How unbelievably arrogant of Mills to assume that these conversations should remain private. But then, he's an American.
“Releasing the names of individuals cited in conversations that took place in confidence potentially puts careers at risk,” Chargé d’Affaires Richard Mills said in a statement. ** So what Richard Mills? They deserve to have their career terminated, charged with espionage and locked up for life. ** “Given the potential and unfortunate impact, we condemn such unauthorized disclosures and are taking very aggressive action to ensure that our private communications remain private.” ** This only means that you have a lot to hide. ** Thanks to Wikileaks now we know whom to trust and whom not to trust, including those who are ready to submit to foreign pressure on both sides of the political spectrum and keep Malta in the PfP. ** They shall never get our vote and neither shall the party unless it solemnly declares in its electoral manifesto that within an hour of taking government it shall declare that Malta is renouncing to PfP membership and that this is not simply a suspension but a total renunciation. ** The same applies to NATO forces, ships and aircraft. ** Either declare that they shall never be allowed in Malta or forget our vote Dr Vella. ** Independence and freedom from the EU, the USA and NATO are principles which the PL is now reneging upon under the new leadership. ** Keep doing this and we shall never give you our votes.
Dear Sir do you think that the US had a copy right on the public knowledge that the PN Ministers including the boss himself were not up to scratch?????
Tough luck US! Learn to be more considerate in your comments. We the minnows know how you feel about this. Good luck for the carreers. All you care is supremacy over all. WELL DONE WIKILEAKS
As someone said to me one time - If you don't want anything to be repeated, just keep the comments to yourself and no one will ever know your taughts. If you tell someone your taughts, then you know that the whole world will know about it.
I should hope the Americans are not saying that sort of thing about the Maltese ambassadors to the U.S.; or the English or French. An ambassador's job is to talk and be the face of a country to the other country. Friends boost each other when they need help - diplomacy ensures people are understood in the world. As for Professor Kmiec - how was that untrustworthy? What did he do to make him untrustworthy?
You cannot trust an Ambassador !!!!!! I think Hilary Clinton was more than right when she removed and stripped Prof. Kmiec from his job as Ambassador.
@Moribund - should the other newspaper have known better and acted in a more ethically responsible manner? Yes, probably they should have.
@Moribund - No not all and I agree completely with transparancy. However, consider that the cables are much the same as if you wrote a letter which someone else took and published everywhere. Violation of your right to privacy? Probably.... Violation of you intellectual property? Probably..... The Guardian, and the New York Times both agreed that the cables should not have been published in an out of context unredacted state. When it comes to Malta and some peoples' states of mind - yes, out of context cables - released with another newspapers' own columnists spin, inflame emotions unecssarily. Is debate good, should the people be consulted - of course. Should the issues which haven't been decided upon by foisted into a already radicalised atmosphere - probably not.
Hawn xi hadd jista jitwemmen? Ghaliex mela ma tohrog il-verita halli kullhadd ikun jaf? Jekk l-Americani huma daqshekk hbien ghaliex ma tuniex xi ftit sejt mill ghandhom l-Alaska? jew ihalsulna id-dejn li ghamel habibhom?
From a political point of view, one of the most interesting leaked cables is that which discloses the U-turn of Labour regarding the NATO programme known as Partnership for Peace. . This is a major change in Maltese politics and one which will put the current PL administration in direct confrontation with the old guard led by KMB and several Mintoffian diehards, including highly-placed party officials.
Quote: 'The United States embassy has denounced the publication of embassy cables on Wikileaks as “irresponsible leaks” that may jeopardize Malta’s and the US’s mutual security and the security of others' And what do you expect the US embassy to say? Quite am embarrassing affair to them and GonziPN!
Vuci ta sens,in other words gag the press hux?. Very progressive.
Wrong vuci u sens. Anybody holding public office should be open to public scrutiny by whatever way, for there is nothing more powerful to make someone holding public office walk a straight line than public scrutiny itself.
Its also irresponsible for newspapers to publish unedited versions of privileged coversations as well. In a way, the media has put relations at risk internally and externally of Malta.