Former foreign minister says PfP application circumvented democratic rules

Shadow foreign minister George Vella says Prime Minister's resurrection of PfP was without electoral mandate and had to be done by parliamentary resolution.

Former Labour foreign minister George Vella, who in 1996 informed NATO that Malta’s participation in the Partnership for Peace had been terminated, has insisted that the government’s re-entry into the PfP in 2008 was “undemocratic”.

Shadow foreign minister George Vella

Vella has criticised the secretiveness of Malta’s bid to re-enter PfP without taking the matter to parliament or even making it part of the Nationalist party’s electoral mandate.

“The government didn’t even have the decency to tell the public of its intentions. Instead the prime minister informed a foreign ambassador before the general elections, before even telling parliament… I’d say he despises democracy. This is an autocratic style of doing things,” Vella said.

According to US embassy cables published on Wikileaks, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi informed former ambassador Molly Bordonaro of his intention to rejoin the PfP in January 2008 – at least two months before the general elections.

As foreign minister, Vella wrote to NATO secretary-general Javier Solana on 29 October 1996 saying Maltese participation in the PfP was being “terminated”. In the note verbale, Vella wrote that in terms of Labour’s electoral mandate, Malta’s PfP membership was considered “incompatible with the Constitutional provisions that define Malta’s neutrality.” [READ the Note Verbale]

“When we withdrew from PfP we felt we did not know where NATO was going with this programme. The Cold War had just ended and NATO was looking for its own significance,” he told MaltaToday.

But since then, Labour’s foreign policy on PfP has changed.

Vella said Labour sees Malta’s participation in the Partnership for Peace as important for the Armed Forces of Malta. “We’ve also seen countries like Switzerland and Russia join, because the programme allows the member state to decide for itself to what degree it participates in – and that means we can still safeguard our neutrality.

“As long as we have total control of what we want and don’t want to do in the PfP, we have no problem with it,” Vella said.

Vella reiterated claims he made to former US ambassador Douglas Kmiec, also revealed in leaked embassy cables, that thegovernment had circumvented Malta’s Treaties Act.

He has also criticised the way Malta’s permanent ambassador to the EU, Richard Cachia Caruana, crafted the case for Malta to re-enter PfP without having to seek parliamentary resolution, by asking NATO to “reactivate” the application.

“I am reliably informed by a NATO source that there was division inside the NATO council of the way Malta wanted to reactivate membership. There were members that said Malta could not just reactivate it,” Vella said.

According to the cables, Cachia Caruana argued that Malta’s participation in the PfP had only been suspended. This allowed Malta’s re-entry without seeking parliamentary approval. The NATO website also refers to Malta's decision in 1996       as a 'suspension'.

But it also allowed Malta to resurrect PfP membership without seeking an additional NATO security agreement. The latter was a condition demanded by Turkey to block Cyprus from attending the EU-NATO meetings as a retaliation for its treatment of Turkish Cypriots. Both Malta and Cyprus had been barred from attending EU meetings that discussed NATO classified military information, because they were not PfP members.

“Government presented us with a fait accompli when we met in the parliamentary foreign affairs committee, because we were never informed of it intention to join PfP.

“Now we know that there was talk of a Status Of Forces Agreement, being done without parliamentary approval and instead doing it incrementally without an official agreement.

“It is true that Wikileaks has done damage to diplomacy… but the fact is they wanted to do it behind our back,” Vella said.

SOFA talks

Foreign Minister Tonio Borg has told MaltaToday that informal discussions had taken place with the United States embassy on a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) under NATO auspices, but no agreement was reached.

“The matter then stopped three months ago. Even if we were to reach an agreement this would need parliamentary approval,” Borg said.

While Borg told MaltaToday that a SOFA has to be approved by parliamentary resolution, Malta’s head of defence Vanessa Frazier was said to have proposed to former US ambassador Douglas Kmiec a gradual approach according to the embassy cables:

“The best course would be to execute SOFA incrementally by means of dip notes” – suggesting that any military presence could be built-up incrementally, perhaps with frequent visits by US ships.

Kmiec welcomed this tactic as a “useful interim” step, since NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander James Stavridis had requested at least six ship visits “to reacquaint Malta with [their] economic and associational value” while SOFA discussions were kept alive.

Get used to it, Maltabiss. It's called doublespeak and Joseph Muscat and George Vella are fluent in the language. . Get used to it and stop moaning. . The EU is here to stay. The Euro is here to stay. NATO is here to stay.
Dr Vella, għidilna fejn il-kwistjoni tal-PfP u n-NATO ġew diskussi, meta, f'liema kumitati, jekk ittieħdux voti, jekk kienux voti sigrieti, min ta l-parir li s-sħubija fil-PfP mhijiex kontra l-Kostituzzjoni ta' Malta. ** Insejt kemm kont tħambaq kontra l-PfP u s-sħubija fl-UE? ** Insejt kemm kont tgħid xi prezz għandha s-sovranita? ** Insejt kemm kont tgħid li ma rridux li uliedna jiġu lura fil-boroż tal-plastic mill-gwerer ta' ħaddieħor? ** Min għejja jwarrab u ma jkomplix jimmina l-prinċipji tal-ħelsien ta' Malta mill-barrani, li ma jkun hawn l-ebda bażi militari tal-barrani, li ma nħallux lil Malta tintuża mill-barrani biex jattakkaw pajjiżi oħra u ħafna u afna prinċipji li xkupajtuhom min-nofs. ** Tafu tistħu Dr Vella?
Antoine Vella inthom tradituri tal-poplu għax erġajtu għamiltuh serv tal-barrani bis-sħubija fl-UE u inthom sejrin taqilgħu tkaxkira nobis fl-elezzjoni li jmiss. Imma l-Partit Laburista jrid jerġa' lura lejn l-għeruq tiegħu biex nerġgħu nieħdu l-ħelsien tagħna minn taħt it-takkunu tal-barrani u neħilsu wkoll minn dawk kollha li bħalkom huma servili lejn il-barrani li ħakmu l-Partit Laburista f'idejhom bħal ma inthom se tqalftu l-barra lil Dr Gonzi wara l-elezzjoni li ġejja.
We do not want any foreign military presence on our Island full stop.These foreign powers have only one thing in mind to divide and conquer, we had enough of colonialists.If Tonio Borg and Gonzi like the yanks so much they should do us a favor and go live there.
Imma kif irid jkun bassa ta kelb bhalek biex jghid nofs il kliem u jipprova jaghtti il hmieg tal partit tieghu stess. Il verita hija li inthom tradituri tad demokrazija u tal Maltin ghax mortu titqahbu mal barrani min wara dahar il poplu. Il PL ghadu mhux fil Gvern izda inthom tafu x'gej ghalikom wara l-elezjoni li gejja ghalhekk qed tippruvaw kull mezz biex ittaffu it tumakka!!! Il partit tieghek dominus babiskus!
Maltabiss, Dr Vella is not going to answer you and, at any rate, he has already spoken to the US ambassador: Labour finds nothing wrong with NATO's Partnership for Peace. . The Pl is not yet in government and you're already disillusioned and feel betrayed. . I did say, in one of my comments about this subject, that the PL's U-turn will put them in direct confrontation with the more conservative elements within their party.
Dr Vella, jekk il-PL ma jiddikjarax li malli jkun fil-Gvern fl-ewwel siegħa jiddikjara li Malta m'għadhiex aktar fil-PfP kif kien għamel Dr Sant u li din mhix sempliċi sospensjoni imma tluq għal dejjem tistennhews il-voti tal-familji tagħna. ** Jekk tridu tiġġieldu jew isservuhom morru f'pajjiżhom u morru issagrifikaw lill-uliedkom għax Malta mghandniex x'nambukom u ma rridux nissagrifikaw lill-uliedna u lill-pajjiżna. ** L-istess għan-NATO u l-inzul tal-ajruplani tagħhom u d-dħul tal-bastimenti tagħhom f'MAlta. ** Aħna ma rridux ikollna x'naqsmu ma dawk li għalihom jistgħu jagħmlu li jridu f'pajjiżna u li jagħmlu gwerra meta jfettlilhom. ** Ftakar Dr vella. Jew dik id-dikjarazzjoni jew m'għandkomx ċans għall-voti tal-familji tagħna.
Which office is responsible for all these leaks? Were these cables all in one location or is wikileaks gathering intelligence from different sources?
Why are we still debating this issue. This is now a done deal issue. Let us move forward. Maltese needs some type of security and the PFP is a start.
This is all hot air to camouflage the fact Labour's U-TURN on the matter. The PL has changed its mind about the NATO programme and is now in favour of Malta's participation. ' "...we have no problem with it" (George) Vella said" . Matthew Vella tries to tone down the issue: "Labour’s foreign policy on PfP has changed" . Has changed? You mean it has done 180 degree turn (or a 360 degree turn, as some would put it). . Labour is only grumbling and moaning because they weren't consulted but the fact that they are now in favour of a NATO military programme is the real news. . What do KMB and the Mintoffian diehards think about this?
Irridu Riferendum ghaliex dan il-Gvern ta Gonzi ma jistax jibqa jaghmel dak li iridi huwa, Din id-Dimokrazzija li jiftahar biha. Jew l-EU tifglu li huwa jista Kollox? Jaqaw dan bhal ta' qablu - Dr Fenech Adami, meta kienu jghidu "Min hu bhal Edie" Issa nibdew nighdu - "Min hu bhal Gonzi" nispera li hadd ghaliex hekk intqal, ma ghandux nies b'talent Hu biss bit talenti?
U dan il-gvern ta' Gonzi x'jitmejjel minni, minnek u minn kullhadd, dan il-gvern mhux dejjem hekk gahmel irrombla minn wara dahar il-poplu. Ara l-ahhar darba li ghamilha kienet meta hadu €500 zjieda fil-GIMGHA hadd ma kien jaf. Dawn hekk biss jafu jaghmlu u mbaghad is-segwaci tas-soltu jiccensawh talli jkun ghamel. Hu go fik ja poplu gwejjed ghax hekk jisthoqlo. Hemm bzonn negghu naghmlu bhal ma ghamilna fil-1958 biex inwaqfu lil dan il-gvern milli jkompli jirrombla minn fuqna? Tghid hekk qieghed jistenna li nergghu naghmlu? Dawn nies makakki priem, qishom xi lupu dejjem jistennew l-opportun biex jahtfuk.