Turkish deadlock, not US demands, at the heart of PfP reactivation

Malta may have had no choice to rejoin NATO’s Partnership for Peace with Turkey blocking it access to classified EU-NATO military information.

Richard Cachia Caruana’s tacticto convince NATO that Malta’s membership in the Partnership for Peace (PfP) could be “reactivated” may have been instrumental for Malta gaining access to the EU’s common European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) meetings that discussed NATO classified information.

Turkey was vetoing Malta’s and Cyprus’s access to EU-NATO meetings because they were not PfP participants and had no NATO security agreement.

But Malta was caught in the crossfire of a political standoff between Turkey and Cyprus.

As a non-EU member of NATO, Turkey threatened to veto a deal to allow the EU to use NATO assets for peacekeeping and crisis management, unless Cyprus, which it did not recognise, was excluded from ESDP operations employing NATO assets.

The USA and United Kingdom entered the fray to hammer out the “Ankara Text”, which included the condition that only EU member states that were either NATO or PfP Members, which had a bilateral security agreement with NATO, could join the EU-NATO talks.

This excluded both Cyprus and Malta from participating or vote in the EU’s political and security committee or receive EU classified information referring to NATO. The fact that Maltese officials had to leave the room during such EDSP discussions had been “a source of embarrassment for the government since EU accession” according to former US ambassador Molly Bordonaro.

Turkey used its veto to demand more EU aid to Turkish Cypriots in northern Cyprus, but this left Malta hanging in the balance. Unless it rejoined PfP it could not break the Turkish deadlock.

Bordonaro had also queried whether Malta had withdrawn completely from PfP in 1996, “or simply ended its active participation and its Individual Partner Program.”

According to former Labour foreign minister George Vella’s note verbale to NATO secretary-general Javier Solana, Malta had “terminated” its PfP participation.

Malta’s permanent representative to the EU, Richard Cachia Caruana opined that Malta should declare it had “simply ceased active participation” in PfP, but not that it had formally withdrawn from the agreements, making it possible to say that the prior PfP agreement ‘remained in force’.

After Lawrence Gonzi’s surprise application to join PfP just over a week after winning re-election in March 2008, the field was open to questions surrounding Malta’s relations with the United States and whether PfP membership was a condition of its double-taxation treaty.

Lawrence Gonzi has defended his decision to reactivate the PfP programme as “one such opportunity in the national interest”, pointing out that Cyprus continues to be denied access to important EU documents because it’s not part of the PfP programme.

Gonzi says the Libyan conflict confirmed that effective EU-NATO cooperation is essential in today’s world. “PfP is an excellent opportunity for the Armed Forces of Malta. Sharing experiences from participation in training for peacekeeping and related activities strengthens the capability and readiness of the AFM to contribute to operations under the authority of the United Nations or the OSCE that Malta, as a member of both organisations, has an interest in supporting.”

Human Torch, what an ignoarant piece of man you are. If Malta ever needs help, is it your fullly crapped mouth that spews nonsense will save. Ask yourself that question, ya ignorant man behind the mountains and then you can join civil society. You really need to get off your lazy ass and start thinking clearly. Nuetrality means a dead sentence in today's day and age. And you know it.
@ John Azzopardi Int ghadek tghix go darek fil paci ghax ahna ma dhalnix jew iddeffisna fl'ebda gwerra s'issa u haddiehor imwerwer f'daru ghax pajjizu dejjem jara kif ser jiddeffes go xi gwerra. Dik tfisser John il PFP veru li min jiddeffes go gwerra ser jkun target ta kontra l-ghadu li mar jiggieled....u il hmerijia li issa anke lil uliedna ser titfaw fil periklu. Ma kienx bizzejjed tindahlu bhal fisa biex tidru u kif tafu taghmlu! In Neutralita mhux fuq il karta tghodd ja bicca njorant ta wara il muntanji...izda kif pajjiz jiddeciedi li japplika il politika barranija tieghu (i.e Jew ghal paci u il beneficcju ta artu jew jindahal fi gwerrer li mhux tieghu u jpoggi lil poplu tieghi f'periklu)!!!
Malta had no choice but to join the PFP. At least, we are guaranteed some form of security if the need arises. All others who live in fantasy of nuetrality or non alighment. It simply does not exist. It is only in your dreams
Does the idea of CONSTITUTION and LEGALITY ever concern fricken maltese politicans. They behave worse than afghan drug lords. The rest of the article is hogwash anyways - as the leaked US cables have shown. Want to get to the bottom of the real story? Which legal office/s in Malta have received money from the American government and how many millions? Knowing the US - this information is available somewhere.
It's really scary how our politicians simply ignore any legal parameters for hasty stop gap solutions. The legend 'Power corrupts' cannot be more valid in cases like this. Its a style which is remiscent of freemasonry in its ugliest manifestion. A power play with hidden agendas and an oblivous populance as an innocent bystander. And the PL fraction on the sidelines waiting for their turn.
Blessings come in many diguises this time it came in the shape of Turkey. . PfP = Place for Punks
Gonzi jibgħathom lill-uliedu jiġġieldu jew isibilhom post żgur ħalli jħarishom? Ħalluna u ibgħatu lill-uliedkom għall-qatla mhux lill-uliedna.