Updated | PN denies Sant’s claims that Gaddafi funded EU referendum campaign

Former PM: Nationalists offered Libya direct source of EU council information, Libyan foreign minister ‘amazed at corruption’ among PN ministers

Updated 3:51pm

The Nationalist Party has categorically denied claims by former Prime Minister Alfred Sant that the Gaddafi regime had financed the EU membership campaign or any other electoral campaign.

Alfred Sant has claimed funds from the Gaddafi regime had been invested in the European Union referendum campaign in support of membership back in 2003.

In a column he penned on Sunday in It-Torca, Sant – who resigned as Opposition leader in 2008 – claimed that an influential Libyan official told him personally that the Nationalist Party had convinced “an important faction in the Gaddafi leadership” that Malta would provide it with a “direct source of information” from the European Council – the EU’s highest organ of decision-making.

“They convinced them this would be a sure bet if the Nationalist were in power… and from this conviction, it seems that Libya funds were invested in an enormous campaign for Malta to become an EU member.”

In a statement, the PN described the claims as "complete hogwash".

"Seven years after his ‘Partnership’ was rejected, and the electorate voted, overwhelmingly, for EU membership, Alfred Sant is still bitter and comes up with fictitious allegations which are complete hogwash," the PN said.
The Nationalist Party also challenged Sant to substantiate "allegations with raw facts".

"He should also explain what financial assistance his Party received from the Gaddafi regime. Should Sant fail to do so, then the least Labour can do is to disassociate itself from Sant’s allegations."

Sant has also strongly hinted that ministerial influence was used for private gain of unnamed Nationalist ministers, in their dealings with the Libyan government.

“I remember one Libyan foreign minister confidentially complaining to me of his problem in dealing with the Nationalists in government: he couldn’t understand what were exactly the personal interests of those he was dealing with. It was as if they wanted a direct hand in the business deals that were being concocted (I’m being diplomatic in the way I describe his perplexity; he was aware of corruption in his country, but amazed with its spread in Malta).”

There have been no denials on Sant’s claims by the Nationalist Party since Sunday.

Sant, whose first major foreign policy was the withdrawal of Malta from NATO’s Partnership for Peace back in 1996, also criticised the government’s decision to reintroduce Malta into the PfP in 2008.

“There is no doubt that Malta’s PfP role, even as constituted now, is a blatant breach of the Constitution,” Sant wrote.

The former PM criticised the fact that Malta’s re-entry into PfP took place without being publicly declared. US embassy cables published in Wikileaks in fact reveal that Gonzi never intended making any public pronouncement on his intentions to ‘reactivate’ the PfP membership – on 31 January 2008, he informed US ambassador Molly Bordonaro that Malta would rejoin PfP if the Nationalists win the elections in March 2008.

Sant, who kept up his opposition to PfP in the run-up to the elections, also argued against apologists who claimed that Malta’s ‘Cold War’ neutrality clause was outdated.

“We could equally argue that after the referendum on divorce rendered obsolete the Constitutional clause that says Malta’s religion is Catholic…"

jekk kelli naghzel bejn il kredibilita t alfred sant jew l pn , nghazel lil dr sant.
Ara Toninu irxoxta. Ma wegibtnix Ton. Jekk dak li xehdet DCG jirrizulta li hu veru....f'dak il-kaz xi tghid?
Kos tghid ghax ma jaghmlulux libell lil Dr.Sant jekk qed jigdeb? Forsi minn jaf tal PN jirbhu xi LM 2000 f'danni tal malafama kif kien rebah hu lil EFA. Imma forsi issa nibdew noghddu il jiem ahna wkoll ta kemm ser idumu biex jifthulu libell tal PN lil Dr.Sant. Rigwrad id-duhhan nghid biss li kif nara lil tal posta gej bil kontijiet tad dawl gholjin u lil tal gas insir vampa:)
Mic-cmieni tal-power station tal-Marsa (dik li suppost ilha maghluqa 20 sena) u mill-ohra ta' Dellimara (dik li ghadha kollha dejn allavolja diga qdimmet) hiereg id-duhhan...u hafna duhhan li joqtol Giovannino. U by the way, hrabtli mill-mistoqsija tal-back(stabbers)benchers Giovannino. Tghid ma tghoddx ghal widnejnk?
Ballalalalalinu...jew Sant gideb jew Mintoff traditur! U jien ma nigdibx jekk nghid li l-PN ilna kwart ta' seklu fil-gvern u 330 sena ngawdu l-maggoranza....Ga qed narah hiereg id-duhhan!
Giovannino, mela wehlitlek id-diska? Sirt qiesek diska mibruxa – a broken record. Mhux ahjar flok toqghod issaqsi mistoqsijiet patetici fuq xi haga li grat hmistax il-sena ilu, tistaqsi x’qeghdin jaghmlulu lil Gonzi il-backbenchers tal-grupp parlamentari nazzjonalista il-lum il-gurnata? Fill-fatt qeghdin jghidu li flokk backbenchers f’Tal-Pieta’ qeghdin jirreferu ghalihom bhala backstabbers. Tghid dan veru jew falz, Giovannino? U rigward il-kwiet ta' Sant fuq il-kwistjoni tal-fondi minn Gaddafi lill-PN, il-propabilta' l-kbira hi li l-informazzjoni ser johrogha ftit ftit biex aktar izommkom fuq ix-xwiek! Wait and see.
Neither from the commentators below!
It's Wednesday. Three days have passed and stilll no word from Sant. . Was he lying?
Ghandna iehor li jaccertana li Sant dejjem jghid il-verita. Mela ghandna iehor li jaqbel ma' Sant meta sejjahlu traditur. X'gharukaza! Traditur.....imisashom jisthu!
giovann hi bhalma sant jghid dejjem il verita, int dejjem iddahhak, x riha ta hruq! fejn? forsi qed tinharaq il maple leaf?
Kemm hawn minn hu MOODY dan l-ahhar:)
To get back to the subject, more than 48 hours have now passed but Sant has not substantiated his false accusation.
Its not GONZIPN - its PONZIPN. When we find out what decades of corruption and theft have done to the Maltese economy - you too will get the joke.
Dak li qal li Alfred Sant dejjem, qal il-verita baqa' ma wegibx. Kien jew ma kienx traditur. Ghax allura Alfred Sant DEJJEM jghid il-verita jew le? Gejjin il-jire engines.
Mhux ahjar isaqsi lil shabek tal-pn jekk kienx qieghed jghid il-veria' Demar(tino)(co). Naf, naf...sfortunatament protagonist ewwlieni ma jistghax iwiegbek ghax m'ghadux maghna. Ir-riha qieghda tinxtamm forsi ghax qed jonfoh hafna ir-rih tal-bidla??? Min af hux???
6 BILJUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN dejn ghalina u ghal uliedna
Meta qallu traditur kien qed jghid il-verita?
anki r-riha, issa , qed tinxtamm!
Esteban Hernandez
@demartino int tfakarni f personag malti iehor JOE ZAMIT. il kif sar jaf ir rizultat ta l ahhar referendum li kelna mar jinheba jew bidel ismu!!! nahseb int dalwaqt se jkollok tibdel ismek int ukoll!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Duhhan tal hruq? Probabli hadu in-nar is 6 BILJUN ewro dejn li ghamel dan il gvern:) Ghal min staqsa jekk Sant hux dejjem qal il verita, kull ma ghandu jaghmel hu li jistaqsi li EFA meta GIDEB sfaccatament f'wiccu lejlet elezzjoni.
Micheal Bonanno
@Demartino. Ghid xi haga bis-sens ghal darba!
Dik ta' tmint elef impieg hija hrafa tal-PN li tant dam jirrepetiha li kwazi saret emnuta. Hafna minn dawk l-impjiegi kienu biss bdil min departiment ghall-iehor, min kumpanija parastatali ghal mall-gvern u vici versa, inpiegi ta' studenti li ghalqu is-sittax il-sena u ohrajn. Tant hu hekk, li mill-ghada stess ta' l-elezzjoni ta' l-87 il-gvern gdid tal-PN beda jimpjega left, right and centre, nies fid-dipartimenti, ministeri u kumpaniji parastatali ghax taparsi ried in-nies tieghu madwaru. Power of incumbency tfisser tibdel il-konfini ta' l-izvilupp tal-MEPA u tohrog pataflu permessi ghal bini dubjuz, johorgu promotions li kellhom johorgu hafna qabel, tistrih fuq il-hbieb potenti fil-privat biex jivintaw progetti ta' malajr, twerwer in-nies bil-babaw u tistrih fuq il-media 'indipendenti' u anke ta' l-istat biex isservik ta' fulcina. Alfred Sant kien onest wisq ghal dan il-mistier fil-politika. Mhux ghax igiefieri il-politika bilfors trid tkun mahmuga. Imma, ghalkemm mhux sew li tkun korrott bhal dan il-gvern, l-anqas hu tajjeb hafna li tkun too good izzejjed.
Tarah hiereg id-duhhan tal-hruq!
Alfred Sant dejjem qal il-verita. Anki meta ghajru traditur?
Alfred Sant the cleanest politician Malta ever had.l In Malta one needs to be corrupt,a liar and incompetent hence the pn.
Alfred Sant dejjem qal il-verita' u ghalhekk gralu li gralu ghax kien onest. Irridu nifmu li wara l-kwinti jsiru hafna manuvrar u hafna jafu minn kellu l-hbiberiji ma Gaddafi u l-Ministri Libjani.....kemm kien ghawn kumpaniji b'ishma Libjani mmexxija minn tfal jew familjari ta' kbarat Maltin u kemm ghad hemm......irridu dejjem nghajdu abjad meta jkun abjad u iswed meta jkun iswed.
Impjegaw 8000 ruh fosthom jien u hallew ghal pagi taghhom u ta kulhadd sa mitt sena kieku ma berqughomx ta wara. Id-disgrazzja l-kbira hi li ma baqa hadd sew la il-PN u lanqas il-PL.
Pn Pl power of incumbency tfisser timpjega TMINTELEF haddiem lejliet l-elezzjoni?
Minflokk nargumentaw fuq dak li kiteb Dr.Sant, hafna jintilfu f-argumenti banali jew li ma ghandhom x'jaqsmu xejn mas-suggett. Jien nghid biss li z-zmien ghad irid jaghti ragun lil Dr.Sant jew lil PN fuq din l-akkuza. Li ghorokli ghajnejja hu kif il PN ha kwazi jumejn biex wiegeb meta ilkoll nafu li s-soltu jwiegeb f-inqas min saghtejn. Nistennew u naraw.
Alfred Sant doesn't lie. When it comes to destructive criticism, no one can beat the attitude of Fenech Adami prior to the election campaign of 1998.
What amazes me is that all these millions of euroes are flying around and yet no tax authority ever steps in to investigate when politicians are involved. Yet the rest of us have to live with the tax gestapo breathing down their necks.
Just as I predicted, the barrage has started - the Witch led the way followed by the Failed Rocker. Humpty Dumpty is also joining in with the scavengers like Antoine Vella picking up the scraps.
The bit about Libyan funding for the Moviment Iva could well be a red herring. The real bombshell is ‘hidden’ in another part of Sant’s article: ““There is no doubt that Malta’s PfP role, even as constituted now, is a blatant breach of the Constitution,” Sant wrote. . Contrast with: “(George) Vella said Labour had come to the conclusion that PfP membership was not contrary to the neutrality clause of Malta’s constitution . . .” ** . Sant’s statement is therefore a direct rebuttal of the PL’s position and a challenge to George Vella and Joseph Muscat. . What is it with Labour ex-leaders that they must always make life difficult for their successor? . . **http://www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/us-embassy-cables-labour-oppose-partnership-for-peace-sofa
Ara fiex ġie Giovanni DeMartino, miskin - jitgħajjar u jitmasħan qisu f'xi ġlieda bejn żewġ qħab - u argumenti xejn. Tilifha.
Jekk ma jkunx hemm fottimenti, korruzjoni bla razan aktar milli hawn bhalissa, xiri ta' voti, tgheddid fuq il-postijiet tax-xoghol, il-power of encumbency fl-aqwa tieghu, kandli u jivvota biss min suppost jivvota skond kif titlob il-konstituzzjoni tar-Repubblika ta' Malta, allura iva, il-PL ghandu jirbah ghax il-pajjiz jixraqlu hafna ahjar min dan il-gvern mafjuz li ghandu bhal issa.
Jien naf li l-lejburisti mahruqin harqa nobis u ma naghtihomx tort. Anzi! 30 sena bla maggoranza kieku jien nispara ghal mohhi...Jigifieri ghandhom ragun jinharqu...imma daqshekk? Issa wisq. Much too much jghidu dawk ta' l-integration. Huduha easy, l-ahwa, ghax l-inkwiet itella' l-pressjoni. Forsi l-elezzjoni li gejja tirbhuha intom. Min jaf?
Abdullah alhrbi
Antoine Vella Perhaps you should give Molly Bordanaro a 'mobbing' call so that she could advise the OPM on how best to run Malta in the US's best interest seeing that Cabinet of horrors has the right psyche for colonisation! What would your eagle eye say nests at the OPM this week a new sub species of Accipitridae, the lesser blue vulture or Aristophanes' migratory Libyan cranes and phasian birds (the common phasianikos sycophantikos) ?
Tajba din issa.......mela la darba Joseph Muscat qal li "with hindsight" ghal Labour kien zball li hadmu kontra l-EU, allura imnella kien Gaddafi li nefaq il-flus sabiex ir-referendum jintrebah, ghalekk Gaddafi ma ghamel xejn hazin anzi ghen lil poplu jaghmel decizjoni tajba..Din it-tema tal-ktieb il-gdid Political Fiction ta Alfred Sant..haha..jien nahseb illi sewwa kienu jghidu li Alfred Sant xi spija ta Pn gewwa il partit tal-Labour ghax kull darba li l-Labour jibda jiehu r-ruh, dejjem isib lil xi hadd li jbellalu kanna kull meta jiftah halqu....
Paul Sammut
@antoine vella Dr Sant could have chosen you as the main character and called the novel "Antoine - The greatest ass hole in the world". But then he is too much of a gentleman to do so.
Mr Vella I think that a very good fantasy novel could have been woven out of the promises made by Simon Busutil and EFA before we joined the EU.
When it comes to telling the truth - PN are serial liars. Say what you want about Sant - but no one ever doubted his integrity and sincerity - even though they tried very hard.
If Sant wanted to test a story-line for his next fantasy novel he could have chosen a more plausible one. . I expect the PL to take a stand now and either prove their story or kick sant out of the party.
If one had to come to a conclusion of who is telling the truth I would surely drop out the PN, they have lied too much to be believed!
A Sant has been out for some years. With hindsight MANY of the things he said became reality, he just didn't have the charisma to put forward his arguments. He is not cut out to be a politician in Malta. Why? for 3 main reasons: 1. he is not corrupt 2. he doesn't like to lick the hand of the bishops 3. he doesn't like wasting his time smiling at weddings etc (not charismatic. If I had to choose between believing A Sant or anything that comes out of that stinking morass called the PN, I'd go for Sant.
Alfred Sant is too honest a person to be involved in politics, especially when the adversry is a dirty, power hungry political party who has, time and again, sold his soul to the devil himself in a desperate effort to retain its hold on power. On an individual basis, the nationalist are, on the whole, OK. But when it comes to partisan politics, especially in cases where the hard core supporters and their inner circles are concerned, they are dangerous and explosive. Their Christian catholic values and democratic credentials are very easily traded and forgotten when it comes to character assassinations and clinging on to the power seat. In these instances, they go for the blood.
Zack Depasquale
Fejn is-solti GonziPn jirrispondu bi stqarrijiet f'kemm trodd salib illum hadu ftit tal-hin. Tafu x hemm tajjeb li s'issa GonziPn ghadhom ma cahhdux li meta Gaddafi kien kissirha mal Gvern Laburista Malti fil-bidu tat-tmeninijiet dak li jibdel ismu skond il-kariga, Dwardu Fenech Adami kien telgha jilghaq lill-Gaddafi
Abdullah alhrbi
:)) Antoine Vella I can now fully understand Fr. Peter Serracino Inglott's lament about swans who turn out to be ducks. I see how misinterpreted and misconstrued his grand vision of Malta as a service Hub was by a cabinet of horrors that rivalled Dr. Caligari's !! Yes a service hub, in the service of whom is the real question! PS. These last few days have turned out to be an ornithologist's dream first with ratites nesting at the Ministry of Finance and now ducks that masquerade as swans moulting feathers by the dozen . Who knows maybe an extinct Dodo or two might just make an appearance. Hope your field glasses are on hand.
mikegold117 il-kontijiet għolja tad-dawl u ilma qatt ma ntbagħtu għax Dr Sant uinduna li tal-Enemalta riedu n-nies iħallsu għall-inkompetenza u l-ineffiċjenza tagħhom u waqqaf il-kontijiet. ** It-taxxa tad-drenaġġ am daħħalhiex u dik kienu ftiehem fuqha l-Gvern ta' Eddie Fenech Adami biex ingħata self mill-Bank Ewropew. ** Kellimna wara l-elezzjoni meta tkun tfarfart mit-trab tat-tkaxkira.
@cjf Proset int ilqatt il-musmar fuq rasu. L-onesta ta Alfred Sant kien ghamel suwicidju b listess onesta li kellu u kif ghadt int halla lil tal PN go l ghola karigi f dipartimenti u ministeri. Meta tkun onest izzejjed tbghati. Jien f kemm niftakar elezzjonijiet qatt ma niftakar propoganda mahmuga u moqzieza bhall dik li ghamlu tal PN kontra Alfred Sant fil referendum ghal ewropa. Anke e mails fuq ix xoghol konna nircevu bi hnizrijiet fuq Alfred Sant. Bhall ma qal xi hadd lil Kristu qatluh ghax kien jghid il verita.
ĦADD MA GĦADU JEMMNEK DR GONZI. Ġralek bħal dak it-tifel rgħaj li dejjem kien jgħajjat "ġej il-lupu" Tant kien jgħida li ħadd aktar ma emmnu.
@avili Nissaponi kittiebt xi elf novella jew storja int, jew hsiebijiet politici. . L-ghira ma twasslek imkien
@mikegold Kull ma ghamel gonziPN kienet cahda xi haga li kulhadd jistenna, biss iz-zmien jghatina parir, tibzax kollox insiru nafu. Issa jekk hu ragel gonzi jghidlu giddieb lil Alfred Sant u nhegge lilek taghmel l-istess. Din bhal tal-missila kull ma ghamlu kienu cahdu biss d-dubji hemm jibqghu ghaliex ma fethux kawza ta' libel bhal ma ghamel EFA lil KMB fuq il-bicca ta' meta l-port il-kbir kien gie maghluq mill-haddiema u KMB kixxef dak li inghad bejn EFA u l-kaptan tal-vapur militari li ma thalliex jidhol. IL-kawza mietet fuq ruh omma, imbasta jipprovaw jghalqu halq il-media bil-libelli.
@ VCas1 Why it bothers you that my nickname is mikegold117? jekk trid nghidlek meta giddeb fredu meta qal li l-partnership rebhet, meta kellu jnehhi l-vat u biddilha issimha biss, meta iz-zejt kien bis-soldi w ghola d-dawl w l-ilma u dahal taxxa fuq id-dranag, meta qal li mhux ser jinghataw transfers w jien l-ewwel wiehed dabbarta ( u ma kont gewwa xi ministeru), qal li ma kellux xufier izda certu persuna kient tithallas ta' xufier. Inkompli....... @ Giordano Bruno tisshonx il-verita twegga ma hemmx tghamel!!!! Komplu bit tghajjir ghax intom garanzija ghal pn, li qatt ma tinbiddlu
The pigs are stirring. . Watch out guys, they do spout venom against anyone who is HONEST and CLEAN. . They are even more bitter because they wanted to see Alfred Sant dead, but he emerged even stronger than ever. . Let them stew in their own verbal diarrhea.
@Antoine Vella: Now why does this remind me of EFA and Gonzi??
Alfred Sant is widely regarded as a bad politician but a moderately good story-teller.
The article confirms the direct experience i have dealing with authorities in Malta. It confirms the letters sent to my clients with threats so they transfer their business to a company that directly benefited the son of the minister, it confirms the demand to be put on a retainer. It confirms the money laundering of EU money and false statements and reports made by ministries so that politically exposed companies got funding to destroy existing businesses. And it confirms the ongoing corruption and discrimination against Maltese by this government unless you bring in PN ministers are direct partners or pay them secretly as equal partners. It confirms two decades of smut going on to three decades.
@Mikegold117: Sur Mikegold (btw, min jaf ghaliex issejjah lilek innifsek "gold"?), jien qatt ma kont xi supporter ferfenti ta' AS kif int supporter ferfenti ta' Gonzi (forsi bir-ragun), imma ighdli darba li hi darba li Dr Sant inqabad f'xi gidba.
Mikegold117. The real cucata is that days before the conflict your pathological liar of PM went to lick Gaddafi's ars in the hope of off loading to him the hot potatio of Air Malta. Remenber when we had trouible with Libya regarding the oil exploration? While Lybian gunboats were shooting employees at sea. Gwido Demarco (the 100 million Euro fibber) and the other certified liar Fenech Adami hot tailed it to Gaddafi's tent. You lot sided with Gaddafi as long as he was fighting Mintoff. What is sickening about you and the whole PN is that you loath these peoiple. Remember when we first started ties with the Lybians you used to call them tal-habbaziz, and Bonello Dupius wanting to put Mintoff in a sack and send him to Gaddafi? Lately you became their bosom friends not because you altered your attitude (you'r stiill very ill disposed towards these people). But since there was business to be done and illegal immigrants to keep at bay you swalllowed the bitter pill. Which meant totally ignoring Gaddafi's inhuman treatment of immigrants. As regards the Headquaters you show me yours and I'll show you mine. Dr. Sant, you should know that its useless to bar the gates after the horses have fled. So what if you'r right? Isn'it also your fault and those gurus around you who urged you to take on Mintoff over a bloody strip of water and calling him traitor to boot. You shot yourself in the head and destroyed all that you build in just a few years, leaving to languish under this bunch of gansters. What I mean to say is, I'm sure that what you said is true. Will it change the misery the workers have suffered because of your ill conceived decision?
@ King Kenny: Alfred is still here, strong, determined and above all, HONEST and CLEAN. Tlifna ragel mill-aqwa. Mikegold din qed tara bi kbira!!!
Dr Sant stenna barax mis sahhara. Int taf fejn ghandek tistma hux?
@Martin Borg. Ma nkunx originalli ghax diga harget stqarrija li cahdet dak li qal Fredu (ovjament mhux ser isiba fil MT). Issa jekk hu ragel jgib il-provi fredu @ richard borg jekk il-gvern jiftah kawza it-torca malajt tgidu li qed jahhli il-flus. PS Ara jekk forsi lil fredu tergawx ittghuh xi kariga mportanti fil pl ghax tal-pn dejjem jghidu li sakemm hemm fredu nirbhu
A truly honest politican. The only one with hands cleaner than clean in all of Europe and that includes Malta.
@ mikegold - il bicca hi li avolja johorgu b'xi 'joke' kull nhar ta Hadd, adni irrid nara lil gvern jiftah kawza ta libel fuq l-editur tat-torca. specjalment fuq tal 'missila' li alla jbierk, s'issa adna ma nafux ezatt x'kien. Ahjar issaqsi dik il-mistoqsija.... x'kien il-hoss? aw xi hadd jaf jghidli?
@mikegold Jekk intb ragel ohrog ghidlu giddeib fil-berah bhal siehbek EFA li wehel Lm2000 tali giddeb fuq Dr Sant. . Kun ragel u ohrog fil-berah, nistennew lil Gonzi issa jiccaqlaq.
@algan "Perhaps some new Wikileak disclosure or the discovery of some Gaddafi papers in the ransacked offices may give more credence and shed light on some of these till now rather tall theories." Do you think the Libyans are so stupid as to show their hand in this regard. Any documents would be held as a guarantee to get what they want from the nazzs.
'@cjf Like Christ sai to the weeping women on His way to Golgota "Don't weep for Me but weep for yourselves and your children" So don't feel sorry for Dr Sant he did his best we should be sorry for kicking him in the teeth and lost a chnace to turn things around.
It-torca nhar ta' Hadd dejjem tohrog b'xi joke daqqa xi missila u issa l-flus tal-eu. Min qal lil fredu xi kmb li ghadu konvit li gaddafi hu l-iktar bniedem onest. Li kien vera mintoff jew il-kmb kienu zgur johorgu b'din l-istorja. Kompettizjoni fil-pl min johrog bl' ahjar cuccata!! Taf x' ma qalx fredu min bghat il-flus biex jinbenna l-kwartieri.
True story alright - this describes GonziPN to perfection: "It was as if they wanted a direct hand in the business deals that were being concocted (I’m being diplomatic in the way I describe his perplexity; he was aware of corruption in his country, but amazed with its spread in Malta).”
I'm really very sorry for Dr. Sant. He was too honest. The biggest mistake that he made while he was a Prime Minister was that he trusted the P.N. and forgot his labour people. Hope that the story will not repeat it self with Dr.Muscat.
Another twist and addition to a growing number of conspiracy theories I have been told bpersons who claim they were in the know of certain strange happenings prior to the EU referendum and entry into the EU. All these theories could be the subject of a historical or political novel but in the absence of hard facts they will simply remain as political fiction albeit with some dose of plausibility. To mention a few conspiracies I have come across which come high on the list: (i) The higher authorities of the church knew and were concerned about the dangers of secularism which entry into the EU would bring about as well as a weakened status of the Church in Maltese society but in order not to offend their local political friends they refrained from speaking out and allowed some rabid pro EU priests to hijack the EU church commission. (ii) In order to overcome the scepticism and doubts of some European countries and to gain support the PN had to pander to the demands of certain European military establishments as well as to the demands of NATO. (iii) Sant towards the end of the EU referendum campaign struck a deal with the European Socialist group and hence his late decision to recommend to PL supporters not to vote rather than cast a No vote. Perhaps some new Wikileak disclosure or the discovery of some Gaddafi papers in the ransacked offices may give more credence and shed light on some of these till now rather tall theories.
Get ready for a barrage from The Witch, Humpty Dumpty and the Failed Rocker .....
Now we wait for the 3 little pigs, the ones who are stuffing their faces in the trough, to come out with their usual hatred and bitterness towards Alfred Sant. . A lot of Nazzis were jumping for joy just before the election, hoping to hear the news they love to hear about anyone from PL, but their hopes were dashed… . Alfred is still here, strong, determined and above all, HONEST and CLEAN. . No corruption, no sleaze, no being held hostage by anyone. . In other words a man that we are proud of! . Come on you 3 little pigs, you who play holier-than-thou, come on, do your worst, remember the sick jokes you used to spread about Alfred Sant and his daughter, go on, you twisted sick perverts.
Alex Grech
ALFRED SANT...this country's lost opportunity!
Kienu jghidulhom tal HABBAZIZ imbghad kieluh maghhom !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And the plot thickens...
he may be on to something.