Anti-Poverty Forum applauds government's push for affordable basics, urges targeted subsidies for low-income families

Anti-Poverty Forum applauds government's push for affordable basics, and described the move as a much-needed action

The Anti-Poverty Forum, a coalition of 17 NGOs dedicated to social welfare in Malta, has expressed support for the government's initiatives aimed at compelling businesses to lower the prices of essential daily commodities.

Describing the move as a much-needed action, the forum believes it will prove beneficial for individuals in the lower income brackets, enabling them to afford essential goods for their families.

The government recently brokered an agreement with importers and retailers to implement a 15% reduction in the prices of around 400 items starting February 1.

Highlighting the necessity for a systematic approach to monitor the prices of basic items, the forum advocated for regular dialogues with providers to ensure a sustainable arrangement.

Additionally, it stressed the importance of nuanced policies, asserting that one-size-fits-all approaches could unfairly disadvantage those in more vulnerable positions.

The forum provided a specific example, critiquing the current subsidization of energy for all. It argued that affluent individuals benefit disproportionately from these subsidies due to their higher energy consumption in larger homes with more appliances.

To rectify this, the forum suggested means-testing subsidies, directing them exclusively to support low-income earners and ensuring that those who need assistance the most receive adequate support.

The Anti-Poverty Forum highlighted the potential environmental benefits of reducing energy subsidies universally, asserting that such a move could contribute to a cleaner environment by encouraging a decrease in overall energy consumption.