Behind the concrete curtain

MaltaToday’s new production 'Vittmi tal-Kostruzzjoni' delves into the dark realities of construction  

A new MaltaToday series 'Vittmi tal-Kostruzzjoni', provides a platform for individuals affected by the construction industry to share their stories. 

Hosted by Wayne Flask, the six-part series turns the camera towards those who have – through no fault of their own – suffered the most. 

“The interviews brought up feelings of anger, despair, but also of hope, and a cry for serious reforms across the industry, as it did in all those who accepted to be interviewed,” Flask said. “The harrowing ordeals suffered or documented by the interviewees point at something more than a system that is ‘rotten’ – but that will ultimately be for the audience to judge.” 

Drifting in and out of the conversations, the series delves into accounts of cover-ups, lies, political manoeuvring, mediocrity, inept authorities, false allegations, greed, and exploitation. 

“I hope this series sheds light on the realities faced in silence by the victims of a system that is too complex, too powerful to be ‘rotten’. Unfortunately, it is not going to be in any way definitive, not unless that system is resisted and forced to change,” Flask said.  

The first episode is the interview with Isabelle Bonnici recorded in August 2023. She and Jean Paul Sofia’s family are the victims of one of the most horrific building collapses in recent years.  

“There’s a rare glint of steely determination in Isabelle Bonnici’s eyes. We met shortly after the Prime Minister’s spectacular U-turn on the inquiry about the death of her son, another victim of the construction industry and its reckless regard for human life,” Flask said.  

Episodes premiere every Monday at 5pm on and the MaltaToday Facebook page. The first episode will be aired on Monday, 5 February.