Six documentaries to be filmed at Mater Dei Hospital

Government is set to produce a series of six half-hour documentaries on Mater Dei hospital and the services it offers.

Sunday newspaper Illum reports how government intends to produce six documentaries about Mater Dei hospital, in a bid to counteract the criticism that the hospital has been receiving.

In a letter sent to the companies that won contracts at the hospital, Mater Dei’s CEO Joseph Caruana encourages them to donate money and sponsor the documentaries.

“The cost of documentaries (c. €36,000) will be borne entirely by public/private funding and it is earnestly hoped that major hospital suppliers will be forthcoming with their sponsorships,” Caruana writes in the letter.

Caruana writes that the aim of the documentaries is to “raise awareness of the services offered at Mater Dei Hospital, explaining certain procedures & putting right many misconceptions.”


Read more in Illum’s digital edition

avatar ny previous blog...I do not believe the figure of €36K and that it will entirely funded by a (?) public/private source. That is all crap!!!!
How much will these documentaries cost the exchequer? If the sum is an insignificant one, then well and good. But if it exceeds the four digits, it is not justified and such blatant waste of tax payers money should be critisized by all and sundry. This is surely not the time to waste money on cheap partisan propoganda.
A series about Mater Dei and home visits in the offing. . Sounds like early elections.
Documentary, a.k.a. PN propoganda, ONLY showing the good(sic) bits.
Two sure bets: 1) The programs will be entrusted to WE, and 2) They will be introduced by Montesin (the biggest mercenary in the history of the world) telling us how pleased her mother was with Mater Dei. I can hardly wait.
MEANT as a reply to Maltabiss.
"The Alchemist election is much nearer than anyone think" @ Hey there!!!!! I got the cue listening to Dr Gonzi's speech and that of PBO on the eve of Independence Day which seemed to indicate that it we are in an election mode ie on the warpath!!!! Caro, don't blame the Alchemist for the antics of others!
Are they by any chance documenting the long queues at the Emergency Department????
The Alchemist election is much nearer than anyone thinks.
The incumbency has started. This time round GonziPN has started early so as not to repeat last time's mistake of leaving everything for the last couple of months. Seems like we are in election mode!
Imħatra li din il-propaganda bi flus il-poplu tal-WE se jiddeffsu għaliha.
Tinsewx tnehhu lil dawk il-pazjenti li hemm fil-kuriduri. U ara li ma jkunx hemm xi 'waiting list' fuq xi skirvanija li tinqabad mill-kamera. He, stenna ftit. Liema kumpanija se tipproduci dawn id-dokumentarji? Forsi staqsejt mistoqsija zejda, imma tajjeb li nkunu nafu, mhux hekk?
Lisa Borg
@ Thorny - lol good one. One thing is for sure ... there will be no need for a call for extras in this TV shoot. The waiting list is long enough anyhow.
Dawn id-dokumentarji probabli ser isiru biex ikollhom x'jaraw dawk kollha li idumu jistennew is-sieghat fl-emergenza jew biex jinghataw sodda. Ghal PR hadd ma jirbahlu lil dan il gvern.
Luke Camilleri
This is the promo for these the series of six half-hour documentaries on Mater Dei hospital and the services it offers Actor / ex-Minister of Health Dr Jaguar Deguara will be replaced by his stand-in the current Minister of Health Dr. Joe Waiting Lists Cassar
Is there an election round the corner? I am gobsmacked.
"In a letter sent to the companies that won contracts at the hospital, Mater Dei’s CEO Joseph Caruana encourages them to donate money and sponsor the documentaries."...Come on!!! This cannot be true. If yes, then we really have touched the bottom!!!