Corradino ‘queen’ gets 12 years

Josette Bickle sentenced to 12 years’ imprisonment for drug trafficking.

Corradino prison 'queen' Josette Bickle has been sentenced to 12 years' imprisonment and fined €23,000, after being convicted by a jury yesterday for trafficking of drugs in prison.

Inmate witnesses described Valletta-born Bickle, 40, as the "queen", managing to traffic drugs through the aid of warders, and getting inmates in debt with her to be her personal slaves.

She was found guilty by eight votes to one of drug trafficking and aggravated possession.

i personally think it was all a set up because, of the fact that i know persons who were in a high position within the government in the ministry of internal issues, and they had never heard of the name "Bickle" before unlike others who if i remember correctly appeared on 'Bondi+' and were quite known for their reputation.... Now all of a sudden after all these years a new name comes up. I think something is kinda twisted, i and i don't think one can blame any ministry for this sudden debate.
i personally think it was all a set up because, of the fact that i know persons who were in a high position within the government in the ministry of internal issues, and they had never heard of the name "Bickle" before unlike others who if i remember correctly appeared on 'Bondi+' and were quite known for their reputation.... Now all of a sudden after all these years a new name comes up. I think something is kinda twisted, i and i don't think one can blame any ministry for this sudden debate.
its a harsh sentence considering she didnt act alone and all i can say about the harsh words the judge said about the facility is that i was an inmate from 2008 till 2011 and they done a good job especially the director mr Abraham Zammit and the Srt team who also sent me to rehab at Satu were thx to the majors and officers there i have stayed clean for 2and a half yrs.
alla ibirek il gwardjani ta dak izmien li kinu ghasa maha hadd minom ma tresaq il qorti ? u dak li taha il barka biex tamel aktar vizits hadd ma telaw il qorti ? dan il pajjies biex nihdu iruh iridu kap tal pulizija barani ta larmata baranni u tas sigurta baranni
niskanta kif antoine vella ma giex jiddefendi il gvern.Dak is soltu mil ewwel tara ismu hawn.U imbaghad mohhom x gara 30 sena ilu. fEJN HU JOE AZZOPARDI U LOO.
Il-Ministru tal-Gustizzja u Intern ta’ dak iz-zmien Dr.Tonio Borg qal li hadd ma kien qallu xejn x’kien qed jigri hemm gew . Imma dan bis-serjeta qed jghid hekk ? Mela mhux hu bhala il-Ministru risposabbli ghandu id-dmir u d-dover li jara xi jkun qed jigri f ‘dawk il-postijiet li jaqghu taht il Ministeru tieghu ? Dawn l-affarijiet graw meta dawn il-postijiet kienu immexxijin minn nies li kienu mahtura minnu u li kellu il-fiducja kollha fihom . Kif jigi issa u jghid li ma kienx jaf x’kien qed jigri ? B’hekk trid tehles mir-risponsabbilta li kellek dak iz-zmien , Sur Ministru ? Sur Prim Ministru , kellek ragun tghid li ma tantx ghandek minn fejn taghzel biex tahtar ministri sura ta’ nies . Imma stenna ftit , ghax lanqas int ma ghandek biex tiftahar , ghax int ghidt li il – korruzzjoni f’Malta hi percezzjoni f’mohh in-nies . Ghadek temmen l-istess issa , Sur Prim Ministru ? Ghax ma taghmilx il-Whistleblowwer Act b’effett retroattiv biex dawk li ghandhom kazi ta’ korruzzjoni x’jirapurtaw ikunu jistghu jaghmlu dan ? Kemm ghandek skeletri fil-gwardarobba li johorgu ghad-dawl kieku int kellek nitfa kuragg li taghmel din il-ligi . X’certifikat ha il-gvern tieghek minghand il-Qorti . Se taghmel inkjesta halli dawk kollha li kienu risposabbli jigu investigati , u jekk jinstabu hatja jiehdu dak li haqqhom ? Jew ser thalli kollox ghaddaj ? Il-korruzzjoni tinsab anke taht imniehrek u m’intix ixxommha . Dan hu il-Gvern li kien qal li ghandu tolleranza zero ghall-korruzzjoni , imbghad lanqas ghandu il-kuragg li jaghmel din il-ligi . Hares ma dwarek ja poplu Malti u ara jekk il-korruzzjoni hux percezzjoni jew korruzzjoni lampanti bil-barka ta’ ufficjali governattivi li huma kapaci jaghattuha sewwa halli jekk jinqabad xi hadd , huma jkunu jistghu jehilsu min kull htija .
No doubt the wardens have kept her cells warm and are ready to conduct business as usual. A real comedy show, if it wasn't so sad.
X'gharukaza. Fuq blog ta' gazzetta ohra bl-ingliz hemm video clip ta' karozza mdamdma tal-gvern (tal-habs) twassal li din ir-regina fil-bini tal-qorti. Apparti li hi mdamdma, din il-karozza ghandha l-break lights ta' naha minnhom ma jahdmux. Dak ezempju eh mill-awtoritajiet. Imbaghad ahna c-cittadini serji ghalharess ninqabdu b'tail light maqghtuh. U VRT u spejjes u toroq wicc ta' qamar. U fil-video clip jinstema xi tgedwid u possibiliment ir-regina toffendi lil gurnalisti. Imma issa nistabru ghax din regghet sejra l-Universita' ta' Kordin tkompli titghallem u fi zmien tnax il-sena, masters u dottorat fil-Business and Commerce tigradwa sejra.
Tnax il sena ohra l habs u f din ir rata se tispicca miljunarja. Issa min huwa responsabbli ghal dan it tahwid? Min se jirrizanja? U Gonzi halqu kwiet? Mohhu biex isemmi l passat!!!!!!!!!!!
I am sure that Gonzi &Co (Cabinet Ministers) are the envy of European Governments. Ministers and Prime Ministers are made to resign for much less in Europe while here the word resignation has been erased from the dictionary, and when somebody tries to pretend to resurrect it, the 'resignation' is not accepted. But then we get the Government we deserve! Viva l-MOGHOZ
Who is going to assume responsibilty for this Corradino Circus? Minister Mifsud Bonnici or the prison's Governor? In fact both are going to resign. Sure, and Bob's your uncle.
Mark Fenech
Mela l-anqas ritratt taghha ma hallewkom tohdulha din ir-regina. Qieghdin sew, imbaghad isibu xi tifel zghir, naqra fuq ruhu u hallina naghmlu teatrin shih bih.
Assuming for one moment that that everything else done by this PN Government was quasi perfect or satisfactory, the extent to which corruption has totally engulfed and eroded all aspects of the Maltese society, is much more than enough to see the PN spending a long spree of time in opposition. And regarding the 'queen' of CCF, one hopes that she is not being sent back to her 'kingdom' to resume her hold of power on her 'subjects'!!!!!!
This is yet another shameful prove of the corruption in Malta, under the PN in government. Does EFA remembers his "famous" phrase: ISTUTIONALISED CORRUPTION, during the Labour of the 80's! Well, I thought he was right at that time, but compared to now it was only a big joke! Shame on the HYPOCRISIM OF GONZIPN! I hope that this important court judgement arrives at the highest people of the EU, so that they would know what's going on in Malta, and that the authorities preach one thing, and then just exactly the opposite, happens in everyday's life. Many people wanted the EU to serve as a watchdog on the Maltese authorities, let's see what steps do they take now, that it has been proved that drug traffickingdo happen in the Maltese prison. We should also expect that further police investigations lead into other arrests and officials and warders are brought to justice. Well done to the court, for addressing the MALFUNCTION of the PRISON SYSTEM!
F'pajjizi civilizati l-Ministru responsabbli mill-Gustizzja jirrizenja wara hasla bhal dik mill-Qorti. Imma, bil-haqq, Malta ghad mhux pajjiz civilizzat. X'tahseb Dr Mifsud Bonnici?
So she was found guilty and as said above she managed 'to traffic drugs through the aid of warders'. We now hope that the warders will be prosecuted. Will there be any resignations? I wonder. But then again this is 'corrupt malta' I suppose.
One hopes that the authorities will ensure that there are no warders and officials in cahoots with her to keep her "Business" going. She should be put in the barest of cells and in quasi solitary confinement. If she was the queen now , in 12 yrs time she will be the Minister of justice unless checked and God help those that crossed her path!!!