Caruana Galizia denies perm rep told her to bring MP down

Daphne Caruana Galizia, Andrew Borg Cardona react to Pullicino Orlando’s speech in the House over alleged subservience to Richard Cachia Caruana.

Malta Independent columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia said she had given Pullicino Orlando
Malta Independent columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia said she had given Pullicino Orlando "much succour... to the detriment at times of [her] peace of mind."

Malta Independent columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia has denied having told Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando that permanent representative to the EU, Richard Cachia Caruana, had worked for his resignation from parliament.

In a statement Caruana Galizia sent to most of the press after a round of blogs that ended at 7:52pm on Monday evening, shortly after Pullicino Orlando declared he would with the Opposition's motion, the columnist claimed the MP was in bad faith when he first stated the allegation in court under oath, in a libel suit instituted by Cachia Caruana against Mediatoday managing editor Saviour Balzan.

Pullicino Orlando yesterday said Caruana Galizia was one of several journalists who did the bidding for Cachia Caruana in targeting critics and dissenting MPs of the Nationalist Party, and claimed she had told him she was set upon him by Cachia Caruana himself after the 2008 general election.

"Had Pullicino Orlando not protected himself by means of parliamentary privilege when saying this, I would have been able to open civil and criminal suits against him for slander," Caruana Galizia said in her statement.

The columnist said it true that there were people working for Pullicino Orlando's resignation, who was returned to parliament from two constituencies despite a planning scandal he was implicated in that risked losing the election for the PN. "But I had no reason to believe that Richard Cachia Caruana was one of them. If he were one of them, and had I been privy to that information, there is no way I would have imparted it to Pullicino Orlando, a politician I had spoken to just a few times, in breach of trust to Cachia Caruana, who I have known since I was in my early 20s. Pullicino Orlando goes awry in judging others by his own despicable standards."

Pullicino Orlando has been a regular target of Caruana Galizia's poison-pen blog, and on Monday she joined a cadre of Cachia Caruana 'acolytes' - as termed by the MP - whom he portrayed as gatekeepers who served the permanent representative for their personal gain.

Caruana Galizia, whose support of Pullicino Orlando during the 2008 general election on her blog mirrored the PN's attack-dog strategy to pit the MP in direct confrontation against Alfred Sant, had publicly declared she would vote for the MP.

But Pullicino Orlando yesterday read out  one of her blogposts in which he claimed she had been told to attack the MP in a bid to force his resignation from parliament, but refused to do so in full belief that Pullicino Orlando's parliamentary seat belonged to his constituents and not the party.

"The tragic irony is that he has used the constituency support I gave him to betray the political party for which I voted, and to launch a blackguard's tirade against me and others, while protected by parliamentary privilege," Caruana Galizia said on Monday.

"I will regret until my dying day my decision to vote for Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, a man I have come to think of as a blackguard, and to give him so much succour and support, to the detriment at times of my peace of mind, in the first year after the general election of 2008... I have made it amply clear that I will do penance for many years to come for having voted for somebody so very unworthy and so undeserving of my trust."

Another columnist mentioned by Pullicino Orlando in his parliamentary speech was Times columnist Andrew Borg Cardona, who also reacted to the MP's statements with a blog on the website.

"Let me spell it out, so even Mr Pullicino Orlando can grasp it: I was, am and remain honoured to call Cachia Caruana my friend. This does not mean, however, that he tells me what to write and what opinions to hold," Borg Cardona wrote.

"If he has proof to the contrary, why doesn't he have the moral fibre to say it without Parliamentary privilege, where he has to be careful what he says, because if he lies, he can be called a liar without being able to invoke the privileges to which he is entitled?"

Pullicino Orlando yesterday also claimed Where's Everybody director and Bondiplus presenter Lou Bondì, government's public broadcasting advisor Fr Joe Borg, as well as The Times' correspondent in Brussels, Ivan Camilleri, were part of a group of media players who ingratiated themselves with Cachia Caruana and did his bidding.

Refresh my memory - but was not RCC knived in an attack on his life. Somehow i don't think it was for the sake of the country he almost lost his life - Gonzi would have have built him a stature taller than the colossus of Rhodes and turn him into a martyr rather than hush up the whole affair. An what about the presidential pardons surrounding this case? Yes - truly a case of person who is so uniquely qualified for the job - that even now that he has resigned, he will still turn up for work!
I swear to god ... each time i see a picture of this lass, her Adam's apple gets bigger!
I swear to god ... each time i see a picture of this lass, her Adam's apple gets bigger!
If JUDAS has an equal it would be DAPHNE If CHRISTINE KEELER had a student it would be DAPHNE. If MONICA LEWINSKY had a teacher it would be DAPHNE. But truthfully people do you blame her? She has a reputation to uphold. 30000 Pounds from EFA. She has 3 children to educate overseas at tax payers expense. She has a husband with a legal firm dependent on government contracts and consultancies. 6000 pounds from the Dar Malta Purchase. She has household goods to purchase when in her tantrums she explodes by throwing plates at whoever dares to confront her.
@ Omega. Gibtilna qalbna gungliena bid-difiza (doppja) ta' DCG. Ikolli nghid int ghandek hafna minn apologista iehor ta' GonziPN u l-"klikka tal-hazen" ta' Gonzi(skond Franco Debono) li ssoltu jhobb ipaxxina bil-kontribuzzjonijiet tieghu. Ikolli nghid, ghax ma tmurx pass iehor u tinnomina lil DCG BEATA!
truthBtold kumment eccellenti
Omega jien niskanta kif Eddie Fenech Adami fost ohrajn kien jakkuza lill-Laburisti u lil certi ufficjali tal-pulizija li kienu jsawwtu lin-nazzjonalisti u meta tela fil-gvern mhxu biss qatt ma ha passi kontrihom, anzi lil certi ufficjali li tant kien jattakka u jakkuza kien tahom promozzjoni ghal wahda tnejn jekk mhux izjed ukoll. Tghid x'kienet ir-raguni?
Even though RCC was ousted by Parliament into oblivion, he still thinks he is a cut above the rest, and wants to cling to his seat at all cost like his puppet GonziPN. Kemm kellu ragun JPO fuq l-arroganza ta dan il-'bicca' u ex ammbaxxatur! Kif m;ghandux kuljenza?
Even though RCC was ousted by Parliament into oblivion, he still thinks he is a cut above the rest, and wants to cling to his seat at all cost like his puppet GonziPN. Kemm kellu ragun JPO fuq l-arroganza ta dan il-'bicca' u ex ammbaxxatur! Kif m;ghandux kuljenza?
Shouldn't we make a poll about this 'bidnija creature'?? POLL: !.Should we pray for this shameful lady's forgiveness or 2. Should we let this 'spiteful & hateful lady' go and burn herself in eternal hell?? 3. Should we simply pity her and her spiteful arrogance? I will certainly vote for number 2.
Nistennew li l-Arcisqof jiehu azzjoni u jghamel stqarija kif sacerdot jissemma fil parlament bhal wiehed min klikka li qed jghamlu hsara lill proxxmu.Kellu Ragun l-Arcisqof Mercieca meta nehhih mill RTK li kien gabu satelita tal PN. Min Qalbi qed nistenna lil Arcisqof jiehu azzjoni.Bhal ma kien ha ta HUH Dumnikan li qatt ma ndahal fil politika. Napella lill Arcisqof biex jiehu azzjoni ghax Fr Joe se jerga jkun kagun ta bosta nies li ma jmorrux knisja. Inkluz Jien.
Jien il-velenu u l-hdura fil-kitba ta' dawk li jikkumentaw hawn qed naraha; dawk l-istess nies li jifhmu f'kollox u ma tghaddix opportunita' wahda li ma jferrhux il-vomtu taghhom fuq min ma jaqbilx maghhom. Mela sewwa, dak li jghidu huma permess, imma dak li tghid Daphne u ohrajn, jitkazaw bih. Din hi l-istess mentalita' laburista tas-sebghinijiet u tmeninijiet meta s-socjalisti kienu jghidu li jridu imma jekk tikkritika lilhom tkun qed ixxewwex. Iva dik il-kelma kienu juzaw "tixwix". U min jaf kemm saret vjolenza ghax stigaw lil xi nies taghhom biex isawtu lin-nazzjonalisti, bhal f'ta' l-Imnarja. Dak li ghamel Pullicino Orlando l-bierah ghamlu ghal ghan personali u hadd ma jaf x'hemm wara dik il-mossa. Pero' s-sewwa jirbah kif ghamel dejjem, u l-verita' titla' f'wicc l-ilma bhalma ghamlet fil-passat. U r-rejazzjoni tal-poplu tkun li jippruvakom ghal ftit ha jara nbdiltux imbaghad jerga' jaghtikom il-kastig ghal kwazi kwart ta' seklu.
Jien il-velenu u l-hdura fil-kitba ta' dawk li jikkumentaw hawn qed naraha; dawk l-istess nies li jifhmu f'kollox u ma tghaddix opportunita' wahda li ma jferrhux il-vomtu taghhom fuq min ma jaqbilx maghhom. Mela sewwa, dak li jghidu huma permess, imma dak li tghid Daphne u ohrajn, jitkazaw bih. Din hi l-istess mentalita' laburista tas-sebghinijiet u tmeninijiet meta s-socjalisti kienu jghidu li jridu imma jekk tikkritika lilhom tkun qed ixxewwex. Iva dik il-kelma kienu juzaw "tixwix". U min jaf kemm saret vjolenza ghax stigaw lil xi nies taghhom biex isawtu lin-nazzjonalisti, bhal f'ta' l-Imnarja. Dak li ghamel Pullicino Orlando l-bierah ghamlu ghal ghan personali u hadd ma jaf x'hemm wara dik il-mossa. Pero' s-sewwa jirbah kif ghamel dejjem, u l-verita' titla' f'wicc l-ilma bhalma ghamlet fil-passat. U r-rejazzjoni tal-poplu tkun li jippruvakom ghal ftit ha jara nbdiltux imbaghad jerga' jaghtikom il-kastig ghal kwazi kwart ta' seklu.
I love the way she wears her 30 pieces of silver around her neck. As for the rest of the Cachia Caruana’s disciples, it has finally been exposed to the extent of collusion and manipulation that exist under PN administrations. To hear these rats complain on their blogs about the MLP administrations of the 70’s & 80‘s is truly shameful when every Maltese with half a wit knows that Malta at the present resembles the Chinese administration of Chou En Lai under the GANG of FOUR. Every Maltese must recall that nobody tries to kill you without a valid reason. Time will also expose that chapter of Maltese history. Even though the Mastermind has resigned, odds are that he will remain in the administration collecting his hefty benefits on the back of the Maltese people, in complete control of his disciples to collude and manipulate Maltese democracy. The PL should declare its aim to investigate and audit these cabals and prosecute them if necessary. A report of their actions compared to the 80’s would be a start. Such mockery of the Maltese democracy and abuse of power exposes the imbalance that exists in the Maltese Constitution that allows treacherous and treasonous actions to continue to reign at the detriment of the Maltese citizens.
Hlief valenu qatt ma hareg minn fomm l-hekk imsejha 'Sahhara tal-Bidnija'. U issa trid tbellghha lil xi hadd li mhix f'kongura mal-Kardinal (sfiducjat mil-Parlament)u l-'bile clique' li dardru lil kulhadd. Raggiera jonqosha! Kompli bil-hdura u l-veleni Sinjura Caruana Galizia. Hawn min xeraq fil-hdura tieghu stess. Jalla dan ma jigrix lilek.
Luke Camilleri
Kullhadd fl-OLIGARKIJA, WIEHED , WIEHED issa qedin johorgu 'IN DENIAL'?
Daf il-kbir gfhadu gej.
Tajba ukoll, Fr Montebello kien gie iccensurat minhabba kitbietu imma Fr J Borg jibqa jghamel li jrid. Wassal iz-zmien li l-arcisqof jitgholbu jew jghamel xogholu ta' qassis jew patri jew jinza ic-coqqa u jghatija ghal politika bhal ma haddiehor bhalu. Bit-titubar tieghu l-arcisqof Cremona qieghed jghamel hafna hsara lil knisja, Fr J Borg ilu snin kbar jdeffes imniehru fejn ma jghesghux bhala qassis/patri.
Not even the most harsh murderers and thieves admit even if caught in flagrante.
Il-bierah fil Parlament JPO ta spjegazzjoni cara ta x'ried iffisser Franco Debono meta hareg bil frazi ta Xibka Ta Hazen biex iddeskriva x'inhu jigri fi hdan GonziPN.
Does this woman actually expect us to beleive HER? She is a spinner of lies and half truths and she expects us to reward her with credibility? Vera wiccha u s***ma l-istess! Her ( and that of Bocca, Bondi, Joe Borg etc ) only agenda is to protect her own little patch and ensure that she does so by rubbishing anyone in her and her employer's -GonziPN - way. It is risable to read in the Times that she said things under oath, and so she expects us to beleiv HER - a person who brags that she is a non-beleiver, has vilified our religion and wrote atrocious vulagraties in her blog. One takes an oath by invoking GOd as a witness, or the Bible or the Koran. On what did Caruana Galizia take an oath in court - on the Royal Doulton china catalogue? Caruana Galizia has based her strategy - instructed or otherwise - on dispensing hatred, on venom and bile and on humiliating anyone in her and the PN's way. What goes round must come round,Madam Venom and Bile ! Unfortunately certain magistsrates and judges do not have the integrity to judge this person like they would any other citizen. They are afraid of her - which raises the suspicion that even they might have something to hide from the public and do not want a charlatan like Caruana Galizia to divulge is in her vomitarium!
ir. Renju tas-Sahhara tal-Bidnija qieghed jitfarrak quddiem ghajnejha stess - u minn deputati tal-partit taghha !
Dear Difna. Put this straight into your mind: those who you think are your friends and support your diabolical actions, do so through fear. Because they know that if for once they trample on your toe, they would be in your line of fire. A line without holds. We've become used and accustomed to your insulting and stomach-churning diatribes. So, there's for your supposed support from your ilk. Enjoy it.
Can you tell me who is going to beleve this ugly witch anymore ? Everything will come to an end , and it seems that this is the begining of the end to all of those who think that the world will stop without them . Send me the pillow that you dream on , So Daphne I can s..t on it too .
Issa r-renju tas-Sahhara se jispicca mal-mewt tal-Kardinal? Who lives with the sword dies with the sword!
Issa r-renju tas-Sahhara se jispicca mal-mewt tal-Kardinal? Who lives with the sword dies with the sword!
Hadd wara Hadd tasal ta kulhadd. Waslet ta' l-erba assi li JPO semma fil-Parlament. Lil DCG, Lou u Borg Cardona ma tantx hemm xi zzid wisq fuqhom. Dawk huma l-krema. Imma Fr Borg ghandu jigi mwissi mill-Kap tieghu. Eccelenza ghalxejn noqghodu nghidu bil-valuri, meta ta' ma saqajk stess, jiskandalizzaw lil fidili. Ma tistax twegga lil ghajrek u tistenna li joqghod kwiet. Anzi ssaportejt daqshekk JPO!