Pullicino Orlando demands Cachia Caruana’s expulsion from PN

MP says Cachia Caruana colluded with Labour officials between 1996 and 1998 “to further his personal interests and put his colleagues in a bad light.”

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has asked the PN executive to expel Richard Cachia Caruana from the party.
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has asked the PN executive to expel Richard Cachia Caruana from the party.

The MP whose vote for the Opposition's motion resulted in the resignation of Malta's permanent representative to the EU, has now asked the Nationalist party's executive to expel Richard Cachia Caruana from the party.

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando issued a statement Tuesday morning asked the PN to expel one its chief party strategists, to expel Cachia Caruana for colluding with high-ranking members of the Labour administration led by former Labour prime minister Alfred Sant "between 1996 and 1998 in an attempt to further his personal interests whilst putting his colleagues in the Nationalist administration led by Dr Eddie Fenech Adami between 1987 and 1996 in a bad light."

Pullicino Orlando also listed two other reasons, alleging that Cachia Caruana colluded with high-ranking officials "representing foreign states in a clear attempt at bypassing the Nationalist Party parliamentary group and the Maltese Parliament" - ostensibly referring to his role in reactivating Partnership for Peace without having to secure the House's approval, which formed the basis of the Opposition motion that proved successful in securing his resignation as EU ambassador.

The other reason he listed alleged that Cachia Caruana had "fomented the unrest which has led to the difficulties being faced by our leader, Dr Lawrence Gonzi, both within our party and in Parliament."

Pullicino Orlando has asked the PN executive to place this "matter of great importance" on the agenda of the forthcoming meeting of the executive committee. "I will be in a position to amplify on this issue during this meeting, during which I plan on presenting irrefutable evidence to support the abovementioned three points."

On Sunday, Cachia Caruana delivered a scathing verdict of Pullicino Orlando's vote to support the Opposition motion that led to his resignation, describing the Nationalist MP as a "Sicilian... the sort you would [not] want to do business with."

Cachia Caruana said Pullicino Orlando had used his parliamentary seat to exact a personal revenge on him, and not because of his role in reactivating Malta's participation in Partnership for Peace.

Cachia Caruana has insisted that his role in fomenting an underhand and unofficial media campaign to prompt Pullicino Orlando to resign his parliamentary seat after the 2008 Mistra scandal that nearly cost the Nationalists their re-election, was "absolutely false".

Pullicino Orlando denied claims that his motives were inspired by revenge, but he was equally clear in saying that Cachia Caruana's role in coaching him throughout the 2008 electoral campaign, and his alleged attempt to make him his resign his seat afterwards, "was a direct attack on democracy" - and equated this style of operation with Cachia Caruana's role in arguing for the reactivation of PfP without having to seek the House's approval. "What I can never accept is the vile way he tried to make me resign my seat," Pullicino Orlando said on Dissett.

"It was an attack on democracy. Cachia Caruana's plan was to use me to win the PN's election in 2008, coaching me every step of the way in confronting Alfred Sant who made vile and incorrect accusations against me. So successful was this plan, that I became too popular [Pullicino Orlando was elected on both constituencies despite the suspicions levied against him by Sant]...

"The next day the PN won, they started spreading the word that I had lied... this was an attack on democracy, which shows Cachia Caruana's disrespect having instigated this attack."

X'tahwid. Kullhadd jattakka lil xulxin. Muduma imxaqqa min fuq s'isfel. Partit fil gvern bi gwerra civili fi hdanu u il pajjiz miexi ghal riehu. Addio il par idejn sodi. Addio is-serhan il-mohh addio li flimkien kollox possibli. Partit Gonzi PN rebus shih,u kemm ghad iridu johorgu hama Alla biss jaf. Ghamlulna pjacir ibqghu sa l-ahhar, halli insiru nafu aktar l-intricci fi hdan Gonzi PN.
Kemm jiflah ikun stupidu Guidaforte! Titwahhax. Mhux ghax mhux kapaci jikteb bil-Malti ghax dik nafuha, imma jigi jghid lil JPO jekk ma jsirx li trid int mur fin-nofs tal-kamra sakemm tghaddi tieghek. U DAN GUIDO GHANDU VOT. Allura jekk p.e. JPO irid mod, Franco Debono mod iehor u Tonio Borg mod iehor. U jmorru t-tlieta fin-nofs sakemm tghaddi taghhom.....Possibbli Guid, int tant stupidu li ma tindunax kemm int stupidu? Possibbli?
Ara l-VAVU BEZZIEGH irid jaghti l-pariri lil JPO. Mur ara kieku Alfred Sant xi jghid meta jara tant ipokriti jincensaw lil tal-Mistra u lit-Traditur.
@matrix, siehbi RCC...HUTA KBIRA WISQ GHAL GONZIPN. Jien ta cuc Malti li jien, ikbar ma tkun, izjed tkun taf affarijiet...........heqq..........
SHOWTIME at tal Pieta.
Zack Depasquale
I have a few questions I would like to make about this latest episode of the GonziPN sitcom. 1) Why did the sh** only hit the fan after the resignation of RCC and not earlier when there was the resignation of Dr Carm Mifsud Bonnici? 2) Why is it taking so long to get a reaction from GonziPN regarding the latest accusations? 3)Why was there no condemnation for Dr Franco Debono on the resignation of Carm Mifsud Bonnici immediately after the resignation the minister but a condemnation was only issued after RCC resignation? 4) What are Dr Gonzi’s thoughts about the threats these Members of Parliament are getting. Because surely they are getting threats if police were put behind their doors and one had to hire a security firm, when is Dr Gonzi going to condemn these threats? Does Dr Gonzi still believe that he have a parliamentary majority under these circumstances? 5) Has Dr Gonzi lost all self-respect? These are all pertinent questions which I much doubt I will ever get the answers for.
The boomerang witchcraft of the mother of all witches is returning to its owner.
Hemm hu in-Nazzjonalist ta' veru irid ikollok il-kukki l-istess sur FD....ehhhhhh mil-kliem ghal fatti hemm il-bahar jikkumbatti, mhux ta' b'xejn kien thalla barra x'gara biex ma helsux minnu kif ghamlu lill John Dalli u Louis Galea irridu nistennew....u milli jidher mhux fil-boghod....
Ara Guido l-VAVU BEZZIEGH qed jaghti l-pariri. Mur ara Alfred Sant kemm jitghaxxaq jarakom tincensaw lil JPO. Kemm jiflah ikun IPOKRITA L-BNIEDEM.
Kieku jien kont flok Jeffrey...jekk il GonziPN ma jaghmilx dak li nghejdlu u ikecci lil RCC...NAQBAD SIGGU U NOGHQOD FIN NOFS TAL KAMRA FIL PARLAMENT, Meta jiddecidi li jisma minni nerga niehu posti ..Dik hija DEMOKRAZIJA...
Kieku jien kont flok Jeffrey...jekk il GonziPN ma jaghmilx dak li nghejdlu u ikecci lil RCC...NAQBAD SIGGU U NOGHQOD FIN NOFS TAL KAMRA FIL PARLAMENT, Meta jiddecidi li jisma minni nerga niehu posti ..Dik hija DEMOKRAZIJA...
RCC is the silent leader of the PN who has everyone by the balls! JPO you are absolutely right but I strongly doubt anyone in the PN has the balls to oust he who fires the orders and pulls the strings -it surely is not Gonzi! JPO, I only wish you will form your own political party so that my next vote does not end up in the dust bin.
Ma tarax li ha jnehhu lil RCC mil partit!! Dejjem hekk kienu gideb, intricci, u x naf jien, l-aqwa li jibqu iggranfati mas siggu tal POTER.
Nice chess move! This is getting better and better all the time. I hope JPO will be given the opportunity to produce the irrefutable evidence he mentions. Mind you, I doubt it. I think they are already sh**ting out their full stomachs.
Igor P. Shuvalov
Intricci, Intricci u aktar intricci. Issa qed naraw kif jintrebhu l-elezzjonijiet u kif tista; tigi wzat u wara li tkun maghsur bhal lumija, tintrema u titghaffeg taht is-saqajn.
Il-partit tas-sahhara u l-Kardinal qed jisfaxxa; dan mhux bizzejjed; we want our pound of flesh u irridu insiru nafu kif Malta is owned the 5% to the detriment of the 95%!
Sorry JPO, you won't get this man kicked out of GonziPN. He has got his finger up too many backsides!
Luke Camilleri
Uzzggurrr! Ma tarax il-Gonz sejjer jaghzel lillek flok DCG! Dik qedgha hemm bil-Barka tieghu , u bis-silenzju tieghu dejjem jaghtiha l'appogg!
Sur Jeffrey, qaqta jisiek li l-PN se jkeccu lil RCC. Il-Pn ma jridx nies mieghu bhalek li jghidu dak li hu sewwa ghal-poplu. It-tmexxija tal-PN trid nies li kapaci jahdmu l-bizzilla u x-xbieki. Fhimt hux!