RCC to get ministers’ terminal benefit, ‘proof he is not just any civil servant’ – Labour

Outgoing ambassador to the EU is paid highest salary and will be eligible for terminal benefit and transitional allowance, according to PQ.

Richard Cachia Caruana was paid the highest public sector salary of €38,000 as ambassador to the EU.
Richard Cachia Caruana was paid the highest public sector salary of €38,000 as ambassador to the EU.

Labour's communications office has raised questions over the status of Richard Cachia Caruana, the outgoing permanent representative who is expected to receive a terminal benefit normally reserved for former ministers.

A less than satisfactory reply to Labour MP Leo Brincat's extensive parliamentary question on Cachia Caruana's remuneration on Wednesday, confirmed that the ambassador will receive a terminal benefit as well as a transitional facility for the next months, which is an allowance applicable to all ministers and the Opposition leader.

Cachia Caruana, who had to resign his post following a motion of censure passed by the Opposition and won by the support of a government MP, is paid the highest public sector salary of €38,000 plus 10 per cent, but receives no performance bonus.

"Can the Prime Minister explain which civil servant takes a terminal benefit and transitional facility," a Labour party spokesperson told MaltaToday. "This is proof that Cachia Caruana was not just any civil servant but is the equivalent of a minister. Labour is right when saying Cachia Caruana is accountable to the scrutiny of parliament, because he is not a civil servant like the others."

One of the main criticisms advanced by government against the motion that ousted Cachia Caruana was that parliament should not censure civil servants but demand political accountability only from ministers.

Cachia Caruana was however invited to sit in on Cabinet meetings by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, apart from being one of the PN's chief party strategists.

Civil servants on scales higher than the public service's grade 5 are precluded from being involved in political life. According to the Public Administration Act any activity in the political arena "is not considered compatible with certain roles in the public service."

Labour MP Leo Brincat has demanded that foreign minister Tonio Borg reveals what global emoluments and allowances are paid to Cachia Caruana, what these amounts where for 2011 as well as to table the foreign ministry's 'Forms 1' from 2007 onwards which detail the expenses of each ambassador.

Borg did not provide Brincat with a copy of the contract of service for Cachia Caruana, and any amendments to the contract, whether his salary was adjusted in the past six years, any arrears he received, and whether he is paid other remunerations for his role as head of the EU secretariat.

Borg referred Brincat to previous PQs which tag Cachia Caruana's salary to the highest civil service scale.

Why is being awarded a ministers' terminal benfits? After all he was "FIRED"! Who is this person? Why is "red carpet" layed where ever he goes? Why when he moves Malta trembles? If I have to nickname this untouchable person, it will be "THE MAN WHO KNOWS TOO MUCH"!
At a time when Europeans were watching EURO 2012 and most citizens were proud of their countries represented, Malta and the Maltese were focused on the shameful and disgusting ways of doing politics at that 3 ring circus we refer to as parliament. In another media, it has been reported that RCC will be appointed Chairman of BOV, How sweet it is! For a man who for the last 25 years has fashioned Maltese Democracy according to the RCC rules of engagement and probably is responsible for a good percentage of the national debt, now they are talking of severance pay when it has already been decided to award him the chairmanship of BOV. Wasn’t it Minister Tonio Fenech that declared that Malta did not need a CUC to run another Maltese entity? It is interesting to witness the Maltese experience according to RCC. A man of all seasons or as the saying goes a Jack of all trades. Perhaps at his confirmation someone ought to stand up and demand to question his knowledge at leading a financial institution, which is involved in world banking of puts and calls of interest rates and borrowing costs of investment funds or mortgages of deposits or bonds and not to mention being famous to swindle its investors and then bullying them by withdrawing their credit cards. As far as his CV is concerned his only relevance in financial affairs was the secrecy involving his salaries, benefits or expenses and the deficits he ran the EU offices in Brussels. By the way whatever happened to RCC disciples that has kept reminding us how undemocratic the 1970’s & 1980’s were? Can this island continue to be manhandled, befuddled and demoralized by a clique of cabals that has brought it to its knees as they continue to milk the national assets?
Mela is-salarju ta Richard Cachia Caruana li nhallsu ahna it-taxpayers hu 'state secret'? U dan kif ghandu perks specjali, mela jekk jaqa taht l-iscale tac-civil jista ikollu dawn il-beneficciji kollha minghajr ahna-impjegati ukoll fic-civil, ma jista qatt noholmu li jkollna dawn ukoll? Mela issa mhux bicca ambaxxatur , imma xi haga misterjuza ohra fil-gvern ta GonziPN ? Dan il-habi u misteri ghalfejn?
Qeghdin sew f’dan il-pajjiz. Mela ta’ fuq jerdaw kemm jifilhu demm iz-zghir u mhux talli hekk, talli meta jitkeccew jinghataw it-terminal benefits. Min dahal fic-civil fis-sena 1979, dawn spiccalhom kollox avolja dawn gia ikunu ghamlu kwazi 33 sena servizz sal-llum. Il-unions jaqaw ghamew u t-tarxu, jew l-interess li fadlilhom dawn (GWU u UHM) huma li jigbru il-mizati tas-shubija? Jaqaw is-Solidarjeta mal-Familji hija biss ma tal-qalba, jew l-Hon Dr Gonzi u shabu qeghdin jimxu fuq dak li jghid il-MULEJ “Hafna huma l-imsejhin, imma ftit il maghzulin” Fadal xi hadd f’dan il-pajjiz min Gvernijiet, Opposizjoni jew Knisja li jinteresshom li ssir GUSTIZZJA mal-Haddiem?
Yet another case of Gonzi's wanton disregard to taxpayers' money. Good to have friends, isn't it.
Is that a for a month?.
Dan is-superman haqqu kull beneficju li jezisti. Dan la qatt kien hawn bhalu, la hawn bhalu issa u lanqas qatt ikun hawn bhalu. Bniedem indispensabbli qalilna Gonzi, allura x'tistenna? Dr Gonzi tibqax taqa fl-erezija, mis-sema l-isfel hadd mhu indispensabbli. Jekk ma ghandekx ahjar minnu fil-pn, dik imbaghad haga ohra.
Luke Camilleri
Min hu bhal RCC???? Xi slice qieghed jiehu.....
Luke Camilleri
Min hu bhal RCC???? Xi slice qieghed jiehu.....
Proof that Pn knows it will lose next election!
We should also make available private jet travel for the next 10 years, until he gets adjusted to travelling business class again - with only a small curtain keeping him away from us unwashed citizens. I am personally insisting to see the contract mentioned above - i want to know ahead of time what sacrifices myself and my family have to make to ensure the terms of the contract are all fulfilled. In anticipation, i now have my children sleeping in their rooms without a fan - even though that room is a regular sweat house. And let this be a lesson to all future government employees fired for high treason to their country. You will get paid down to the last penny and given a golden handshake. P.S. Can we please also find out how much he also receives from KPMG? I know KPMG gets millions from the government annually - but what did they pay him? Can we assist in any way to get him more. Also a declaration of assets would be in order - after all, our ministers had to declare their assets and he is getting the same benefits as them - so its only fair to get a declaration of assets. If fellow bloggers are interested in setting up a fund for RCC, please let me know. This guy has been stabbed twice in the back by people from the party he has served so well - and he deserves all the help we can give him - right across the political spectrum. Thank you RCC. You are truly irreplaceable - we plan never to have another person like you.
No civil servant or public official should be allowed to actively participate in politics or form part of a political party. Whatever happened to Estacode? Cachia Caruana was paid out of our taxes to represent the people of Malta not his own interests and those of his party. What a fall from grace! And the interview he gave the Sunday Times was so pathetically self piteous! And how insulting to all Sicilians. I'm surprised the Italian Ambassador hasn't taken up this matter yet and made a formal complaint. Some EU Ambassador! Does Cachia Caruana not know how much trade goes between Malta & Sicily? I got the impression that he's so grasping and greedy that he's completely out touch with reality. So much for the SMS's he was receiving during the interview...what a laughing stock!
Qedin sew f'dan il-pajjiz. Mela RCC kellu iwwarrab u sejjer jiehu it-terminal benefits. L-ohrajn tac-civil li tnehhitilhom il-gratuity din sejra tinghata lilhom? Jew ghal RCC li ghandu paga fenominali flus hemm u ghal xi bicca haddiem ma hemmx? Din il-Gustizzja ta Gonzi u shabu? Veru "ghalina u ghal uliedna, u il-haddiem jiehu il-qamel u kontijiet.
Why all this secrecy about RCC's pay packet? Is this another clandestine arrangement like the Euro 600 per week increase that our beloved and hardworking Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries awarded themselves way back in 2008? Why all the secrecy indeed if there is nothing to be ashamed of? Smells like another rat!
"Kulhadd xortih!" "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." George Orwell
missjunarju............... shame on you Prim Minister every thing hush hush
How about a PQ to OPM on salary packages + perks paid to private secretaries on loan from commercial institutions?
Tghejd jafu jisthu dawn in nies.Ma kienx jiehu il 500 ewro ukoll hux.... umbaghad ghax ragel tal familja spiccawh mix xoghol u ghax ghandu l-eta ma isibx fejn jahdem, u allura jispicca jiehu naqra Servizzi socjali u isibuh jahdem xi bicca xoghol biex ikampa, MALAJR JAQTAWLU IR RELIEF.U dawn wara li ikunu belaw ( mhux kielu ta )il CAKE kollu inthom il perkacci ukoll, ma imurx imutu bil guh.....Wahda mill l-isbah haga li ghamel Alla kienet li kullhadd irid isir trab u kull ma ghandha irridu inhalluh ghawn , u Quddiemu ma hemmx ambaxxaturi...kullhadd l-istess.Mela komplu iffungaw f`din id dinja...hallu lil batut ibati, u wara isir il gudizzju, min Alla u mhux mill parlament farsa li ghandha.
Perceptive and to the point as Raphael usually is. The cemetery is full of ' indispensable' people!! The cleverness of RCC is not so much in what he does, but in HOW he has done it. He has manouvered himself into making those around him THINK he is indepensable .... and for a few HE IS...because they depend entirely on his largesse!!! For the country, and for most of us, he is just another ship that sailed in, and now has been given the marching orders to sail out. What's the big deal?