Government economical over Cachia Caruana’s salary and full expenses - Brincat

Prime Minister yet to reveal more details of EU ambassador's remuneration and expenses, says Labour MP Leo Brincat.

Leo Brincat said the Prime Minister had failed to provide a total rundown of how much Richard Cachia Caruana’s office and services had cost the exchequer.
Leo Brincat said the Prime Minister had failed to provide a total rundown of how much Richard Cachia Caruana’s office and services had cost the exchequer.

Labour MP Leo Brincat has accused the prime minister of having been economical with the truth in several parliamentary questions that dealt with the salary of the outgoing permanent representative to the EU, Richard Cachia Caruana.

The government yesterday released details of Cachia Caruana's salary, after they were first refused in several PQs which only detailed his basic €38,000 civil service salary and a 10% top-up. The salary was in fact bolstered by over €100,000 in emoluments.

Brincat, who grilled Cachia Caruana during the foreign affairs hearing that preceded his resignation due to an Opposition motion, said the government was not declaring the entire expenditure that had come from Cachia Caruana's service to the state.

"With his salary of almost €150,000 a year and another €170,000 in expenses as reported in the press, Cachia Caruana was not just any civil servant... Gonzi himself admitted Cachia Caruana was not just any other diplomat, but that he was also being paid for more than one role, contrary to the replies given by the Prime Minister in previous PQs," Brincat said.

"Had government had no qualms about his role it would have provided the replies without beating about the bush."

Brincat said the Prime Minister had failed to provide a total rundown of how much Cachia Caruana's office and services had cost the exchequer, the Forms 1 that detail his expenditure from 2007 onwards, an original copy of his contract, and no confirmation of any arrears Cachia had been paid.

"The prime minister should also say whether Cachia Caruana was paid an increase in his salary as that paid to ministers, owing to his seat on the Cabinet and the fact that he is being paid a terminal benefit once he leaves his Brussels post."

Cachia Caruana earned an annual salary of some €148,000 that includes emoluments to top up his civil service salary.

The foreign ministry confirmed information MaltaToday presented it with on Friday, that Cachia Caruana was paid close to €150,000 in salary and global emoluments, apart from expenses for his Ixelles apartment, housekeeping and chauffeur.

Cachia Caruana was paid the top civil service salary and a 10% top-up for a total of over €42,000 a year but also an additional €100,883 in global emoluments that took his salary close to €150,000 a year.

MaltaToday is informed that Cachia Caruana additionally was paid another €96,000 to rent out his duplex apartment over the artificial lakes in the wealthy Ixelles district, in Brussels, as well as another €75,000 for the payment of the outgoing ambassador's housekeeping, a personal driver, and a police escort.

These figures have not been denied by the foreign ministry.

But Borg's statement confirms that Cachia Caruana benefited from the highest public sector salaries ever paid put by the Maltese government - going head to head with such handsomely-paid civil servants like former Central Bank governor Michael C. Bonello (€128,000), Communications Authority chairman Philip Micallef and Malta Environment and Planning Authority chairman Austin Walker (€94,000).

Cachia Caruana's role as permanent representative was declared by the government not on the same level as that of other ambassadors, owing to his role as an advisor to the prime minister apart from being invited to sit on Cabinet meetings. Cachia Caruana also acts as a party strategist for the Nationalist party

Since forcing his resignation from permanent representative to the EU in a motion of censure secured with the vote of government MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, the Labour party has demanded a detailed breakdown of all foreign ministry payments to Richard Cachia Caruana.

On his part, the foreign minister has previously insisted in directing MPs to a previous reply to a parliamentary question that puts Cachia Caruana's salary at the €38,000 civil service Grade 1 salary, and a 10% top-up. Cachia Caruana takes no performance bonus but he will receive a terminal benefit upon his departure from Brussels, as well as a transitional facility for the next months to assist in his transition from ambassador.

The transitional allowance was introduced by Lawrence Gonzi in 2008 to assist former ministers, and the Opposition leader, in phasing-out their high incomes when returning to their private, professional occupations.

Alla ihares GonziPN ikompli ifaqqas 'patrijotti Maltin' bhal dan RCC, ghax kieku infallu! Meta se naghmlu gabra biex naghmlulu monument daqs kemm ihobb lil Malta (sorry) il-flus tat-taxxi tal-Maltin! Wara, Mattew Callus,Mikel Anton Vasalli issa jmiss is-siegha ta RCC li bhal patrijot Malti hadem kemm felah-filantropiku ghal glorja ta pajjizu u xejn xejn xejn aktar; nipproponi ukoll li nohorgu sett ta bolli!
@ xifajk...Jekk nista naghti il punti lilek intik 100 % .Prosit...Ma stajx tolqot il musmar fuq rasu ahjar min hekk...Santi fil but jonqoshom fil parlament,ghax slaleb hemm kemm trid..
Do we buy him the groceries, the toilet paper etc etc etc too?? I have no doubt whatsoever that T.Fenech was not including him as "CUC MALTI!"
His salary in over 500,000 euros. Come on Gonzi prove me wrong if you can. If you can illegally payout this money to one person - just how much more theft and fraud is being covered up. You paid this money to a person who is a traitor to this country - but a close friend of yours. Come on Gonzi - is there one of your clowns who will stand up and prove me wrong ?
Luke Camilleri
UZZGGURR LI JAGHMEL EKONOMIJA FID-DISKORS il-Gvern ta' Gonzi fuq il-pakett ta' RCC ghax ma GHAMILX EKONOMIJA META IRRANGALU DAN IL-PAKETT! Issa ghax inkixef u gie daru mal-hajt QIEGHED JISTHI xi ftit il-Gvern ta' Gonzi jghid x'fih il-pakett!
The nationalist apologists are having a pathetic time trying to persuade us that this whole affair is backfiring on the labour party. Far from it. I am/was once a fervent NP supporter but I can't bear the hypocrisy, intolerance and despotic behaviour of this Administration. So much for democracy. We need a change. Keep up the good work LP!
jien nejd li kien hawn haddiem kellu iktar minnhu salarju.tafu min kien?.IS SUR DEMARTINO.HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Min ghandu l-bzar ha jroxxu.....
That's a package of over Euro 380,000 !!!Now we can all undestand better why these parasites fight nail and tooth to keep the status quo. Now we can all understand why the Cardinal destroys anybody in his path and engages others to do likewise. Now, as the paying public, we would also like to understand 1) who is paying his bodyguards who are with him nite and day,since his stabbing? 2) How much did RCC receive for being the victim of the stabbing ? 3) How much is the golden handshake in the form of ' rehabilitaion into society'- an expense on the taxpayer invented by Gonzi to appease ex Ministers discarded by the electorate-is going to be? ...and while we are at it 4) Who is paying for the policeman outside the Queen of Bile's residence? As the people who have paid and pay these bills , we have the right to know.
@ Leo Brincat and Labour commentators ma nistax nifhem kif ma thallux bniedem id-dawwar lira ja hassra :p
@ Leo Brincat and Labour commentators ma nistax nifhem kif ma thallux bniedem id-dawwar lira ja hassra :p
@ Leo Brincat and Labour commentators ma nistax nifhem kif ma thallux bniedem id-dawwar lira ja hassra :p
@ Leo Brincat and Labour commentators ma nistax nifhem kif ma thallux bniedem id-dawwar lira ja hassra :p
@ Leo Brincat and Labour commentators ma nistax nifhem kif ma thallux bniedem id-dawwar lira ja hassra :p
Zack Depasquale
Kemm huma gentlomi bil-flus ta'haddiehor qieghed nghid, ghalhekk kulhadd irid jibqa mwahhal mal-poter, ghax hemm x'jintilef, umbghad lill-haddiem u lill-penzjonant, gholi fil-prezzijiet u xi 1.14Euro zieda. Jekk ma jigiex ukoll xi bravu, li kien qalibhielu FrancO Debono u llum qieghed jithanzer barra min Malta taparsi Awditur, li kien qalilna biex ma nithanzrux.
Mark Fenech
Jonqos li nkunu nafu jekk dawn l-ammonti humiex qabel tithallas it-taxxa jew it-taxxa tithallas mill-gvern ukoll, bhal ma kien il-gvernatur tal-bank centrali. Din il-materja taghmel differenza kbira.
If Labour enacts the Whistle-blowers Act on re-election, it would not have enough time left over to govern, after having to deal with all the dirt that will be exposed.
Dan RCC imhallas dashekk ghax hu 'Malta's Gods particle'?
Kif, il-majjalata hi ikbar min dak li ipprova jahbi GonziPN? GonziPN sar qisu klabb ta Ali Baba and the forty thieves!
Ma nafx kif ma tisthux kollha kemm inthom li qedin fil-Parliament, basta titkelmu fuq il-familja, solidarjeta u li qalbkom ma haddiem. Ghal haddiem x'hemm hlief qamel, xoghol prekarju, taxxi halli ikolkom x'tisirqu, gholi tal-hajja. Nispera li l-poplu ma jinsiex meta nigu ghal kontijiet. Hemm xi hadd minkomm jaf jisthi?????
Sur Brincat, nahseb li l-Prim Ministru ahjar ma jkomplix jghid x'kien u ghadu jiswielna RCC. Dan il-bniedem sopranaturali rikeb lil-pajjiz kemm felah. Dan ma jhossomx il-kontijiet tal-ilma u tad-dawl! Bhalxejn mhux se ssirlu xi gabra ghax issa bla xoghol li ma jmurx imut bil-guh.