‘Important decisions’ to be taken in Thursday PN executive meeting - Gonzi

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi warns of “important decisions” to be taken in Thursday PN Nationalist executive meeting related to its dissenting MPs and parliamentary instability.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi with Richard Cachia Caruana.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi with Richard Cachia Caruana.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that a "very important" Nationalist Party executive meeting to be held on Thursday "will be taking decisions related to the events of the past 4 weeks in particular" and reiterated that MPs breaking government ranks would face consequences.

Speaking on Radio 101, Gonzi said the meeting "will be an experience of the party's democratic values that hold everyone accountable, but nevertheless operates within democratic lines and ensures seriousness by expecting everyone to set aside personal agendas and work towards the interest of the country and the party."

He expressed hopes that the executive party meeting and the following meetings would see the emergence of these values.

Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, who voted against government on a motion censuring Richard Cachia Caruana, has recently hit out at the PN executive committee for indicating that a letter he submitted to the executive calling for RCC's resignation will be discussed as "mere correspondence."

Additionally, JPO has told MaltaToday that he interprets last Sunday's criticism by Gonzi as preparations for his expulsion from the party. "Call a resignation if you expel me", he has since warned.

Speaking broadly about the parliamentary instability, and the manner in which government MPs broke ranks with the party on two separate confidence votes in parliament, Gonzi reiterated previous statements that everyone should be accountable for their actions, including instances of voting which are not governed by a free vote.

"In the divorce instance, I had given a free vote," Gonzi said, dismissing claims that the confidence votes and the divorce vote were somehow similar. "This means I had given dispensation, as the leader of the party and head of government, to MPs to vote according to their conscience. However, when I had not given such a free vote, these were not given this dispensation."

He also reiterated that the consequences that the dissenting MPs will face will be determined by the party. "Despite this," Gonzi said, "we remain in government, and remain focused on the real priorities of the country," adding that families are more concerned with day to day issues like education and employment.

He added that despite the parliamentary instability, the PN remains the party close to the people, and said that it does not achieve it through populism, but by achieving results that benefit them.

Opening the interview, Gonzi accused the Labour party of fomenting a racist attitude within the country against irregular immigrants, pointing to its support for Italy's approach to immigration which was internationally condemned as in violation of human rights conventions.

Gonzi accused the Labour party of being headed by a populist leader, who insisted on saying what people wanted to hear. Gonzi added that the Labour party is betraying its populism not only through it stand on immigration, but also through its stand on the utility tariffs when it accused government of fixing utility prices, and by opposing various reforms.

Gonzi said that everyone's dignity should be respected, irrespective of skin colour. "This means that not only those entering Malta on a sparkling cruise liner, but also those entering Malta on a dinghy."

He said that just before the programme was recorded, a boat of immigrants was assisted by Maltese forces. Taking the opportunity to praise the work done by the Armed Forces of Malta, Gonzi said that despite how the immigrants did not initially request assistance; the Maltese forces assisted them when it looked like they were in difficulty.

"Who is not populist does not shy away from making such decisions," Gonzi said. "Those who adopt a populist approach insist that we do like the Italians," Gonzi said, adding however that he was in favour of adopting measures that were positive.

He said that racist talk is worrying, as it leads to even worse incidents, adding that recent weeks were "characterised not only by worrying talk, but also xenophobic incidents and attacks on those who have a different sexual orientation."

Gonzi said that Malta is gifted with compassion and is recorded in history and culture as a hospitable country. "We should be proud of this. Let us not allow us to forget this," Gonzi said, again attacking the Labour Party for what he claimed was its "populist stance."

He said that the government is committed to safeguarding and protecting the dignity of human persons. Gonzi pledged that as long as he was PN leader and Prime Minister, he would be unwavering in ensuring complete respect towards the dignity of persons.

He said however that, at the same time, he would also ensure the national interest, arguing that the notion that upholding the dignity of persons and safeguarding the interests of migrants was somehow going against the national interests was false.

"Standing up for the national interest shouldn't mean we should do away with respecting the dignity of persons or human rights," Gonzi said.

Touching briefly upon the recent high-profile illegal immigration case which shocked the nation, where an escaped migrant died while in the custody of Detention Forces, Gonzi said that while he would not go into the merits of the case, in the course of discussions with NGOs and other entities, he said that it is important to continue monitoring the situation and ensuring the protection of rights and dignity of those involved.

He added that the situation also called for an examination in the manner in which the Armed Forces carry out their duties and the policies that govern them and whether these needed to be reformed.

Gonzi also reiterated recent criticism against the Labour Party for its decision to present a number of court writs to strike off voters from the latest electoral register issued in October 2011. Gonzi accused the Labour Party of resorting to "its usual manoeuvres in the face of an approaching election in an attempt to fight tooth and nail to prohibit people from voting."

Gonzi said that Labour has a "long history of trying to win elections with threats and violence", recalling the political tension that pervaded the 1980s, and accused the party of a return to "these tactics of intimidation

Gonzi said that the PN "always made it easier for people to vote", pointing to measures such as allowing elderly or hospitalised people to vote within their residences or hospitals to protect their dignity, as well as initiatives allowing people to fly in from abroad to vote and fly out that same day.

He accused the Labour party of planting "spies" within communities, who would go around asking personal questions about 'targeted' individuals, condemning Labour's court writs.

Throughout the interview, Gonzi also upheld the government's administration across various fronts, such as job creation, fiscal management, education, and other reforms, maintaining that the Nationalist party is not one that succumbs to populism, but operates in accordance to its values.

The current prime minister is responsible for the chaos in his party and the country. The best decision that can be taken is to call an election. The longer the procrastination towards some real action is going to put the PN much worse off in the coming months. People are fed up of the stupid tactics that the PN is trying to attract attention. The PM was boasting quite a lot about the country's successes. Yes obviously there are these but he never mentions the gross corruption in government organizations. Just to say what is going on at the moment in many places promotions and intake of new persons has been taking place at an alarming rate. I think that once the PL is elected all appointments given in the past 2 years will have to be investigated by a special commission. The PN has failed miserably in its main objectives related to promoting democracy!
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that a "very important" Nationalist Party executive meeting to be held on Thursday.......m'ghandux ghaggla biex jiehu id-decizjonijiet li ijlu biex jiehu ix-xhur jekk mhux is-snin....issa nahseb li tard wisq ghax ix-xarabank GonziPN niezla in-nizla minghajr brejkijiet. Konfuxu kien ibassar dejjem qabel u dan jiddeciedi wara l-froga tkun thawdet u ma jistax jghalli l-bajda!! X'jistghu jkunu d-decizjonijiet nahseb li l-ahjar li jghamel iwarrab u jhalli f'idejn John Dalli u Galea biex imexxu l-PN (Gdid)fl-elezzjoni li gejja ghax b'hekk biss il-PN ikollu cans remot li jaqleb il-mizien. Jekk le dan kollu irid isir wara l-elezzjoni.
" ..... will be an experience of the party's democratic values that hold everyone accountable ..." --- imma b'min jahseb li qed jitmejjel gonzipn, biex ma nghdx kelma ohra? Of all people hu qed jitkellem fuq il-kontabilita meta lanqas biss jaf fejn toqghod? meta ilu snin shah jistma l-kontabilita daqs li kieku kienet tapit? Kontabilita meta kull zball kbir li sar minn aktar minn ministru wiehed ta' gonzipn tieghu ipprova jghattilhom daqs li kieku ma gara xejn u ivvinta mitt skuza biex jara kif jehlishom minn kull htija? Jekk gonzipn jibqa' imsemmi ghal kollox zgur li mhux se jibqa' imfakkar ghall-kontabilita li wera .... anzi ghamel hiltu kollha biex jahbiha, jidfinha u jinsiha .... u jnessiha .... anki jek wiehed jiftakar fil-whistleblowers' act bizzejjed ... ilha fuq l-ixkaaffa is-snin shah ..... ma tarax li mhux se jdahhal xi haga li jista' jidher ikrah hu stess biha ... u zgur, mhux hekk nibqghu !!!!
Is the case that Gonzi might be considering forcing RCC and the vicious Bidnija pit-bull to resign from Gonzi PN?
Carras1 Siehbi, lil min tafu issaqsijx ghalih. !!!
L-iktar decisjoni mportanti sur prim ministru se johodha l-poplu meta tasal il-gurnata tal gudizzju ghalik.Ilum tahraba,ghada forsi imma xi darba trid isejjaha l-elezzjoni!!Trid taghti rendikont ghat tajjeb li ghamilt,ghal dak li stajt ghamilt ahjar,ghan nuqqasijiet tieghek kif wkoll ghal dak li weghedt u wettaqt u dak li ma wettaqtx!! Il-poplu malti mhux se jinsa l-ghajta li FLIMKIN KOLLOX POSSIBLI u kif inti vvutajt kontra dhul ta divorzju meta l-maggoranza tal maltin u ghawdxin ivvutaw ghal l-introduzzjoni tieghu!!!FLIMKIN KOLLOX POSSIBLI ma zammejthiex meta lil kull haddiem tghajtu 4.66 euro zida fil gimgha mentri inti tajt lilek innifsek u kabinett kollu 500 euro zida fil gimgha!!Il-poplu malti iktar u iktar ic-cittadini tal hames distrett mhux se jinsa l-iskandlu tal BWSE!! Il-pazjenti ta l-isptar mhux se jinzu l-weghda li se tnaqqas il-waiting list u li se ttejjeb is-settur ta sahha mentri hafna pazjenti li huma tax payers spiccaw jorqdu fil kurituri tal mater dei u nehhejtilhom id-dinjita kollha!! Il-generazzjoni zghazugha li tixtieq tibni familja mhux se tinsa l-weghda li ghandek politika ghal familja u mbad gholejt ic-cement u eventwalment jghollha l-bini kif wkoll ghollejt il-kontijiet ta dawl u l-ilma dankollu grazzi ghal inefficenzi ta l-enemalta li politikament kin responsabli minnha WISTIN!! Il-haddiema li juzaw kuljum it-transport pubbliku mhux se jinzu r-riforma frogga li ghamilt b'ARRIVA u minjaf kemm gellied haddiema ma l-imghallmin taghhom!!Il-haddiema tal GO,ta TARZNA,ta L-AIRMALTA mhux se jinzu li batilhom ittra iffirmata minnek li taht GONZIPN hobzhom ta kuljum huwa garantit!! Ghaziz poplu malti u ghawdxi dan il-prim ministru wera li mhux veru ghandu PAR IDEJN SODI ghax kisru partit u wera kemm huwa mexxej dghajjef izda ikkakmat ma siggu u mal vizju tal poter!!Ejja hbib tieghi halli darba ghal dejjem inwarrbu l-egojismu tal ftit ha nibdew PAGNA GDIDA FL-ISTORJA POLITIKA TA DAN IL-PAJJIZ ZGHIR,SABIH IZDA MIMLI B'NIES TA TALENT,TA KAPACITAJIET LI KAPACI JGIBUWNA L-EWWEL FOST L-AQWA MINAJR DISTINZJONI TA KULURI JEW KUNJOMIJIET
GonziPN akkuza lil Joseph li qed ikun populist. Ma nahsibx li tista tkun aktar populist aktar milli lejliet l-elezzjoni 2008 twieghed solenniment f'kull attivita li tkun titkellem fiha li se trahhas ir-rata tat-taxxa minn 35% ghal 25% minkejja li tghid li qed tara l-maltemp, u dan tghid li se taghmlu biex idawwar l-ekonomija u thalli aktar flus fl-idejn. Il-poplu bela l-lixka POPULISTA tieghek u rega afdak bit-=tmexxija tal-pajjiz. U sal-lum kwazi hames snin wara ghadna nistennew din il-weghda issehh. Din kienet wahda mill-weghdiet populisti li kien wiegħed GonziPN. Naturalment kien hemm aktar , it-tabib b'xejn, it-tabib tal-ghazla tighek, ma jzidx il-kontijiet tad-dawl , ilma u gas u hafna u hafna oħrajn.
RCC se jaghti l-flus lura li ma kienx haqqu il-Hamis li gej?
Zack Depasquale
I read this article twice, and to my surprise I did not find an answer to why did GonziPN take action now against dissenting members of Parliament, after the resignation of RCC, and no action was taken against anyone after the resignation of Dr Carm Mifsud Bonnici? I also feel that all this talk about illegal immigration is to alienate the Maltese from the internal bickering and quarrels in the party in Government. Where because of these quarrels the Prime Minister is not even capable to appoint a Minister for internal affairs, to take care of the Illegal Immigration problem.
"Nationalist party is not one that succumbs to populism, but operates in accordance to its values." Nationalist Party Yes, but GONZIPN NO.
Geez, I think he's going to resign and call an early election.
That smart a**e of an arrogant buff on has brought Malta to its knees, only he is too wrapped up in himself to notice it.
Sewwa qal GonziPN, kullhadd irid ihallas ghal ghemilu. L-ewwel wiehed li jrid iwiegeb huwa propju HU talli rnexxielu ikisser il-partit. Imma GonziPN jaf ben tajjeb li il-problema li qed tinkwetah hi kif se jsalva gildu wara l-elezzjoni li jmiss ghax jaf li ta madwaru se jizbranawh minn kap u addio aktar il-poter u dak kollu li jgib mieghu.
Jien laburist min guf ommi, nappella lil Prim Ministru sabiex ma jghajjat elezzjoni qabel zmiena. Ibqa hemm sewwi l-izbalji li ghamilt int u ta qablek. Ara kif ser tnaqqas dak id dejn li kapricjozament tellajtu mghola is smewwiet.Nispera li meta jinfetah il wirt li ser thalli warajk, uliedna ma ikollhomx ghalfejn jisthuk.
Next Thursday, only one important decision should be taken. This should only be taken by Gonzipn. Lawrence Gonzi should give his resignation from pn. People, and also thousands of pn supporters lost their trust in Gonzipn, soon after 2008 election. The wild promises especially to workers, such as shipyard workers and air Malta had made Gonzipn unbelievable. The more he stays in power the bigger the defeat. If Simon Busutill is near the people as he should be, he knows that this reality. If not, we wait and see. Four years and four month passed and we can patiently wait for some months more to give Gonzipn a repay for his wild promises to us and our families. Lawrence Gonzi said that everyone would face consequences for his action and this apply to him too, maybe not by his party, but for sure from the electorate (also pn electorate).
id decizzjoni ta GONZIPN huma 3 1. ma jhallix lit tliet ribelli jikkontestaw 2. RCC se jikkontesta l-elezzjoni 3. RCC inkiss inkiss jidhol ghal leadership tal PN. aktar inkwiet ghal Beppe, Demarco, Said u Fenech
Rita Pizzuto
Tassew sar tal-biki dan Gonzi. Taghhom qed itih lill-Partit Laburista u lill-mexxej tieghu Joseph Muscat. Possibbli ghadu jahseb li l-partitarji tieghu ghadhom jemmnuh? Ilu jaqa' fil-baxx fil-kritika tieghu u jghid affarijiet kontra Joseph Muscat li l-mexxej Laburista qatt ma jkun qalhom. Nahseb li l-gurnalisti (!) tal-media nazzjonalista jirrekordjawlu d-diskorsi li jaghmel il-mexxej Laburista. Ma nistax nifhem kif lin-nies teighu jintrpretahomlom li Muscat jghaddi hin fid-diskorsi tieghu jghajjar lilu u lil shabu. Izda min jisma' d-diskorsi ta' muscat jaf li jimxi ta' gentlom u kull darba jaghti suggerimenti siewja u jaghti hjiel tal-programm Laburista ghall-elezzjoni. Zgur mhux tghajjir imma suggerimenti siewja li lest jattwa u li bihom qed jissokta jigbed in-nies warajh. Gonzi jerga' bil-hrafa li l-partit Laburista jrid jaqta' lill-votanti mir-registru elettorali. Giddieb! Kif jaghmlu huma, u jaghmlu sew, isir iccekkjar tar-registru u min mhux suppost qieghed jitolbu biex jitnehha. Jitnehha mill-qorti mhux minn xi skrivan fic-civil. Skond Gonzi PN, perezempju, mejjet li kien nazzjonalist ghandu jibqa' fir-registru; l-istess Maltin li jghixu barra u li m'ghandhom l-ebda dritt jigu jivvutaw. Kien hemm wisq hnizrijiet f'elezzjnijiet mghoddija li thallew jghaddu mill-awtoritajiet. Li tal-Labour ma jkollhomx ragun, zgur li Gonzi PN imorru jiddefendu lil dawn fil-Qorti. Imma ma jaghmlux hekk ghax jafu li jitilfu l-kawzi u biex ikomplu jitfghu d-dubji f'mohh il-Maltin. Ara huma jaghmlu aktar minhekk ghax jafu aktar affarijiet m inn gewwa. Ma nafx min jemmnu meta jghid li l-partit Laburista jimmanuvra meta tkun qed toqrob l-elezzjoni f'tentattiv biex jaqta' n-nies mir-registru.. Imma l-akibar wahda meta qal li l-Labour ghandhom storja twila li jippruvaw jirbhu elezzjonijiet bit-theddi u l-vjolenza. Ara veru li l-qahba (bir-rispett kollu lejha) milli jkollha ttik. Il-manuvra tal-PN qabel kull elezzjoni jafhom kulhadd. Kulhadd ukoll jaf min kien juza l-vjolenza u l-bombi li sparixxew meta l-PN hadu l-gvern. X'armonija ghandhom hila joholqu dan-nies ta' terinu!! Gonz, u ara ma tmurx tkeccija lil JPO, Franco jew lil Mugliett ghax ikolok issejjah elezzjini. U hafna ma rridux dan. Irriduk tkompli thawwad fil-borma GonziPN biex izzid iddahhak.
Igor P. Shuvalov
One may ask: Why are these 'important decisions' being taken exactly on the same day as that of the start of the summer recess of the House of representatives?
From past experience there are two possible very democratic important decisions that can be taken by the PN. A leadership rat race/contest between the three dissident MP's OR a choreographed apology from them 3 together while the public sings the NP anthem in unison. Then the day after HE calls an election.