The PN's new candidates

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi announced 10 new candidates on Thursday evening when the party approved a ban on the re-election of three MPs.

Austin Gatt's head of secretariat, Manwel Delia (left) is the PN's new candidate on the fifth district - Franco Debono's former battleground.
Austin Gatt's head of secretariat, Manwel Delia (left) is the PN's new candidate on the fifth district - Franco Debono's former battleground.

Announcing that the PN executive had approved a ban on allowing MPs Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Jesmond Mugliett and Franco Debono from contesting the PN ticket at the next elections, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi announced 10 new candidates to the party list, confirming it will be sending in party-backed candidates to scoop up Franco Debono's votes and appeal to wavering voters in traditional working and middle-class districts.

Albert Fenech - surgeon

Albert FenechTop-class cardiologist Albert Fenech starts his political foray on the PN ticket, hoping he can bank on his professional capability, charm and all-round nice-guy image. While medical professionals tend to enjoy a good deal of trust from the electorate, Fenech can be expected to be fielded in middle-class, pale blue districts to shore up like-minded liberal voters who might be wavering.

Gejtu Vella - former UHM boss

As expected, despite his casual denials, Gejtu Vella is now in his natural home. Having had a sterling career as secretary-general of the Union Haddiema Maqghudin, with its traditional pro-PN leaning, Vella will be an asset for the PN with working class voters who have felt the brunt of inflation and rising utility rates.

Mark Anthony Sammut - councillor

Mark Anthony SammutGudja councillor for the PN, Mark Anthony Sammut at 26 is one of the PN's young Turks who displays his clear political thought in his personal blog. An engineer by profession, and accomplished pianist, he will be gunning for the votes in the fourth district, where Jesmond Mugliett had his constituency.

Manuel Delia - Austin Gatt's 'enforcer'

Having spent years at the flank of transport minister Austin Gatt, Manuel Delia - who joined the PN's ranks at a young age and led the student protests of 1997 against the Labour government's stipend reform - will be running on the fifth district. Delia, the author of the public transport reform, nearly cost his boss Austin Gatt his job when Franco Debono threatened to support an Opposition motion of no-confidence in Gatt.

Claudio Grech - Austin Gatt man, IT advisor

Claudio Grech was Austin Gatt's head of secretariat, having assisted in the piloting of the e-government revolution and negotiating the Smart City deal with Dubai's Tecom, before landing the CEO's job at SmartCity Malta while also being the politically appointed chairman of the Malta IT Agency. He now serves as IT advisor to Austin Gatt and is close to the party leadership. He also assisted the anti-divorce movement during the 2011 referendum.

Therese Comodini Cachia - human rights lawyer

Therese Comodini Cachia

Therese Comodini Cachia (right, with Gonzi) is considered to be one of Malta's leading lawyers on international human rights, having clinched success on several cases inside the European Court of Human Rights. She recently became part of the legal team assisting the Public Broadcasting Services in hearings before the Broadcasting Authority.

Other new candidates

Ryan Callus - MZPN international secretary and Siggiewi deputy mayor; Ian Spiteri; Mario Rizzo Naudi, MD.

pooh - more scumbags to shore up the gutter party.
il-bravi mill ewwel hargu bil gudizzju taghhom. tmaqdru u tghajjru biss tafu. kontu, ghadkom u se tibqaw l-istess. ma tinbidlu qatt.
The only noteable candidate is Albert Fenech who will not turn the tide but is simply contesting to try and oust Robert Arrigo. As regards Gejtu never had doubts about his alliances he shoewed them when Dr Alfred Sant was PM and Gejtu was asking for Lm9/week increase (€21) a demand he never made again under pn and gonzipn, a hypocrite in the making. Delia and Claudio Grech their reputation for incompetence preceeds them. As for the other two still have to hear what they have to say to make judgement maybe more valid individually than Gejtu,Manuel and Claudio put together
Kuragg Gejt. Issa vera ghandek cans biex dawk LM 9 zieda fil-gimgha li int kont tlabt ghalihom hafna snin ilu meta kien hemm Gvern Laburista, isehh. Min jaf forsi titla u jaghmlek Ministru u minflok LM9 tibda tiehu 600 euros zieds fil-gimgha,
xdifferenza mal kandidati godda tal moviment donnhom in nida fejn ix xita ta gonzi pn. u il volpi jgid li l gheneb qares ghax ma lahqux issa li dr deborah schembri u dr manuel inaqdu mal kamp laburista ukoll. u is sur vella issa neza sufu.......
Pretty uninspiring lot. I hope they don't represent my district.
Quite an impressive list of candidates. Now, can the PN kindly indicate to us which of these candidates are freemasons ? And which of these candidates are members of Opus Dei ?
Luke Camilleri
RCC, DCG, Lou Bondi, Peppi Azzopardi, Natalino Fenech, il-Bocc,Anton Attard, (Fr.) Joe Borg seem to be missing from the list and wwill they continue to work "undercover" ? -------------------------------------- Maybe they are scared of not drawing as much votes as Dr. Franco Debono, and JPO pulled in the last general election?????
Now its all clear!!! Remember Dr.Gonzi showing us a packet on Xarabank which inside it there was a piece of equipment used in heart procedures??? Wonder who gave it to him???
Manuel Delia???Dak il-bnidem li dam johrog ghonqu quddiem il-cameras bix jispjega kif se tahdem u x'sucess se taghmel l-arriva li anki sahansitra tibat sms u tkun taf kemm fadalla bix tasal ta linja mentri wara li kulhadd induna li kinet riforma frogga bix inti tasal tard fejn trid tmur,is-sur Manuel Delia kulhadd haseb li mar jahdem barra min malta ghax xbarixxa!!Dak track record!!Politika gdida zgur ma jistawx jofru dawna kandidati godd ghax Gonzi il-bierah battilhom mesagg li kollox SIGNOR SI u li nghidt jin bi decizjonijiet li ha versus tlett deputati tal gvern ghax inkella jkeccihom!!!Dhaltu fl-labirnit bi still ta tmexxija ta Gonzi PN gheziez kanditati godda!!!
Mafia ta Austin Gatt u RCC! Dak li sar il-PN jaq x'misthija li dejjem ivvutajtilkom biex tithanzru aktar u aktar. U int Gejtu ma tisthix wara l-puzizzjoni li kellek?! Hadd ma jisthi f'dal pajjiz miflug. Kull ma hloqtu ghatx biex wiehed jemigra kemm jista jkun il-boghod! Isthu jekk tafu kif!
Il PN qied man nies ;-/ Tipo kien hemm Austin Gatt li ghamel dizastru bit trasport publicu u il power station. Ghax onestament bqajt perpless kif jirnixiliek tafiga hekk ... umbad idahhal 2 candidati ohra ... Vera hemm ghazla tajba... Tara il konsekwenzi li kienu si iggibu u li gabu fuq livell finanzjarju il heavy fuel oil , wisq, kieku lanqas inhallih jivvota ahseb u ara fil post li qied.
Il PN qied man nies ;-/ Tipo kien hemm Austin Gatt li ghamel dizastru bit trasport publicu u il power station. Ghax onestament bqajt perpless kif jirnixiliek tafiga hekk ... umbad idahhal 2 candidati ohra ... Vera hemm ghazla tajba... Tara il konsekwenzi li kienu si iggibu u li gabu fuq livell finanzjarju il heavy fuel oil , wisq, kieku lanqas inhallih jivvota ahseb u ara fil post li qied.
Ghallinqas il PN ghandu kandidati li ihaddnu vera il politka nazzjoanlista. Ma nistax nghid ghal listess fil kaz tal lejber. Zgur li Deborah Schembri u Manwel Mallia huma xi socjalisti!!!
Il PN qied man nies ;-/ Tipo kien hemm Austin Gatt li ghamel dizastru bit trasport publicu u il power station. Ghax onestament bqajt perpless kif jirnixiliek tafiga hekk ... umbad idahhal 2 candidati ohra ... Vera hemm ghazla tajba... Tara il konsekwenzi li kienu si iggibu u li gabu fuq livell finanzjarju il heavy fuel oil , wisq, kieku lanqas inhallih jivvota ahseb u ara fil post li qied.
Bir-rispett kollu, aqta' barra lil Albert Fenech u tispicca b'tilqita ta' loqom li jixierqu l-medjokrita' tixghel fi hdan il-PN. Bejniethom kollha l-anqas jigbru kwota wahda. Imma x'taghmel?!
Tajba din, Manuel Delia kandidat gdid,wara il fjask fl-Arriva.
Mela il `puncture ` suppost li ser insewwuh...nispera li ma nispiccawx fuq ir rimmijiet.
Jien se nivvota lil Gejtu biex meta jitla l-ewwel haga li jaghmel jisforza lil Gonzi jaghtina iz-zieda ta 9 liri fil-gimgha.! Fejn hi l-irgulija?
If Gonzi confessed that he has limited talent to choose his cabinet from, what is he going to say now that he himself has limited talent to choose his candidates?
Xotta l-plajja
tal Union Hielsa se titlob xi 11 il lira Maltija zieda?
Tajba Gejtu. Now you showed your true colours
Tto field the likes of Manwel Delia and Claudio Grech show the low values dn standards of Gonzipn. To approve the candidature of man who has screwed up so badly and expcet him to be elected to represent the people in parliament when he is evidently incompetent, is the limit. As for Claudio Grech :I thought that Austin Gatt will not be contesting, to the joy and releif of every sane voter. Well it seems he will be - through his chiuaua ! Grech is one of the most arrogant and distasteful characters that this country has seen - even more than Austin Gatt, which is saying something.
Luke Camilleri
Qabza fil-kwalita u talenti......fil-limitazzjonijijiet! : ) Veru hemm STILEL! Manwel Delia b'dawk il-kwalitajietta' tmexxija riflessa fit-tendering, u fl-ghazla tal-Arriva, u Gejtu espert fid-tidwir madwar l'imwejjed inaqqar u jteftef il-frak li jnewillu il-Master tieghu il-Gonz!