Labour takes umbrage at new independent mayor, accuses PN of being ‘anti-democratic’

Following the election of independent councilor Nigel Holland as Floriana mayor, Labour accuses the PN of being anti-democratic.

Nigel Holland has been appointed for another term as Floriana mayor.
Nigel Holland has been appointed for another term as Floriana mayor.

Four months since the local council elections, the Floriana local council has finally appointed a mayor. Independent councillor Nigel Holland received the backing of two PN councillors and has been appointed mayor of the five-seat local council.

But the Opposition has cried foul, accusing the Nationalist councillors of having used democracy for their own convenience, and attacking the government over the Floriana council meeting that elected Holland as mayor yesterday.

Labour's local councillors' section secretary Mario Fava said that during the meeting, the two PN councillors backed independent councillor Nigel Holland to become mayor. "To reciprocate the favour, Holland then voted for a PN councillor to be elected as deputy mayor."

Labour has two councillors in the Floriana council, but failed to achieve an absolute majority or agreement over the election of a new leader.

After a number of inconclusive meetings, Labour councillor Davina Sammut Hili was appointed as interim mayor for a three-month period in the absence of an agreement.

She was appointed as the first councillor to be elected for the party having received the largest share of votes, in line with the directives of the Department of Local Government.

In March, Floriana residents elected two Labour councillors, two Nationalist councillors and the outgoing mayor and independent candidate Nigel Holland. In total, Labour received 654 votes, the PN obtained 485 votes and Holland obtained 182 votes.

The previous election had led to an identical situation, however this year neither party backed Holland for a third term and he did not back any of the two parties.

"Although the Labour Party obtained more votes and thus had a relative majority, through GonziPN's anti-democratic moves, Labour was denied the council's leadership," Fava said.

Fava added that the Nationalist Party and Nigel Holland ignored the will of residents' who had voted for Labour. "This has now resulted in the appointment of a mayor who received a vote of no confidence."

Labour said the PN and Holland have "put power before unity" and added that "GonziPN is so power-hungry that it even tried to reach an agreement to share the mayorship with Labour."

Fava also noted that the PN did not worry much about Holland when it attempted to reach an agreement with Labour and only turned to Holland when they could not reach an agreement. He stressed that Labour chose to stay away from reaching a deal with the PN and chose to "respect the will of the people."

Ta' cuc li jien ghandi suggeriment semplici: ladarba l-partit laburista gab aktar voti fil-kunsill lokali tal-furjana imma ghandhom inqas siggijiet, kulma ghadu jaghmel hu li jaghti telefonata qasira lil eddie (edward, dwardu - ma nafx sew, issa tfixkilt !!!) fenech adami, lil ugo mifsud bonnici (missier dak il-ministru li tkecca mill-parlament) jew lil louis galea (dak li ammetta li lanqas jaf x'inhuma accounts u lahaq awditur fi strasbourg !!) - dawk jistghu, per ezempju, jaghtuhom parir biex ma jidhlux ghal-laqghat tal-kunsill lokali!!! biex jaghmlu xi bojkott ......... dawk it-tlieta wara kollox esperti biex jaghtu pariri ta' din ix-xorta, xi tghidu? .... kulma ghandhom bzonn jaghmlu hu fast rewind ghall-1981 !!!!!
Dan Holland mhu xejn hlief Nazzjonalist liebes ta' Indipendenti! U l-Furjanizi jibqghu jivvutawlu. Ghax bhalli qallu mhux kulhadd jaf x'hobz jiekol dan. Purcinellata ohra.
so why not alternate the deputy major every year ?